Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/154

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§ 1571 TITLE 8.-—.4L1ms ny attendance, the eek! Seeremry she}! when neegesnry emplny m a` suitable person for that pnrpejse, whe slmll nccemphny such pe alien te. his or het énal destination, and the expenne incident ca to em~··vie~e shall be defrayed in me same- rneuner nsjthe fr expense, of deporting the accompanied alien is defrayed. Pend- de ing the Hnnl disposal of the case of any. alien tnkenw into, wi euetody, he 'rney be releases;} under aah-ond in the penelty of tie not lex than $500`with security approved by the Secretary of SI e?(§)1‘:- eonéitiened that such alien- shell. be produeetl when _

 uired for n hmr·§ng§§er hearings in regnrdto the charge upon be

wlzieh; he nas, beentnkén into oenstedy, zmdfor deportation if Yli] he shall be found to be unlaxx‘fi11l3*°,w§tl1in~ the United States. al {Fee. 5,`1917,We.l29, Q 20, em. mn 1 1 · U , 1 az . 157} Denortntien of certain specified- aliens; enumeration of ne §£l$!1S- te be deported; manner of deportation; e decision of 'L= Secretary of Labor. End; keadmission denied.—A1iens of the TH feliewing classes,. T in additien t0· those for {whose expulsion til from the United States_»p:·ovision ie made ine.-the e,xisting9ln5v,· S1 shall,-ispontlxe wnrrnnt of the Secret-nry—_of Laborhbe taken “D¢ inte laieeusttvdy nnd deported in use manner;iro1Yidetl`in 'sec- al tions .155,aml 156 of this title, ifthe Se<·retary ofLabor, after tr laenring, finds that such aliens are undesirable residents-of the cl {711`ited States, to wit: .. ` -- * - NY (1) _All nliens whe since Augnst'1, 1914,, lxnwe been- or may I1 herenfte1·_ be c~enviete»;l of any violation er conspiracy to violnte,_ S4 any of the following sections, the judgment on such conviction tl isneing beeeme linel, namely: *·' , » ‘ tl? ~ (a)`Act June 15, 1912 chapter 30, Fortietfa Statutes, 217,9 Si entitled “An"Act to punish nets of interference with°`the-foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the' l United States, to punisla espionage, and better to -‘enfo1;be the tk ‘erinainal laws of the United States, and for ether purposes,"_ Pl

 amended by Act May 16, 1918, chapter 75, Fortieth VStati1t%,_’ P'

553,,bein§ sectiens 25, 27, 31 in 39, 98, 130 to 133, 252 to 255, *3 279;%, and _ 1 to 633 et Title 18, sections 213, 220-to 222, ¥m @1 te B5,‘i¤;;§Ye, of Title 22 and the provisions of chapter 9* 4 of Tide so; ti ‘ Q 1 f , r to e e ‘ _ _ ‘ e to eeet *0 _ {P) Act October 6, 1917, chapter 83, Fortietlr Statutes,. 385,9 T entitled ",An Act to prohibit tlae·.méi1ufacture,Jdistribution, stor4 ,91 nge, use, and possession in time of war of explosives, providing b‘ regulation; for the sale, 1uanufnctm·e; Qclistribution, ‘ storage, B1 use, and §@ssieu - of the same, and for other pm*porses," -being° tc chapte1·_8 o£_'1‘tt1e»50;1 " _ . ·* ” _ 3; , b‘ ‘ ‘(c) Act May 22, 1918,_ebapter 81,* Fortieth Statutes, 559, 8* entitled "An Aet to prevent ing time btwér- depnrturewfrom or entry inte the Yiinitéd States contrary- to the Iiubllcn safety,"‘ ¤ being sections to;22€ of Title 22; 4 _ n ·. a [ nii (dy) Act. Ailrll 20, 1918, ehnpter· 59, Fortieth Statutes, ~ 533, ,.4*4 entitled “An”A¢t·to puuishthe willful injury me destruction of, ,6* wer material, or of war premikes, or utilities usedjn eounec-, 01 tien with war inaterial, a`nd·for`etl1er purposes,"‘ being chap,· n1 te:.·6ot:Title5B; es 1 -3 Q , tt- (e-) Act May 18, 1917, chapter 15,. Fortieth Statutes, 76Z_en— u2 titled "An Aet to authorize the President to inerease’tem;>orerily an itbe Military Enteblinlnneut: of the United Stntm-";·_ - b< _ (I) Act Februar? 14, 1917, chnpter, 64, Thirty-ninth Stxitutes, w 919, entitled "‘§\n Aet to punish persons! who make; ethresrts `n· against the President of the United States} being section 89 of 121 Title 18; t .- - ·_ 4· * H1 A A {2:} Act October 6, 1917, chapter 106, Fortieth Statutes, 411, ir entitled ·"An Act te ldenne, regulate, and punish trading wit}; -t1 the , enemy, end for other pnrposes,” lend any. emendmenté if ‘tl1ex·eto;· - Q ’ V e 9 _. _ - - ea 1 UU. 'Seetlen 6.ol' the Pena-1 (Lode, being section ‘6ef*Title 18; 9 tl (21 All.aliene_wno hnve been or may heree-iter be cenvicted xx Yof any o¤‘ense egninst section 25 ot Title 18 committed duri ni ingtthe period ot- August, 1, 1914, to April 6, 1917, er, of n con- mz epii·at·y occurring within said period. t0.` eomxnit an offenée td

