Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1336

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§ 14]. TITLE .$2.~——-—TH.E 1 Sorvioa is detailed for duty at the home herein provided tod he alsali receive, in mlslition to the pay and allowances of his grzule. one-half the pay of said, grade and such allowances ast may he provided by- the Surgeon General of the Public Health ) Serviae, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. (Fel;. 3, 1917, c. 26, § 5. 39 Stat. 873.) (`hagaor 4.--YIRUSES, SERUMS, TQXINS, ANTITOXINS, ETC. r " ( Soo. ’ ‘ A M1. Rogulatioé of sale of and interstate trafllc. itz:. Faiaoly iaaeliag or marking package or container; altering label or mark, _ _ .' · t , 14:;. Inspection of establishment for propagation aud; preparation. 144. Same; fo1‘f3ig¤¤.€St8b}iS}llDODtS; conditional license. · 14-G. Board to prescribe regulations for licenses for eatablishmexztsjfor ‘ paopagatiou and preparation. 142;, Eaforcement of regulations. 147. Interference with oQt·er8. 3.48. (laaasee; paaiahmeat. ‘ _ » S 141. Regulation of sale of and interstate tramc.·#—No person (shall sell, barter, or exchange, or offer for sale, barter, wor exchange ia the District of Qoftimbia, or send, carry, or bring fo: sale, barter, or exchange from any State, Territory, ( or the District of Columbia into any State,"1‘erritory, or the-( District of Columbia, or from any foreign country into the United States, or from the (United States into any foreign) -»eouatry,. any virus, therapeutic serum, (toxin, antitoxiu, or agxalogous product applicable to _ the prevention and cure ot.

 of man, uulea ((a) stick virus, serum, toxin, autitoxiu,

or product'has_bee$1 promgated and prepared at an establish} giant lmldiag aa nasuapeuded and uurevoked license, issued by the Secretary of the.Treas`ury asyhereinafter.authorized, to propagate and prepare auch virus, serum, toxin, antltoxin, 01** product for sale iuwthe District of Columbia, or- for sendiugj bringing, or carrying from place tea place aforesaid; por (b) uaieao each package ot sueh virus, seruxml toxin, antltoxla, or product iis plainly marked with the proper name of the article coataiaed thereto,. tile name, address, and license number of wtho manufacturer, and the date beyond which the cointeutaeann. not be expected beyond reasonable doubt to yield their speeme results. The suspension or revocation of any lleenw shall not prevent the sale, barter, or exchange of any virus, serum, toxin, aatitoxin, or product. ai'oresaid=·which has been sold and delivered by the lieeatiate prior to such suspension or revocation, unless the owner or cuatmian ot auch virus, Serum, toxlin, statitoxia; or pmduct aforesaid has beet! notified by the Secretary ot U1e,Treasm·y not. to sell, barter, or exchange the same. (July l 1, 1902, c. 1378, 1, 32 Stat. 728.) _ “ ‘ · ~ " · . 142. Falaely la§elh§ er? marking package or coataiper; ahaing had or stark.-—·-No person shall falsely label or mark ( aay package or eoataiuer of any virus, serma, toxin, aatitoxin, ( or product aforeaaid; nor alter any label or mark? on aay) paamge or coutaiaer ot_ any alma, serum, toxin, aatltoxla, or product afore@id ae as to·‘fal$fy auch label or mark. · (July 1, ) 1902., c,·137S, { 2, 32 Stat. 7%.) · ‘

  • 143. Iaswctioa of enablishmeat for propagatm and preparatim,-~·Aoy `oQee1·, ageat, or employee ot the Treasury· Department, duly detailed by the £$ecretary of the Trmaury for

that purpose, may daring all reasonable hours eateraud Inspmt any eatabliahmeat for the propagation and preparation of any ( virus, Ssemtm, toxin, ngtitoxlnoor _ produet aforeaaid for 'aala, l»a1*te»r, or exehaaga la the District of Columbia, or to be aeat, carried, or brought from aay State, Territory, ortho District of Columbia into any other State or Iardtory or the Dlstrlet of ( Columbia, orjfrom me Uaitad (States late any £o"`r‘el§n country, ( or from any foreign Eouatry iato the United States. (July 1,- 1902, c. 1378, 5 3, 32 Stat. 3%.) ‘ A ’ · , HQ. Same; foreig edaklishmeatag eaaditioaal liee¤se.--All "llceaaes issued for me maluteuaaa of ’&tablishmeat§ for the 1

