Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1538

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. { e§ 704 r 2 rzrzn 4é¢ edectual manner. In aB meas where mxnen or cmcers gn nceused, the `ecmnlar e&ce shall inqn _ into- the fdctn gud » ed an pravided in secti e e&cer digcherging _nn@» seamen Eghnil enterupen list and enlppim ertielee and‘·emciel`_ leg the enwe nt such and the particulars in whieh the cruel or unusual tratment cemistedi .ud subncribe ‘_ _ Bis nnme thereto qmcially. He shall rwd· we entry made in the emeiel leg to the rnnéter, nnd- his reply thereto, it lm?. shell likewise be entered and `gnbxrlbnd in me same manner. (B. S. `§ 4@GQ;“ §une %,y1884,’c. 121, I 23 Stat. 55;_JDec.‘21, 1&8, c. 28, § 21, w Stat; TS1 ‘;· H_er;_4; 1915, c; i$, { 8,.33 Stat. 1167.) 794. er neglect of ·dnty;—-Any meeter ef, or any `seemen or npprentiee belenging to, any merchant venml, who, by gvlllfuly breech of duty, cr. by reason- qt does enny act tending to" thetmmeglinte lossy er dt, or { eericus damage te suck veuel; er tending endanger the life qr limb et person belgngln; to cr board ef- such {vessel; er whe, by- willtnl brmck of duty or bil et dnty or by reaecn ofdmnkenness, refuses or tb lawful act proper-gnd nrequisltetc done by him for preserving such yesnel from imhedinte lom, destruction, or xrlcns damage, er. {er preserving any bersun belonging to _0r on boerd ct: such ship from immediate dnnger to lite" _¢r_ l1mb,—§hal1, ter every such emense, be deemed guilty {ot n·misdemeanor,‘puulsl1able by lmpriscnment for not more than tvielve months. (R. 705. Enforcement of fdrfeitm·es.——Any question moncerulng the forfeiture of, or deductions from, the wages of guy senman er npprentlce, may be determined ln any proceeding liwfully instituted; _: with frespect to such wages, notwithstanding the etenise in respect nt which such question arises, thqngh made 'puniennble byimprlsonment as. well as terfeituré, hns not been made the subject of any crimlnal proceeding. (B. 8. I $603.) ° 786. Disposal of fnrfeiturene-—All clothes,-jeifecte, and wage; which, nncler the proyieiens ot. this chapter, nre. torfelted for t desertion, shall be applied, in the Qrét instance, in { payment ot the expenses occqnleneq ~lSy ¤uch_ desertion, to the master or owner of the vW%I from wl1icl1'_th6-desertiqn has taken place, nncl the balance, it any, 'slxnll be paid by the master or owner te any nhipping commissioner rmldent at the port nt ywhlcn the voyage et such vessel terminates: and the shipping ccmg miesiener nhall account {Qt nnd ever Bllllll balance tg the judge ot the dlstrictlcivurt within we month After tha commisi sinner receives the same, to disposed of by him ln the same manner · ee is preecrib& fer the disposal nt the money, ' and' wages ct deceinsed `seamen. Whenever master nr ewner neglects er refuse; to pgy over to the shipping eommle ` sinner meh mlenee, he shall be liable a` penalty et double the 'amennt thereof, rec~cverab1e·`by the ¤ · » ·· _ one: at the name mnnnertnet sesmeds wages are In all other canes 'et 'terteiture of wages, the forfeiture shall be for the benent at the master or 'owner by whcmthe mm are payable. (R. B. | 4604; Har. 3, 1911, e._ @1, 86 tat. 11675 _ , - 797. Apprepristien bf srigen te of ecnyialen;-Whenever in any pr y te remain: to ¤e¤.men’¤ wages it lp slicfwn that nny ¤r_npprent:1ce nas, ln the course at the voyage; been convicted ct 0¤enne by competent rightfully punished therefor, by imprisbnment or 0th¤‘i:v}is¤, the eenrt nmrlng tnenese my direct.; mrt of the www dna to ~ _ meh net ex&lng $15, te be appllQ Q in relmbnrslng any meta prcmrly, incurred by the ln procuring meh eonvleden end punishment. (BQ B,] AM5; Feb. 27, c. %{§1,t19Stnt.%2.) · ‘ L »·;" 708. Bending {mel: befere arrival.-——-Every pemon _ whe, not being in the United“Stnt@ mrvlce, and not dnly . authorized by. law for the purpeee, goes en bmrd any vm! —’ about to arrive nt the place ot hex destination, betere her actual

