Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1522

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1 §`488 d e .— __a_W c , ,1l‘;-l,i§‘1TL¤ 46-- te secure the proper execution of sections 484; 485, and by collectors of customs and other omcera ot the Government. (Jane 2;, 1919, c;, 379, §__{4, 36. Stat. 630; Har. 4, 1913, c. 141,

37Stat.738.), ‘‘`- J _` · ‘ _·

488. Substitute for second operator of radio apparatus on cargo steamera.-—-On cargo steainers, in lieu ot the second; » operator provided for in section 484, there { may l` substitutedi a number of the brew; or other permn who shall be duly certiy, lied and entered in the ship’s log as competent to reeeive; and understand distress calls or`- other usual calls indicating dan- ger, _ and to aid in maintaining na constant wireless watch so ‘ 3 far as required for the safety of life, (July 23, 1912,, c."250, §2,37Stat;·200,) · _ ‘ d 489. Use of instruments for, security of life to "be_._approved.-No kind ·0f instrument, machine, or equipment, for the better security of life, a provided- for by this chapter. shall; be need on any steam vessel whieh shall notlhrst be approved: by the Beard of supervising Inspectors, and also by the Sec·ree°

 tary of Commerce. (RL, S. Ӥ 4491,; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552,: 32

Stat. 829; Mar. 4, 1913, <;. 141, 37 Stat. 736.). " _ 4%. ., Borges earrying passengers.—eEvery barge carrying passengers, while ’ in t0vegA‘0f__ any steaxner, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter relating to 'iire buckets, Qaxes, life preservers, and yawls, to such extent as shall be prescribed by the Board of Supervisi‘ng` Inspectors; and for any, violation of this section the penalty shall be $200, recoverable ¤ one·haif for the use of the informer. ° (RQ S. _§ 4492.) `G 2

 491. Liability oft master and owners — for damage to posi.

F sengers.——\\’h·mever damage, is sustained A by] any ·» passenger or his- baggage, from explosion`, hre, collision, or other eanse, the master and the ovvrier of such vessel, or either of _1 them, and me vessel shall be. liable to each and every person ._ so injured, to the·_fn1l amount ofdaniage it it happens through any neglect or failure to comply with the proviaions of this or the preeéding chapter or `sections 214 or 215, or through 'known defects or imperfections of *the steaming apparatus or Y0f_ the hull; and any person sustaining- loss or injury through the carelessness, negligence, or willful misconduct of any master, mate, engineer, or pilot, or his neglect or refusal to obey the laws governing ;the navigation - of auch steamers, may sue auch master, mate, engineer; or pilot, and reeover damages for any such · injury caused by any` such `uiaster, _mat_e, engineer, or pilot. (R. S. §» 4493.) V · " · " ’ 492. Copies of provisions to be kept __ on passenger eteezners.-—~——Every master or comuiander of any. steam vessel carrying passengers shall keep on board otysuch vessel at least _ two oopies of the provisions ot this and the preceding chapter and eseetions 214.aud 215, to he furnished to him by the Secretary of Goxninerce; and it the master or~co·inn1anc1er neglects_or retays to do eo, or shall [unreasonably refuse to exhibit a_ copy of the name to any passenger who asks for it, heshall be liableto a" penalty ot $20. ·_(R. S. { -14;%; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552,, 32 Stat, 829; hier., 4, 1913,-o. 141, 31 Etat. [136.) P ~ 493. Name of steamer exhil1ited.——g·Every steam vessel of the .Unit,ed, Statm, in addition to her name painted on her stern, shall have the same conspicuously plaxd in distinct, plain letters of not less than six inches in length, oneeach outer aide of the pilot house, it it has such, and in case the vessel hea sldevvheels, also on the outer aide of,each Wheelhouse ;, and ‘ if any_.sach,stmmhoat be found without having her name placed as reqaimd, she shall be subject to the same penalty and forfeitnre als provideu by law in the case of , a vessel of the United States roam without having her name, and the name ot the port to which she belonge, painted on her stern. · (R. 8. j 4495.) M ‘ _· l "` ‘ ‘ 494, Duties of customs oE•:ers.—·—·-——A1l oollectors, or other ehief ‘ otllcers of the cnstoms, and all inspectors within the several , districts, shall enforce the provisions ot thialand the preceding

