Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1446

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\ w TITLE .M.—-»PUBLIO P1 ance with directions et the Joint Committeekm Priziting, sei illustffetiens to be subject to the approval lo! the Secretary 1 Agriculture; eed the title `of `eachof the mid parts shall beam: as te shew, that such) part is éemplete in (Jen. 189 c. %, § $3, 28'Stat, 612.) . =¤¢ e _ f _ '· 242. Seine; pregkess ef{Beet·suga:· i t e .-—The secrete; ei Agricu1tu1*e'is—aut11oi·ized to print and · disailéute ennuell eight copier et the annual reports covering the pro; rex ei the b.eet=suge1·`i¤dustry. The prepumtion and `publica · tide oi such aemm1,reporte"sha1l·be within the diécretioq < .·the Secretary ot Agriculture, · (June 30,`k1fE)06,`.N0. 51, E Stet.&9.) _ Q `. _. " — .- . 243. Ametikan Historical Asmlatieni repert ef,—()iQ·. tl ¤;epm‘ of the American Hiéstericel Association, there éhall t

 in addition to the Azsuel _BlIII1b€1‘,‘ Eve thousand Ht

hundred copies ;` eee ·tho¤1S&¤d·fo1•- the Senate, J-two tlieqseh for the House, me one thousand §ve hundred for distribtitiu Way the essoeietion and .t}.{e Smithsonian Institution, and og thousand copies fer the use ei me aseociatieu. (Jan. 12, 1894 c. 23, .5 73, % Stat. 616; May moo, Ne. 27, 31 Stat. 717. 244. A¤ima·l_I1;dé§h·y Bureau; report ef.-Ot the report < · the Bureau ·0f”£.I1i§1&I .I!iG.HSt1'Y,`u161’8 Shell ‘be_ printed, 1 addition mte the zisuaitxember, thirty thousand copies, of lwhic — seven thousand shall be for Senate, fourteen` thousand fc the House, and- nine thousand · for distribution by the Agricu tqzfel Department. (Slam. 12, 1895, é. 23,.,§ 73, 28 Stat. 813.) 245. Army end .Navy Rcgistezjs,-·-Ot, the registers ot tl Army lend Navy, there sh:1l1.bcprinted, in addition tg tt

 ,_mxmbe1·, Efteen htmdreiid/copies of ,each.;‘ Qve hupdre

fm: the Senate mid one thouézmd for the House. ‘ (J an. 1; 1895, e. 23, i 73, 28·Stat. 616..) Y ~ · ’ 246. Coast and Geodetic Survey; charts; sale and distribn tien.-———The `charfs published by the Coast and Geodetic Serve ‘she11_be seld rat cost ot,paper,am1 print&Bg_ as nearly as prw tkeble; ned there shell be 110.f1‘€B· distribution ot such chart .‘exeep£.,t0 the degmtmexits andfewcerev of the United States 1-1 qulrieg them for public uéei zugd a number of eopim of eac sheet, not to exceed- three hundred, to be presented to suc foreign governments, libraries, end sclentwe uss0cié.ti<ms, an institutions et leeruing is ·th€,`SB¢1'€t&1'Y' of Commerce ma direct; but on the order of Senators, Representatives, an Delegates not to exceezl ten copies to eech may be distribute , tmmgzs the Superintendent ei'- the Coast and Geédetlc Surte; ._ Tlherts Ke! the (Beast "`Survey that are omolete em;} have bee

. e   .    ..» ed by oherts c0¤t¤i·n111g—mere’;dvanced. iufermatio

._ based eu the [meet recent surveys, may be 'distributed free 1 €d§££$i9?1&l··,iH3£it1lt1011S,{ESRB ‘of,8p1ch. charts to have stamipe ee printed conspicuously thereon the words ‘* Fo1·‘scl1o01_ es ez1ly." (Jan. 12, lwii, e. 23, S 76, 28 Stat. 621: Feb. 14, 1903, 1 552. §§ 4, 10, se Stat. 826. 8295 July 1,-~1916,`c.' 209, { 1, E ],329.) ‘ ’ l , `

 247. Same; report.--Ot the report et the Superintendent <

the Genet-em} Geodetic Survey, thereehnll be printed, if npld time ~ to the ·ue¤e.1-number, two ¤10l1S8.1!d4 eight hundred `cepic in querte term, mmm in one yolugee, two _ hundred or th Senate, six hum1red.fer the House, and We thbueend for dl tributipn by_ the Ceem md Geedetie Sutvey. Ilan. 12, 1894 e. #23, § 73, 28 Stat. 613; Apr. ,29, 1$6,‘No. 46, 29.,Stat. 471. ,248. Civil Gommlsétm; report.--0t tlnerepoft ot ti: Civil Service Gemmiesion, there shall pe prlntw, in sclditio ‘ to the usual number, twenty-three thoumml eoplea: one tho; V sand for the Senate, twe theumud for tx House, [QH twezil ` thousand f6i?l*diSt1`ibB[i0B by the Civil Service Gommlesloa (Jan. 12, 18%, e. E, { 73, % Stat. 614.) _ ~ _ 249. Cemmeree and Nevigq.tlo¤.—-—Ot the report on Cen _ meme and Navignjzm mid en internal Commeree; there em be printed one t$eilm.¤¤ copies tot the·Se¤ato uml twothm

