Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/132

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§ 411 lrzrhe ·:..-»A Ghnpter 1 7.-—§{ISCEI»LANE#0U%S MATTERS. Secs * c 4 3 Q S e gsi;. E5e$eh1iehment;e:t Bureau of Agriculture] Eeenemics; trunstex ez powers. e e 432. July acreage cetiten cmp. report. X ,413. Semireenthly cetten crep reports. ° · · e ,, 314, €ert’§!1 cntion er eeedition, etc.,_0! agriculture} products shipped ee lmeretaee cemmeeee; eertlneete escevidence. ‘ - 4125; Purchase et seedeand plants for dietrlbutien, _ 4§§..» Letting eentreet fer pecketing, etc., of seeds, etc., for distrl entice. c ‘ · he . t -‘ {1% isietifihetien ‘e§ £a.rme:·s’ bulletins. c n e ` ·i1$. Aunuel repert by Secretary .011 work of agricultural experiment ” E etetieee and of c~e£}e;;e_ extension! work; publication and {die tri~hut§en._ ~ " - ‘ "- c ‘# V I {IQ. sexe by Secretary of Agriculture ct preducts 0t_ agricultural e exp·es.·iment stations ,-1ecA1aske an‘d_ lnsu1ar·’pqssesel0ns; dis- ' -eesi·¤e¤ ·e:_meheye. l _ c ‘ - · » _' _· n _ _ 42%. Pewer re administer eeths, examine witnesses, or rcquire’pro— V e deetien,e!`heeks,ctc._c _ l _ ' , Sectien 411. Eethbiishment of Bureau of Agricultural Econernice`; transfer of -iiewers.-The powers conferred, prior to Meyil, 1922; enil the duties imposed by.lawAn the Bureau _01 Markets, Bureau of `Marketsj aud` Crop Estimates, · anderthe

 of Farm rhianagement and _Ferm Economics of the De

pnrtxnent et Agriculture shall be exercisedwnnd performed by e the Bureau of A{grlcu1turaltuEc0n0mics. (May 11, 1922, c. uses, 42 Stet,.’_532.)‘-/,`, t l . 4; · , ¥_ ~ $12. Jnly acreage crbgi rep0ift.——The sé¢mm¤·y_» of. Agriculture is Girected to chuse the`,Bureau or Agricultuml Eco · e g mixed the Departinént e¢,lgrlc u¤¤m to issues; report, on 01 1 t about themw Mendey ineidly of each yeari showing by {Statler ned lh tetnl the number of acres qt cotton, then in I cultiyetion · in United Sinha. {Hai 1912, c.'1~35, § 1, Stat,118.) g 413. Scmimenthly crepvreportsg-—'1'l1e" Secretary ni cAgricultnre_ shall discontinue; acreege reports ‘ upon ' n tnrmersf intention jtc` plant cotton and shall cause to be issued ” t _ ,1 I and »Deeem&r· 1 semirnenthly reports ae te

 _ the cencinitien, progress, and prebable prodnctien of c0tt0n.·` Nc
  • auch report shell be approved and released by the Secretary

ef t Agriculture until it ehall have been upon by at cotton cmp reporting ,C0mmit§_é6‘ or board consisting eqt live- members e ez- merectp c e a se : by him, three of which c shall w supervisory held esthtisttdnnst not the Department oi

 Agriculture leceted in diterent mctione of the cottoregrowlng
 ,_§tntu,» experienced in estimnting cotton productioxi and who
 3 have nim-hand lmewleewe oi the icenditicn. of the cotton crop
   cn recent held observations, md a majority or which

cg e e ittee or beard shall he familiar iwith _‘the. methods ind

  • · of producing cotton: That the toregging re-

» ports, ae er the following dhtw, 1, »A¤§\lS¢ 16. S¢P€€¤\b¢¥ 1, 1& 1; October 18, November 1, November n 14, tunnel December 1, shall be releheed simultaneously with- the ,ectteu··@nn$ng .reports*ot the Burau of the Census relating, to é the same dates, the, five reporteytc be issuedi. fr hm the same ` — elece at eleven e’cleck antexner4d¤n ef-thee eight.: day follow; ing that to which the respective —rele.te,’- When such date of release, Elle on Sunday er E legu holiday, the report shall he issued at eleven cfcleck antemeridian of the next suc-

  ; wedins *9Ykd9Y·   (M8? 3; 1924. C!. 149, $1, $3 Stat. 115;)  
 -»   414; Certi§cetien»ef rendition, ctc.,‘ef ngrieulturai predncts

J shipped in interstate commerce;} certmcate sn, evidence.-—The Secretery of Agriculture is authorized to lnvestleate end, certify

 to -eh§pmrs_and other interested parties thecclase, quality, and

condition. of cottéh en?} fruits, veget/11bles,,*;3cu1try:,. `buetter, hay, end otherhperlehable farm products when eEered=for interstate shipment pr when received at suehimportant •;·entral markets ` as the Secretary ·ot ·Agr'iculture_ may; frorn time to tixne desig-

 nate, or at polntn which may- be conveniently reached there-

A from, under such rules, and reguletjcns as he miy prescribe,

 _   (  , » .

