Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1327

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1313 TITLF 4.·2.»-e-t·ur; TITLE 42.-THE Chapter g Y , . . , A Sec lj Tu; Pusuc Hama _Ssnvtcs . _ ... 1 2, .$4uu·n·1o1• nm ouauu·rua:...‘ .. l.--;...»-,- 81 - (Baapter 1.-THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. 1; ?ublic Health Service; lava and rekulatloua applicable to. 2. 3u:·ksd of Treskry Department over service. _ ’ .· 3. Rules aud regulations for service by President. " 4. Report or % General. _ { _ 5. Appoiatneut to 'hmhcr gr•&,_ o(•oQeera of Public Health Servicl . éetnlled vim Isthmlaa Csual Qomalusloa. - 4 ‘ _ ` C. Bs¤e•,`f¤t, and rty ot _PuM1c Health Service; care of slcl 7.‘1uvc|&l§uns br service, aud publications relating thereto. 8. Hee of- service lu time ofwar. . _ _ ‘ _ - 9. o!'_ lutluensa and other communicable diseases _w.@·geonGepler•l:•;»p•tut¤eut. · ‘ ‘ · ‘ · 11. Saue; supervisory powers. _ · _: _

 *12. Medical o&cers; sppointnieut after examination. 1

13. Grlzlual nppotumats as ssulstaut surgeon; promotion. 14. Bel;-`provided by wcgressi ` 15. Ilctalls; duty labureeu. ’ _ -- - 16. Same; for wor} with Bureau of Blues. 17. to Bepartmut-of Agriculture. 18. Reserve of Public _Healtb Service. ’ 19. Leave of aueeuce to medical omcers. ‘ _ 2Q. Poudons towcers uetalleu for service with Coast Guard, Army or Navy. . — ` ~ 21. Hygienic Laboratory; advisory board.- . _- _ _ 22. Same; chiefs of divisions; director of laboratory. 23. Same; pa? of director. ”· 1 . 24. Dtvidou ot Veaereal Blouses: omcers and employees. · 25. §aaae; duties. · _ - . . , ’. ‘ . S35. lsolstlou of civilians {ur protection of mllltary and naval forces 27. D¢uitious. . - ‘ _ · · ' 28. Divisions uuder Asslstaut..Surge0us General ;. assistants; pzryaut allowaacca: nut. _ _ _ ‘ ‘ itu. Conferences with State and Territorial boards of health. ‘ Sis. Mortality, mmuldity, aud vital statlstlcsi 31. Allotments of my. · _ _ 82. Purchase of quartermaeter supplies.- 33, Limitation of expenditure of appropriations. . _. 34. Titles ot · · · ?, . ., · 1 PA! ul. 'l‘raver expeascsw lor travel op Goverumeubosvued véaccls. Gi?. Longevity pay; credit for service ia other branches.; 4 33. Comuutatlou of length' of service of otlcers of Public Healtl us. Transportation of dependents. . . s . . 65. Heat or light protihlted to persons rccelvla: slloiances, for reutn of quarters. ‘ _ _ ‘ ‘ - _ Sectkul 1. Public Health Service; laws and regulations up

 te.-—-'Dlc Public Health and Marine Hospital Service

shall be known and deaimted as the Public Hulth Service and all laws amertaluiag to said, Public. Health and Marian Hoqlitnl Smvice UHF}?. to the Public Health Servicé, aut all rexulatious ta torce, mace tu` amordsme with law for said Public Hmltb and Marius Hospital Service .¢al1 apply to aut be la force as of and furthe Public Health Service until changed or wcimled. (July 1, _·1902,‘c. 1370,1 1, 32 Stat 712: Ag. 14, 1912, c. El, 1, 37`St¤t. E) _ — _ 2. Jurisaietiou of Treasmy ever eervloea-—~'1‘h< Public Hmlth Service shall be uuder the juriwctiou ot the Treasury Depertmut until otherwise , spedilcillg provided by law. (Feb. 8, i n c. @7. ’ 1, 33 BML `%6.; Aug. 14, 1912 c, @$8. S 1, 37 Stat. 3(Q.) · . . . 3. Rules and regum® for service `by P&eut.—-·—g1‘h• President shall from time to time prescribe rulee for the cou duct of the Public Health Service. He also prescribe 86270*-—-26-1;-———88' V · ‘