Y Q7 V? ° Ltt{j-1ZLhSHt{P · 140 * ag; said segtiou Q5, 015 of guy o§en& committed dtxring sum 2 I Iagainst aS€<..'tiQil8__ 1 to 6, ami 15 of Titie 15. In ex·t···v Lgggn which any smh alien is Gfdewd éxpeéllaii or? e;g;;ml`{ - .. . V 4 . , mi nm the Unitw States under theprovdsicms of this ssctiqn tha sgisicn of the Secretary bf Ifabozr shail by §ual. tAH;¤»§s»»z;— ho shall be expelled nmdez amy of the pmvixiewimof tnig mi rm. shalt .be excluded ’Imm_ readmiman into the Iéinizing 3 ugteh; . (Mgy 10, 1920, @{174, H 1-3, 41 Stat. 593, 594,) » it tt ‘ _l§8, Admtsgianh ¢f aliens lhblq te be exclude; SB giving md `ci cash ’ Benoit.-g+·Ahy_ atieh _1iab}e’ th be excluded ngezeztg -; kely to becpme a._public· charge ,€rt‘}‘bm¤Se of phys:h?é1'.1;$- ngity other than tubcrcukrsis lin 8i}! fo§‘m 01* A ioatihmtegmq gyrmgémins contagious " »di&as¢` may, it _othersvLs»e·a¢}mi§xi1;:g%_1

vex·t11clc3s‘be admittedfiitthe di&1‘€§i<>¤ of the Secretary gf

abor uptm the giving ofQa suitabte and pr0pe1·,bané or zznem- Lkixig, gpptmved 'bytsajd Secretary, fnmxch améxmtau;1 4-%;; t tiiaihg isnrch conditions as the may éfewik; to the Eustis;-4 tutes amiftc jail! Stat€$·.Territories, hcmmtics, towns, munitiuities, `zmd districéts _-thereéi', lhcidihgh the Uniteé Stateh wif; ` .1 States, Territqries; countiest towns, muuicimlitics, and clk. ·iét.s thereof `harmless "ggatnst ·‘ » SH eh. alim be¢;é>m1n§ a_;§iu»1’gt; targe. Iutlieu ot such. bond, guchmlicn may déposit in mt;) ith the Secretmjy 0f¥mb¢>r.such_ $.mcunttAs the Secretary hr z1b01·¤1i1ziy"&quire, which amount shall be dép¤®ted by said eerétary.-imthe United States I{@>$ta1·SavingS Bank; ze Recap; nergfor to bcygivcxih the pcrs0t1~fi1rq1ish}¤g mid sum, skiawwg. ng fagct and object of its receipt·a¤d_ such other i¤for¤=mtion_as»¤.; tid Sé<;retary_;may*qecx1g advisahlal All- nccruing_i¤te1mt.t»¤ h rid 'depbsit dupiizg the time sha}! beheld United State; ostal, Savings Bahku shall E be Mid to tk fumishittg t ne fsu·m for depvéit, _Iu. the_ event of smh align bémxiught ubfic- chargégthe _Sccrétary‘_ Lqbor sha11_di ,$£ mid tipasit iq the same maxmeras if same had umhw. bond gh pghvided in this In the event of `the pér- taixént depnxjturc. fromt the United Statu, httursiimtiem, r thegdeath ici? suchfalieh, the_& mm shall betrgtuxjncd to _.


he. admissiénidf such alien shall be Q ch§¤s1eignti0u fo; the lving of such bond, xmdértnwng, on cash Suit may ag brought thereon ih thé Mme hind by the jaw Ether of the United States Gcitaixment ar of s§y,State,t Térrimy, districbcountty, town, or t muuicipniity in which smh alieh ` mma; ¤ -pupgxe-cumegag __(1·¤¤. :5;}.917, e. m, 5 21, w sm. h 159. Tedporsrit détmticntand `égwhtia, in ‘ use of contagious disordérg éf,wif¢`¤»r mins; child of natunle

 `sliéén at   nli¢i,y--Wheueve;· nh num Shall h:i_ve

ven naturalized 01; shall have téken — hp his permanenf resieuce in this country,_ §11d·there&fter shui; send for his witch r mim»1··chi1dr;en to joih him,.and said wife or shyhof said minor children shall be Iotmd te a§e•’:ted. with any cunigious disofder, h such wife or mip6r ptiildrexg shall he - held. { nder `sucht regulations qs the gecretazyz at Labor shall pw 3ribe,· tiutil it khaki be, determigad whether—t&` disorder will` * ‘ 9 easily curable or whether they, be permitted to land tithout dangei to othér persmis; gxztdlthey Vshgll not be ci'th¤¤1" dmitted or tdeymrted `until suchfacts. hgve be&!1—ascett&im°d$ _ nd it it shall be `detcrmincgl that the disoxfder is Qc¤s1l?‘¢¤¤’&m=* ~ nd the husband Q: féthe1§,q;€ other responsible person is will- " tg to bca1•‘tha_expense bf the treatment, they mayghe accortlqetl V. reatmeiit in hmpital until cured and the¤.be_¤dmitted, gr if i shall bb ,d€t€`ImiB€d‘.th&t they can be permittedto land with: if d&iQge1"t0 other pe;·s0x1s,n·tl1iz{y mgy, if otherwise hdmisS3}>l€· " xereupbxfbe Igdmittcdf It thelpe;-son sending h£¤:m¤if&‘ HOF _ niubré childxiéh is nathraltized, n wife to whomh magried Of 5 ‘ iinor child borusixbsequent to such hush¤u<1’0r_futhar's nathilizationislxalltbe admitted without detention fcrttwntmeht m Qspital, and with `reépect to a wife tb whorh marriéd Q: a minor