Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1506

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\ . _ § 384 s` True ls.- $84. Qualihcations me appolutpent of local inspectors.-— The inspector of hulls shall be a` person ot good character, and snitable qnalltlcations and attatnments to perform the- services required sr an inspector ot hulls, who from his pracucal knowledge ot shipbuilding and navigahon and the uses·o£`st'eaui in navigation is fully competent to make a rellablejcstlmate of the strength, seaworthlness, and other qualides of the hulls ot vessels and their equipment deemed ewential to safety of -1ife ln their navigation; and the inspector of boilers shall bef a person oi geodcharacter andsultablé quallhcations and attain-. ments to perform- the servi¢¢¤ required ot an inspector ot boileraj who 1'rom his knowledge and- experience ot the duties of an engineer employed in navigating vessels byzsteam, and also of the construction · and use of boilers, and machinery and appurtenances therewith connected, is able to form he reliable opinion of the strength; form, workmanship, and sultableuem or bollers and machinery to be employed, without to lit from. imperfection in the·materla1, workmanship, or arrangement ot any part of such apparatus for _ The 1 inspector of hulls andthe inspector of bdilers designated by the W Secretary, of Commerce shall, from, the . date of designation, { constitute a board og local inspectors, `(R. 8;,;. S" 4415; Feb. l 27, 1877, e. 69, ·$ 1, 19 Stat. 251; Mar. 8. 1905, c.- 14157, | 1, 83 Stat. 10%; Q, 1913,-c. 141, 31 Stat. 736.) ·_ l . .‘ " _° 3§. -Pei·¤sm°i®ligible as inspectors or assistants.-—N0 per, . son either directly or; indirectly, in- any patented article to. be used- on any steamer by this andthe following chapter, `or who is. a rnember ‘ of any association ot. owners, masters, or. pl1ot;s__ of steamboats, or who is, directly or indirectly, pecuuiarily interested in any steam voxel, · or who has not the qualmcations and acquirements prescribed by this chapter, or who is iutemperate in his habits, shall be eligible to hold the omoe nt hither supervising, local, or as·· sistant luwector, or- to discharge the duties thereof; and ltany such person shall `attmpt to exercise theftunctions ot the omce —~ot either inspector he shall be deemed guilty ot `s misdemeanor, punishable by a iluelot $500, `and;.shall— be dismissed ·trom omce. (B. S. 5 4416; 3,51905, g 1457, _! 2, 83 Stat. IQ29.) ” ·MODE, MANNEB, AND EXTENT OF INSPECTION 2


$91. Hull! md equipments; exemption- of vesselsg enforcemqt of requlrenents.-—The local inspectors- shall, ones in every yur, at least, carefully——et¤spect~the_ ·hulFot each steam vemel within their respective districts, and shall satisfy them? nselies that every such vessel so submitted to their tuspection is ot a structure suitable tor" the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accornmodattons for passengers and the crew, and is in a condition to warrant the belief that she may be used in navigation as a steaxner, with safety to lite, and that all the requirements oi law in regard to hres, boats, pumps, hose, life preservers, Boats, anchors, cables, and other things are taithtully complied with; and it they deem, it expedient they may direct the vessel tobe put in motion, and may adopt any other suitable means to test her sumclency and that ot her equipment. The local inspectors shall, once in every year, at least, mrefully inspect the hull `of each sail vessel or over @ve¤, hundred tons carrying passengers for hire and all other vessels and barges ot over one hundred 'tous , burden carrying passengers tort hire. within their respective ‘districts,- andshall satisfy themselves that every such vessel so submitted to their inspcctlou is of a structure suitable for the mrviee in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommodations for the crew, and is in condition to warrant the belle: that she may be in navigation with safety to lite: Ifroeided, That vessels while laid up and dismantled and out of commission may, by regulations established by the board of aspen-lsxug inspectors, with the approval of the Secretary of

