Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1295

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1281 T1 TL! $.--4*11 E Pt Q 753; Bndgistin of agcesé-—¤Erery p@ odnce daignnted hy V enler oi the aster Generalls deduved to he a ’poetelf : navinge mmitory omce T within the mnmng of this chnmer : and to he authorized end required to recéve www of fnnds 4 from the nlm to nt for and dispose of the name, ‘ neeording to the ot this ehnpta and the muletions mane ln pnrsnnnee thereef. (June %, 1916,12. 388, { .3, 30 Stat. 815; Aug. M. 1912, c. 3%, {19; 37 Stat. _ ¢ · · _ _ 754. @$5 •ee@s ad •gkig·Aep¤dts.»—-—Aecenn¤ 3 . be and depoétn made in any dying deposigsry ·

 `nnder this wnpter by any pasm ot mejnge of ten

yearn or-over,_in`his m her own mme, nmby a married women in her oem name and treetm any control or intaferenoe by her hnshnm; but no perm shall at the mme `@ mve more than postnl avjlng neeonnt in hin`oi· her own right. (June,

s,1910,e.%&,§4,%BSt¤t.815.) · To °i [ ·

7§. Pun §o&; xries postmaeter ati postal ‘ eayings winery office shui, npon the making of an applicnzion to@®snn&ntnnderth1¤‘ ehn@•ndt® @on oi an initial depo@t, delivu to the  » w ww grpna hook,tree` eteoet, npon which be written the n@ and signature or f mark ot the other_ ndi as maybe

ry for purpose; ot idwtineition, ln which boon

aatriu M aildeposlts shalrbe`mgde in both · 'mat may .nde;mt_®e ether devioo ofdevlea in lien of n pew book as n was of making andjpruervim evidmce of `depodts and withdrawals. (June @,.1910, e. 388. { 5. 38 Stat. 815 ; Aug, 2Q, 1912, e.%,`§10,37Stnt,§§9,)j _ f `· . . » - j’“ TSG. U  : 3B °·-`3· ¢1¤`-, and ifiiiis_fe? mai} amnnw-At md $1,‘or 1 lnrger gmonnt in multiples thereof,. gm he hdome Q open& with the person ._

 meh   has been   mlsnee

to the credit of person, nom-which interm is payable, jshnll ’ not ex at n @,509, exclusive ot acemnlnted tntm·¢¤» Qnd mlntemst pnyim' deposits null not be necemed. `-Inorder `

     my be   for dwtmt, any  

pe& may m:&noe’ tor`10 eentn. frm any pw- savings depodtory, epednliy red nunenve stamps toyhejgnown ` an “ postal aving·_stampi,’* and attach to an card which

 he·t¤.rn1%d for tm p ° A cud with  

_ snvbh shall he- secepted as an deposit ot $1 nther in an noeonnt or ln nddlmjto an existing nc- .emnt,nrm;yber*edee1ne¢lincnsh. It$!RIjéb]·¤&d$th& dnty ot Pmtmnster General to prepare enc}: env-` lng enrds ind 1 savings mmm nf of 10 cents, and to them on we at every savigmde penitory owae, end to prescribe all necwry rules and regula- . tions iorlthe i@ ale, and enneelhtion thereof.- (Jnne %, 1910, e. vi i { 6, 86 Stat. 815; May_18, 1916, e. 120,1 1, 39 Stat. 1:59; Jnly 2, 1918,.e. 117., N 12. 13,. 40- Stat. 754.) . · , . 757, lnterwt; lihitetioa nf, balance.-—-Interm at the rate ot 2 per eentnm per ummm ehn1rbo_nl10wed‘ and 'entered to the credit of ack depmitor:on@ in each year, the uma to be com- _ pn1;ed_on_euch basin and under meh. mm and, reznlntione as the hmm ot trnstem may prmrihe; hnt interest shall not be competed m allow& on oi n dollar. (J one 25, 1910, c. @8, § 7, 98 Stat.`819; May 19, 1910, e. 126. I 1. 89 Stat. 159.; ~ Jynlr'2, 1918, e. 117, Q Stat. 764.) — " _ ‘ _ 758. Wit@·avdn; {rea kpisiti.-——-Any depoeitor meysithdrgw the wheloer enyport oi thejtunds deposited to S his or mr credit, with the seemed internet, npon éemand and under gundam gu the mr, may pre- 9 scribe. Withdrawals shall be pain the dopedts In the State or no tar no the on Qin eei:h"State or Territory may be mQe@ mr the end, »ootaru@t1mh1e,t@th•.d@m&i¤th¤o®m¤ity1¤ 8&70°-·-226-—-481 , ° S · ·