PUBLIC HEALTH · 1-10 PUBLIC HEALTH . . . Chapter _ o` g Ll 4. VIRUSBB, BERCMS, TOXINS, ANTIWJXXXQ, !»’YCi .. ..,.,}..- 14}.· l »5» MATBRNITI AN;) INFANGY wmgwsnm nm Hygnnus “_,_ _, ___.__.,, 161 i 8. CH1Lm·ime’s Bvmnu .,_,,, ,, ,________________,____,_ 191 i·eguletions~respectiug its internal hdmmistratien and discipline, and the uhiforms et its officers and employees. (July 1, -1902., c. 1370, §‘ 9, 32 Stat. 714; Aug. 14, 1912, c. @8, { _1, 37 Stat. 4. Repqvt. of Sqrgecm General,-—It shall be the duty of the B ·Sm•gecn Qexieral of the Public glwith Service- to transmit · annually tp the Secretary of the Treasury, fer transmission by r paid Secretary to Congress, a full and ebmplete report of the tmuwctions of saigi service, inizluding a detailed statement et W receipts and; disbursements. (R. S. § 4802; July 1, 1902, e. 1379, ._ §_ 9, 32 Stat. 714.,) - _ . , , · ~ -. . * ` 5.q Appointment to higher grade of eQ¢crs of Public Health Service dcjailcdwith Isthmian Canal President is authorized, by and with the game and consents! the

 Senate, to epjieint stzch officers of- the Pgzblic Hwltb Sevviee

·· as weve detailed .foi• dint} with the Isthmiam Chun} Commissior; on the Isthmds of 'Pdnexba for more than three years to the grade next Above that at present `held by such emcers. (Mer. 4, 1915, c·. 167, § 4, 38 Stat. 1191.) - _ - ‘ , 6. Duties, t'un2l5, and property of ,P¤blie Health Service;

 of siek imd disabled »neamen.———Tl1e care of Qck and disabled seamen mid all — other duties formerly meqaiircd by law te

be ;ée1*f€>rmed;‘ by the Maline ._H0spitdl Service shall be pet-‘ 1 fo1jm'?d by tbfe Public Health Service, and all fimds, pgeperties, zm‘d‘rights.pértaining vte said Marine Hospital Service_&all. be ‘ available for use for like purposes and in like mwmer by, the I Public Health Service. -( July 1, IW2, e. 1370, S 1, 3.2 Stat.7}2; · Aug-14, 1912, vc. 288, 51,37 sm. . · * . ‘ t· 7. Investigations · y service, and psblicetim. relating . therét0.———'1Th eelth Service may study and- investigate the diseases and .ee1§diti0fi;·i inmnemring the propagation and spread there0f,.in¢ludiug mnitatieu and sewage and the pollution either directly .0: iridirectlv ot the navigable streams j and likes .0f- the United States, andyit may from time to time . issue information in the term of bubllcatiens for the use of the .pp.1blic. (July? 1, 1902. c. .1370, .5 l,· 32 Stat. 712; Aug. 14, 1912,., , 0.,288, 5,1, 37 Stat. 309.)_ . , · 7 ° · 8., Use of serviee in time of wer.-—Tl1e President is amber- ·imd, ih his discretion, te utilizelhe Public Health Service in 1 times of threatened or g‘¢tual· to' such extent and in such manner as ébell Bin pie judgment promote the public interest ·I without, however, in any wise impaitlng the emeiency et the

  • service for the pm·pos& fer wbicb the `mme waé created and

3 is maintained; `(July 1, 1902, c, 1370, `S 4, 32 Stat. 713; Aug.}4, ¤; 1912,_'c.`%8,.I·1,_3Y sm. my . " _ I . 9. Suppression pt Spiakh inhsmza and other eeumunicnble i dise•sc¤.—·——-The Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, I and the Secretary of the Treasury are authorized and directed, e, 'respectively, to utilize jblntly the personnel and faeilltles of · L the Medical Department bf the Army,.tbe' Medical- Department tot the Navy, and the.Public Hmlth Service, sd ter as. possible, a ·in glding tqcombaf and snppfws Smniéb intluenza an ther e communicable dlseasm, (Oct. 1, 1918, c. 179, 2; 4@tat. r 1008.) » ` ·. °` ‘ - iw- ·l0. Snigcen Ge¤e1:al;,sppointment.—~=The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service shall be appointed by the I’reSi<l¢·r¤t-. be by and with the advice aiu! consent et the Senate. (1Mlm·._ 3,- .· 1875, c._.130, Q 1, 18 Stat. 377; Aug. 14,_1912, CQ 288, { 1, 37 s Stat. 309.)· j · 7