Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1304

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§ TITLE #6.--PUBLIC BUILD!] pmvér plant fm the buildings, old and nsw, of bbs Bureau G! Engraving ami Printing, the buildings of the Departmeht of ` Agriculmte, th—e”$’1‘reasury Building, the White House uml ‘ the ibuildipgs on thé` grounds t.h0re~0f, the State,. Wm},. and Navy Building, the Winder Building, the Mills Building, the Court of Claims Building, tm buildings, oid. and new, of the National Museum, Smithsonian Institution Building, the Army Medi- @1 Masegam Building, thé Fish `Gcmmissioh Building, this Washiugtos Monument, the District·_ Buildim, the Post 0Ew Depqrtmaut Building, am the buildings, when copstmctcd -011 the site acquired, for each of the Departments ot‘Stz1¤tg,,i[ustice, and Commerce and Labor; the Pau American Building the building thé 4 Civil Service Commission, and- the mamicipal §sl1 market. Authority is given for making s cross connection between the central heating, ·ligl1tlug,- and powei plain; afsrwsld and the Capitol.- `powgnj plant, so that either sl,{)}&Ilt may supply to me other electric QEEIQ. in case- of Ia · foreakdsivu ofcther émergcncy, such connection t0· be equipped with the. necwssry meters m that reimbursement may-be madé fs: the. amount ct current actually supplied by'eitl1c1* _0t said plants ts thaycathexi.-j (Jamie 23, 1913, c. 3, §. 1,.38 Stat. 25; June 12,1917, c. 27, Q 1, 40 Stat. 112.). _ ~· ‘ ‘- [ 23. Msxiaun rates far gasQ—N0 part ci any money.-QPDPG prlsted by any Act shall be used for the paymeufto the Washingtoif Gag Light Ccmpziny 0; the Georgetown Gas Light `Congpsuy for any gas furnished by said companies {br use ix any of thé public bqildlugs of the United Sthtespt the Dlstrlci 0fCs1u;nbia at a rate in excess of —70- cents- per gmc thousand cubic féet. , (Sept. 1, 1916, c._ 433, { 6, 39 St§t.‘716.)· " . ~ . 24. léghtiag lgmps in public‘gr0uuds.—N0·#greater slim slml be paid Bi}? company for lighting any gas or electric lamp iz the public grbuuds, or fcnvinstalling or movisg the same, that is paid by the District or Columbia for similar services, mné no ·cqnt§·:1.ct shall be required ts be entered into for lighting the public grounds. (Mar. 4,1911, cj 285, § 1, 36`Stat- 1404.) 25. ‘ Réntnls fm- gas gsvcmcrs.——R,é;1tals shall not bé pak ici- gas governors fc: use in buildings_"uuder the control of tlu · 'Ijreasury Department greater than 35 per ceutinmvof the actus value of · thé gas saved thereby, which saving shall be deter mined by~_sucl1 tests as the Secretary ot the flreasury shal clirsct.; (Feb."17, 1922, c. 55, 42 Stat. 388; Jan. 3.1923,4: 22, 42 Stat, 1108; Apr. 4, 1924, c. 84, Title 1, 43 Stat. 83; Jan g 22,1925, c. 87, Title I, 43 Stat. 781.) · ,— " ° `26.` iuséectim df gas and electric) mctcrs.··—-'Ihe superintend `ght of meters, of the Cspitollpower plant shall inspect all gs and electric metérs of the Goyemmént in ‘the-District ot Cclum , his svitlmut comijeusstlsq other than anmml- compensation as such `sumrmtcxndmat. (M&1·L_20, 1922, c. 103, 42 — Stat. 430 ' Reb. 20, 19%, c. 98, '42 Stat. 1273; June 7, 1924, ci 303, $*-1, 41 Stat. 587 ; liar. 4, 1925, lf. 549, S 1, 43 Stat. 1295.) I 27. Superintendent of meters tq repsrt A mmmmptlois c gas.--'1‘iae sélid mperisteudent of meters shall reader to th pmper scqmmtlag cmcers of the Treasaiyy Department the gon smuptlcu otlgas each mouth in the usgersl department. build _ ings. (July 31, 1876, c. 246,19 Stat. 115;) ‘ _ ° ‘ 28. Telegrnplw qmnelztihi public buildings; mpbrvlslcm- S *1*/he lines of tclmmph, tha Gamtcl ·with_ the varlou departments in Washlugtqn, under md by virtu of thé Act of Ccngrem approved March 8, .1878, e¤tilt1od,"A Act making sppropyintlsas for civil of th Government for the iscal yes.: eudingiuné 30, 1874, and to miner pm‘pcsm,"_a¤s·pl•ced_`un&er· sspstvlslsu dt 0Qce in chmjge ·0£ the public buildings and gmmnds ;V and the ssh oilivcr is authorized and empdwetw to make rules and tégillu tions for the wcrklug of said llussf And the Secrétary c head of such exscutiw department, and the Publis Prints: am axnthurized to détall cia {xbm wéir. force .0f cu

WGS, PROPERTY; AND WDRK8 ployacs to operate the in mid dmttmeuts and printing and gmch pot may provide tm: the empiéymcub ct an operate}: 'iu . their xwbective wing at