LSTAL SERYICE * 759 whlch the deposit was made,° No mult in which @tal savings {nude shell be deposited shall receive any exchange or other · tees or compensation on account of the cashing or collection ·of Ml! checks or the performance of any otber service in connection with the Postal Savings ‘Det>ository System. `(June 25, 1910, c. 386, § 8, 88 Stat. 816; Ang. 24, 1912, e. 3&, { 10, 37 Stat. V _ we f , , ' 759. De%t offends in B/anks; interex; reserve; security;. éepwits with tresoerer of beard of trmteee.-·#·Pestal eavingsn funds reeeived under the provisions of th,is°el1a9ter shell be deposited in solvent banks, whether erganilzed nn®r mtienal -. orf8tete laws, and whetherjmember banks. or of tm Federal reserve system, being atxbject to. national or State sepervlsion. and examination, and , the sums deposited shall bear interest at the rate of not less than 2% pet per HHHHHL which » rate shall be uniform --thronghont» the l United States and Territories thereof; `bnt 5 per tcentmn. of meh tends shell be withdrawn by··the- board of trustees and kept with tm Treasnrernof the United States, who shall be. treasurer er bwrd of trustees, in `lavvfnlxnoney es e reserve. The board. of‘tmstees shall take from such banks such `seenritv. `ln public bonds or-other eecnritleéso, authorized by Act ot Congress or enpported by the taxing .- power, as the bmrd may %cribe, appeeve, ’ and deem. aixmcient and nee@ary to insure the safety am prompt paylhenigof ¤ · ·,¤¤<»tS‘ on '@e'fu¤ds re— ceived at the postal- saving depmltory. omm in web elty, ‘ town, village, and other locality shall be depontw ln ‘ located therein (substantially- in proportwn to the mnltal and surplus fof each sjuch bank) willing to receive mw xwitn antler the terms tele ee.e·;>te=2.¤ ·.e-nd the by anthoritrthereoi. “Ifone or more ot: the Federal reserve system existsdn the city, town, village, or locality vvherethe postal eavingsdepoelts are made, sneh shan be placed in such quallned member banks snbstantially in proportion to the capital and surplus of each such bank, Ent ii such member banks `1'nil to qualify to receive deposits, then any other bank therein may, as hereinbefore pre-· vided, `qualify and receive the same. It no each mmber bank and no other qnaliéed bank exists ln any city, tovvn. village, or locality, or if none where sneh depwits ere mam will reeeive such debodts on the terms' prexriben, then such funds shell be deposited under the-terms of tl1is &npter an the bank meet com r venient. to meh locality. It. ne seen Qbank in any State or Territory lsrwilling to receive snob deposit? on the terms pre-; scribed, then szieb funds shall be deposited with {the treasurer of the board ot truatees and shagltbé connted~_in making np the { reserve of 5 per Eentuxn. Snell fund; may be fren: tb,e’— treasurer of eaid board otxrwtees; and all other @@1 savings mms, or any part ofeech funds, may m at any f withdrawn from the. banks and savings demitergj fe: the repayment of postal savings depositors yvh® required fer that ·If at any time the postal savings éepwits in any tate or Territory shall exceed the amenznt whieb ·the _ quallded banks therein are willing to receive under the terms of tlxlsehapter. and such; exeew emonnt is not required to make up the reserve fund of 5 per centmn hereinbefore provided for, the board ot trustees may invest all or any part of snob excess amount in bonds or other securities bef the Fnited States; When, in the judment of the President, _»tl1e general vveltare _ and interests of the Unlt® States eo require, the board et trustees may invest all er any nnrt of the postag savings funds, except the reserve fund of 5 per eentum herein ’previdet_l ter. ln bonds or other-secnrltiea ot the `United·States. The board of may ln its discretion pnrehese — from the holdersin thefevf bomM which have been or ma}? be banned nmler the provisions of. section 760 _ ot this `tjtle. Interest - and prone;

 from the deneslta or · investment of postal eavlnge~
 shall be npplled to the payment of interest due to postal