Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/153

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Egg » Giiiflgk? S;··—·-iALIE§§

 Mgzgggse stan éxaminisg gggdiml gm§c~m· m  chepsgé

gig? gi ;·€ »3¤~{·tc~d slifm i3 halpkess £_f!Z'¥}&•q· gickngss, imegtgi su; MSM;»{1igabi1ity, cr infancy, ii. meh alien isya.m¤m’w¤i€e1 ng

 :»a§i<.>n* whiwé §w¢%¢tiG¤ or  é¤a1+dia¤ship*»i,g¢rgqg i;€d {5;
 gg; ;?§;_;g>§g€;3 a1i&¤;_,s12€·h $acccm;>~&§yi §g siieq may also- b·
 ;i;i$;§€;{~;1,» §¤d   &€ m»$»$¥—B¥,§  $g§m‘*t, owner, $1- _;:¤>3si gme grwtru
 WW; gi wh§§$ Si1f*h` Sikh aud amamgaying aiicg are brmxgh

gggg me rmguiréd w réfvrh said ¤.‘1ien_agd agcpmpanying 3,1191 i§ ggé svgme m&¥mé1°»¤§ tésséis age. mqizirgd `to. ,l‘¢tBI‘I1 qthe; Q é.,,_;M{»§;& aiiczm. (Feb. 5, 1917, c; ¢%, ‘§ 18,39 Stat. 887; Feb · gg; wc; c,,36~i, Title IV; —1~3‘“Stat. 10;;).) ·_

 1%, Daporgatima within! cértaiaa time of aliens chferipg or

A wm; in Suited in viéistianof law;-j—At_gpy _:i¤ge wm;] gyg ;;. ·;;;·s after entry, any alien who at the tiing »c•f entry wa; kg ggmgiécr at cmé {bit more of théclasscs `e1;k:1uded.by__1aW; nn; i giggéqgl x~.·1w¥ -sh&1i h9.$*e eqtgyed, Pct jwho shall be {<mnd.Yin the § g;g;§~%~ Stat€;·s— in vivlaticmgéf this subchéptér, $¤}_&_i§Vvip1ation b& gm.? {mia: law of i11eUuitea\Statas;*&¤y alieni WEE; gt_&¤Y tim

M-§»¤iry shallbé Irmml advcéating orfteaching themnlawfu

§;¥».§m<{¥icn of picpcrty, or- édvoéating or f¢a1chi¤g·_s;narchy, oz gw i:=mrt511raw·by"forGe; br viclcuqe of th? Govcrumcgqt of th· f; %¥i»:1`Sfat€S‘0f of all terms-;oi law or the assassination _0; g§;;§;§{· oH&cia}s; fsiién who; within Eve »§’€&1‘S_ after gntrj »-  ;» =mm{+¤; a publig charge from paum n0t?a@rmatively shown! t· xm-4 gzmeu _ subseqqsent to landing-; except as hereinafter {jre ¤;=m~\3,» may mica who, aft»ér <Féb1·;1a1§y_5, *1917; is séxiteucedto im +;Qa·$~:~ i;<;:¤_#;·:1t fm: n term of Que year 01* more beczmsé of éénvlc im in mis ccuutxy of a`c;i_me inirQlvix1g moral tu rpitude,I_¢0m V §;i;zé,é4 1’ \\'i{hiI1i.¤Y€ yéérsQ_afte1·.the§ éutry of the $H€*l1§`t0 th. h§ss{·{1`4Si:1tcs, or whe; is sentenced mbre than once t0’ shch : gym éf imprisonméut b¢causé 0£.c0uvicti0g in fhizicountry 9 mg.? 4~i~ima imtclvjng mom} turpitudc, committed at any tim mmf émry ; ,any_a1i en whcshall be found an inmate of or can