‘ the Capitoi, ata compenmticm not exceeding $100 per monthe

> during the sessions ofC0 , (Feb. 4, 1874,; c. Q, 18 Stat; 14,); r “ 29. Same; use of li¤cs.~#-Said lines ci tel¢g1iaph,slm1L‘be ie: ¤ `theuse only at Senawrs,_Membérp* of C9!k , j¤d8€¤ of the ¤ United States courtsp gud qmcers bf 0%% and of the exac- ¤ utive departments, . 65 "`imblic mhinus. (Mar. 7, k18ggQc;.¤c;»rs·s¤¤i”:i20.>·. _ . ‘ _ ._ · 30{-Sam¢;,sale af matériql cr Erector at Public B 4Bui1diugs‘and Public Parks m ¤m:¤m·:¤ea’m gen my ccméemued e `matmjial. or lineé not maeded by the éepartments, and cover tk r proceeds into the Treahry. (Mar; 3, 1879, ci 182, S 1; 20 Stat;

 38S;‘Feb. 26,-1925, c._ $9, { 3, 43 Stat. 9%.) l- _ .

P- 31. Use of p¤w¢,n»wg»*r¤¢_pnm»mm¤s¤.~x¤ pub- L lic building, 0;- the apmoachm thereto, other t&¤. theYG¢¢tci_ I Bniilding ami the Whité Hmm, 'ia the - Distwriét . at Ccmmbia,. B shalkbe uéed or occupied in hay mhrmcr whétcver in connection L with éercmcmieé. attending the`_i¤a@rxtio¤ af Pr¤t<}¢¤t of the

Unitéd Stakes, or other public fuizctfcm, except as'¢a£ter

be expressly adthorizéd by law. ‘ (Apr. %, 1962; c. 594, & Stat. rr 32. Alteratieing br work an Treasiry @1%;,-QN0 ~x!tm· § ti0u shu11,·bc made, or work- done upon ‘ the Ttc&s&ry.Bu11diM, 1 eiccépbfor ordinary repairs, excepi gpm autlxqrintiém pt and L iin accordance with —spe<&i¤c éppr6prip.tip¤s_ theretér; (July 1%, I 1870, c. 1; 16 Sta,t.°311.) _ I ~ _ — , ‘

 · 33.. Rwtriéticn m cxpemitétes   af doctrin-

I ity.-N0'appr<>priz1tion for the `constmctiem pr equipment of any 1 vxecutive or-‘mu11icipal`buiIdi¤g~ ig. the Distrivgt rc! Cemmbin l shall be expended fm: the pfgduétiqxi of eléctricity for iight as I power, uuless,,ii1 the judmgnt ot the Secretary ot the Tzmsmy, ’ 5 su¢h necessary electric mpent for llight and power gnu mt be _ obtained a_t.a less cost. (Mar. 4, 1907,* c. 2918, { 9, 34 St:t._1371.) I 34. Rent of buildings in Distript of Cchtmbia; mmttctsnd B · to be made until -nppr¤m·iitia¤.—-No contract shaklbc maqw for 1. the rent pt any building, ot part otany buiiding, to be ®ed fof

· the pufpmas of the Government in the _Distriét· bt ,C01¤mbia,·

I. until mEx:app1‘0p1—ia¢;i<m therefor shqll have `mxgie in terms T-- by Congress, smd” this clause shall be @:6ed as noticefa sui `

  • · contrgétors or lessors at any mjxch buikling br any part of

building. (Mm-. 3. 1877. c. 10&_ 19 Stat. 376.) . l-· _ Same; réut of ether ®l&gs.—=-Where building are 6 rented for public use in the District of Ccmmbia, the exeéutivq =·· Ae·pa_rtments are aizthorized, whemever iti shall be `advmtagecw ¤ to the public` interest, to rem; others "im Qmir `: —: That, except ms cthexwisa provided, no increase · in the ¤&bm· ` B 0£_‘buQi1dings —in` usé, nor in the paid for result therefrom. (Apgi 5, 54* c; %, { Y1, `@` Stat, 241.) » ` if 36. Loaseof storage bykeaebafcxemtive e department.;-—-41*he heads at saverni executive dwartméms ¤· are mthoriied to enter int; the lax, for periods l—» ot notexceeding six {mmcm ¤ t swrage accom- 1 modptioxns withm me District at Chmmbla im their gaspe- —— five departments, at AWS P6! square foot qt available Eno: 8 space not exceeding 25 cautsfpsyabis tromxppropristions that · e Gcmgrass may {mm to tmc mtnke for rmt at buildings tm! ¤_ their mspcé:tive_de§nrt¤ae¤t;sQ: (Mir; & 1918, c.·93,.8'{ Stat. 718.) ge — 37. Lénse af buiwngs; me nilituj p¤rpa•e•,5-—·-In time of r wai, or when was is immm®t,_’&e at Wu is ambert i:ed,·in his discretigm, to taht me mu mj ct. 5 in the at 00IumRn wth my tore 1- mi1$t¤!’!_P¤1'P6w¤· (J¤1yB, 1018, éé 148, 40SmL 8614) _ »r° 38. Rmt of Milding; fw Nagy Demrtment.-—Tlm $ecreca.ry F. , of thé Nnvyis authorised to enter into co¤trsct io: the rgutnl ny- _ ct s suitable Arepropt bqiiding or bui1din¤— oz party pherect