Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1440

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§ 163 TITLE 44.-—·PUBLIO' PRIN All moxieys ncorulug under this section shall be deposited by the Public Printer in .tlzo Treasury ot the United States to the credit on the books ot*»the- Treasury Dephrtment of tho appropriotion made for the working. capital of the Govornmont Priutlug Omoo for the year in whléh the jvork is done, and accounted A for in his annual report to Congress. , (Jan,. 12, 1895, c. 23, 5 37,

 Stat. 606; Mar. 2, 1895, @.189, § 1, 28 `Stat. 961; Jan-30,

1904, 0. 39, § 1, 33 Stat, 9 ;` Mar. 4, 1925, c. 549, § 1, 43 Stat. 1300.) .163. Payment of cost buf printing extracts from Ccngrosoional Record, or other documents.—Ii1 caso `any Senator, Reprosontatire, or Delegate shall fail to pay the cost of, printing extracts from the Congx oséional Record or other documérlté ordered_ by him to be printed, the Public Printer shall certify _ the amount duo to the Sergeant at Arms of the House or the maamrial clerk of the Senate, as the ‘casc· may be, and the

 Sergeant at Arms or financial clorkf shall. qeduct from any salary duo the said delinquent tho] said amount, or as much thereof

astho salary duo may cover, and pay the ‘am0m1t so obtained to tho Prlblié Printer, to applied by him to the satisfaction of the indebtedness. (Mar, 1911, o._ 285, S` 1, 36 Stat; 1446;) 164.,l Distribution of copié of Congressional Record, to Governor General of Philippi¤éis,>—Tho Public Printer is hereby airtlmrizod to furnish gratuitously to the Govorrior Goh-‘ , oral of the Philippine Islands at {Manila ton copies `of the daily , Congressional Record and throé copies of :;ll_bi11s, resolutions, documents, and reports, as `printed, and ho is hereby directed to print, if necessary, .thé.extra number réquirod to-comply with rms swoon. __ (xm. 4,1909, c. 31v,_§ 1, sslsm. 1667.) l ~ · 165, Senate and House document rooms; superintendents.- Tfhereshali bo_.0r1o_documout room ctr the Senate and orler'0f_·the Housol of Roprésonté tivéé, to! be ’dosig1mtocl, respectively, tho "‘ Senate and House d0c11meu't_r0om." Each shall be in charge or a lsuberirutoudeut, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Senate and tho Doorkooper of the House, respectively, who shall hiso appoint ithe necessary number of assistagzté. Tho Somte document room shall be under the jnirisdiction `ot the Secretary of the Senate. (Jani; 12, 1895, c. 23, {60, 28 Stat, 610; Mag. 3, 1901, c._ 830, § 1, ,31 Stqt. 962.) _ · · 166. Senate and House folding rooms; ;q¤p¢¤·a¤¢¢¤e¢¤¢¤.;— Tbore shall be ozio folding roomot the Senate ahd one folding roomo! tho House ot Roprosoutatlimsi, _ They shall be in charge of superintendents, appolxltcd respectively by the 8orgoant at Arm of tho 'Seéate omllloorkeéper of tbo; House,. who blob sopoint the necessary assistouts, All reports or docummts to be distributed {tor Senators, Représentativos, . and Dolmatos shall be folded and distributed from the folding rooms, uulex otherwise ordered and each Senator, Ronrosontm tivo and Qologato shall be xmtldccl in writing onféo orory slxty days of, the éumklor ord cbaracter ofptsblipntions cm band had assigned to him for use and distribution, (Jan. 12, 1&5, c. %, _; vi, m sm. 612,) . · o . _, o r ‘ · ' 167. Bispo$tioa of documents stored at Capitol.;-——-The tary add Sergeantjut Arms ot the Senate and thoxillgrk myd Doorkoszper of the House ot Boprosorztntlves shall at tho con-

 inqrcgul¤r,s¢».ss{;>u» of each szgcccsslva Congr2M cause

’,n¤~l¤$·oice to be made ,0f all public documents stored an and qbout the Capitol, other" tlmzrl thoso boi/o@l¤g to the quot; of Members ot meh` Congress, to the — Library of Congress and tho Sooato, and House llbrorlos ant;/docsmout. aind all ¤u& documents shall by the rape r tosdmts, 'resboctlvely, of the Sorote and House folding be wt to- the crdltl ot &“¤8t{H‘S, Bzprmutatlvwh and lklogata ot such Gongreu; lo quamtitios equal 1;: the dumber ot volumes- ll nearly as pomiblo Xiu Y§l\}£» to ¤@ Member. Io! nad" said documents shall be diatrlbutw apos tho ouméetor Bendtors, Representatives, and of whom plmll be quppliod by the ouperlntomlknts ‘_o£ the Joldirlg rooms with n list of the number had character of- the publications thus rmt

