Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1556

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C °`?· 1 ` § 882 `° ‘ r11·Ln 46.-7- each nppoint, gone representative whoshall represent the _ Govg 1 ernment upon the executive committee of the American Bureau. ·_ ot Shipping, and the bureau shall agree that these representa· -1 tives shall be accepted by them as `actire members of such com-‘ g mitteel Such representatives et the Government shell serve without any compensation, except necessary traveling; expenses: ‘Proe5€ed farther, That the oEeial list of merchant vmels pub- l { lished by the Governmentlshnll contain s notation clearly indi-·_ eating all vessels classed by the American Bureau ot Shipping. ·`(June 5, 1920, c. 250, § 25, _41 Stat,998.) - _ t I · 882. Number of passdgers eargo vessels may »darryQ¤¥ Cargo vessels documented under tm laws of the United States may any not to exceed sixteen persons in addition to the crenv between any ports .or places ln the United States or lts ` Districts, Territories, or poemnons, or- between any such port `or place and any foreign port, or from jany foreign port to another foreign port, and such vessels shall not be held to be “w.ssenger ves£els°"*_ ori " vessel carrying passengers" within. d the meaning · oi the inspection laws end the rules and regulations thereunder : Provided, Thstnothing herein shall be taken to exempt such vessels from the laws, rules, and regulations; respecting llte-saving equlpiuwt: Provided jnrtlter, That when any such vwel carries persons other than the oreév as herein provided for, the owner, agent, or master of the vessel shall mst notify; such persons of the presence *on board ot any daugerons articles, as dedned by law, or of any other condition or K. circumstance which would constitute a risk, ot. safety for pes-` senger or crew. -_ “S. ·- — _ _· " The privilege bestowed by this section ion vessels ot the United Ststx shall be extended in so tar ss the foreign tradef is coneernedto the cargo vessel of any nation `-whlch allows iq the llhle privilege tocnrgo vvessels or the United States in°trades o not restricted to vessels under its own deg. ·_ _' Failure onthe perf ot the owner, agent,·.or muster of the vos! sel to give snch notice shall subject the vessel to a penalty of $500, which may be mitigated or remitted by the Secretary ot Commerce upon a properi representation ot the facts. ';(Jl1I1€ 5,1920, c. 250, § 26, 41 Stat. 998.) . a · · — 883. of merchandise between points in United States k other than domestic built and aocumemalvmsels.-——-No merchandise ehall be transported by water, or by - land and water, on penalty ot Iorfeiture thereof, between points tn the United States, including Disbricts, Territories, and pos-- sessions thereof embraced within. the coestwise laws, either directly or via. nvtorelgn port, or for any part of the t;·¥ t portation, in any other vmel than a vessel built U1 and docu-! mented under the laws ot. the United States and owned by persons who · are citizens ot the United States, or Neoels to which the priyllege ot. engaging in _ the coastwlse trade is ex- _ tended by sections 13 or SOS: Provided, That this swtion shall _ not npply to. merchandise transported between - points within the continental United States, excludini Alaska,. oter through rontm recognized by the Interstate Commerce _Co`mmisslou -tor ' which routes rate tarltts have been or be nled with said eontmlseion ivhen such routes `in part over Cenadlan rail, lim and their own or other wn¢ water facilities: Provided further, 'Ifhet this section not become eiectlve, upon the Yukon River until the Alaska Railroad. shell be completed end the Shippink Boerd shall dud that proper facilities will be furnished for transportation by persons citizens ot the United States for properly; hsndlklg the tram. , (June 5, 1920, c. @0,1 27, 4l Stat.·999·.) “ _ - _~ "` ’7 · ,n $4. for transportation subleet to “Interstate `Comnerm Act."—————·'No connnon carrier shell charge, collect, or receive, for transportation subjeet ‘ to chapter 1, of Title 49, Ta4nsemu*rroN, of persons or ·p1'¤P¢1‘¢!, ¤Mé1’ ih! J0i¤¢. rate. ` fare, or_-charge, or under any export, import, or other proportional rate, fare, or charge, whlchlls based in whole or in part on the {ect that thelpersonsor property ahected thereby is to be

