Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1503

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1489 gx TITLE 46 Sec. ` ei;3. Pueishment fe: certifyieg feleelg, .324, Ieepeetlen of ferryhcets, cane! heats eee} emeli craft; geguie { {Hehe; licensee. ` @@5, 3`ugeeets ned freight beet;. —i¥}i”$i Ceeetruciien of heilerek { $3*;*, lhehiehhmeatl fe: lmpreper ceustructien. em, Boiler plates. eifsié, Eeempieg héiler plates. —§ ii;. Ceemterfelltiag etantpe. 411, Pressure of steam °al!e‘·e:eble. eei, ’}"§;§<r¥:1eee—<>f heiier plete; space beteeeh hues. site, {)L¤·steu<·tleg eefety valves. 4;-%. Reeerds end reports by ieee! inspectors. . . eee, Ihstmmeeis, stationery, en·:1 {mating for local poerds. eil;. Regulations. * ’ _ 1 ¥RGCEDERE; DECISIGNS AND REVIEW THEREOF . 431,-epeeele te —s¤pervleing ieepectors and te Superviemg· Inspectc . Genierel. ee, 5 · ~ ' —l32.· Iwwere of gupervielhg inspectors and Supervising lnspector Ge: em}. 1 ‘ _ ° “ ‘ ·» ’ · 433. Medi§cetion of decisions on Srevlcw. 434, Regulations. ` 435. Relzxswctieas audi notice for repairs; enforcement ot require ments, — , 1 . 4343, l’eee!tyQi'er feilixre te make repeits on notice; $431. »H§ect et ideéisioiu by. inspectors. · 4325. haepectieai in dlstflcts not having inspectors. _. ` 3439. iieperts te Supervising inspector General; examination by. Ge: · eeml Beard. ‘ ' 449. Pqtmeet of marshal and wlteesses. ' YBSSELS SUBJECT Ttl INSPECTION AND REGULATIOI Sectien 361. gre steam vcssele.—-—Every Wveseel ° pm ']}9H€d`ii1 whales: in part by steam shell be deemed a steam shseel within themeunlng bt this and the following chapté and seetiens 214 "ehd 215, _ (R, S. 4399.} · t i 362. Vessels subject to previeiohs of chapter; recipnjoca acceptance "ef fereign certiécstcs of inspection; fees.-——Al stem:} _ yeesels navigating any waters _ ot the United State ` which ere common highways ot commerce or open `to gener` er _ competitive navigation, excepting public vessels qf_ th _ Ifeited States; vessels oi: other ‘ countriee, mid b0eta' propclles ie whole Gr ih `pert by steam for navigating canals, shall b suléect to the provieiens ‘q1¤tn1e‘¤¤u fthettpllowing chapte _ and seéticns 214_m1d_215._ ‘ ·` -_ “_ And ell. foreign private steam" vessels _ carrying passenger from may port et me United States teeny ether place 0 1:miHt;·y“”·“§§§lI”béwéixiijeitf"tii tl1é"provisions of t ions 391;,; »39£ 3239 tc em}., ·i1i(?1\iSiV€,_483 te 4%, incl-tzeive, 472, 415,, 481, 494 g 4*95, 497, and 498,_·&31d shall be liable to vlsltatinp. ant! iuspec - fiam by the. proper omcer, ju any of- the perf oil the Unite Stetw, respectihg any ci the provisions of the sectieus More siaiid: Breeidee, however, That when such foreign, paeeenge etee were- beleeg to emmtylee having inspection laws dppmxi mating these of the Uqelted States, dtml. have unexpired certli eetm et inspection issued. by thé e Diaper ehtheritiee lu th reepectlve eeuetrlies te . which they belong; they shell bei sel: _ ject te ue other lhepectlem then necemry to eetlsty the loca Alnspectere that the .cm1dlti·m oi the vessel; hex; boilers, am liiegeevhieg equipments are as statm le the cmv1jent· certment pi inspection; but no such certiécate ¢>£_ inspection shall b accepted I ee evidence et lawful inspection except when pre

 by etmm   Q ;    et ether eexmtxies which have ·by” thei

e iewe eeecerded to the steam of the United" Stdtes visit l ing such countries the same privilege eeeorded to the steam vessels et auch eeumsiu visiting the Unitetl Stat@; it ‘ bein; tm-ther previded that there shell be eo1lect@_ md paid inte the Treesgry ei the U¥1it& ewes the tame te& » for - the inspection Gi terelge passenger simmer;. mrryihg pnesehgefs from, ¥t·h· United States that my fereip natieh shell charge the" me: chem; vmeele of the United Sum trading tc me ports-wit nucl ` *86210*-T-26-———-94 ‘ »~. , °

