Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1501

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1487 . TITLE 46.- gty te renew meh license, them mid hue of $0 shell not be tncurred. (June 19, 1886, c. 421, { 7, 24 Stat. 81.) 323. cr nltigstiea of §nes.··-··Tbe tlnes imposed by sections 45, 77, %, and 819 shall be subject to remission or mltigntlen by the Secretary of Commerce when the eHense was net willfully committed, under smh regulations and nletnods of gmertaining the facts as may seem to 'him advise able. (dune 19, 1886, c. 421, { 9, 24 Stat. 81; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552,-32 Stat. @9; Mar. 4, 1913, e. 141, 37 Stat, 736.) 321. Penalty fer illegal enrollment er lkensew-Every collecter, who knewingly makes any record of enrollment or license of any v&, and every other omcer, or person, appointed by er under them, who mukm eny record, er grants eny certldcete er egher document whatever, contrary to the true intwt and? mwnlng of this chapter, or takes any other er greater fees than. nre by this chapter allowed, or receiyee for any service performed pnrmant to this- chepter, any reward or gratuity, and every surveyor, or other person nppoieted to measure vessels, who willfully delivers to any eoliector er Comptroller of Customs 1 mise descrlptlen of any vessel, te be enrolled or licensed, in pursdanee of this chapter, shall. be liable te an penalty of $00, and be rendered incapable of serving in any oéce of trust or modt under the United States. (B, S. { 4373; Sept. 21,- 1922, lc. 856, j 523, Q Stat. 974.) 322; Penalty fer p•lfeais•¤ce.—Every person, authorized and required by this chamer to perform any act or- things.; an emcer, who willfully neglecm er refuses te do and- perform the ‘ same, according to the true intent and- meaning of this _ chapter, shall, if not' subject to the penalty a¤d—'dique.1iHcations prescribed lu the preceding section, be liable to n pen- . elty of $500.fof the Qret oiense, and- of like sum for the second eifense, and shell, nfter conviction for the second offense, .be rendered lnmpebie. of holding any _ omce of trust _ er Jeroflt under the United Stated. {R. S. 5 4374.) · ,· l 323. Penglty for forgery and qltersticn.-—Every person echo forges, coenterfeits, ensu, nlters,_ or falelies any enrollment, license, certlllcete; permit, or . other , document, mentioned or required in this chapter, to be grented by any owcenof the revenue, such person, ee omanding, be liable to a penalty of $500. (R, S. I 4375.) · _ _ _ · 324. Penalty for obstructing- o§eers.-·-·Eve1¥y person who neeanlts, resists, obstrncts, or-.1¤1¤oere any olllcer ln ulB`6X€Cl1l-

lien of any»»Act not laxgelntidz tg .1:118 B¤i‘6u¥¤€¤l?» ¤'¢Ki¤¤’Y» 0i'

lisiensing of vessele, or of this chapter, or. of. any of the jcwers or authorities vested in him by anyysuch Act or, lnw, shall, for every such offenke, for which noether @1ty is particularly provided, be llnble to n penalty of (R. S. ·§ 4376.-) F _ 325, Pennlty `fcr violntlen of lic&.~——·Whenever any llcensed vessel le transferred, in whole or np part, to any person

 who ie not at the time of such transfer e citizen of and reel-

- ident witl1ln" United States, oils employed in any other trede than that for which she is licensed, or is fonnd with { forged or altered lleense, gr one granted fer any other yeesel, such vessel with c hu tackle, agiparel, and fqrnlture, and .1 the cargo, found en hoard her, shell be forfeited. But- vessels which may he llcens& for the mackerel Hshery shall not _ incur Such forfeiture by engnglngln catching or Ham of any_other descriptlén whatever. (R. S. {4377.) ‘· '· . `_ __

 Exemption from ferfeltnre.-»—Any   on board

any vessel which belongs, ln good faith, to * nny. person other than the mnstet, owner, or mulners of meh- vessel, and upon which " the dutleé have been paid, or secdred according to law, shall be exemptm fron; nny forfeiture under this chapter. (R- 8- S 4378.) ” ., · · .· 327. Netloe of eelznre.-—-—In every case where n forfeiture of ._ . any vessel or merchandise shall nccme, lt shall be the dufy of tc ccllecter er other preper omcer, who; wall ¢lve.. netlce of _ the seizure of such vwsel or of =‘s·¤cln merchandise, to Llmert in _the heme advertisement the name end the place of reddence of