"UBLIO HEALTH 13:22 projaagatton and prepamtiofr in any foreign cmmtry of any vlrtis, serum, toxin, zmtitoxiu, or product af¤>re>=aid, for sale, barter, or exchange in the United Stutos, slmli lm issued upon condition that the licoutiates will permit the insizoetion of the ostaulislnments where sold articles are propagated mm prepared in accordance with the provisions of section 143 of this titlv. (July! 1, 1902, c. 1678,.% 4, 32 Stat. 729.)” ’ . . 145. Board to prescribe regulations for licenses for estab- Jishméxgts for propagation and prep•rati<m.:——The Surgeon General of the Army, the Surgeon General. of the Navy, and the . Surgeon General of the` Public Health Servioo are oohstituted a board with authority, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to promulgate from time to time such rules as may be necessary ixrthe judmoint of said board to govern ‘tho·.issue,· suspension, and revocation of licenses `for the maintenance of establishments for the propaption and preparation of viruses, semms, toxiniis, aotitoxtns, ond analogous products, applicable to the prévemtion and cure of diseases · of man, intended for gglejn the District ot Columbia or to be sent;. carried or _ brought for ohh-: from any State, Territory. or the District of Columbia, into any other State, Territory, or the District of Columtha, or from the United States into any foreign country. or from. any foreign country into the United States. 4(July`1, 1902, c. 1378, §_4, 32 Stat. 7%; Aug, 14,,1912, c.‘288§"37.Stat.-309.) ‘ _ __ .. l l 146. Enforcement of rcgu}ations.·—-'lfhe Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to enforce thi: provisions of sections_141*to=148 of this title and of such rtxlmxnd regulations sis, may be made by authority thereof; tolwg,. mspeixd. and révoko licénses for the `mainteriauco or estab! M. meaty aforesaid, and to_dota1l for the .dischorgo of suoh dutiu sgjclx. otiicorsi, agents, ond employees of the Treasury Domrtozeut as may in his judgment be necessary. (July 1, 1962, c; 13*%*8, i 5,. » ·a2 smc. 729.-) _ _. ‘ _ · . 147. Interference with o&crs.-¥·-—No' person shall interfere with`m1y<0Hlcer, agent, or employee of the Tressuryr Departmout in the portormancé of any duty upon him o by sections 141 to 148 ot this title or by regulations by anthority thereof. ··_( July 1, 1902,.12. 1378, Q 6,,_&_Stat. Tw.) 148. °0Eexiscq; punishmmtti-·Any berson who shall violate, or aid or `abot in violating, any of the provisi=q;_m,o£.s&tions, 141 to 148 of this title shall . be punished by o Eno- not exceeding $506 or by imprisonment, not exceeding one your, or hy mth suclil iine hndiimprisoument, ln tl1o discretion op! the court. ‘ (July 1, 1902, c. 1378, Q 7, 32 Stot, 729.) , ` Chapter .5.-T-·~·MATERNITY° AND INFANCY. WELFARE

AND HYGmNm.% · ‘

Sac; o '. *_ . . L · 161. Board of Maternity axndjnfnxnt Hygiene; members; chairman; _ powers and dpties ot·Cblldron‘| Bureau., k · _- 162. Appropriation for. ~ · -. · » 163. Same; amount; apportionmgnt to States`; additional apportionment. ‘ 164. Aéceptsnco of `provisions by Stgtos: » . . 165. Deduction. {rpm appropr1atio¤_ for administrative oxpensgn. 166. Clorical assistants for Childrews Bureau. ‘ · 167. o Apportionmont ot appropriation to Stntm. . 168. Submissioh of plans by States; approval. 169. Power of representatives. of Chiklrexfs Burma: to ontorobomw or take charge of chlldre-n. · — 170. Cortiflmtioi of i;Hg9\1¤·t3.8pp0N10R€d to` St¤·ztg.·¤._ t 171. Reports by _Sta ; withholding certifications to mates. _ 172. Limitation on oxp=onidItt1re'of··¤r11o1:ntsopportioned to Staten. _ . 173. Chi.ldren’g Bureau to pérfdrm ‘dqtie<s` ot cmgptar; ·roport to. Con- _ · sa. · z ~ -— X74. C0fl;il‘H€UOI1 Q! €h&D!€1‘. . _•€ · _ I ` 175. I‘roviSio§i ot blmpterlextonded to_Hawail. Section I61._Board of Maternity and Infant Hygiene; mem- · bers; ch&n¤; powers and duties of Chiklrews. Bureaa.-- There isfrooited a Board of Maternity ·aud·_I¤famt Hygiene, _