Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1544

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t l. _\ · Y _ M.} 801_ _ $04. Ihipping Board; establishment: __.¢¤l¤1Di8¢i0¤§I.’I§ Antica; _ asl; N5. Bnluiennt ccmhiiionern and empioyeon; d¤¤1l,'ot •mcen of nm; “ t1ry,nnynl,ou·ot¤;g•x·v1ec•:civ£\-nrv1e•rum.· '· 805. T;-wafer of nucl; to bond by Pnnident. ‘ » 807.`Limitstion_on salaries. ._ j . 808. Registration, enrollment, and licensing of vcssoli purchased, chartend, or land-; restriction ;_coutwtsc trade. ,. . ·

 T•kin¢ve¤•&sforntv•1o:mi;1tnrypnrpose•.‘ . · _ ·

816. Corporation; to; purchase, construction, equipment, maintenance, ` _. and operation of merchant vessels. _ .. F - 81“1.` InvH¤§¤tio¤s an to cost of mierchant vessels. " . , 812. Rebates . and discrimination by carriers 'by water pxjobtbitédg use _ _ of “¤¢hting ahip.” · ‘ ·‘· `· @13. Determination by board as to violations. ’ " 814; Contract! between carriers nlcd wtth board. "815. Discriminatory acts prohibited., . · ·— . ~ · 816. Discriminatory rates prohibited ;'¤upervision_ by' board, . 81_7; Carriers to establish, observe, and enforce reasonable rates and wegulationu. _` ~ `· _ ·— 818. Rates reduced not to be increased without approysl of board. 849. Disclosure of conndential information prohibited. . ‘ 820. carriers {required. ·` % _ 1 ‘ -821. Cemplainte to mm no mveeixgnuom. e ·— -822. Ordcrmof board made only after full henring. ~ _ $28. Records of board'; moles; publication of reports :,cvidenc•. - 824. Reversal; iusponhidn, or noaxncuuonor orders. ·» _ , ` 825. Invc§¤2¤tio`n by]-bonrd,¢d to acts of foreign governments. _ . · · 826.rAtt@nnce of witnesses and production of books and paper!. . 827. Immimity of witnesses; . ’ · 828. Enforcement of ordenq of I 4 8%. Violation of orders of bonrd for payment of money, _ J 830. Venue and procedure in units to enforce; suspend, or act snide

 orders, ‘ ‘ · f. · ‘ `

.881. Penalty for yiohtion of chnpter. · ·” — 832; Powers of Intorstnte `Commerce Oommiuion not affected; Intra- ." statccommemce. -_ ‘· ." 833. Partial invaljdity of chhptor as not affecting remainder. . 834. Refuml of clearance to vessel refusing to_ accept trade. . 835. Re ¤s on transfer `of ohipping facilities dorm; wu or `nn- _ _ . tional cmersencyr" ’ » · _ ‘ c 886. Foz·fe1tni·¤.¢ . ., 837. Prima facie evidence. . , . ·_ .» — 838. _ Record of sale or other digponition of vessels. · 880. Approvals by boord.` · n ’ ·, 840, Docnmoutod vessels, ‘ 841. End of war. emergency, 842. “Shipping: Act"` ·

 801.- Terms donned.-—·Whcn used in thfs cfiptcrg T

Thetexjm " common by water in foreign commerce " genus q common center, except ferryboatn on iegulur routes, wwlsvd in the transportation — by water` of jpassongers or property hctwocn, the United States or any of ite Distftcts, Territories, or. @esaio.n¤ and cs fonjoip country, yhether in the import or export trade: Provided, {Phat e cargo boat commonly celled an ocean tram? shall not be deemed such " common carrier by water in foreign commcrcc;" ~ y A The tcm “¢0mBi0¤ carrier by water in interstate commcrce”~ means • common carrier in transportation by vntcroft peeemgerc or wopcarty on tns or the Great

 on twain; routes hom 'port to port ‘b  one State,

Territory, District, or pououion of the United Btites und` my other State, Territory, Dwdct, or of the United States, or betwcm place in tho nm Territory, District, or · The term ‘* common_cnn·ier by w¢t# ” menus n common csrrier by water in foreigncommerce or •.‘ common carrier by wetcaf in interstate commerce on the high mei or the Great IA»k$0¤_!‘0$¤1l.!T9\3tBIffomD0¥¢.$Q§0!$. · ’ . t

 "otbc1·'pc:eon subject to mielct"  

