Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1517

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` 1503 TITLE la.- Flrstl When it is greater than the number of persons for which there is proper seatingamommodation', the latter number {Kqng determined in such a 'way that the persons when seated do not interfere in any way with the use of the oars, ` Second. When in the case 'ot boats other thanthose- of the mst two sections of the first class, the freeboard, when the boat is fully loaded, is less than the freeboard laid down for each type respectively. In such circumstances the numbershall be reduced untll -the freeboard, when the boat is fully loadedf is at least equal to the standard freeboard laid down above. . In boats oftypes 1C and 2B`the raised part of the deck at the sides may be regarded as affording seating accouilllodation. _ rzqmvxnnxrs ron Ayn warour or Tm; masons In test for determinintz the number of persons which a boat or pontoon raftfcan accommodate each person shall be assumed to bean adult person wearing a‘ life jacket. · ·. I ·» -1n verltlcations of freeboard the pontoon boats shall be loaded with a weight ofatllcast one huudredand sixty-tive. D0\1nds` for each adult person that the pontoon boat is authorized to carry. ._ In all cases two children under twelve years of age shall be reckoned as oneperson. ” · · `cvnrc czuutcrrr or oesx soujs or run ·FIR8T.(‘LAS_S 2 , l·Tl_rst. The cubic capacity of an'open boat of ’typé 1A or 1B _sha,ll be determined by Stlrling‘s _(Simpson’s)' rule or by any other method, approved by the Board] of Supervising Inspectors, giving the same degree of accuracy. The capacity of a square= sterned boat shall be calculated as if the boat had a_ pointed stern; · ‘· ·. — __ _ » A . 1 Second. For. example, the capacity in cubic feet. of ,_a boat; calculated by the aid of Stlrllngs rule, may be considered as given by the following formula: Q ° · l Capacity= i%(4A‘+2B+4C) . · r being the length of the boat in meters (or·'fect') from the inside of the planklng or plating- at the stem to the corresponding point at the stern post: ln the case of a boat with a square at-stern, the length is measured to the inside of the transom. · A,. B,. C denote,»r<¤spectlvely, the areas of the cross sections at the quarter length forward, amldshlps, and the quarter length aft, `whlch, correspond `tolthe three points obtained by dividing 1 into four equal parts. (The areus_ corresponding to the two ends of the boatare-considered negligible. » , I . 4 The areas A, B, C shall hc deennedi tobe given ln square feet by the successive application of the following forrhulauto each of the three cross sectlnns: J ‘ · ·· X hl . · 1lr;ea====· T2 (a+4b+‘2c‘+ 4d+o) ln bcinglthe depth gyasured in meters (or in feet) inside the planking or platlnl rom the keel to the `level of the gunwale, or, in certain cases, to a lower level as determined hereafter. `a,,b. c, d, edenote the horizontal breadths of the boat measured in feet at the upper and lower points of the- depth and _at,the three points obtained by dividing h lntofnur equal parts la and e being the breadths at the extreme points, and po atstha middle point,·of h). _ _ g . , ' Third. If the sheer of the munwale, measuredat tha. two points sltuatedpatdaquarter of the length of the boatfrom the ends, exceeds 1 per centuiu_~_of the length of the boat, the depth employed ln calculating the area of thacrosn sectionsa or .C shall be deemed to be tha depth amldshim plus- 1 per centum . of the length of the boat. “O · » " lx ./""`\ ·

—S'HIPP1NG § 481 Fourth. _It the depth of the boat amidships exceeds 45 per _ce¤tum of the breadth, the depth employed in calculating the area of the midship cross section B’sha`ll be deemed tube equal _tq 45 per centum of the breadth; and the dgipth employed "in calculating the areas of the·`quarter-length sections A and G_ is obtained by increasing this last» figure by an ammint equal to'1 DEI? ccntumq! the length ot the bout, provided that in no ‘ case Shall the depths empl0yc·d· in thé calculation exceed the

 actual depths at thesg poiixts. . » ·

1 » · - \ { · I Fifth. If they depth of the boat is greater than fom·’fe·et, the mgmber ofpersons given by the application of this rule shall bé reduced in proportion to-the ratio of four feet to the actual depth, untfythé bogxt haé been safisfactorily jtested a§oat with that nuxhbep df persons qu board ali wearing life jackets. A ` S}x$h.·'1‘h¢ Boérd Qt Supervising Inspectors shall impobe, by 'suitable form1ilae,' 4 limit for the number of pérzvés allowed in boats with verygiing ends and in b0;ats` very fulfin {crm. » Seventh. The Bgagd ot Supervising Inspectors ma} by regu-, ' lation aésignu to h boat ak ca@bity_e·qual to tha product of the length, the breadth}, dud thé depth multiplied by sirteziths it fc is evident that this formula does not given greater capacity _ than that obtained by the above method. The-dimensions shall then be measured iq the following manner: ‘ _ » ‘ . Length. Ig`r0111‘tl;e intersection of the mytslde of the phmking with. the stem t0‘ the corresponding poiint. at the `stempost or, `iri thé égse bf a square-stemed Qboat, $0 the aftersida *0f the transbm..- ‘· __- · , J ” I » Breadth. From this/outside bf the planking at; the point where ` the breadth of) the b0a_t is gteatcfst. · X ’ _ _· ’ Depth. Amidships inside the plsiriking from the kgel to the level of tHe gimwale, but the- depth . used in I cralculatiug the cubicnpapacity may not in any nas? exceed 45 per gexgtum at the bx;ea_dth. . · ‘ ’ — V" » i In,,»alI caseéz the vessel ownizr has the right to require that {He cubic cqpav ty `qf the boat shgll be determined by exact. ‘me¤Smm¤¤e.·< , E . , ¢ `

 Eighth. é cubic capacity ot ei motoi boat in obtaiqqd from

the g V capacity by deducting a volume equgl to that accug pi by the mqtcir and its accessories, ‘

 ABEA·0F‘_PONTOON BOATS Assn ovzx néxm or`·1¥¤¤` szccorm

- ' °" cnasg ` ’ Q First, Thi; `area of the deck of an pbutoon bpat of type 10, 2B; _0r 20 shall be determined by themetlnqd indicated below or by

’ any other method giving the same degree at accuracy. The

· same rule is to be applied in determining the aren within the fixed bulwarks ot a boat of type 2A. W Y _ Second. For example, the surface; in square fee; of 3 bum may lie deemed to be given by the following fctniqla:

 _ A_rea==x%(2q+1.5b+4<€+1.5d+2é)

_ 1 being the length infect from the intersection cit the mktsim V ot the planking with the stem ito the C0l*l.’Q§[l0~!ld1Hg_ point ` 'at the starnpoest. r °‘ ‘ A _ a, b, c,“ d, e denote the hnrizanial breadtbs in—fc·et mxtsielv · fha plankiug at the 'p0ints‘ obtained by dividing 1 into {um- L equal parts and ninhdividing fue foremost and uttérmosb parts E t into two equnl_px·ts (n and 0 being the breadths at me cx- 1 trgmc subdivisions, cpat the middle pqint qt the length, and b

  • and dtnt the im;ermMi§te p0!n·t s). ’

’ f unxxzsra or soda msn mxroow mms n » . · · - , ! —· The dimensions of thé but and the number of persons which m it is authorize;} to carry shall be marked on it in clear, per; maueut characters, `sccordiui to regulations by_ the Board of