asmrrzwo 1492 Commerce, be exempted from any or all lnspection under this section and sections·392§· 404, and 405. .Whenever any inspector 1 or assistant inspector shall, in the performance of his duty, find on board any vmsel subject to the —m·ovlslous· of this and the following- chapter, as part of the , required equipment thereof, any equipment, machinery,. apparatus, or appliances [ not conforming to the requirements of law, he shall require the same. to ‘be_ placed in proper condition by the owner or master of the said vessel, if possible; and ·if said inspector or assist- ,_.ant lnspectorashallhnd on board-any such vessel- any life preservers or tire hose _-so defective as . to be incapable or ‘; repair, he shall require that the same be destroyed in his presence by. such owner or master. and in any of the- foregoing cases local inspectors by` whom or nnder whose supervision, said vessel is then being inspected shall have power to enforce the fol‘980i¤C rcquirmmta bi revoking the certincate A of the said vessel, and` by refusing to Issue' a new certiilcate to the said vessel until the `requlrments shall have been fully complled·with or action of theloealinspectors shall have been reversed, modllled, onset aside by thesuper- ` vislng inspector of district on- proper appeal by the owner or master of saldwessel, which appul shall be made to the uid supervising inspector within- ten days aha the Qnal action as aforesaid by the local inspectors; and upon sn&.@eal, duly made, the supervising inspector shall, have power to amrmy ‘modlfy, or set aside such action by the local (R. S. __§~ 4417 ; Dec. 21, 1898, c. 29, `! 4, 80 Stat. *7%; hlar. 8, 1005, c. 1454, { 1, 33_Stat.‘1023; Har. 4. 1913.- c. 141, 37 But. 738. · .. 392. Boilers and appurtuances.-'Hna local inmectors shall also inspect the, boilers and their in all steam vessels before the same shall- be and at least in every year thereafter, and shall subject all boilers to the hyé · drostatlc such vessds shall comply with the following requirements, `nameny: That the are we-ll , made, of goodj and suitable material'; that the opening for the

 passage ot water and steam, respectively, and all pim and
 tubes exposed to heat, are of proper dimensions and free from

iobstructions; that the spaces and dues are

 sumcient; __that tlues, boilers, furnaces, safety valves, fusible

§· plugs, low-water indicators, feed-water apparatus, gauge cocks, —

 steam gauges, water and steam pipes connecting boilers, mmns

of prevention of sparks and names fromhre doors, low-water gauges, means of removing mud and sediment from boilers,. and L all other such machinery and appurtenances thereof, are oflsuch p construction, shape, condition, arrang t, and material. that the same may be safely employedin the service proposed without peril to life; and the local inspectors shall satisfy themselves by thorough examination that said requkements of law and regulations in regard thereto have been fully complied with. All boilers used on steam vessds and constructed of iron or steel plates, inspected under the provisions of section 408, shallv be subjected to a hydrostatic test, in the ratio of onehundred. and tlfty pounds to thesqnare. inch to one hundred pounds to the square inch of the working steam power allowed. No boiler or due pipe, nor any of the connections therewith, ‘ shall be approved, which- is made, in whole or in part, of bad material,.or is unsafe in lts form, or dangerous from defective workmanship, age, use, or other cause. 1 (R. S. I 4418: June 19, 1886, c. 421, O 14, 24 Stat. 82; Mar. 3, 1005, c. 1456, 5 1, 33 sm.`1o2v.) _ ~ _ 393. Control of safety valves and steam registers.-—-$0ne of the safety valvm may, if in the opinion of the local inspectors it is necessary to do so, and the steam registers shall, be taken wholly from the control of all persons engaged in navigating such {wl and secured by the inspectors. (R. S. § 4419.) “ 394. Amount of steam pressure allowed freight boats on Mississippi.-—-In applying the directions of the preceding sec·· tions to steamboat: used exclusively · for towing and carrying