myc Ayn pocvuezvws { 1426 to his credit, but before said apportionment is made copies et any of these documents desired for the use of committees of the Senate or House shall be delivered to the chairmen et such committees. Four copies of each end all leather—b0tmd docu- »-ments shell be reserved and carefully stored, to be used in 'supplyfng detlclenciesln the Senate and House libraries caused by wear or loss. (J¤11.~12, 1895, c. 23, § 63, 28 Stat. @11.) 168. Binding (for Senate libnry.·——¢·'J.‘he Secretary et the Senate is, authorlged- td make requisition upon the Public Printer for the binding fer. the Senate library of such beeks as hemay deéminecessary at A cest uotte exceed $@0 per year. {Mar. 2, 1895, c. ,189, 5 1, 28 Stat. 958.) ‘ o Chapter 6.-J-C(}_NGRESSI0NA‘L RECORD, `_ BILLS, AN D LANYS. t ‘ Sec, . — . " _ ‘ 181.. Congressional Recdrd; arrangement, qtyle, contents, and indexes. 182. Same; indexes. · 183; Sante; gratuitous copies; mbscriptlorts. 18-1., Same;_u¤bound,_ copies for Cqngressmen. _ __ Q `18§. Same; extracts t0rC0ngressmen; mailing enyelcypes. .. 186. Same; ·distribution in exchange for foreign parliamentary _ , records. · l ’ 187. Same; zexchauge? for Parliamentary Hansard. '188. Same; sale. . _ · 189. Bills and resolutlousj number and distribution; ‘fprlvate bills" · defined. · ‘ — - . · _. - _190. Binding sets of bills andrrresolmloeé for Congress.- ~· 191. Publ§c_ dud private laws, postal·c0nventiens, and treaties. .192. Printing Acts, resolutions, an;} treaties. ` ` _ 193. Printiirg of postal conventions. _ , 194. Distribution or copies of this Code; to Senators and Representa- · tives. ' _ V “ 195. Pamphlet copies ot statutes. 196. Statutes at Large. — 197. _`Sqme; marginal references. _ ' {Section 181. Congressional Record; arrangement, style, cantents,. and irtdexeee-The Joint Committee on Printing shell have control ot the arrangement and style of the Cougresetemil Record, and while. providl¤g,"shall be substantially at verbatim report of proceedings, ehallrtéke ell needed actlee for the redtnctienrof unnecemary bulk, and ehall previehle 1’er’,the» puhllcatien of an , index of the Cengresésienal Recgrd; semimonthly during the sessions of Congress and at the close thereof, (Jam.-12, 1895, c.23, $413, 28 Stat. 603,)*. , - · · 182. Same; imleieie-The Joint -C0mmittee on Printing shalt designate to the Public Prltiter a competent person te pr@'re the eemlm0ntl1ly.andle¤e,sion index to .the·`(b£rgremlenel Itecord, end shall hx and-regulate the compensation to he mid by the Publlc Printer for the eaicl wer}; and direct the form and e manner of its publication and distribution. (Jan. 12, ._189’.i, .c. %, $14, %» Stat. . ° M. °· _ - · 183.; Sggeg. grtititéas mpies;= i¤b¢ripH0¤s.-;·—-The Public Printer shall furnish the Coegremimml Record ea fellows and shall fpjrnish xmtuitously ne, others in mltlitiee thereto: Te_.the Vice President and each Senator, eightyeight eepies; and to the Secretary end·-Sergeant at Arms et the Seéete, each 'twenty·*'c<gpiu,· gud to the Secretary for emee use ten topics; to me · Repw¤tsti_ye'a¤,d Delegate, sixty ceplee, and

0 the Clerk and D0e¤k‘eepex·_ of the Hesse, each twenty copies,

and to the Clerk; Iexemee use, ten copies; and to the Clerk ter use ot Membersl oi the House of Representatives étty copies, and to the Sergeant et Arms et the Senate, for the

 of the Senate, twenty copies te·%e,_ eumlied daily. as··

eriglnally published or in the"- revised and permanent term bound dnly in halt russia, er part in each term, as each may elect. ’_ ;· . .’. _' . , To the Ylce President- e® each Sena ter, Representative, and . Delegate there shell he furnished; two copies ot the daily ` fRecerd, .0z;e` eelivered at 'his rmidexzce and one at the, Capitol ·» » ` " · l