Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/137

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__ gjjg to TITLE Sw-~·ALIEHS A3 $2*, Same: D¢@·—-#597 Amevieea citizen. ehall be Se S ,;,Q,.g;,e.1,»to hate e¥I¤U’i&¥@ Qmseifowhee he has been nam- ,e;s;;;-<1 in sin; tmdgu State contermity·rwith its lays, or w

 he me tekee awoeth jet •l1@¤eee te my fereiget Smte. , ee

eeet any eetmlhed eitieen wtuii have resided for two Bgigma in the feteinon Stkte Item wkieh he gmc, et iop ive ? th wm;. in any ®he1·`foreig¤ State it‘s1iaHy p:¤u&& that he ia . izzss ceased te he an Amfiwatcitinm ged the ptsea of his

 abode ekell be   hit place of residence. durj.  61
 eq;} year. Sow     may ·he ovemeomeeoujthe  pl
<e;;iatio¤_ of _§»U;8{RCt0fY eviitmce te ee diplommiitz or com S ta

,,,;;§; officeft of the .U¤it¤$ States, EEGQY who rules and ui

~,—;·;;3e¥i§>us as the Depar t of State may p1¤eseribe.“ Dupli- S
 ot may evidence,   ether, acts req¥1ired»·by S3

eee; gzection shaii be Bled with of Statefor ag

ee¤~s®§‘~ii.» _(Me¥.2,_t1Wf,~e. ·§§ 2, 7,34 ‘* 0 de

I as, Repatristien M ex#r·Med·,citi&.-—g&¤y n0who; { ,e·§a§;e a éi&¤ of tm United oStates··;¤d duriugthe World ‘· _ Wei" in E¤¤3*i**€·` Si-\¢¤'!¢ {BG er`¤eva1_se:·viee pt uty `W eemary at weft wml n ceentry against srbom ‘t§e"._U¤ited 6] ‘:~1e;¤=s dmared war. the the deemed to have lost * his Q mseensttip by ruson of any with or obtigattcm taken by, him .w my the of service, qmy resume his _ eieieesaslaip by taking eetli of nlleglanée to the Uniteti States

sea;eei·it»ek1 by tee zmmntieatieu hw and regulations, end ouQch; f- it

tS;2$};e1i1€l] be before cogreef the United States. lor S1, , of any State Yaathedmed By law to alien; cz bdcte ._ ` my consul x the United States; and Eeertmed copies thereof

—¤%;;;i1—be sent by meheourt ereonsel to the Dep;u·t@t ot f Q

iézete dudtthe Beregu oi Neturalimtiee.- (June 29, 1006, c.- H " :;’3ii:`i, § 4, 508~;‘3uee 25, 1910, c.·· 401,05 3, 360 Stat. pl tsiw; May 9, 1*918,c. W, ${1+3, 40 Stat. 542-548.) .°; E ~(‘im.pter 2.*-*ELECTI`YE'· FRANCHISE. 0 si ._g,{,. . l . I, _ A _·SY im tmee; `“6e1¤ri*oji·`·prev1eesy·c¤¤¢atte~¤-1;¤¢e—to—»seet S seg-et»—tmxote.»», ,;,—»M JJ

 iuterfereace with- freedom of eiectbns. _ T _   J ‘ _ gg
 31.   ww, or preyimr  not to n€e¢t `

, right te y‘ete.——-All citizens ot the United: Stete$ &%‘b0*ute ¤thQ1j· O? jwi.qt·e;q1:eii§ed byjew te vote gt hey J elective. by the people in U _ may Sgete, cematyg city, tewuehip. ¤ sdwel m tyié£ jgbdivisien. U ?*}i!1;_]·`bE entitled m yew gt *8 ‘wi1hout distincdogxtei moe, cdor, or it . ~ · .,: cmxditton ot sei‘v·i· ¥• Hide; may eenaitutiee, law, usage, or. regolgtion of any GY State ex- Teriitory, er by Bt its authority, to tm contrary Q m¥.withmwi¤g,_ (RHS. _ " · ‘. ‘Tt t V . 0 32. freedeu of éle€tiem.r——N0‘ 0@qcer .-ei .9 the Army ley Ngvy ei ~theTU¤ited. States shall. ggresctibe ez 5;, U or attempt . to pw1*i1m _¤:;. Bx, by ’procle,matio¤,· .orde1·, or ¤ r»2,1;cm#iee,_~.£he —quiii&eat_i¢ms ot voter; in any Stste,`] org in Matty , 8 warmer iatertepe with the freedom ot any in aéy U State, mj with £h€'1€I¢1‘€iH8 Y0! the {tw fight Qf 8¤f£1'¤86.i¤ QB! S State, (B, S. {20%.) S . " 0 l " _- Sa . Flmpter 3.-·-QOIVIIJ B§GH'1‘S.; Q W 'S·~c.'· { ~ l .v I l rw ‘ _ 8 41. F'.qu11_ \$!l®1'—t}3£'l8W. U 4;:. Preeerty rkhts of cithens. . . . . · @3, Civil activator deptivetionl of righti. · ° 44. Ex<:1ugie¤’o!..1uress ez: nmmnt et. ram or eoleri _ _ d 45. Same; jerisdietiea of pifolectttiehs. _ ._

