Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1591

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1571 » 43,.;-rERRITDItI1-38 _. gmx shall before we have been for me ·-yum a `;·esidentotAhskaandshall¤otbcaB*ederalemh1¤!e¢· Alter J one 30, 1025, one of said four memsrs oi the comlalon shall serve one year, one serve three yearsyand one tour years, as the membersbt the commissionmay mtcrmisa by lot, and rs sh&ub€l l2dl¤·uk8¤§¤H$¢0l8h¢[8!fo¤!Y€l!I¤¤- less sooner removed. dtth @ber. shall be the chlet repreeentstiva or me Bureau or mowglmij Sqvey renault ol alaska, who shall be the _ executive omcer am decal aeent oi the mnemoc and underthe direction of the ssion shall direct the @lnistration or me provisions ot this- subchapter aodcdisbone such sum as maybe allotted therefor. (Jan. 13, 19%,lc..75. 5 4, 48`8tat._7•10.)‘ — — _ _ · _ · — 209. Sane; removal- of members.-·-The Secretary ot- culture may remove a @mlssioner tor. lnemciency, neglectoi duty, or mtsmduct ln o¤ce,_glvin_: him a copyot the charges against him and @tunlty to be publlclyheard lu person or by counsel in-hisyosvn detense; pendlx the inv@gationo1 · the _ charges the Sxretary may such commissioner The Secretary ot Agriculture shall All vacancies on the com mission by amlnment for the ulexpired term, anda vacancy shall be dlled by appointment from the sam judicial divmlon _ inwhich ltoccurs. Theomceotanycommlssioner shallbt ' yacant upon rmoving his residence from the judicial dig vision which he was appointedi (Jan. 13, 1925, c. 75, §4,43‘Stat.‘!40.) *- ' ~ 210. Sane; computation; oper _ diem; salary of executive

 mmben ot the commission, other than the cxecu4

live omceryshall receive no compcnmtion for their services as members thereot; exmpt a per diem ot $10 for each member ton eachnday golg to and in actual. attendance utmostlngs ot the commlsion, but the total salary or perdlem compensation nt the member from the second Judicial division shall not exceed the QDM ot $1,500, and that of of--the other members, except the e;ecutive_o&er, the sam of $9001n anyone dscal year, had meh such member ln addition shall have reimburwi to him lu- any one decal year for actualand necessary travel ing andsnhals eipenses lncurrm or made ln thedischargn ot his wclal duties a ,_sum_··not_`to exceed the maximum amoun} allowed him for salary, vrhtmshall be paid on- proper vouchere from the apwoprlation for the enforcement ot the V2 Alaska game law; The execudvo omcer shall be paid his salary ant shall have to htm all actual and necemry travel ing and other expeusm and disbursements in accordance wltl the ·¤scal regulations ot the Department ot. Agriculture, . pay able from the appropriation for the enforcement of the Alaska some law and {rom such other appropriations for the work oz the Bureau ot Biological Survey ln the Territory as the .Secre p tary otherlcultare maydeslgnate. `(Jsn,) 18, 1925, e.”°75, { 4 43 Stat. 740.) , · .. ‘ p ‘ ‘ 211. Bama: ®cs; seal.-!l’hs commission shal maintain and have its Principal omce ln‘ the capital of thi Af majority of the members ‘shall constitute a quorum to: the tion ot bwnem. All investigations, inquiries, hu: s ings, and decisionsot .a commlmioner be deemed to b the lnveatliatioas, lnqulrles, hearings, and decisions or t.b· commlmon; when approved by it and eutsredhy it ln lts mln utes, and every order made by a co sionss·, when upprovew audeoudrmed by the commiwon and ordered hled m its omce shall be and be deemed to be the order ot the commlmlon. Th commission shall havean wclal seal. (Jan. 1.8, 1025; c. Tl l4,·t3Stat.740.) _ M · » . 212. Price of blue fox skins paid to natives of St. Pau Island.-Jllho wretary of is rcduived to dx 'a red souable price to be mid the alms. of '8t._ Paul Island fo blue rox skins securw by them. {Aug. 18, I5!. c. 801, O 1, 2