tG.sIc’ULTURE S 113 ineludlng myznent ofdsneh tea es¢wt1l be rwsonnn1s an;} as nearly, as may be to cover the oost for- the mrrlee renders,} r Provided, f1‘hat,certidcates issuediby the anthorism sgsing gg , d ‘the_departmeufshsll be received elngell eoarts of the llnitsa dw d states as prima tacie evidence of the truth or the gm`;®,,€,HT§ ,., therein contained. ~ (Feb. 10, 19%, agml $3~Stat. S

 p 415. Purchm of T 5Ms and plants for »di¤riwtiea.~—~»ll2s;·-

chase and distribution byjthe Seéretary of Agrloulmre of regs, ‘% table, neld, and newer seeds, plants ¤l ¤ ,·»¤ vim, bulbs, .s;,s cuttings shall be ot the armrest and bmtdébmnabsle varieties

and adapted to general cultivation, (Apr, %, 1%, c, 140, § 1, ~

- 29Stat.·106.)ii' . o YF ’ l [ · 416. Letting jeontract for pocltetingyetc., of seeds, etc., for _ dwtribntion.5-The Secretary of Agriculture, after doe adver-

 tisement and on _ competitive _ bids, lsfauthorlzed to   swears this

·_ contract for the e'S\li)ll1yiB§ of ahd envelopes ‘ and the: packeting, assembllmfénd mailing of news, bulbs,

 shrubs, vinesycuttings, .¤nd*rpl&nts, or 'tnilpert thereof, for si

·` period ot,not·-more Eve yarns nonlm than one.¤yeez·,· is s 5 by such ac‘tion._he can bwt protect. the i¤tm!sts of the United { States. `(May-11,1922, c. 185,_42‘StatQ 511.} i . -» 417. l Distribution of fdrmerf the distribution 's of _ farmers’ Y bulleti¥1S· ·which· he adapted to the interests · ot_‘,tl1e,— people of the dlH€1'%Bt·Q' for the country; sn

  • [equal proportion of four·¤fths‘· ¢lellrerw~ to orsont

I out under the addressed {ranks fnrnlsmd by at l I sg; Ropes. · - o sentatives, fund Delegates in @8 ¤W¤e$¤¤¤¢¤1‘¤; Ben

_ .mQgontstlves,_ or, Delegates direet:dlP d,°'1lhat the

¤ s¤mt¤¤·y·;,o1: _ Agriculture notHyd Represents. ¤` l tives, and Delegates in of character}! each such bulletin, with Qt:} nnmher to ‘* which each T, Senator, Representative, { and Qi! be mtkledier n sucl1*=distribntion;` theefsoe —&`the tncleslng ` l_ said ,_-bulletins shall "be the title of con! »1 n tained therelni: Provided! f•¤··thei·, That ·b&ttns in- » eluded pm tnnlqnotnsot senate;. tltyeq, or nee-, Q gates not called for on or tbdore the S1; day of Kay ing; lL each nmryesr shall-revert to S n rbe available to either for dlmribn nd tion, or ln `making up for the next nseal Y year; (June 80, lwd; c.&13,_—34 Stat.,®Q,-)” · _ · · r s 418J_\Annuol» report or werk.ef· •grl¢¤lt¤r¤l · erperlnent ¤t•t&¤ of work; »` and he p so s by§the_lZ>epart· 1- iment ot_ on the work erj .» pendltures ot the agricultural · under chapter `14 ot this t.ltle,i’on· the work tw § !tm’€§_ _. · ·.of .the.__,mpnrtment of in ‘ ection ptkrewith. " ’ and on the? cooperativo_,agrlcultural o _ »wo»rk‘¤¤¥l.eX· ,. » pendltnles or me Department or §rlcultare or asrlool- ‘ » tural collegesmnder sections -341* to lnelnére.! of €h3Pt€¥'—, . »_ 13 not thistltle, and. there be printed ,`¤¤1l¤¤UY eight - thousand`. copies B! said report, ot. which one thousand copies _

 shall be torethe use of the Senate,   thousand e copies for

l` the use oi, the House of Representatives} and Eve .{ht)l1S·&lld · copies ·£or.rt11e_ use ortho Department or Agsmltmep (Mar. 4._1915,c.144,38eStat.1_110.`) S D l  » I o N _' 419. Sale?-by Secretary of Agriculture of products of a'gl‘i··_ m cult al experiment stations as Alaska and ‘ insular possesl_ sion ; disposition of XHQBd€Q'8.-—Th8` Secretary of Agriculture iS p ‘¤umm·1zéu’ to sell such products as are obtalnedron ethe land V . belonging to the agrl,cult~u—ral. expe1flxnent_stationsl— in Alaska,. { ~ Hawaii, Porto Rico,_,_»the island ot ~Gnam, and the Wlrgiini ,,. ` 'Islunds of. the United States, and the amount obtained front S the sale thereot shall be covered `» into tthoi '1‘reasury·o£ the United States as; miscellaneous receipts; (ren. 10,; 1925, c. __

318 ,stat...s2·t)n ‘ · e t _— s   =