·· 41 with the management of alhciase of pmsti_tution.`q1* prac

si;-mg pmstitutiou after such alien shall haavk entered thé_Unite<

<m¢=>g or who shall 1je¢eive,° share in, or dexfiye benefit; from
 ~wr—t= ¤f~ the¥»éa{r—¤i~¤gS»e¤£ —ai¤x»¤¤:©§t»i1¢2 t¤ ;  gk;

.m;;:z;;¤·>: or is emplcyéd bi, iu, 'ér»in _é01i¤@ti0¤ withiumy mms

_     of M-4>;=titut§0n·cr music 0; dance hall of other place bfwmuse

‘ ,mg·:;r cr reemrt; habitually fntguéutedpy .p1·0stitm;es, or whér

·~szimtes gather, or whp Nin anyway hssists any prostitute 0

3¤i¤>€4{<'*iS or promises to px·o_tcct frcmjrrest hny pmstimté _ fiiéff align "whq sh al§ impmrf or attempt to ,iI{!D01't any persoz

 sm- 1;§;e·;p11rp0S—& of `pmstitutica 0:; for any other immprat pm
may alien; who; hfter bciirg__`;£xcl\1ded and d@pb1‘t€d U

f :m·:Q· <t0d and deported as :1 prostitute, 01‘ &S- n princurert oi- a h:;s’i:»¤g" been mamnected- with the busi1ieSB <}f p!0;91fift§ti0X1 O im;¤·rt:;ii0n‘ fm; "prbstituticiycr cther “'iI}IH1‘0I°HI_ purp0S€S {1 my gffthé Twaggs { hcrcinbgfcra specitiéd, shall return to an mtory iiaeiinited States; may alien ccnviéted and imprisoue {fer a vinS1ai;t0¤`0£ any_0! the provisi6x15 of section 138 cit thi ¥?¤¥.<·; any align who was eomicted, 91+ ivhb Admits the com

 mi¤si0g,—_ {aria: to·euzrj,_ qIAa`Ie16:1y or other crime GT misde

m·i;zmr imclvixagfmctai tgrpimdc; [at may time within thm $’·-:1*;*:; after entry, my alién who shall have entered. the Unite $i:1¥•?S` by water at may time cr place cther than as designate ?=2‘ iimmgmtian `cwcials, 01·_by‘1s.¤éd §t any place otherw fha: mg; designated as, a. part of entry for aliens by the, Commis

  • }*’¥i€I" Gamma at 1mm1gm¢1¤¤,» nr at any tiéc not désighaté

W immigzatiqg i>@c§ia1s, pg who enters yvi¢h¤ut_i11$pecti0¤, shai izmn the wmmm; at t.he.S»ec1t¢1;9.ry `of Lamr, be taken int '< >¤><i<:$dy n¤d idgpo:t:ec1; The marriage to an American éitizez of a femgig at tue séxmlyy immoral classes théex¢111—sic11°c

<% *·;>0rt¤tio¤ oi which igyprescribgd by this subchaptexishall nc

limwst such £a~ma1e 'wit;h·Un1te{1 Statm citizexiship it the max

}‘¥=ige of such giieu remade shall ·be_s·¤1gm§1iz¢d nite: her 3IT%

·. ~ fur. after the of acts which make hé1··11ab1e_t0·d¢ _ xwximtiou uqder t,hi.¤ gupchgpwr. The provision of this sectio

S AND C1i€i1ZE5?SHiEl QV § 156 t reepeetirzg the elepeerteiien of elierre eeerieied et e crime in-P r' velving merel tizrpitude shell net {apply te eee who hes men ~ 9 `pierderzed, mer shiellieueh depertatiezfi marie er .direete01`_b€€B_° foHBd`.iIl· the United Smahee in vielatieri 1 of y any other law ihereef which imposes eee 'srieh perscm Eegize 5

