Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1477

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1463 , :1*11*1,12 46.mes and the last number at the extreme limit of the length at the t stem; then, whether the length be; divided according to the t 3 table into six or sixteen parte, as in classeshone and six, or eny intermediate number, as ir? classes two, three, four and 1 ilsre, multiply the, seéond, and every eveh·1lumbered» area by iomglaml the third, and every odd-numbered area, except the < ilretaed last, by two; add these products together, and to the 1 sum add the Brat and last if they yield anything; multiply the ¢ quantities thus obtained by ~-one-third of the common interval g between the areas, and the product `will be the cubioal contents • ef the space under the tonixage deck ; divide this product by one s hundred, and the quotient, being the tonnage under the tonnage 1 deek,.shall_ bedeemed to be theregister tonnage of the- aessel, 1 Subject for the additlohs hereinafter mentioned. . ¤ If there be a break, a poop, or any other permanent closed- * ’iB space the upper deck,. or the spar deck, available for 1 eergo`, or éteres, or for the lserthirlg or accommodation of pas- l eengers gr crew, the tonnage of sueh space shall be ascertained 4 as fellows: `~ · _ _ · -2 Measure the internal mean length ot such epaco in feet, and 1 divide it into {au even number of equal parts of which the dis— 1 taueeaeunder shall lie most nearly equal to those into which _} the length of the tonnage deck has been divided ;, measure at Y the middle of its height the inside breadths, namely, one at `1 · each ered and at each of the polnta of division, numbering them eeeeessively eee, two, three, and, so forth; then to the sum of 3 X the end breadths add- tour tiihestbe sum of the even-numbered l breadths aud twice the §sum· ct the oddahumbered breadths, except the drst audlaet, and- multiply the whole sum by one- F third of the common interval between. the bréedths 1;* the prod-‘ = wet `will give the mean horizontal areaeot "Suclr. space; then 1 measure the `meau height between the planks of the decks, and = multiply by it the mean horizontal area; divide theproduct by _ eeelhehdred, and the quotient shallrbe deemed to be the tone * mage efsuchispece, and sballbe added to the tonnage- under s the tonnage declrs, ascertained as aforesaid. ‘ , ‘ *5 z It a vessel hea a third deck, or spar deck, the tonnage of the ‘ space between it and the tonnage deck 'ahall be ascertained as fellewa: ~ 4 ·_ l { I . ,`. ‘ ‘ l ‘· . _ ‘ l ’ Measure in fee-t the inside length of the space, at the middle ei its height, tre¢ the , plank at- the aide of . the stem to the ~ plank ea the. tlmberatat the stem, had divide the length lizto l the same aumber of eqlial parte into which the length ot the 1 tonnage deck is divided; measure; also at the middle of lta, ¤ height, the inside breadth _- ot the aéace at each ot the points b ef dlrisleh, else the · breadth et the stem andthe breadth ot, j the sem ;‘ number them aaeceeslyely one, two, three, and so ~ ferth, £$mm8i1£hl§“8t§ the stem; multiply the second, and all l ether even-aambered breedths, by tour, and the third, and all the ether eddmumbered breadtha, except the Brat: and last, V by two;. to the sum ei predhcta add the first and last _ breadtha, multiply the whole som by oae—thtrd ot the common ‘ interval hetwwh the bijudtha, and the rwult will give, la superllelal feet, the mean herizehtal alien of such space; measure the irseeh height between _ the plahk ” ei the two decks, and multiply by it the mean horlzehtal arw, o.¤d— the prwuct will be ’H1B.Gi1§i€8] ceateataet the space ;, divide this `product by l eee hundred, aad the quotient shall be deemed to be the tou- `eage ot each shhce, aad ehall be added to the other tonnage ot l the vweel, aeeertaiaed as above directed. And lt ; the · vessel · has more than three deéka, the teenage et each space between , decks, above the tonnage deck ahall be severally ascertained ln the manner above described, and shall be added to the ton: ' uage oi the vessel, aseertaluerl as above I(1iI'€€¥~' ° g ~ Ia aaeertalmag the teenage of open veasels the upper edge of "the upper strake is to form the bouadary line et measurement, and thedepth shall be takexx from m athwartshlp line, exe