-—ySHIPPING § 332 ~ the person to whom any such vessel and merchandise belonged

 wereconsigned, at the time of such seizure, li the same be

knowrrto him. (R. S; 5 4379.) , . ` z 328. Recovery of ferfeitures and lpcngltles.-—All penalties ~ and forfeitures whlchshell be incurred by virtue of this chapter` may be sued for, prosecuted, and recovered es penalties and » forfeitures incu1*red‘by tvirtue of the laws relating to the`col1ec· , tion of duties, end shall be appropriated in like manner; except when otherwise expressly prescribed. " `(R. ,8. § @380.) . » ,329. Feesaf-The. following fees shall be levied and collected from the owners and masters of all vessels except-those navi- » gating the waters of the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers, otherwise than by sea: ` Fer granting a pernnitfor s. vmelnot Mlonging to s citizen or citizens lot . the United States, to- proceed from district to , ·dlstrict, and receiving the manifest, $2,* ‘ r Fer receiving a_ manitest, and granting a permit,. to unload, for such last-mentioned vessel,. ox; her arrival in one district — from another district,.$2. (R. SQ § 4381; Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, » 5- 1, 19 Stat. 251 ;. July 5, 1884, ce.`228, S `1, -23 Stat. 132; June , 19, 1886, c. 421; §_ 1, 24_Stat,°79.)» .· [ · Q l 339. Fees on frontiers.-4The following {ees shell be levied , and collected from the owners and masters of vessels navigat- "ing the waters of the n0rthern,_-`northeestern, end nortliwestern , frontiers of the United. States, otherwise then by sea: For granting license, including bond and oath, above one hundred tons, $1.20. ’ . I , _ . - `· , _ _ For certi1'ylng”mantfest, including nmster’s oath, grant- _ing permit for vessel to go from ·diSt1f1Ct_€0 district, _·10 center For receiving manifest, _ including, mhstefs oath, on arrival of a vessel from one collection district to another, whether · . touching at foreign, intermediate ports or not, 10 cents. For a port entry of such vessel, $2, I . ` ' _ For permit to land or deliver goods, 20 cents. · For` permit to load goods for exportation entitled to draw- .back,30‘cents;· '· — _ ’ · For receiving manifest ot each railroad car- pr other vehicle _ Y laden with goods, wares, or merchandise from a foreign contigixous territorj, 25 cents. [ » l _ . _ · `For entryl of goods, wares, or merchandise ter consumption, _ ‘ws.rehouse, rewnrehouse, transportation, er exportation, in- N , cludlng oath and _.permtt te land or deliver, 50, cents. (R. S.· _ § 4382; July 5, 1884, c. 228, H2, 3, 23£?t.·132, 133;_Js.me_19, ` . 1886, c; 421, 1, 24 Stat. 79; Mar. 3, 1_. , c. 389, 5 9, E Stat. 331. .Certain_ fees abolished;-v-·No fees shell`; be charged or collected bycollectors orother omcers ot customs,-or by inspectors of steam vessels or shipping commissioners, for the follow- { ing services to vessels ot the United States, to wit: Masurement of tonnage and certifying the I issuing of license er _ {renting -_0f certihcate of reglst1•y,r"recoPd,_ or enrollment, i11·Q cludlng all jndorsements on the same and bond_ andj oath; - inoorsement of change ot. master; certityiné s.nd· receiving `manitxtg including mastefs osth ami. permif; grsntlng pere ' mit to vessels licensed for the nsneries to touch and trade; granting certiilcste of payment o£ tonnsge dues; recording , 'blll of sale, mortrngeg hypothecation .or conveyance, or the ` discharge of such - mortgage _’cr hypothecntion; furnishing certmente of title; `-Iurnlshing jthe crew list; certihmte or protection. to seamen {bill `ot health ;·_ shipning or dlscheriging of seamen, as provided by chapter; 18 m1gl‘ sections 563 and 646; apprenticlng boys to. the merchant service; inspecting, exelmlnlng, "an<1_ licensing steam Yessels,5 incfdding jnspection certificate` and copies thereof; and licensing of master, engimeet, pilot, or} mate of a ‘ressel.._ (June`19, 1886,; c. 421, § il, 24 Smt.79; Ap1·._`4, 1888, c. 61, Q 2, 25 Stat. 80.) "832; Exeéptionsof vwselé not propelled by sail or internal uotive power.---The provisions ot this chapter shall not be so ° construed as to require the mymeut of auy'-fce or charge for
