Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/161

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1.4; T£TL.E `8.·——.4 LIE.! 53333 pmcggym {md make knewn the qtictnseo reported. Stn p,§,,,ni§m&;in;; shnllibe tnnde en or 4§§*E*fmE April 1, 192‘?. , It tl w,=,£;§,,,ag;Q4§.in net mnde enter bein nneh date, qnetns pr ,.;;,gn;ntr therein Shall nctbe in etfect for any iinen,1 yen: bogi `,,;,§;~ n·&.»rt— tlrerexpiratienl of ninety days nite: me date or tw .1,,-.,.·;;;mnti<.nn. After themdking of n proclamation under. th _,,,g§nt~·ini<»rt the nnntns proclaimed therein shall continue wg my §·;§]!]€,(‘§P€t 8$. herein, and t mnt tend ennelunire for every purpeseexcmvt (.1) ln so far ns gtqnnae nt nmwetttti to the mtisfactlenef eneh odieiqls and px ttaineed by the Prenldent, thatan errer'0£—tsct has oecufred >wu·n»t§ete1*minntinn cryin such prqctntnntien, cr (2) `in the cn e ;mt·stzt~ae fnrln snhdiviinienlc) of section 212 of this title. fm- nan- tensed qtwtns prnclaintw under thinsnbdivisien are n iu §·i°ft;<·t `fer `any tlscni {ear, quotes forcmch year ishall " .1.·n·t-natnerl under subdivision (1) ofthis section.- A i _‘ _ t (fg lnmigrntien limited te qeetas; menthly issue. `Tl*it·~rt· slanll be innned te qnetn immigrant; of any nnti0'n;1li ll; nn metre innntigratien rises, in nnytlnscnl yenrnthnn tt qui·tn!for_ snch nntiennlity, and (2) in nny calendar rnenth may finn! yenr,nn_rn0redi111migrntion visas than 10 per centn ..{‘snt·itjuetn. for sni·h‘ nntltsnnlitygexeept that ifsneh quota t tint mam 300the number to be issued in any calendar mon will be ;·éres;érimd bj ”the‘·Cetnmissioner General, twithtl

»;qn·ns·;1l of the Secretary of Labor, but the-total naman, to U

t.»m=d ltluringithediiscnl, yearshall not be in excess- or tl qamtn for nneh nationality. ‘ u J l · ·_ `_ _ _ _. (g) {sane of rinte nenqneta immigrant as quoti imm grant.-—-Nething in this subchapter slgall· prevent the `isntmn ewittnttntt increasing the total number eil immlgra,tion‘ rig wllidl danny he insned) of an imxuigratien tina. to an immigrn as at qnntn immigrant even thengh he is a_ n0nq~u0ta, in1mtgrn1 dizzy. 26,31924, 190,—§ .11, 43 Stttt. 159..) ._ M _ · _ _‘ ` 2l2. (a)‘ Natienality; determinntien ef.——For the purposes éinn sulmnnpter. nationality `Shtilt be netermznea by country ltsrtiz, arentingns separate countries the colonies, dependencie tn? n·lf-geveming denniulens, for which ·en`nmeratitrain made in the United States eensuscf _1&)0; except that ( the nationality of nehlld under twentyeone years of nge n _ ?¤·s*n in the United States, ncccnnpnnled by its alien parent 11 l ‘ ~l·<3rn in the United 'Stategsttall determined by- the count pt birth of such; Iwfent-it such pnrent is entitledhtc an im i__ tzmtinn visa,. and twi nationality ot a child under twenty-o _ years of nge not bent in the Ifnj-ted‘ Stntgets, accompdltiéd 2 I isnil1.nlien`pnrent3 net born in the Unitecl States, shallibe deti nainerl by he country offbirth ’0£ the iatherilt the siather entitled t an inimigrntien visa.; end_(2M) if a wife is of a. diffe ,t·nt nati I lityitrom her nlienimsband andthe entire mxmt nf inunigra en visas which may be imttedje quot; iimniéral nf her nationality for the calendar nmnth has already be isnaewl, her nationality may be determined byg the t birth nt herd 1;n&•nd it me ts_ ncecmnnnying him- and ile entitled to than immigrntien visa., unless the total ~nnmber`· iénnqigrntion rind which may belnsued to queta, immigrants the nntiennllty ct the hnsbnnd ter the eelenzdnr month h · znlrendj been isenedf An` immigrant hom in the United Stm . Wtttr lens lost hip United Staten citlnenshlp shell be consider - an having nt the country of which he is A citizen ennjeet, er it he is net n citizen erenbject ot. may country, th in the eenutry from which he ctmtéd. _ 2 I ‘ ‘ `. g (B). Stntement of res®t- individunlq of varimtn nations

 utin.-¤1*1te, Secretary nt State, t£1eSecretnry at Cmnmer;~e,_ e

~me"Secret¤ry et {Labor, jelntly, shall frremre s statement sh`0 _ itmlitlne nuinl>e1·.0t individuals of the various naticnnlitles re Gent; in continental United Staten nq"determiued`.by the`¢Uuit States eenangpt 1&90,‘ which statement shall? w the pcpulnti basin fer the pnrpenes of subdivision (n) "ct section 211 nf tl title. In the case ct a country, reeqgnized by the United Stet

VS AN!) CITIZENSIIIP § 212 Sh bm: for whiéh a separate emnimzmtiqn was mt made in that tté (.’§!S1lS_0f 1890,’th0 number of iridividuals hom in such icmmiry ·0— and residetntm cointimmtal Hnited States in 1890, ax estinnéxml n- ybytsuch omcials jointly, shall bé Qcmoidercd for the pu:·pns·s·s nf he tsubtlivisiqn (a)- of said éection 211 as hgving been —de·teriii qnixsgd by the United Stgtes census; dt *1:2 the erase {sf n th qolcny or dépendency existing h?fm·e1&)0; bat for which zi be , .s»apm·ntc epu·m<2·ration was not magic in the cvsmms Qi 1890 and ~ it §vhich“· was not included in the csmmération—f¢;r the <:mmt:·5· to

