Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1598

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_. § 302 TITLE 48.#——TERRITORIE8 A with the construction of the Panama Canal, so far aud. as rapidly as the same is no longer needed at Panama, and the 0 successors to the Isthxnlan Cad l Goxumlssiou are authorized to deliver said property to SHCDQQCBPS or persons as the President may designate, and to take credit. therefor at such perg courage of- its original cost as the President · may approve, but ° this amount shall not be charged against the fund provided for in said sections. (Har. 12, .1914, .c.‘37, § 1, 38 Stat. 305.) ‘ ` 302, Telegraph and telephone lines;—The authority granted- = under section -301 of this title shall include the. power to I cou-_ struct, maintain, and operate telegraph and telephone lines ,86 far as they maybe necessary or convenient in the construction · and operation of the railroad or railroads as herein authorized and they shall perform generally all the usual duties of tele- ’ graph and telephone lines for hire: {Mar. 12,1914,.c. 37, _§ 1, r 38St&t.305.);’ ‘ _ .' Z {M3. Townsitcs.—Tl1e,_Presideut is authorized to withdraw, locate, .and_ dispose of, under- such rules ·and regulations as he P may prescribe, such area or areas of the public domain. along the line or lines ot such proposed railroad? or railroads for towusite purposes r as he may from. time _ to time 'designate, (Mar. -12, 1914, c. 37, 1, 38 Stat;305.) ”=·· Z . `· · P _ 364. Terminals, stations rights of vyay.g—eTerminal and station grounds and rights ofw way through the_1auds._of the United States in the Territory of Alaska are granted for the _ " construction ot railroads, telegraph and telephone lines author-‘ ized hy sections 301 to `308 of this title, and the_~iBresident may, p in such- manner as he deems advisable, make reservation of such ‘ lands as are or. may be. useful for furnishing materials for construction and for stations, terminals, docks, and for such other. purposes incounection with the construction andoperation of such railroad lines as; he may deem necessary and desirable. ~(Mar..12, 1914, c. 37, 5 1, 38 Stat. 305. ).. ` _ ‘ 305. Patents to contain reserve for right of yay.?-=—-In all patents for lands taken up, entered, or located ‘ln‘_Alaska· after P .March 12, 1914, there shall be expressed that there is reserved to the United States a right of way for thepconstruction of rallroads, .telegrap’h and telephone lines ‘ the extent of one hundred feet on either side of- the center line ot any such road _ and twentydlve feet on either side of the center lihe of any such telegraph or telephone lines. (Mar. 12, 1914, c. .37,-5 1, ssstat.:-sos.) s , g ‘ 3 i _ 366. — Dispmition of proceeds of lease. or sale of public

 moneys derived from the lease, sale; or disposal of

any ot Wtlié`f"p’ubltc~7l&, including townsltes, `ln Alaska, or the d coal, or mineral therein contained; or the timber thereon, and the earnings ot said railroad or railroads, together. with -. the earnings of the telegraphand telephone liu& constructed under authorityot sections 301 to 308 ot this title, aboye `malnteriance charges and operating expenses, shall be paid into the Treasury ' ot the Unltm States as other miscellaneous receipts are paid, and a separate account thereof shall be kept and annually reported to Congress- '(Mar; 12, 1914, c., 37, 5 3,· 38 Stat. 307..) Z 307. Authority of Pr¢aid¢ut.—··—¤It is the intent and purpose of Congress through the provisions of sections 301, to 308 of thistitle to authorize _ and empower the. President of the United States, andhe is fully authorized andfexnpowered, through such ouicers, agents, or agencies as he may appoint-or employ, to. doalhneoessary acts and 0 things ln addltion to. those spéexauy authorised ln such sections to enable him to_ accomplish the purposm. and objects of such, sections, (Maxi 12, 1914, c. 87, ‘§1,388tat.8M.) _ · - W ,308. Ohm, agents, ctc,. to make annual report to President; trausmiafeu to Congrmv-·-—The omcers, agefnm, or agencl laced in charge of the work by the Prwldeut shall make kt£l;.$_Presldent annually, and at such other periods as _inay· . be requirml by the President or by either of tall and complete reports ot. all their acts and doings and ot