1 SHIPPING 1542 transported to, or has been transported from, any in a pos. I session or` dependency of the United Statm, or in a . foreign country, by n carrier by water in toréign commerce, any Lgwelrate, {arc, cr charge than that charged, ccliccted, 0: received by it for the transportation ot perscps, 0% ot n like kind ct pkop. erty,_for the same distance, in the umn direction; and nyc}: the same route, in connection with commerce whchy within the V United States, unless thé vessel w £l.' 1'till§ mh persons or property is, or unless it {vas at the dmc ntsnch trsmpcrtation by wntcr,··-documentéd under the laws of the Unitw States, When. ever the board is of the opinion, howcva, thnt adequate ship. ping tacilitieé to or from any hott in n mmm cr dependency cf! the United `StLntcs_or` a foreign ccnntry are not ntcrdcd by , -vessc1s so documented, it shall ceptity this tact in the Interstate Commerce Commission, and . the · ccmmtmion my, by order, suspend the operation, qt tu provisions ci this section `yith Krcéspect to the rates, Q[&1'€8, nnd chnrics fdr- the transportation ` by miI°o£_ persons and transported frm, or to be transported, to such parts, tor. smh lmth of me and under ` nuch terms nnd conditions as it may ptwriba in such order, 0;- , in my order supplemental thepctcx Sud sion of opera, tion ot the provisions ot this section msi bé tcrmimted by order ot the cotmnission whenéve; the boafd is of the opinion that I _ adequate shipping facilities by such iw: _ Ec such pmjts arc _ ndorded and shall so certify to `tho.c0m`kission. (June 5,1920, · c.250,§28,41Stat._%.)_` ~ ___l I . 885. Definitions; ccnstrnctinn of antitrust. laws.-?(a) Whenever used in this section- _ in - S ‘ - l (1). Thg term Waésocintion ’f.mcans any assdciatton, exchange, pool, combination, or other arrangement for concerted nctiong. and _· · -_

 ~ (2) The term , “ marine insurance ccmpanies” means  any

persons, companies, or associations, authorized to write marine insurance ” or reinsurance under the ,1nws of the United States 01- ot a_ State, Territory, District, 01·` esé10n themt, (b) N¤m1¤g_c¤n¢ai¤eu in the " nntitmst laws " as dmgnntcd in ,$éction‘ 12 of chapter 1, ct Title 15, Oouuncn Ann Tnnw. .sha11 be construed as dcclartng illegal- an asnoctntinni entered — `into by uinrinednsnrnnce ccmpaniw for the following purpom:

To transact a marine insurance nndrcinsurnixcc in the

United. States and in foreign countries and to ycinsnre or other. 1 wise apporticn, amongjts membership. the risks undertaken by such association cr gnny ot the component members; (J nné 5. 1920,c.250,§29,41Stnt;1000.). __ . ” - - 886. Powers of - board; how cxcrcised.-—-·Thc power and gu-, thority vested at the hoard by this and the following chapter, _ except as herein. ct§érwisc~·5poc1¤cn11y provided, may be excrciseddlrectly by ° rd,_cr by it-throiye United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpo on. (Innc 5, 1920. . c. *250, S 35, 41 Stat. 1007.) ; » . ‘ - " 887. Putin! " innhdity at chapter.-It any - prcvmnn ot this "and the following chapter is nnccnstitnticnal_ cr the nppitcaticn of any provision to clrcumstnncm bc held ‘ invalid, the renmnlndcr ot chapters and me nmlication ot such prqvlsions to circumstances othu than those. as to which it is held invglid shall nct. be ntectnd thegcbm (June 5, 1920. · c. 250, $30, 41 Stat. 1007.) ”_ V . V . 888. —DE§nition1.-—Whcn `nsed in this and the fcilowing chap- · ter, unlws the ccntext ctherwiac rcquites, the terms €" person.” "°vcssel," " documented {under the Laws ot the United Stated.? ` ` and *‘citi:cn qt the United _ States" shall have thdmcaninz - hnsignnd to thqxn by sections 801, 802, and- 803 of the preceding chnptci, na. amended by this `•,nd· the toll<>wing`_chapter"; the

 "bcnrd" mum the United Stateg Shipping Board; ind

thn térm “slic¤" any nbt n citiscnot the United _Stntc•.`· (June 5, I020,_c.,%0,i§ 87, 41 Stat. 1008.,) · . - { ·` 889. ",Mci·chnnt Msrhn Act!-·?—-The Act; ot, June 5, 1920. @nptcr %0, may his cited as the “·M§¤·chant Marine Act, 1920.·" . _(J¤.nc_5, 1920,_c. 250, { 80, 41 St•t.`1008.)` ·