Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/145

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• ?F£i£‘1li;§ ·»—»ALII;JNs

 p sixtocn ynnrs of nge who IlCCOl1l}l}§§,}’E_*§’» tnnir father or
   motlnor shall not tx? subject t0»sni•;l inn. The: said tax`
 he lpnid to the milnciétor of customs of ttm port or cus-
 lzmrict to évhich said nlien shall come, or, if there ho

Q l_»~§h—§·t<»r at such port or district, theh to the collector i ,,..3 moveto, by· the mz1sterQ agent,. owner, or consignoo

 silo voésol, transportation line, €r other conveyance on

xii wit- l•I`ll“lgil1g_S1lCht§li€ll to the Unitged States, or by the ng; H him"»=olf_if he dans not come by a vvsesol, trnnsportntion‘

 or other con»vey'nnc£» oi vehicle or when collection from
 must-or, ngent,Vown~o1·, or consignee of the vessel, transpor.

mgon line, or other conveyance, or`vebii:lo bringing such. alien

 mo United States is iznpracticabley The mx imposed by

my sootion shall be -n lien upon tholvessel or other "yehiclé is Qewriaage or transportation bringing such aliens to the United s;nn·sQ and slxall._be a` debt in faivortof the United States g!_o;;`¤~:`1lno owner or. owners ofosuch vessel or other vehicle, Milne }!&§IIl9Dt_ of such tax may be enforced by? any legal or ,n.§#mn—l»lo rémédy. "1`ho jtaxnougxl not be levied on aocount of mn uowho enter the United States after tan u,ninte_rruptcd,

~o~Em·rroo of at lonst one year jnimediatoly preceding such onmz.l,·t·_ in the Dominion nf Canada, Newfoundland, the Republic

ll; s‘ul»n, or the`Rapubli¢ of Mexico, for a temporary stny; no; on ;n·oount_ of otherwise aelmissilglergsidénts og citizens; of. any · `;¤»—.>t·ssig»'n ()fi §hE’Ullit€d States, nor' on 8CC0\IY1tA·Of,'&li€IlS'iD ¥Z'§{”il$_it through the Unitedi Statés,. no1·_ nponl aliens who have lt-on lawfully ndmittod; to the United States andowho lntcf >m`iI goin transit from ono pnrt of the United States to ~;ozo»:_ln+r through ·foroig·n contiguous térx*itox·y,‘nnd the C0m4 nii—si·»¤nor Genoralof Immigration with the npprovnl of the >¤~l·n·1: ¤ry_ of Lnborl shall-issue rules uml regulations and pre- »~z·2l·4· tlio conditions lnoccnsaryjo prcv¥cnt¥nlmse of thesenexé ..Lysi4»;¤s.o Tho} Commissioner General of Immigration, unilcrf llw dtiroction or. with the approval of the Scnrétnry ornmoor, 1.; agreement with transportation lines, as provided in sccriou 160 of this titléjmay &lT8IlgQ`iHWS0l1l€ other xnnnner fof Trl so ]%Il}'21`f€HlZ`_ll-0f"`t11B.THX imposed. T by 1:his·~ gection ~np0n·~ ani ' ‘ nm: nznns seeking admissiontrom foreign contiguous ftctrltory. ‘l‘2.,·'· anx, wln:n‘-tléwjled upon alionslenterintg tlié Philippine Is- _ !;.n·%»:, shall- be paid into tho trensgury-ot. said islands, to be to ;'»l·nd£·;1 for thnbencilt of such inln-nds. In the chaos of aliens

1 g_.for admission ‘trom foreign contign0us»térritory nnd—
·¢·j<···£l·d, the head tax colléctod snnll upon npplipntiou, upon

ll monk whiclishnll bejurnished nndtcxplnined to. him, be ·1j<.Z°uml<ed to the alien. *(*Feb.*5, 1917,*.c. 29, § 2, 39 Stat.'S75.) t 133. `Héadjgx on aliens and other moneys covered into ·'l`r¢:asury,-—All head tax, all ·Bnes,‘fontnls-ccvllocted,and ‘¤n0iu·yso .x·4·»·l·is·é¢l undo1·¤the_4law`s»tre·guIatlng the immigration of aliens imo tho United Stntcé,-Shall be covcretl into tho Treasury to the credit of n1lscollnncous·rbceipts.` `(MnrQ~P4Q 1909, tc. 299, § 1 l.35Stnt..%2,) _`. ·- 5 -‘ ‘,· . 134. Refunding hx.—¢——-The ,C(lIlll`IllS8lO!lé1‘- General oil ’ ])lllili§I'3,tibB,l with the approval of lthe,_Sccrg:tag·y of Labor,]

 mall have power to refund bond tax collected under Act]

‘ llnrcl1’·3,1‘903, clmpter’1012, section'1, Tlnlrty-secon`d` Statutes, _ f . x•n;;cé%13,`npon presentation 'ot evidonbe showing concldsivoly t».* llentro ugh collection was crxiomouély mnde. (Feb. 3,l 1905, c. 297, § 1,‘ 3.3-$tnt, .684;) - . n. l W [ Z` _ _ A 135. No tax or charge by State on inamignntn.-—-No tax or •·mu·go shnll be imposed or onforgsed VD? any State upon any; lwrson inxmigrntlng thoxgcto {tom a foroign country, which if lmt equnllyIl1nposed nm! cnfor<:cd‘npon` every person lmmi-—_

$!Y`¥l{TiHg to nncnstnto txfomnnny other foreign conntrryj (R. S.