  • 0- which Sé('1li-('OIOBX or dépcnilency belmiged, or in the case of

in territory.-admix1istcr@ under 2 pmtectomte, the number nt imitse t yiduals hom lin suchtccloriy, Acpem§em·y, m·‘z m·1tory,t¤¤41.¤·t;*¤41- _It_ de-ntnin ccutiugntai Umtéd States ix: 18%,, as ettimxiim bi szzérlr 1_0t.-ofiiciuls jdintly; sh#Ii beiconsidered for the N hw: of sub-

  • 9*3 division (a) cffsaidx section 211 tag hadag determined hy"
 the United States census of 189% tq hgve I% bg¤m"_m the

——-· cquntrj to which such colmny pr dependency bekmged or which ty"4 &d1Hil1iSf€FS_SElCh' pmtectomte, ‘ _ A · V _ , · ' hg (c) EEect of ia ih foreign of ¢0EBtfi%•¥···Il1 case of chziixgi-a·s_ in political bmméaries in nin"- `comrtries_ bcctimring, suweqmetxt to ,1%0 and résmtipg in the mul is ticmof néw ctmntriw, t11e·G0ifemm¤ts at are reéognizcd th by. the United States, 01’__iI§ the -esmblishin¢i1t oi sb}!-governiug he, dominigms; or in the transfer` qc terfitéry from one country to be uriéther, such transfer being by tmllnited Suites, he d1·.in— the suriender byqcma cmmtrj `Totttcrrit¤i·y,, me tmrssfer t of which to another coxmtry has mit been? st; _ gw thy the iiq United _St&f£'$Q br 'in the ad- iniétratiém of tmdér ce mandates, (1) sixch g>$t:{3l$,, jointly, shéii estimate._tEte xmmgmr as or individixals residént in contisenftal United States in 1@0 ut. who werembofii-V Withii1¢ihé :m·m_'im:lmw€I in.sa4c·h‘ néw Eemmriés. nt. tot selbgoverning `dbminions 701* in Such territary jsp transferred mi shrrendétéd or aémiuistered .tm€}ei· af mamigte, and xevisé gf — ·(for.the imrp0ées"0§_subdiYisién (3) his section 211 ot thié titlef 5{ the population basis as to} e;1ch`c0t1ti;try·invfi§x·ed·i¤ such change BS, got gioliticzzl boundary; aud. (2). if sucky changes in politicrzgl tm. boundaries occur gfter the ’det€rmin&tioni,pggy§§gg__fgg ij_ig_ $g§1_ t 1) divisimi (c) _0f tsaidvsectitin 211,has béen pmc1slmcé,=.¢§ucix mi '__OmCi8lS," jointly, shall revise .s¤chY determiuatiqa; but amy str not far- as necessary sto allot- the. quotas _:amcmg· the cmmtries in— Yfy vclvéd iu, such change of .p0l_iticui¤lm21‘n¢lgry. Fér thé pmgxwse 5iQ of such revision and for the pur p@ of éetemining ¤i— ne ticxiélity b of an im`migran`t, (A)_ aIiens b0mt.i:1$the mea im by ddded in Qany such hew cmintrY`m··sé1f-governing dominion shall ery bé ccpsidered a.s<ha~ving been both ih such émimtry or ttaminién, is and &1iwsVb0rnti;ztQ¤uir territory .sc__;:ll* be er·_ ·sidQt& as hzxvihgbgen bomiiuk the cmmtry to which such ter1*i· »er tory was tmrisfcrred, and (B) --tcrritm:y ss: sun*eutlemd or mi-· ats ministered, wider Q rhamlate shall be tzeatéd`¤s_;a§se·;m1$¤te _ cn tc0m1ti·y.` Such treutméqt hot territé1·$·_ administered mtdér a ` of mnndntp shall. not- constitute ccmzii; by the Ugxitcd Statés ta ii the pmposéd mandate where the United gtates has not gcnot sented in a treatytc-the édministmtibn of the territory by at of fmamiatory power. t t " - t ‘ t t " ms .(d) _` Statémcuts, etc., made annngfly.-—·'I$hc statemgats, est? tes mates, hud revixtimins pmvidednin this scctibn shzxll bevmaeic: t

  • ed `anmmlly, but for any fiscal yea: fomwhich quotas are in effect

or as pmclgiuied.u;1der subdivision (Q) of section 211 of. this fifte, an shall bc mndef only -(1) Ior the purpose of ldeterxnxitxning Vt-me , uatiemnltty ’ of i¤£mig1*ants seeking — admission to the Uuitvd di- Statas·dm·ing?· such year, or _(2) forttlte purposegs of plzmse (2} nd df subdivisicg (c)‘ of this`sQecti0u._ ; t , r _· ’ _ »w- (e) Annual report to Prmident of quota of natiemalitiés; !*8i·_` prédamtim bef" quota;.-—5Such' bdicials skrtall, jointly, report

cd mmuhlly ·tq—,t’hc`_°President thé quota of euéh mxétiomxliqg zunivxy

on sixbdivisicn (n)$,_0f sectién `21rqf thi:3 title, ttvgetlmr with thé tiin statements: estimates, and .rcv,isirms pi·nvid<·<i for in this seee$, tion. '1'fbe Presidetxt<;·mim and umkc-known the (jll•)[&iS