.·—————~SIII1’1*1t’t?‘Q . 366 nationality; it being farther provided that the Secretary ot; {_ Commerce shall have the seater to waive at ssy time tas collection of such fees upon dee netiee of the proper authorities of any country concerned that the eslziteetioa of fees for fifty

 i.nspe<:tion of American steam mershast regress has Bees dis?

o continued. Y , W

 It is further provided that the Seissretery of ‘Cemrner·:e rsa;3

in his discretion, permit any foreign gzassesger steamer este- » jug within the provisions of this seetios whose foreign eertifie cate of inspection shall have expired at sea sisee last leavisg the country to which said vessel belongs, or awhile said ressei shall have been is a port of the United States, to sail apos ~ her regular route without tmdergoiagt any further inspection than would have been required had said foreign eertmeate of it lnspection been in force: Provided, however, That sash dts——· o cretion shall be exercised only with respect of vessels operated ,, upon regularly established lines, and in cases where »sselt __ foreign passenger steamers {will be regularly inspected by the _ .·authorlties ot her home government pefore her next return to B_ at port of the United States. {R. S. § 4400; Aug; 7, 1%2, e, 441, § 1, 22 Stat. 346; Mar. 1, 1895,. e. 146, -§ 1, 23 Stat. 699; Feb. E15, 1902, c. 23, 32 §Stat.· 34} Mar, 17, 1906,, t:..§55, §t 1, 34 Stat. - 68; Mar, 4, 1913, e. 141, 37 Stat. 736.)·1 ; I — _ o 1_ 363. United States Shipping Board vessels.-All two: rossels owsjned or `operated by the United States Shipping Board, or any corporation’organized or controlled by it, shall be sab- `I ject to all the provisions ot this and the following »-ehapter ` and sections 214, and 215 for1»the regulation of steam vessels

  • · and Aets amendatory thereof or _ supplemental thereto. (Oct.

¤ 25, 1919, c. 82, 41 Stat. 305.) A . ` 1 ~ 1‘ 364. Vessels navigating cosstivfse and on Great L,akes.——AH coastwise seagoing vessels, and vessels nayigating the Great Ja Lakes,.shall_ be. subject to the navigation laws of the United

 _States, when navigating {within the jurisdiction thereof; and

8 all vessels, propelledin whole erin part by steam, and navid_ gating as aforesaid, shall be subject to .all the rules spd 8, regulations established ; in pursuance of law for the governd ment-of steam vessels in passing, 'asproridetl hy this and the 6 following chapter; and erery eoastwise seagoing steam vxsel or subject tot the navigation laws of the United States, and to the roles and regulations aforesaid, not sailing nnder register, ‘S shall, when under way, ex rpt on the high seas; be under the P control and direction of {Iota licensed hy the inspectors or Etwsteamboats. (R.‘S; { 4401.) - 1 · or ~ . _ ‘ · . L . _. 365. Vmels naviéating Irondeqnoit Bay.-———Iros<lequoit S-: Bay, New York, shall, ifor the purpose of t spplying the pro-

1 rlsions of thtsland the following chapter and sections 214 and

s- 215, relating, to steam ressels navigating thermo`, he declared a r» navigable water lot the United States: and stan; vessels navii- gated," thereon, and carrying passengers, shall he inspected I- `niader the provisions ot section 404, and subject to thepenalties e" provided therein for {failure to comply therewith. (June 25, •· 1890, c. 616, 28, Stat. 180.) q e W . tl 366. I Foreign smc}; adeitted to registry.--The Secretary

1 ot Cwmmeree is authorlw to direct the- inspection ot any £ore eign vessel, admitted to Ameriedn resist!}. its steam b<>i¥¤1‘S»

e steam pipes, and appurtenances, and to direct the issue ot the sg- usual eertiheate of inspection, whether said boilers, steam r pipes, and appurtenances are or are. not eonstmeted pursuant i- to the laws. of the United_Q.Smtm,‘ orwhether they are or are a not constructed ot, iron stamped pursuant to said laws, The K tmts in the. inspection of [ such boilers, steam; pipes, and ape purteaasces shall. be the same in all respectsas to strength n. _— and safety nas are required in the inspection of? boilers coun e stmeted in the United States for marine purposes. (Mar. 3,` ré IMT, e,. 3@, { 14; 29 Stat. wm Feb. 14, 1903, c; _552, 32 Stat. h` @9; Mar, gp, 1913, c. 141, 37 Stat. 736.) " "`