-8H I PPIN G chapter- against ell steemets etrlvlng end demrtlug. (R_ g_ `§ 44ee..)_ - __ , f . - e " .495. Penalty fer omission? ef. duty by cueteme le§kers.——— Every collector, or other chief odlcer et the customs, or inspect0i·,·wh0 uegligeptlypre intentionally omits eny duty under the preceding section, shell be liable to removal `frem. e@ce, em? tea penalty ot $100 for each offense, td m sued for in an action of debt. (R., S. 5 4497.) ‘ _ . " _ l · ' 496. Registry or -em·cllment denied teveseele net complying with law.-~A register, em·qllme¤t,· or-_1ieeeee shell not be _ granted, or other papers be issued by any .cellectm· of other chief offieer of cuetbms to {my Qvessel subject by law to iespeetion under this and the pre~eeillug` chapter `tmtll all the pm. visiousbf said chapters applicable to isuch vessel have been fully complied with and until the copy of the—'eertl§cute bf ie- ·spection required by said chapters for such vessel ‘ hes beet: tiled yvith said collector _ for other chief emee; of customs. · (R. S. §_4498;‘.·Mzu·. 3,- 1905, 0. 1457, Q 9,33 Stat. 1032; hier. 4. 1915, c. 184,.5 5, 38··St:1t, 1218.) A · _ l ·

 497. Penalty · for failure to comply with previsieesp-·It ee;

vessebpropellegl in %$’h0l€‘01‘ in part by steam be navigate:.} .with0ut_·c0mplyi¤4g tvith `tlxéterms bt this and the pretredieg chapter, the owner shall liaple to the United States ie e· penalty; qf_ $500»fer each eieme, m§e·l1alf fer the use eh the . ·lnformer,·°for whlclm sum theyeseel so uevigeted shell he liable, and they-be seized and proceeded against by way of libel in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction et the oifepse. Persons or corporations che rterlng er: engaging or cem-

U.‘H¢tiIlg for the é>;“veeee1s` subject to this and the pkreeedlng; chapter and sections 214 end 215, tmdet eeeh terms em

conditions that "they have full and exclusive control et the 'mahagement and operation of such www, shall he eebjeet is the same penalties for violations of the provisions of said ch£x.p· ters and sections as are new imposed upon eweere of vessels thereunder, uml in such eases the ee·hers`.ehall net be lielue to such penalties for such vleletlene by such eherterers , er emx· ` _tructQr8. (R.-S. § 4498; Ma1·._3, 1905, c. 1454, { 4, % Stat. 498. Penalty in cases not provided fer.—g>—The-pe ealty for the yielaticn of any pmyision ot. this, pr the preceding chapter er sections 214 or 215, notlotherwlse eepeeielly provided fer, shall be a‘ fine ot. $500,‘ree0vereble 0¤e·halt for the use et the int¢j3x·xhex·.~ (R. S. § 4500.) _ ·` Glnaptet 16...-Q-·-REGULATION OF MOTOR BOATS. 8cc_ _ `. . 3 K . A. . 511. “Motor heats" dehned; inspection. 512; Classes of beats. _ ms. Lxgnts. ‘ »514. Bound signals. __ 515. Life meservers; licenses. _ l E 516; Meene oil extinguishing burning gasoline. 517. Penalty ter vlelatleus. Q . _ · ‘ 518. Regulations; remleslen et mae or penalty. _ y 519. International rules fe1··prevc¤ti¤g·celli¤l0es at eee not affected. _ 520. flegulatlcm ·aa·t¢·cert¤.l¤ vessels prepelled by gee, tluigl, nephthe. . or electric meters. _ “ ‘ _ _ ·· " · . Section K 511. ‘“ Meter health" déhned; ihépecti.en.———Tl1e winds " meter beet" where used iethis chapter shall include every weesel propelled by mechmery end net; mere than sixty- _ · ` Eve feet in length except tugheets and tewboets propelled hy esteem. The length shell be meaegired from end to eng over the

 deck, excluding sheef: Provided, Thet the engine, holler, or

othe1·‘·dpeieting inechieery shell beleubject to ieepeétien by the leeel ,l¤spectm·s` et steam vessels, and m,¢ne1¤‘gppl·¤ve1 of the design thereet, on elf eeld met¤1·‘b0ete,· which ere more thee. -£orty‘ feet in length, and which are propelled hy machinery ‘ . driven by steam. . (June 9, 1310, ci 238, § 1,,36 Stat; 462.) .512. Cl of heats.-———Met0:· " heats subject to the {11:0Vl* sinus of this chapter shall be divideglintc clemee es follows: