Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1324

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§.8° wrru 41.--·—·l’U§L ‘ (4) Sane; ar hnwhg at wppliés.-·Evggy pmcham or drawing at wah supwm from the comncthr shall be immediately to uuid-acwtttee. Nu d$ or wahlishmemt shall purchase or draw supplies hom the common &&ill€ through more than dub other ur bureau, exéexit

§ in use of detached bureaus ur c&ces having Edd or outlying

service, which may purchase directly tram the contractor with the permission ut the head at their `depgrmeut: “H0-" vieizé That telephcée service, electric light, and aerrice

 or cuuthded ·for from compauieé or iudividuguts

hhull bc so obtained hy him. (Jmie 17, 1910; c; 297, j -4, % ·Stut.531.)_ .. __ " ’. St wais; Md:.-—Wheuever Pwvéwls for supyies have beets solicited, the parties responding to _ such pélicitation shall be duly uctmeq of the time and place of g>penin'g the bids, anu be . Dértuittcd to Vbé Dreswt either in pérscn or by attorney, and a record of each hid shall theu and there be made. (B, S. § 3710.) 9. Separate pmwsnls fur wwks ar ori hlahorr-· Whéuevur the Smreiary uf.'Wu1‘ iurites proposals. tor. any works, cr for Many material pr labor far any works, there shall be separate proposals and separate · contracts for auch work, t and also far web class of material or lgbpr T__fcr each work; (R. S. § 3717;) I _ — · ‘ _ ·. t _ 16; Contracts for material for publiq impr¤vgmeuts.~4—Ip hl? mutrhpts for material for any public improvement, the tary ut War shall give gxrefereucé to Amerimn material ;‘ and all labor mcvecu shall be pcrfomiéd within the Jurisdiction ot me umm Smeg. . (mr. 3,.1875,·c. 133}'j·2,`18_Stat. 455.)' _ W ll. Ne g:mntrgctq'or` cr uwcr adéqmte `a9m·oprigti¤uQ—¢N0 contract or imrchase on bchalt_ or ` the United States @@1 he lmadc, unless the sume is uuthorizcd hy law or is under nu appropriation adequate td its fulfillment, 1 except in the War mid Navy- Departments,. for clothing, sub·· histuuca, forage, fuel, quarterg, trauspcrt&ti ¢m, hr medical and hospital supplies, which, however, shall not exceed the necessities of thé current _. (R. S, 5 3732} Juue 12, 1906, c. 307*3; 84 Stat.255.) ·· · f B 4 - _ . 12. Nh mutnct to exceed apprepriathrl.-——No contragt shall he énterecl 5 into for the erection, rem lr, or Iurnishlug_ Got t ani 1 public huildiug, ur for any puhlic imprcverhént which shgll “ bind the ,Gcvernmeut -t0 pay a` larger t sum of honey than the amuuut in the Treasury appropriated for the spccluq purpose. (R. S.-§ —'__ , · 13; Cmtracts limited to cue year,-——Ifshall` not he lawful fdr. any ui the .¤w·¤:1»·e,u¤pa&¢m¤¤:S to make contracts for stutiouery ur uthershpplim fdr h longer term than one year from the time the contract is”_made. (R. S., § 3735.1) Q ‘ _ * . _ » 14. Rcstrictim uu, purch@ of laud.—;——Nc• land shall be pm·$_ elzmwd GH account at the United 'Stuthé, except under a law authorizing such purchase, (R. S. § 3736,) V ~_ V ' 15. No transfer of ¤¤utr¢ct.——>N0 contract or order. or sihy interest therein, shall be transferred by the party to whom a such `mutragt or order is given to any other party, arm any such transfer shall éillléi! the auuulmeut `nf the ccixtmct or crder transferred, so far aslhe Uuitud_ Stutus abc c0n£‘érned.. All rights 0{actihu, huwever, for any breach rpt such contract hy the cuutractlug parties, are reservad—t0 the UnitedStates. 41a.s.g3·2:;1.;. J Y t = _ j __ . 15. Céutracts to be in .urritiug.——·~Exce;>t gsj0thé·r\€*ise pro-‘ vided by law, it shall he the duty of the $t——crctary· of War, of the. Secretary at the Navy, . und .0t°the tkgreturyot the; Interim; ta, cause and rr~qu_ire every contract made by them severally cu, of the Government, or hy their pwzeré under thizm appulutcd to make such contracts, to he reduced to writing, aud signer? by the contracting lpurties with their namw at thé and thereof; n copy of whlgsh shullhd hledby · the éwccr tmuhiug and signing the cuutruct in the returha 0§ce l of the Dehurtmeut of the Interior, as lsuou after the contract