-»S’HlPPING 1524

ar1—1vg1, and before she has been ccmpietely mmvcd, ’withéat
 of the , niasier, s§a1l,( fos: cvgi saw _ offense, be

punishable by a Qné qt not more thm: $200, and by imprisanment Im- not mre i:ha¤.· Ax mouthé; and the of such wsse! may take dhyimxclx so going cmibaérgi mm custody, and deliver him up forthwith td an? écasmble or pciice ”ome,•e;·_,)

 Ito pe byhim takg¤..befqs1·é`aui jtstiée of thi pcace, tq be dealt

lwith aqcqxjding to the! provisichs ot this chapter; (R. S, Y '2‘09._`SOH%g senden lcdgqrs§-——II, within twentytcur pours after the irriial dt day vm! at my part in the United — States, my péésoug thezi being mmam such vmscl, soli¢its.any’ f Séamau to becoum a Eodger ‘ atthe hcuse of au-? , Bétsaa lettigg ` lqdghxg td: hire, prf takes opt ét such véml any www ot miy . qeam¤n,fexcept"uuder`”his pers0nai*d1recti¢h,§¤é with the per- · mission ét the`master,`h¤‘ shall, f¤a·=e~vez·;éc£cnse,` be ` j punishable by n ine of not more tlxaxn $50* or bi imprisonment i for not ·mbre"¢hdn three mmmst This sect10¤~shaH"apply tc

vessels ci the Unitgd Statesx engaged in the tcéeigd trade and

to foreign vessels; (R. 8. S A60?. Apr; 1904, c. _12;52, ’i 1, ° 33St¤t;174.)-  »  »· — · , _ ,71Q; sheath \k¤itca.·-·<No seaman in the merchagt service shall wear shy sham knife on shigboardg It shall be the duty of the- master gdf my vesml reghtered, enrolled, ar licensed nfxdcr laws of the United Stgtés, md of the. »p<·fs»0¤ entering into ccntracft jo: th; ¢mplh=y¤e¤t at- R ~s&mn¤ umu;

 iany hsuch vessel, to inférm émry permn cméring to ship him»

_ sélt of the provisions of this section, and th teqmre cam-

   theréwith, under a Apmalty at   tm each omismm,
 tp be sued for wd xeccveredx in tlfc name  United States, f

V under theVd§¤ection§f the Secretary at ·» gone halt mr · nm bmc§t otthe intormer, ‘ and tt gther halt tex the bme§t q_ ot the fund tcr the reliefs! dx and disabked semen. _(B~ 8. _ S. 4608} Féb. 14, 1903; c. 552, & Stat. 8%%; Mar. 4, Ima, c. 141, sv sm, ·r86,) - I ‘ _ · » 711. Récnvery of pualtiu had- f¤rféit¤f*c¤~.-—-All penakies land forfeituma. bx this chapter, for me mmvésy - whcmci iw www nods is provided, may be recovered; with A c0¤ta,` in ¤»¤! district alike United Statas,,¤t the suit · of any district atlcrney at tha Uuiteé Btetm, as at gqit at any param: by intorhaticgn ts any dwtct a,tt¤mey,‘in any pmst of the Uixitm· States, where cr amt tb iherc the- ‘¤Ee¤sc‘ is committed br the qifender is fcund; and if n c¤.¤+t¢tw¤ is hkd, éndthb sum f d.hs n penalty bf the c0urt £s_naf§z:id either after the_ cenvknicn, ca- within such period as thigé éourt at the time of tha imoinm it shall be lsi·rf¤1.£01• court th ccmmt the '¤Ewde1* to prism, therefta ` be imprisoned torthi in ease nf m& eawm, the cémmi w w in beetermmahla upon? ¤ Q Qt the smmmt sgd _N_ cww; and all pemitimand mrteitums in this chap- · mr for which do upsets! gppiicatiea tr wqvideé, mam, when recovued, be paid ind m mann! foils } _  :» S0 much as thu court  » -w mg be pqid jc the gscurt mil be ®jtted from @¤ tc by; meter at the judge, ts the Treasury eu me Emma gn;} a@g;·i;ted

" gs pr<ivid¢·;!_!¤1?ji¤ •eg:&¤~¤·6%:   slogan, Thntuit shall °

be lawful the ccurt being. which §i¤g_shnH be-

 §¤r the mum a!   kpeq¤¤i»nry·@1¤r imposed

by this chapter, to are reduce such penalty as tejmch

 court shall •,m¤4x·j¤st   xasmnahba but `mi such penalty

` be to has than m1&-thifdbf ILS ariginal ammmtz ~ em, m m to ue mmmea mln be

   ttm  y¤u·¤ nxt s.fter—tha cmmiwica Q the

¤¤¤¤é¤.* `¤ the name shin have mmmitéed at od; beyond the (kpc at Hondo: Cape Ham,. 62 within me year if committed cwiwhem, or within two mmms aftarf fthe rewrn at Qzhs ¤Eendgr and the cgomplaining party to th; United States;