Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1382

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§ 562 TITLE 48.-5-PU 562. Appraisal and sale of town lots;-The low so surveyed · shall be appraised under the direction oi the,Secretary ot the §· Interior and - sold unde_i·‘ his direction at not less than their '—appraised value `at public auction to the highest ladders, from time to time, for cash, and the lots odfered for _ sale and not cllsrposed otfmay afterwards be soldat not less than the appraised value under such regnlations aa the Secretary of the Ilmerior may: prescribe. Reclamation funds may be used `_to defray the necessary expenses o£`appraisement~and';sa1e, and the proceedsof such- sales shall be eoverea into the reclamation fund. (Apr. $6,1906, e.\1631,- § 2, 34 Stat;116.) I. _ 563. Disposal of town sites set tapart prior to June? 27-, 19Q=6.—·4An,y town site »_set apart or established prior to June 25, ·19&l#6, by proclamation of the President, under . the `provisions S of sections 711 and 712 of ehapter 17 of this `title, within or in the vicinity- of any reclamation project, xnay be "appraisedtand · disposed of in accordance witlio the provisions of the preceding section, and all necessary expenses incurred in- the appraisal and `sale of lands embraced within any such town site shall be. paid from the reclamation fund, and the proceeds of the sales of such lands shall be covered into the reclamation fund. · (June 27,:1906, e. 3559, Q 3, »34iStat. 519;) ' ‘ _ U an 56*4. Reappraiaal ot town lots for sale,-¥—T,he Secretary of the Interior is authorized, whenever; he may deem it necessary, to reappraise all unsold I0tSf\\'ithiI1 town sites on “projects uu; der the- reclamation, law heretofore or A hereafter appraisedunder the provisions of the two preceding sectjons, and thereafter; to proceed with the sale _—0f· such town lots in accordance Yvilfl said sections., ·(June ll, 1910, c. -284, 5-,1, 36 Stat. 465.) ‘ _ ·, ·_ K .. » 565. Terms of sale of tovin lots; installments of price.--In _the sale of town lots under the provisions of the three preceding sections the__§_ecretary `of the Interior ‘may, in his discretion, require payments for such town lots in full at time of sale or in an11ual.i*¤atallments,_ not exceeding tive, with interegt at. · the rate of 6_ ‘per~.centum per annumon deferred payments. (June 11, ;910, c.-284, § 2,..36 Stat; 466.) - — _* S 566. Maintenance of public reservations and conveyance to municipality;-——-The publljereservations in asuch town sites shall . be improved and maintained by the·=t0°wn°authori}}es `at_ the expense of the town;l"a·nd - upon the organization thereof as ~ malnieipal corporations the said reser`vations.sball be conveyed to sucl; 'eorporatio¤,s·by_°tthe Se~oretary‘of the Interior, subject to the condition that they shall be `luaed fo·1‘€V€1' for public purposes. (Apr, 16, IQOG, c. 1631, § 3, 34 Stat. 1l6.)· _ · 567{ Water rights for towns ’and_citiea; chnrges.—g—The Secre- `tary of the _Interior_sha1l, in accordance with the provisions of _ the reclamation law, provide for water rights! in amount he Anay deem necessary for-_ the towns established is provided, in the preceding sections, and may enter into contract with the proper authorities of auch towns, andother towns orjclties on or lu the immediate vicinity of irrigation projects, whiéh shall have arwater right from the same source as that of said project for the delivery of such water supply to some `conveuleut point, and for the payment into the feclamation. fund of oharges for, the same to be paid by suclrtowns orfcltles, whieh eharges shall‘1esa"nor_upon terms more favorable than those faxed by the Secretary of the Interior for the irrigation project from vsjhieh the water 18 taken, (Apr; 16, 1906, c. 1.63}, § .4, 34 Stat. 116.) _ · _ ‘·· . 568. Use ofhleelnmation fund for expenses of and disposal pf prooeedé of sale of t0Wl\'8i$¢B.·····RéCl&1H&fi0H funds shall be available for the payment ot all éXP€BS% incurred in exoouting the foregoing provisions 'relating to town sites, and the proeeeds of all sales of town sites. shall be`covered·into the reclamation fund} (June 27, 19M, e. 8559, ! 4, 34 Stat. 520.) ‘ .·~ l