ND INSULAR .1>ossnss10Ns 1584 .. all moneys received and expended .iu the eonetrnction ot" sam work rand rin the operation ot said work or rvorksnnd in the performance of their duties in 2 connection therewith. The K annual reports provided for in- this section shall _ be by the °Preside¤t transmitted to Congress. (Mar. 12, 1914, e; 37, §·4, · 38Stet. 307.) ‘ j _‘ · · . ~·» _ Taxation ref railroads.-=—In addition to the -nor1nnl.income. tax on ·net income there shall be levied and collected ‘1 per centum on the gross annual income of all railroad corpe. rations doing business in Alaslm, on bueinem done in Alaska, _wmeu· shall be computed `"and colleeted nr the manner provide}! hy law, the proceeds of whleh tex when collected shell be paid to the jtrensurer of Alnskav and be _ applimble to general Territorial purposes. (July __‘18, 1914,.::. 187, 38 Stat, 517.) Y _’ ROADS, TRAILS, AND BRIDGES. _ 321. Board of road eommswm; `eo¤§oeition.—There shall ;be a bonrd ot road commimloners in » the Territory. of `Alaskn, to ·be eouiposed of an. Engineer omeer of the United States Army to-be detailed and appointed by the Secretéry, or War, and two other omcers of that part of the Army stationed in the Territory— ot Alaska and to be designated by the Secre~ ftary of War. _ The said Engineer —oBcer shall, during the term ` of Qhis said detail 'und appointment, abide in said Territory. (Jam 27Q_1905, c. 277,5 2, 33 Stat. 616; Maru, 1906, c, 2458, ‘§ 2,-34 Stat. 192.)*  ? ” A_ _ 4 ‘ . r 322.- Some;] location and construction of roads and trails.- M `The said hoard shall here the power, had it shall he their _ .duty, upon W-theirown motion or npon petition,-to locate, lay out, - construct, and maintain wagon roads and pack trails from any point on the navigable waters of Alaska to any town, mining or other industrial camp or settlementf or between any such town, camps, or settlements therein, it in their judgment ouch roads or trails- are. needed and will be of permanent value for ‘the‘ development ot.Alnsl:a; but no such road or trail . shall be r constructed to any town, camp, or settlement which in wholly transitory or_ of no-Substantial value or importance for mining, trade, ngricultltiral, or manufacturing purposes.- (J an._ 27, 1905; n c. 277, 9 2, 33 Stat. 616; May 14, 1906, c; 2458, 5 2, 34 Stat.- 192.) 323. Same; maps, plans, and ¤peMcationa; mntraeta for permanent work.-¥··'1‘he said board shall prepnre maps, plans, and·épec1nentions·ot every r0ad_ or trail- they>~m¤y` lomte and lay out, and whenever more than $@,000, tri ‘ tm _ wgwte, ` shall have, to the expended. upon the actual construction of any road or section of road designed to be permanent, contract for the work éhall he let by them. to the lowest. reqxonslhle bidder, upon bicls, after due notice, under rule; and regulations to be· prescribed by the Secretary. ot War. The board may reject any bldeif they deem the same nnreasonahly high or ith _ · y they Rnd that there is a combination amonghideters. In ease - no responsible and reasonable bid can be then the work may be carried on with material and- men and` hired by, the board; _The Engineer oméerot the board shall in all eases supervise the work ot construction and see that the same is` properly performed. Aa soon an any road or trail laid ouf by · the board- has been constructed and completed they shall examine the same and make a- full end detailed report ot thework done, on the same to the Secretary ot War, and in `such report they ehnll state" whether the road or trail has been completed contormably to the maps, plans, and specfheations ot the same. (Jan. 27, 1905,1:. 277, § 2, 33 Stat. 616; May 14. ,1906, c. 2458, I 2, 84 Stat. 192.)* . __ 324{ Same; repair of told! and trails constructed.-·¢·—It ebelt be the duty of said board, as far as practicable, to keep in proper repair all roads and trails constructed under their supervision, and the same rules as to- the manner in which the work` ot repair éhsll be done, whether by contract or otherwise., shall govern aa in the case ot the original construction ot th•‘