»porson‘not included in the ‘*common cnxrtor by »mter,” _cnz·rying on the bustnm of forwarding o1·· .whufn.s•, dock, wercboum. or other terminal facilities in connection with n common carricf by water. -. _ . _ - ` The term “ person " includes corporations, wtncrships, and associations, existing under o1¤`·n¤thoriad,"by_ the laws hl tim

esmrrnve - a—  »· · v States, or éany .Te=rrltory,T Dismlct, or possession

‘thareof,orao£°anye»fora§a'coantry. _. I · _ / °

- me sem- sncwszn tmc meanest;

 of whatever &lp¤on and·at,w¤tevt· stage or

%truction, whether on me stocb ar launched, which are ued_uare/capahleofbamgorammtewedwbsuedua _ means of on water. _ l , ‘ ` The term “ docmented nam the lawfs of the UHi£@ States," means “ or licensed nnder the laws of me United·_States." (Sept; 7, 1916, c. #51, I`1, 89, Stat. 7%; july 15,_1918,t.152,§·1,40Btat.9ti0.)· ’ on t—· , s 802, Corporation, or t asn cltim.———- (a) Within themeaning- of chaptu no ¢9!D0!Sti0§, Dt1‘tncrship, or assocladon shall be deemed a citlam of the » United , States unless the controlling lnterm therem is owned hy citizens . of the United _States,· and., in the mae of a corporation, unless » its president and managing cldam of the United states and the corporation itself is organised unda the laws » of —-States or of a State, Territory, or possession thereof, bat in the caaa of a ®, annotation, or partnership operating any vessel in tm the amount of interest to » be owned hy citizens of the _UnitedStates'shaHhe75pereent¤..; _ _- _ ` (b) 'J.‘he·.contrdling._intarest.ln a eorporatalonqshall not be deemed mjbe owned by stamp. or tneomtea ewes ¢¤r»u_me title to a majority of the stock thereof is notruted in meh citi- · zens free rmmtnuy tmst ee ddnctary m tavorot any person‘nofa·citlsen of the Unlmd Statwt ot _(b) if the majority of the voting power ln such corporation is not vmeddn clhzens of the United States; or '( c) if through any contract or understandinglt is so arra@d that themajority of the voting power may be exercised, directly or indirectly, in b&alf_of any person who is not»a citizen of the United States; or, (d) if_by any ’ other means whatsoeyer control of the corporation is conferrm 'npon or permitted to he exercised by any person who is not a- citizen of the United States.; · - · . s (c); ·8eyenty·ilve per centum of the interest in a corporhtion shall not be- deemed to be owned by citinws of the United States (a) ifthetltletoHpercentuniofltsstockbnotvwtedlnsnch citizens free. from any trust or Hdnciary- obligation ln favor of any person nota citizen of the United States; or (b) lf 75 perI centtnn of/the voting power tn`snch corporation is not vested in citizens of the United Statu; or Qc) it, throokh any contract or understanding, it is so arranges that more than % pw centum of the voting power ln such corporation may be Y exercised, directly or indirectly, in- b&a1f of who is _ , not a citizen of the United Sutea: or (d) if hyany other . ‘ means whatsoeyer ‘ control of any Lament in the corporation .1¤exces•¤¢gspeQ·¤e¤t¤m;1•¢¤am·recapc¤¤rper¤mcc¢o·bc ‘ exercised"hy— any person what not a United Btatesr (Sept. 7, 1918,1:. 451,. O 2, ®` Stat. 729.; Jnlyil.5, 1918. ~c.'152, S 2,-40,Btat. 900;.1one 5,»1¤, c. Q 38,”41’&at. 1008.); 898. Appllcahlhty obéaptu ta and trusts;-—Tne —_provisions of this chapter shall apply to and trustees of all personsto-·i·hm the applies, and to the saccessorsorassl@of•nchpersop. 8ept._7,1918, c.-451,-l2, ` 39 Stat. 7$:·`Jnly 16, 1918, c. 152, I 2, $0 8tat,·900; Jane 5.» 19@,c.W,|`38;41&at.10w.) . · F ._ r · no ShlBP$¤8`.B¤•ri; astahhahmétr eamib®rs; duties: seal; ralu and b0t1‘d_l8_hB!'&b!'.*¢!'$8Rd to he ` as the United States &lpplng Board and hereinafter referred toss the hoard, _ The board shalljbe composed. of

 seven ommmnecml m be amlnted by the Presldmt, by and

rim tha advise and consent of the Senaw;. and the Prcddont shall the member to act as chairman of the hoard.

 hoard may elect one of its members as vtcexehalrman. .

Such commissioners shall be appointed as soon as practtmbis

 Iona}, NN, and; hall continue   two for a term