HIPPING § 77 ending from the upper edge of such stroke ni; ench division oi zhe length. ” ‘*~ ' Fromthe gross tonnage of every vessel of the United States

here shall be deducted- ·~ `

(nl The tonnage of the spnccswor compartments occupied by zur appropriated to the use of the crew of the vessel. Every place appropriated to the crew of the vessel shell have n space of not less than seventy-two cubic feet and not less than twelve superficial feet, measured on the deck or Hoes of that place, for each seztmaxr or apprentice lodged therein. Such place shall be securely constructed, properly lighted, drained, and ventilated, properly protected froni weather and sea, end as fn; ne prneticnble properly shut off and protected from ‘1e·eHlnvinxn of cargo or bilge water; and_feilure'~to comply with this provision shall subject the owner to s` penalty of $*500. Every place so · occupied shall be kept free from goods or stores of my kind not being the personal property of the crew in use 1uring_ the voyage; and sit any such place is not `so kept - free the master shall forielt and pay to each seaman ei ppprentice lodged in that place the sum or 50 cents n dey for each day during which any goods or stores ns aforesaid are kept or stored in the place compleintohss been made to 5 him by· any two or more of the seamen so lodged. Noqdeduc- Lion from tonnage ns aforesaid shell be rnede unless there is permanently cut in a beam. and over the doorway of esesy°sueh place the number of men it `is allowed to sccommodnte with these words, “Certined to &CC0mmOd&C€*$€&H}€H.’2i J (b) Any space exclusively for the use of the master certitied by the collector to be reasonable in extent ond properly con—- ? structed, andthe words €‘CertiHed for the accommodation of . master " to be permanently cut in n been: und over the door of such space. . — · _(c) Any space used exclusively for the working of the helm, { the capstzm, and the anchor genrjor for keeping the charts, · signals,. and other instruments of navigation and boetswn*in’s` stores, and the words. "Certfiled for steering gesr,"l or “Certined for bontswnixfs stores," or _" Certihed chart honsef? ns the case may be, to be permanently cut ln the besxnnnd over the`doorwny—of·ench`of·such spaces. °‘ _ _ (11) The speceloccupied by the donkey engine end boiler, if connected with the mninpumps of the ship. i { ‘ (e) In the `csseof s ship propelled wholly by soils sny space, not exceeding 2%-9 percentum of the gross tonnage, used excluslvzely for storage of sells: Provided, That spaces deducted shall be certified by the collector to bojgrensonable in F extent. end properly and eihclently constructed __for' the purposes for which they are intended, and the words “Certined for storage of sails " to be-cut onxthe beam end oyer the doorway ot such space. l . (f) In the case ofcn ship propelled bystenm or other power requiring engine room, n deduction for the spnce occupied by the propelling power shell be made, as follows: ‘ · S ·· In ships propelled by peddle wheels in which the tonnsge of the space occupied by and necnsnry for the proper working of the boilers and machinery is nbove per centnm and under) 30 per centuzn of the gross tonnége, theldednction shell be 37 per centuxn of the gross tonnage; end in ships propelled by screws in which the tonnage of the space is nboyee 13 per centuxn end under 20 per centmnof the gross tonnage, thepdeduction shell be 32 per centum of the grosstonnnge. In the case of screw stenxners the contents ofi the shsft trunk shall be deemed spaces nec&snry for the proper. working of the machinery. ‘ e `. s ” ‘ (g) Inc the case `ofxother vessels in which the nctunl space occnpiedby the propelling machinery amounts in the cose of paddle vessels to 20 per centum or under and in the case of screw vessels to 13`» per centum or under of the gross tonnage of the ship. the deduction Sll3l1”COIlSiSC.iH;_tll8 case of peddle