Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1281

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7 1:267, " 2*11*1,12 ar».»—~T111 W; Section 521. Car§·ying_majl on railway routes by horse en px’~ess.—-If the lwstmaster General is unable to contract fc c;m·yi11g the mail gaauy railway route at za cotnpcusatiou m exéeeding the maxlhum ratesl herein pmyidemf or for what 1* may deem a reasmiable and fair compensation, he may sepami the lettei mail from the other mail, and contract, either with ( witlmut advertising, for carrying sugh letter mail by lmrsel ez press er otherwise, at the greatest speed that can reasnnahlyt obtained, and for carrying the ptber mail in wagons, or othe wise, at 0. slower rate of (R. sy § 3999.) . · ‘ . 522. Traasportntionaf o&cial matter Blrailway or expres ¢amp£nies.———The Postmaster General. may provide for tl trausportalioai of 0§cihl' matter of any departmegnt of the G0· ernment, ever any_rai11·0nd or express c·pm_pa¤y, whenever -1 can do so at a saviugtb the Govemxment :md`withp11t detrimer to the public service. Nothing in this section shall apply 1 ediacial matter frauked by Members of ·G0lIgI'GSS,_i%__(_,I]l1*M: 1'€Q2,c.1&,§5.) _' '. `[·\ ·` · .` · V 523. Carrying on trains withosit extra charge. persons i qlunrge of..—¢—-Every railroad fcompmiy carryiug·_tl1e mails sha cafry on any train it operates and without extra clmrgether. for the persons in charge of the malls audwheu -011 duty an traveling to aind from duty, and all duly accredited agentsluu 0§cers of the Post 0Ece Department aixd the Railway Mu Service and post-0Ece inspectors while traveling on `oflici: business, upon the exhibition of their credentials. (July 2 1916, c. 261, § 1, 39 Stat. 419.) - l _· - 524.. Cemditimis of railway service; adjustment of compel action.-The i’0stinwter General iS.8l1tl101'1Z€(] and directed 1 H(]j!18£·[1I€`t?0mif€1lSIfi0!l to be epaig to railroad companiesjlc the transportatioxia and handling of the mails ·and fnnmishim — facilities and services in gouuectiou therewith upon the cond tions and at the l`It€S_.h€1'€i!18_ft¢l' provided. (July 28, 1916, 4 261,._§ 5, sixbd. 1,,39‘Stat. 425.) ‘· _ - ‘ _ n , a 525. (bases of mates emame;ated.$—Tlne Postmaster Gm eralmny state railroad mail routes and‘auth01‘ize mail servic _ t1wr~eon"0t the following. four classes, nmfxelyz “Ful1 railkva pe:st~0ll1ce car service, apartment ral1way_—p0st-0iHce`·car ser ‘ ice, s=mra;:e·_car service, and cl0sed·p0;1ch acrvicie. (July 2 1916, c. 261, { 5, aubd. _2, 39 Stat. 425.) . - ° ‘ 516-. Fall railiny, p0st·oEce car service.--Full railway pos 0§i¢.· mall, service shall `be service by cars fbrty feet c 6 more jh 1engtl1, constructed, fitted up, audmalntained {or tb distributi0¤”0f.mails on ttains. Th8·_i1UU10l'iZ£lU0l1S of fu mlhvay`,;»0at·nH5ce ears shall be for stantlardaized cars aix! , feat ‘lq Rrngth, inside measuren;ent. except as' lnerelnaftc provitlm. (July 28, 1916, c. 261, `§ 5,-subd. 3, *39 `Stat; 425.1 527. Apartment railway pest·eEce car servime.——Apart111er

  • rallway,1»¢ast-ofbce car mail seafyice shalt be service- by apdr

Muxeuta ms than forty feetlfn length in cars c0n§},|;_u$ted, fitte ~ up, and maintained for the distribution qt mails on tmin Two standard sizes of »a;izu·tmer;f mi1vi·ay_ post-0H`ice ‘ cm may be authorized ax1d~pai<.l foI‘,·H2llI1(’]% apagxnents `mtee fact and thirty feet in length, insldermensurem ut, exqept a hereiamfter provided. (July 28, 1916, c, 261, § 5,- subd, 4, 3 _Stat..·‘ 4215.) 1 _ .'`, ·· . °‘ _ *528. Qcragewarg sérvi¢e.§-—Ste.rz1;,·e-car mail sefvlce sliall lz service by cars usw for the storage and ca·rriage`0f mails 1 transit etlzmc tlzaé by fall and a,pm·atmeut‘ railway ·p0st·0mc ears., The autherizatimns for étorage ears shall be for cm sixty feet 1;; length, inside meaauremeut, except as hereiuafte pacylded, Storage space in ’ugits of three` feet, sevenl fee fiftma `fect, mul tjhlrty feet, both sides of ear, may be authéa izeelin mwiga cai·s’at;m$t exceeding pw rata of the rate lnefeinafter named for slxty-foct storage cardf I (July 28, 1911 c. 261, § 5, subtly;. 5, % Stat. 4%.) · · ‘ l 5B, Service by full aud;•pa§1meat riiliay past-o§ce cnt nad, starage 1:ara.———Serv1ee by full and apartment "railwa