 kuirdeh of proving his- right 10 enter or remain, eee whe shell

B fell to establish the existenee of the right ·e1e1me;1,l Sheik iw I dep<irted.` io the gjlace speeiéed ie such etiier lew. Qhi every 5, case where my pereen is ordered deported from the Ueiteql 0 States under theprovisions of tl:1is subchapter, er of any mir er r ,_ treaty, the decision of the Secretary of Leber shelf be finely. L; (rams, 1917, §f_1§},39 $$21:.889.) g i _· i 4 r g- 156. Porte to vrhicli alierisito be depqrj__e<l;`cest of deporte- K- tion.-The deportation of aliens previdedfer ixrthis eebehemer e hell, at jthe option of the Secretaryeef La`m1fbe to the lemma try whenee they cemeer tcetbe foreign port et,] which seek { qixliehs embarked fer the United States {er,. if such emberkw E tieu was fer foreign contiguous; -te13rit0ryj»·lteyfrthe fereige L- port `· alt whieh` they embarked for such territory; er, if sue}; y, aliexisi entered foreign ceritigueixs ~terri:ery from the United * ie -:Stziies; and later entered the United. States, or if mrehu elierzs [y are held by the ceuxiiry from which they entered the Uniteég q' States not te be subjects er eitizeeeef such €{}i1l}tI']’,’§E1§} mae}: i l Q __.-e 11fi"y*`i‘é`fii§`e’s*T;Ywrmi=t+tireirreentry;-er—;impéeeee·eeeyeeem· e

 ditie11`Aup0n_ permitting reentry, thee to the eeueitryegf whieix

éi such hlienés are subjects or eitizezis, ar tge £he_ eermtry`£ie which rl they Zresided prior to `entering the e<>¤m;ry from xhielx they

euiered the United Statesr If deportetien preeeedingei are

gg- instituted e,t‘_e_ny time 'W within Eve years after the emry y 2Q of the.aIien, suehw deportation, im+Iudi¥1§ cme-hulfeef ti1e_·em·ire l Yr- cost of removal to the pextof depermtien, shell be et the exe 5 pense of the <.·0ntraet0r, pr0eure r,` er: etherepersen 'by where · gy the jailiexijwzxs lunkiwfully induced te enter ihe$_·Unite¢I` States, lj `fdr, if flint im quot be 'deiie, then the east Jef ré"mm·ei to the d_ `purpof depértatien Shall `lbe at the expense éf ihe &¤m‘Q§>1‘i&—i d tion` for the enforcement of me laws regulating iII}IIligf&ti(¢I1P·_ rs ·_0f · aliens inte the .U·uiied States, and the deiiertatien efrem my such port; shell be zxtlthe expense lei? the exvrrer er owners of

5 such Wessels er tr:1xispermtier1~"line by fvhléhl seein aliens re-

e iepectively came, or, if ther is nef practicable, at the expense d 4 of `ihe epprgpriation fer the enforcement of the laws regul3.1;-· (1 ,il}§1lH.llBlgI’8[l0l1_ of aliens intejtlxe United‘St:1tes. If depertwi n— tlcm pmceedings ereemetituied later than Eve eyeersefter the K

·- -»e;1*tryQ of the alien, or, if ilxeidepertetien is made by reason.

d` of cziiuses eerising subsequent to entry, tire {rest iliereef shell ly be payable free: seidjpprepriatien. Arfeiiiire er refusal, on 0 tliepert 0{ themastere, egenis, iewniers, er eensimees of res-i n sels to eomply with the erderef the Seeretigiry of Leber to ig} take en.beurd`,i guard safely, and t(rar1e=;perfie the deetlnatieu it Specified any alien erdered te depdrted under the prévisiees _ · r+ of this subchapter ehell beipimgishedl by the impesition of the' · st penalties prescribed in seetien 1551 of thie title. »WhS1 in tile

 epiuionlef the Secretary of Labor [the mental er physica1l__€0ii—

n ditlori cfeuch alien 'i·.s_`sueh` eéio require persumil care-and .