¢:!}64,). · I .' l ·t 136, Alknp cxcludéd.—··'1`hc following élnésesn of aliens shall l.¤·.o`xclndcd~ fyom admission. into the United States: - r ' (a) {dbi; _` ctc.-4--All idiots, imbeolles, feeblei minded pawns, epileptlcsflnsane poisons; persons nrhc- havé , »_ hall one or more gttaoks oi; insanity nt, any timé previ0usly;

AM) (J1T1Zlf2\'»‘<}Ill" 135 persons of (’UIl>¢HlllTl0Tlfll ps;,·l·l;o;m%»%.<· infm·il·n·ity; ;;<=§`¥~:a<; with chronic Hl(T(}li(·)llSIll···~· `Q (b) Paupers, €tC.·····PZl\j}’l€I‘f<;Q gsrofessimml l»e·;*:.:;u*s; ’\'fi§!`;l§`l{*··€·~·-·- (c) Tnbcrcular or other diseased ’p~srsons.~~[’c1*s·§zzs ziillécwcé with U.l})€?I`(3llll()SlS in any form or waitin tl lciuntlnstmas or mss tngxituxs or dn`1l;;•_·ro11slculxtnggious d§sesse———— ‘ (d) Mental or physical de·fectii·*es.~—_I’ers4»¤c1s not trcznpzss llltélliléd *;vitl1iri·any of the <;lz1s:-eos o·munc1·:1tc¢l in psrscgrztplzs _a, b,. orc, who are found _ to betand atc certified by the examining surgeon as being; mentally or physically defc<·tiv<n·, such pllysical defect being of aqfure ivhicln may :ai‘fse~t·t the ability of such aljento earn :1 livin:-——l l ‘ ` .- (e) Criminz\lS#e5—l’ers¢>ns who have been conljicteel of or nelmit having ccommitted a fe10ny-”or other cflmo or mis<lc·:;ste;x1a;»s 1¤»·o1l»-im moral turpitucle; I’z·o’a:»§dcd,_‘ That nothing in sotltimzs 136 cx 137 oftliis title sl1`ull,ex<·lu<le, if 'otherw’ise orlmissiblo, persons convicted, or who 'udrnlt the comnxission, or who tooo?} or advocate the commission of an offense pukely political-#·- l _`(f) ZP0lygnmists.—Pol5*gamists or ’§erso11s’ who practice pulygamy or believe in orcadvwate the practice of polygamy-- ' · .(g)·_Prostitutes,' ptocnrers, or pimps.-P1·0stitutes, oc e per; sonscinning into-the ’United·States,ior the purpose of prostimi tion 01- {or snycofficr immoral purpose; persons who directly mj indirectly procure or attempt to procure or import prostitutes l- 01* persons fof the purpose of prostitution or any other i immoral -purp0se_·} persons who hare snppoi·tecl` by or receive L in whole or in pant the proceeds of prostitution-‘ - c _ l f (h) `Contrsct laborers.——4Persons hereinafter called contract ]_&b01'él‘S,‘ who have been induced, assisted, ·encouraged,‘ or " solicited to migrate to this (country by offers or pronxlsesot employment, whcthef such oEersuor promises nre trne or_ falseor. in- conseque _‘ ggf argeements,_,orz1l.;` written or printed, express or i ${0 perform labor ln this country of any kind; skilletlvor unslillled; persons who have come ln consequence '0f_ udvertisexnE¥n»ts°`fo.t• Inboters -prin—tetl,_ p¤»blished,` or distributed in a foI‘K€igIl}{C0UHtPY :» I’ro·v;idcd,_Tlint. skilled labor, ` it otherwise atl:nissi_l>le,»emny be lmpoétede·—i£;loebor, ot-lilie—~hin¢l· unemployed cannot be found uin this country, 21l1(l`l;h€‘(i\l€S[l¢ll1 of the necessity of importing suchtskilleal labor in nny particu·· lur‘i1lstun•20 may be determined the Scctctary of Labor upon the application of any person interested, such application to be nnzule bcforesuclx importation, and such detctminntion by the »SecrctEu·y,of Labor `to be lrcucllcd often ntfnll henring and nn investigation into the facts of the-case: Ami pro»sidcd further, That the ’provisioB»s£; of scctions`136_ to 139 of. this title. ape plicable 1 to contract ~§ubox·_ shall not he. llelglcelto exclude pro·_ fessiouutl uctots, artists, lecturers, singers, nurses, ministers of `nny religions'denominntion, -pr0fessoz·sfor colleges,_l or semi-;_ H&1'lQS,`}l0i‘SOI1S» belongingvr to any recognised lesrncd pgofession, on persons. ennplolgcd as domestic servants.: Andi provided further, _Tlmt wheiieyer‘tl1c President shnll be sntlsliy ·tlmt__ passports issued by n 1y foreign Government to its citisens or `subjects ‘to go to an; country other than the United Statesf or to tiny insular nosscssion ot the United States or to the Canal Zone,;."are` being used for the p»nrpose_of» enabling the c holdeito come toytllce continental ternitony, of the United States to the detriment Qof labor conditions » thléféiil, the Ptesltlent. shall reiuse to pcx·l1§{$,sncli citizens or subjects of the country issuing such passports to enter the contincntal territory of the

 t_l Bnltetl States from sinch other couutryor from such lnsnlarpossession or from the Canal Zone:` And provided fm·the—r,_

{hat nothing in the contract-labor provisions of sections 136_to 139 shall be construed to prevent,l·hl;i¢lc¤, or restrict guy alien etlxlbltor, or holder `nf concessionpr `privilege- fos nnyfuir or. exposition authorized by Act of ·C(¥lg'lj€SS, from hrlnging-into the United'St_ntes, un_<lcx· contmct, such otl1erwise_ ntlrnissahle allen mechanics, artisans, ngcnts, or other employees, Qnnntives of his country as msg? bcvnccessaty fop installing or_ conducting ehis·.e`xhibl_t or for prenaxilng {of installing or ’ any