LSD INBULA.2 POSBI@10F8 § 225 Slut. 891; Feb.`14, 1963, c. &2'$ 7, 32 Stat. 828; lar. 4, N13, ‘ c. 141, 5 1, 37 Stat. 736; May 31, 1920,1:. 217, 41 Stat. 716.) · x ·" ALASKA FISHERIES · _ 221. Fishing sarees; dosed iesm;`limitati¤a•°o¤ Eslning.- l For the purpose of pretecting and mnaefving the ilaheries ot " the United States ih all waters ot Alaqka the Secretary of Ccm·

 merce from time to time may set apart and reserve hshing
` areas in any of the waters et Alaska ever which the United
‘ has jurlsdictiori, and withia meh, areas may establish

l closed seasons durihg which hshing may be limited or pre- ’ 1hibited_‘ as he may preeeribe. Urider this authority to limit · Mining jln any area so 'setapart andreserved the Secretary _ may (a) hx the eize and eharaeter et nets, heats; traps, er ‘ other gear arid appliances to be used therein; (b) limit the { catéh of·§sh,t0 be taken from any area; (e) maleléizch regh= l kittens as to time; meané,_` methods; and extent of hshing as

 he MQY deem advisable. (Lme ${.1924. c. 272 { 1, 43 Statf
 ,222. Unlawful ishhg h areas; M_ exclusive rights to be

· granted; - dtizeup.-From and utter the ermtien qt any su/eh ' fishing area and durl¤g` the time Bshing is prohlhited therein l it shall be unlawful to hah therein or to operate therein any ’ boat, aelhe, trap, or other gear or apparatus for the purpose ‘ of taking ish; and from and after the ereaéon of any auch » asking area in . which ilshing is permitted meh hshihg shall be carried. ou" only during the time, in the manner, to the ? eitent; and in conformity with such mlesnnd regulations as the ' .presc·ribes under the. authority herein given: Pre--

  • ' vided, That every such regulation, makle by the Secretary ef

V, Gemmergg shall be of general application within the particular ‘ Jarea t0"W“`l1lch itkapplies; and that B0 exclusive or seyera} rkht f ot ueuery shall be granted therein, nor shall any citizen of V the United `States be denied the. right to take, oprepare,_ cure, »· or prwerve Hsh or shellhsh in any area of the watered: Alaska _ I wherei hshing is permitted by the Secretary of Commerce. V (June 6, 1924, e._272, 51, 43 Stat. 464.) e · _ _ ‘ 223. Prohibited areas- in creeks, streams, rivers, etc., not B t nEected.—-The right herein given to establish hshihg areas and t to permit limltegl Bshlng therein shall not apply to any creek, ’

  • ~stream,' river, or `otherlbodies of water lin which fishing is pi·e·

¤ hibited by speciiclprovisioms ot eectieas 221 to 228 et this title, l but the Secretary of Commerce r through the `lreation of sueh • Lblreas and the establishment of closed seasons may further I extend theiestrictions and limitations imposed _ upon Bshing

  • 2. by speclhc provisions of the above-menti0hed•seetiohs er any

\ other lavy. (June 6, -1924, c.·272, 5 1, 43 Stat.- 464.) · T 224.· Importing salmon daring closed -seasons.--—It shall be

  • · ruhlawtul to import or brl¤g"iute‘ the Territory _ of eeee Alaska, for

l. purposes otherthan personal um add not for sale or barter, · 8§.UlI0!l'f1‘0!Il waters outside the? jurisdiction of the United " I Statu taken during any closet! period provided for hy sections e P `221 to_2%.o1' this title or regulations made thereunder. (June 6,1924, e. 272,] 1, 43 Stat. Q64,) . . ` l' · _ 225. .Eacnpeme¤ts in salmon ruxis; percehtngexof runs which '· msi be tnkm.-·—I¤~all creeks, teams, or rlvera, or- in any B other bodiw ot water ug Alaslgn, `pver which the.`United States B has jurisdiction, ih which snmehmh, and in which there exist l- racks, gateways, or other mans by which the number in a ren d may be. counted or estimated with substantial`acéuracy,·there 5 shall he allowed an_eecapemeht.ot not less thah 50 `per eentum e_ of the total number thereof; In such waters the taking ot more F, than 50 percehtum et the min ot such Qsh is prohibited. It iss declared to, be therintent ancfpollcy of Congress that in' all ll waters of Alaska in yvhich ealmoh run there shall he an escapexi me¤t_o£ not lem than -50 per eentum thereof, and it in any r year it shall aDD¢¤r to the"Secretary ot‘0ommerce that the run 81 ofish in shy-‘waters has dimihishedl or is dltimlnishing, there