zz rosmz, smyzcm § 533 r-·` post-oflice cars and storage cars shall include the carriage rr therein of alhmail matter, equipment, and snpblies X he mail xt service and the employees of the Pestal Service or Post flice ne Department, as shall be directed by the Postmas to te be sc carried. (July 28, 1916, c. 261, § 5, subd.6, 39 Stat. 426;) >r 530. Closedqrouch service.·——-Clesed-pouch mail service shall lz- be the transportation and handling by railroadempleyees of re ·mails on trains on which full or apartment railway postr· office cars are not authorized,.exce;$t as hereipbetere provided. _ The authorizations for closed-poue·l1 service shall be for units ss of seven feet and three feet in length, beth sides of car. (July re 28, 1916, c. 261, § 5{subd. 7, 39 $@*94%.) v> 531. Rates ot" payment for classes of mates.-—The rates gf le payment 'for the services authorized in accordance witlfthis nt section shall be as follows, namely: _ V to l (a) Full railway pw-o§ce car serviceQ———F‘or° full rqilxvay 3, posboffice. car mail service atnet exceeding 21 cents for each mile of service by a sixty-foot car. ~ l l in ‘In addition thereto he may allow not exceeding $4.25 as a ll combined jnitial and terminal rate fer each eneyray trip e- of a sixty-foot-ear. _ _ - -_ -. · I ld (B) Apartment railway; pesbohce car seryice.—For apartld_ `ment railway post-office car mail aerxlce at net exceeding 11 il cents for each mile of service by a thirty-foot apartment car and ml G" cents for each mile of service by a fifteen-fobtamrtmeat car; S, _ In addition theretovhe may allow not exceeding $2.75,vas a combined initial and terminal rate for each lone-wayetrigf of a ra- thirty-foet apartment car and $2 as a combined initial and to terminal rate for each one-way trip of d ilfteen-feet apart- >r ment carl`- -·` - _ ' e lg . `(c) Storage·car*service.—Ft»r .storage—car mail service at net i- exceeding _21 cents for each mile of service by a_ sixty-foot car. c. In addition thergto he xnay allow not exceeding $4.25 as a . combined`- initial and terminal rate for each one-way trip eta i-. __si;ty-foot c:u·Q - _ ` ‘ · _ . i ze (d) Closed·p0nch scrvicc`.——For closedypouch service, _ at not Ly Zexceeding._1_§~§ cents for each mile of service when a three-foot v- unit is authorized, and 3 cents for each mile of service. when a 8,` seven-foot unit is authorized} -_ · ‘ ll · . . — _- In addition thereto he jnay allew,net exceeding 25 cents as t-, the combined initial and terminal rate`for·each one-way triplr of a three—i00t unit of service and 50 cents `as a combined. ne initial and terminal rate for each one-way ltripw of a-seven-foot ll unit ‘ofTservice. (July 28, 1916, c. 261, 5 5, snbd. 8 {a,_ bye, e),

y ,`39_Stat.426,). * — _. · . .' -.. W

ar. 532. Cars of less than mandard lengths; cars of excem length.-—-Where mitlxorizations are madefor cars of the standnt ard lengths ot sixty, thirty, and fifteen feet, as prorided by t- sections 526 and 527 of this title, and the railrmdcornpany is xi °unable to furnish such cars of the length; antlmrized, but furs. nlshcscars of lesser length than those authorised, but which rs are deterinined by the department to he su®cient for the serv-` »n ice,_ the Postrnaster General may accept the same and` pay is onlylfcr the actual spacciurnislled and used, the compensation R9 to__lie not erceeding pro rata of that nrevided by section 531 of this title for the standard length so `antlierized. ne The Pestac master General may accept carsfand apartments of greater In length than those of the. standard requested, but ne. egmxipen-

e sation shall be allowed for each excess lengths. (July 28,

rs 1916, `c. 261, 5 _5, subd. 8 (d), 39 Stat. 426.) — ’ ‘ er 533. Initial and terminal ratm to cover certain; expenses; t, varying allowances for `full; railway? post—o§ice 'cars, _ apartr- meat railiray mt-eEce cars, and storage cars.--The initial za and terminal rates provided for in section .Q'»31`4>( this title 3, shall COV€1’ eipenses of loading and un_loa¢lf:1g niails, switching, lighting, heating, cleaning mail cars, and all 0tllt*It·(‘X[}t‘llS€S S incidental to Station service and required hy the I’ostmns~ter yl General ln connection with they mails that are not included