mma LAND8 _- 1368 '569. Reservation of 1and`for'park, playground, or com. munity. eastern-· " · ( ; no ~ 1 _ · · · Authority for rese·rvataion,·——-(a) The Secretary of the In. érlor is authorized to withdraw from other disposition and reserve.? for country parks, publigplaygrounrls, and community centers for the use of the residents upon the lands such tracts as he rnay?deem_ advisable not exceeding twenty acres in any one. township in. each reclamation project or the several units of such reclamation projects undertaken under thereclamation law. . · , ·· , - · . t Water sere>ice.;yj—(b) Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained in thissection every such tract of laude so set apart shal1.be_supplied with water frim the Government irrigation system, the cost thereof to be charged to' the rémsnung lands of the project as` a ·part of the construction chiarge of such project, and shall be lnaintained and used in perpetuity by, the ;ieople°-upon said reclaimed lands .for a pleasure oark, public playground, and community center; · _ M. · _ 1 Contract for maintenance and asc.-···`(<`§.) For the purpose of `carrying out and effecting the · objects of this section the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to enter · into, a contracf with the organization formed by the owners of the IQBHQIS jrrigated within. said project or project unit pursuant to section 498’ ofj this chapter; stipulatglng and providing that the organization will maintain and, use such of the lands so re$ served for the furposes prescribed in this as such organization may desire,. and `-that uyioxrfailure to so andjuse such lands, or in the" event that same shall per- _mi_tted to be used or occupied for other zgjurgxécs than thme stipulated in this section, the control ofsthe lands shall revert to the United StatesQ 1 1 a - . _ {Disposition of lend not contracted for.--·(d)` Any of such lands not contracted `for in accordance with the provisions of paragraph _ (c) of this section within ten years from the time water is available for the same, or sooner, if the Secretary of the Interior- may deem it desirable, shall be disposed of `in accordance with the public land laws applicable thereto, and the proceeds fron: the disposition of lands reverting to the United States under the provlsians..of this section, and . from Z sales of water rights, shall be covered into the reclama- _ tion fund and placed to the credit of the project wherein the ` ilands — are situate. (Oct. .5,· 1914, ‘?c."·316,— §§· 1-4, 38 Stat; 727-¥—728.)` ·_ a _ e ‘· ( · ‘ . 570. Conveyance of land to school district.;——·The Secretary of the "`Interior. is authorized, upon application by the proper ` omcers of a school district located wholly; or ln part within ‘ the boundaries of a project of the United States Reclamation ` Service,. to issue patent conveying- to such district such anap propriated undisposed of lands, not exceeding six acres in "area, withlnfanyr Government reclamation town éte situated '_ withln such `scl1ool.» district ,as,` at the opinion of the tary of ,ms_1¤wr1er, are necessary for use by said district -for school buildings and groundsi Provided, That if any land so conveyed cease entirely to be used for school purposes title thereto shall revertto and revest ln the United States. (Oct. 81,1919, c. 92, 41 Stat. ” S


581. ‘DeHnition;` " veter•n.·”·————As used in the Eve following sections, the term " veteran " includes any lndlvidaal _ a mem-’ ber of the military or naval forces of the United States at any time after April 6, 191,7, and before November 12, 1918; ., but does not include (1) any individual ‘at any time during such, period or thereafter mparated front such forces under other than honorable conditions, (2) any conscientious objector _ who performed no military duty whatever or . refum to wear . r the uniform, or` (3) any alien at any time during such period or thermfter discharged from_ the mllltary_.or naval forces `on