" \\ ‘*~·· _ . zrlwzzm nm nocvumvrs 1432 id —sn.nd im- the Louse in "addltiou itc these publishekl as part or >t theldepartmeutal report, A , I . . . r P eh Of the- annual repért" of the Gommlselcuer of Navkatlcm, 5,· _¢me thousand copies `ier.` the Senate, two_ theusend fer} the Hmse, and one thousand "copies ter distribution by the com-- ·y; mlsmeuer; und of the dnuual list of merchant `v¤e£s df the _ ly, United Statm, _&ve_ thousand copies ter- distribution. by Des g·» pzrtmeut of-»_C6EBl€lf(!B.· `(Jux. 12, 1E%,· Q. %, Q 73, 28 Statj a- 616: Feb. _14. 19%, ¢.,¤&"52,. 5 4, 82 Stat. 826; 4, 199*7, NQ, wf 25, 34‘_Stat. Y - “ _ » · - ` I4 r ,250. Ccnnieréial and Foreign ReIa¢ie¤s····Of Cemmereiele Relutious, aud of _ Eforeim Belatiem, there shell be printed, ne in audition to the usual number, three thmand cbptes et xe each; one thousand for the Senate n® two theusund for. the ‘ re House, (Jen. 12, 1395,1:, Z3, Q- 73, 28 Stat. [@3.) — ° ‘ ld 251J Conenlsr Repprtsé-—The T Seqretari of _G9mx:;eree is ‘ m `autlwrlzedfto Q have printed, for diétrlbutlen by the Departne ment et Oommerce, an edition et Daily Gcmmlar Reperts 7 not 5, to exceed twenty thousand-eagles in mi! one The usual ,)‘ number shell notbel printed, (June 5, @10, c. 388, § 1, 36 >f Stat. $1; Mer, 4; 1913,5e. 141, { 1, 37 Stat. 736.) 7 _ · Lu" ;. ~252. District of Caluubisi report nn inprueaent and can rh bf public ,b&ldl¤g·s.-—There shall be printed each year, ig edd? $11 tion to the number, of qtherwim authorized by law, tl! two. hundred, coplee ct ithe sununl report upon the improve- _ — ment and care jdt public' buildings and and the cere me dud maintenance of the Washington Ho¤u@t, lj the Dmrict ne, of Columbia, for the use"cf· the e§eer in charge of public ed buildings and grounds. (June 2, 1900, N0. 36, 31 Stat. ,718.) __ 2, . · 253; Educatien, Qmmisémr w; rmrt.-0t tm report of · » _· `the Commieslcner ·‘ef Education, there shall be printed, i¤‘· 1- addition to the usuel number, thirty?-me thomas} comm; 8vje ey théusnrnd for the Senate, ten * thousam fer` the Hem and c· tweuti th0\1B&D¤.-fol;_·di$t!'ib¤ti0fl by the _C¤m ener ei tsl Education. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, { 73, 7% Stat. 614,) 8 { - 254; E®cris ma Nautical Xl -·‘1‘hem man be h lished, in lieu at the usual number et the Amricnn Epm

  1. h and Nautical °Alma¤¤¢» We tlmmaud he hnmered euled term wit1t'the editiem prixited ter the Navy Dmfmeut, Ever

.y hundred ex which shall beier the- use er the Seaum one thentdr. sand for the `uee ot the Home ei Rwtmutnuvm, and me ed theumnd ter distrlbutieu or Jmle by Navy Demrmcat. Y., The Secretary or the Navy is alia authorised to cause ad&· m eeples of the Epbemeglssynud of the Ijiautical Almanacs ` m' extracted theretrexh, to be {muted ·£er" the mbllc service aud to for wie to havigateme and others. All moneys rmelved from wl. sales of the Euhemerlu eau of tim Nautical Almanacs shall be ae ueposited lngthe Treaéuri md. placed. to the credit of the gw- · c. - `eral fund ter public printing., (Jan. 12, 1w5, c. %, I 73,*% F9 Stét.—813':·_ May 13. _190£.` Ne. `M, 32 Stat. 740; {uly 1. 19@. c. w sm. ma.) » { ~ ‘ S . >f ’ 255. Ewmleiy, Bureau uf;i bulletin; size.--—-—‘I‘m bulletins 1- issued by the Bureau of American shell be ln octfuve rs 'size., (Msr.8.%, 1904, He. 14, _Q Stat. 585.) ~» . I me 256. Shree; report.-Of the report et the Bureau of Eths· uel0gy,' uniform with the precedtug volumes et the mries, there 5. shall be printed, in addition to the usual number, eight there t) sand copies, one thousand; ¤ve hundred for the Senate, three ne thousand " for the House, and three tlmumnd Hee hundred for ii: distribution by th§_BR1f88\1 of Etlmelogy. (Jan. 12. 1895, c. Z3. u- { 73, 28 Stht. 618; Mnr.`29, 1904, §'e.¤il4, 33 Stat. ,585.) . at — 257. Experiment Statien; repért M wiirectnr of ‘eGc¢.-·-y n. There `shall be prepared annually a report et. the Director et the Omce 0t,Experimeut Stations en the wbrk_ and expendi- $· tl1res·ot t 11ufefEce and et the agricultural experiment statiéns .ll wtabllshedln the zleveral States and Territqries under sections cl- 862`td 365, 368, 377* to 379,0I·Tit1e 7,- und eight tbeumud _