ze cowrxwrs. 1319- ie mnée as possible, md within thirty days, twetber with all 1 hide, ettera, ned proposals to mm made bi periom to obtgirn &c •gme,·•.¤d with an M of any adiertmement m‘ may have published inviting J'? 'oftem, or prq@ls for tm mme. All the copies and .mpem in iéelntlou to ml: cemrnct shall be attéched together by {ribbon and nal; sné Qrkeé Embers in regular order, according to. the nwber c' pxpers the whole return: Provided, That. tm Secretar; of War or the S%tary_ ot the Navy my extem the tim `iorbllm mh coutreqts in t¤_ ret¤ms‘ odlee of the Dmrmeut of the Imerier to rniuety days wheueyer -111 their·_@¤i0g it would be to the interest of the United States to follow meh • www (R. S. § 3744; June 15, 1917, c. Q, { 1, 40 £tat. 198.} _ · ~ 17. Qatlr td cerntrscte-—It ghall be the farther duty ot the omeer, before making; his return, to section 18 of this title, t0_aQx to the mma his andavit Jie tm following form, sworn to before some nztaglstmte having- #§f@i£Y to édmity Later oaths: **,1-do solemnly swear tw •&·m‘) that the copy of eontrect hereto annexed is an exact copy d n fmtrkt nude by me-personally with that'] maée the same fairly without any hmm or advgntage to mywlf; ei hlkowlng my t such benebt or advantage cormptly to the said --—-—-—, or any { other Ijersorr; arid that the papers gceoqmnyflng inctqée all thosejelating to the said eontract, as , ·»¤~» e ~ ¤ by tm msmte ih such case méde and proridedfy (R. S.,$_`33·£5.) — _ 18. Omitting ret¤ms.—-Every omcer who makes my ‘ and f11l`é`or neglects to make ·_ return of · me same, -to the provisioosiot éections 18 and 11 of thm title, fm .u¤av¤m¤me accident or _ muses not within hip eomrol, shall be deemed guiltjr of al misdemeanor, and, shall? be Euednm lm than $100 nor. rxiore than $00, hud imprisoned not mere than - six` inonths., (R. S. I 3746.) · j _ _ _ . y ° l ~ 19. Instr¤Etions.—It shall be the déti ot the Secreary of }Ver, ot the Secretary of the Navy, and ot the Seerétdry of the Interior to Jurxiish every omeer appointed; by them » with 'autbority to make contracts 011-behalf of tbe Goverment with a prhitetl letter of instructions,. mttiug forth. the ilutles of such owcer, under segztions 17 ind 18 of. this title, also to furnish therewith forms, printed in blank, of contracts to be made, and the affidavit ot return; reqinired to be emxecf thereto, so that el1‘the.iustruments may be as oearly uniform is pomible., (R. S.§*3747.) `_ `* - I _ K e ‘ 29. of ¢<mtrnct.s.——·AlI contracts to be made, byvtrtbe of any levi, end requiring the advance of; money, or in any ‘ lmgnher connected with the settlement of public aceoufnte, `shanllk bedeposited promptly. in the-Geenerel Accounting 0@m: Prey vided, That this section shall not apply to the existing laws ‘in” regard, to the contingent inode of-Goingrem (R. S. 5 37-13}, Feh..27,.18'E7, e._ @,5 1, 19 Stat; 249; July 31, 1894, e. 171, § 18; Q Stat. 210; June 10, 1921, c._ 18, if 304, 310, 42 Stat., 24,25.) r. _, ‘ ” “ 21. Sarees; rules and reg¤l£tibnS»···—The beetle of the- severe! executive departments end tlie proper omrers ot other _ Government establishments, not witbio the jurisdiction er any exeee· . five department, shall make appropriate rules and 1’€§ll1»S· .. tions ·to secure 21 `proper administrative examloetien of all aecounts sent to them els required by Section T8 of Title 31, before. their transmission to the General Accomxtiug Qttiee, am1‘=1’m· the execnition of the requlremeots» of section _% of this title, `lu so far as die same relate to tlte several departuxeuts er eeteb1isb— Y ments. ·(J¤ly 31, 1894, e. 174, § 22, % Stat. 210.) 22. 'Imereet of Member of_‘Congre$s.¥·—·1n every contract or agreement to be made or entered imo, or aeeepted bye or on behalf of the United States, there shell be inserted an express com idltion that no Member `oi or Delegete to Cohgress sheilibe eklmitted to any` ehgreor mrt of such centraict or ngreemnt, or to nur beneét to arise thereupoo. (B. S. 5 3741; Feb. 27, 1877, c. ®, {1, 19 Stat. 249.) · A _·