 Same; revievpof preoeediugt   _ “; ‘ ._ - .. 0

’¤·· (1} Coatpiraciing preventing eQee; from perferaing duties. {2) · Sam; to i¤ti¤t&te‘part!,.wit¤ess or j¤mr, obstruct ju}- 8 ttce,g (3)* Same.; te -¢eprtve· citizen of rights ere privileges. _. V F 4*%. Same ;_ action foi"_11¥?§]£*€t‘ t0' p!e¥t*¤.t. "” · Q ’»0S V 1 ,59. l‘r<:>eeeutie¤· ot yie1ntie¤.¤‘t_eer!ei¤ hw:. · to ° ” o 5.9, Commissionerglz appetetment at 0 persons to execute .¤·•rnnta.’ U. ", W- Marshal; tcohey precepts; xetesiex to receive or execute.`pr<>cess..· t L 52. I·`ees;,certz1i¤ 0Q¢ers. · ‘ r I

FB CITIZENSHIP § 43 ie I 4 .

_ Same; persona appointed- to execute geeoeex,

,. Speedy trial, » _ _ i ~. Aid of meilitary and navel teresa. >. Peonnge abolished. ~ Section 41. Equal rightshder the luv.--—·All pereohs within se jurisdiction of the United+States shall hgxe the eame right ¤ every State end Territory to makemaed enforce eoatraets, to ne. be mrties, give evidehce, and to thefoll hed equal bene§t 5 all laws and proceeding for tk geeurlty of wreoas ami eeperty as, is enjoyed by vvhlte citizen and shall he subject » like punishment, pales, maltlm, mmm, aad exae eas of every kind, and toao other. (R; 8. | 1977.) _ , 42. Property rights of eitizehsa-511 §?"Ci of the United tatm shall have the Same right, ioevery State tBeé’T€f1'It0§’, s is enjoyed byf white citizens therwf » to i@it, purchase, vaee, hell, yhiolcf, aooyeqevey real and pmperty, (B, S, 1978.) ‘ i i

 Civil ‘ action for deprivation of rights.-·-—·»Every {nemo

ho, eolor otauy etetute,. ordiaa.m,.regal¢§m eastm, r of ahy State or Territory, s®jects, oz nasa. to be objected, ?auy· eitlmno of the United 8utm or oth& pereee

 the jurisdiction thereof to the cieprlvatioa of amt rlmte,

rivllges, or immunities by the Co@thtiee md, lnvee, · aall be liable to the mrty Injured ih ao setlm at law, suit n equity, or other ptoper gor redrm · (B. S. Q 44. Exclusion of ~ jurom ieeeeat of er, color.--lie Etizeh all other quallhwltleae are or may he rwcribed Bylaw shall: he disqoelmxjor servke es grand oe etit juror ln? any Eeourt do the United or of any State, n aceount <}f·1’8C€, eolor, or weviooe emdltioe of ;_ v f hd officer or other eharge~d withteoty duty ta the , eleetioh or summoning of jurors who exelode or tall to ummoh any éeltizeh for theeeoee eformid `shall, @‘ eehvle Lon the@f,:.;}efi6e€;¤2_e<}_;S}1!!§;.€€l§-_ __ -- , , "i ¤¤i*¥ mo Em ot more than $5,000. -(Mar.,1, #1815, e. 114, § 4,418 Stat. 45. , Sdmilio lhriedietioh of yprmcniom.-·'$‘he dlstriet eearts ` f the United States shall; have, exelglvely of the of he several Stéteé. éognisanee oi all erimee ~ ud violations of, the provisioneot the i - The istrict attorneys, marshals, and d@¤_ marsheln Hallett

 States eo   —,mlomrs_v¤vltlx {lowers of gr--
 and ·   anim t& laws

t United are haw! `$D¢€i¢1ly_s*§l}iorlsed“‘f¤hd—reaired to lhhdtotea agslhat every Cpersonf who shall iolate the provisions of the preceding section, nod cause him o be arrested_-oad‘#aige1priaohed or boiled, as the case may bel y or _ trial before sue}: eoart of the United States, or 'fextitorial, oart, by law heseokixiganee of the o¤ehee, ahd soeh dmrict ttoraeys shall cause each proceedings, to be proexated 'to heir termihattoh as io other eases, Nothing ih this . ectioxl shall bej construed to deny orfdefeet any rig; of elvll .etion aeeraluf to my pereoh,.vvl1ether. by reason, oi act »r otherwise ;[ and any district ettomeyo who shall ‘ willfully nil to lhstitote and prosecute the herein ragoired., · hall, Ioreverysi1ehofl'ehse,,_forfelt and pay the `_ ot $5300 0 the i qieved thereby, tofbei recovered by an action tt debt, ivlth lull.- costs, and shall, on eehvietion ’ thereof; be loehled giiiltyaot a misdemeanor, and be hned hot · less than Cl,060 hor more than $5,000, Jedgmentfor; the penalty lh fave; »t the partyrggrieved against only each dietxict `attez-hey, or L judgment uma an indictment 3.g&lllSC.&Hy leach dieniet no ei oruey, ehall be a har to- either prosecutloa respectively. l (Below. ., 1875,c. 1l_4, { 3,‘18iStat. 336.) _ i · 46ofSame; review ,of‘pro&edihgs,-·-poll m·isirig‘ hmler Q he provisions of section 44 of this title ill thecourte of the · Jnlted Statm shall be revlewable liy the Supreme Court of the