Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1630

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§» 738 TITLE 48.--Y—TERRITORIES Ai ‘ All persons shall before conviction be bailablek by auiicient c sureties, except for capital offenses when thelproot is evlglent . or the presumption great. ; t Q . W _ ’ ·_ ‘_ n No law impairing the obligation of contracts 'shall be enacted. _" _‘ ° . . _ No person shall be imprisoned for debt; - · _ The privilege of the Ywrit of habeas corpus shall riot be sus- ,pénded,·m1les.s when in case ofrebellion, ineurrection, or, in? vasien the pahlic safety may M require it; in either or at-which events the same may be suspended by the President, or by . , the gryvernor, whenever during. such period the necessity for such; snapenston shall exist,. I _ l P _ ‘ " 3. No ex post facto law or bill'°`of attainder shall be enacted. $ Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public ` use except upon payment of— just compensation ascertained in themanner prcridegl by law. ‘ · .· _ · _ __ — _Nathing contalneé in this chapter shall be construed to mlimit the power of the . legislature to enact laws for the protection of, the liwfes, Shealth, or safety ofcmployees. No law granting a title- of nobility Y shall be enacted, and no person holding any omce of proht or trust ~under the govern? ‘ ment of Porto Rico shall, without the Jcousentof the Gongrea , of the United States, accept any present,. emolument, omce, or _ title of any kind whatever from king, queen, prince, or ‘ foreign State, or any omcer thereof. _ " . ; , __ , Excessive hail shall not be required, .1101% ercessive iinea . imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments indicted. -- . - ‘ The fight to be secure against unre§onable_ searches and ` seiaureaahall not he violated: _. _' _ W — L. - ; No warrant `for‘arrest~pr. search shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath oraiiirmation, and particularly dcecrihing the place to {be searched, ‘and`the_ persons or things,. toheséized »‘ · ` Slavery shall not exist in Pforto Rico. ‘ii‘ A — -— — ~ · Involuntary seryitudej except as a punishment tc;) criine, , whereof the party shall have been 'cluly convicted, shall not exist in Borto Rico. " . ‘ ;' __ — No law shall be passed abridging the freedom ot 'speech or - of the press, or the right of! the people peaceably to assemble . and petition ·the.G0vernment for redress of grievaxncea.} No law shall be made respecting an establialggznent of religion or prohibiting the free exercise ‘thereof,_ and that the tree exercise and enjoyment of religious profession anilv/rlvowip without diacfimination".‘or preference shall torever be allowed, and that no political or religious test other than an oath to support the Constitution of the United ;Statea and the laws ao! Porto Rico Shall be" required aa a quallncation to any omce or public trust under the "government of Porto `Rlco._ » · _ ,No public money or property shall, ever be ; approprlateel, applied, glonated, need, directly or indirectly, for the i1se,·bene%- . nt, or support of any sect, church, denomixiaition sectarian in- _ etitation, or association, or system of religion, or for the use, benotlt, or support of any priest, preacher, minister, or other religious teacher ° or gdignltary aa such. t Contracting ot . polygarnoaa or plural marrtagw is prohibited. ~ r ‘ ‘ · l '

  • It shall be uularvful to import, manufacture, mll, or . give ‘

away, er to expom· for sale or gift any intoxicating drink or drug, except the legislature, may authorize and regulate _ portation, manufacture, rand sale of "aald liquors and (drugs , ter medicinal, aacramental, industrial, and xicntmc uaea only. The penalty for violations of this proylsion with referenée hte lntoxicanta ahall he a' Ana ot not tleea than $25 ·tor_ the Hrat offense, and for second and aubmquent oitenaea a line of not lean than and imprisonment for not Ieaa than one .m¤aa¤ or more than one year. · · ; - _ ` ‘ No ,m0aey shall he paid out of the treasury except ln pursuance of an approprlation by law, and, on warrant drawn. by the proper o&cer·in pursuance thereoi, Y `

vn »1;v;sULA1: Possnsszozvs 1616, t -The’rule`0f taxation in Porto Rico shell be uniform. ‘ L, All money derived from fany tax levied or nsse‘ssed for a . special _·purpo_se shall be treated as a_ special afimd lathe Treasury and paid out for. sueh purpose only except upon the. approval of the President of the United States. r _" a J Eight. liours shall constitute a day’e work in all eases of employment of laborers and . meeiianics by and on behalf of the goyermnei1t—0f'.the island on public {works, exeept in ceases-9 ofemexzgenéy. _~ _" ·' _ [  »' _ 1*1¤e.emp1¤ymt—¤t of children nnder the age of tourteen years. in every occupation injurious to health orgmorals or hazardous to life or limb is hereby prohibited. (Mar. 2, 1917, e. 145, §.2, 39 Stat. 951; Feb.-3; 1921, c, 34,l·§ 1, 41 Stat. 1096.) ‘ _ o .738. Free interehnnge of merchandise Qwith Un{ted··State€.a. Aliimerchandisegand articles coming into the United States from Porto Rico and eorning int0_ Porto- Rico from the United States shall be entered at the several ports ot entry free of ‘ duty and imno event shall any duties be eoilectedl on said; mer-. chandise or articles, (Apr. 12, 1900, c. 191, §` 3, 31 Stat. 77.)- ’ ` 739. Duties on foreign immrtsr books and panphlets in English language.--The same tariffs, customs, and duties shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articlw imported into Porto- Rico from ports other than those of the Unite<i”,States which are (required, by 1aw·.t0 be collected npon artielw imported into the United Statw - frome foreign eonntries: 0n all eoiee in the, bean. orground ‘imported` into Porto Rice there shall»be» levied and collected a duty of 5 eents per pound, e any law { or `part of law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, That all books and pamphlets printed in · the Englislr `ganguage shall bej admitted into Porto Rico free of clnty when imported__' from the United States. (Apr; N12, 1900, e. 191, § 2,·31,Stat.77.)_ _ W I- · _— '740. Duties and taxes to constitute fund for benentpf Porte — Rico`; ports of ·entry.·--—’1‘he duties and taxes collected in Porto Rico in pursuance of the provisions of this chapter, iess the t cost of collecting the same, and the groes amount of all collections of dnties QB;} taxes in the United States npron articles of merchandise homing from Porto Rico; shall ~be_ paid iinto the treasury of Porto Rico! to he expended as required by Ian: for the government and-benent thereof, and the Secretary of ; the LTYQBSHPY shall designate the several ports and subporte » of entry in Porto Rico §nd_shal_1,_make snob rules, and regulations appoint such agents as may be; necessary to collect the' dutieé and taies authorized toebe levietl. c·olleeted,,and paid in Porto Rico by the provisions, of this chapter, and` J the shall me the compensation and proeide» foxhthe payment thereof of all such omeers, agents, and assistants as he · may End it L necessary to employ to carry ont the provisions of. mw. (Apr. 12; moo, c. 191,} 4,31 sm, 78.;) · no _ · { .741. Export duties, taxes, etc; bonds to anticipate revenaes.——-¤No export duties shall he leied__ or collected on exports, · trom· Porto Rico, but taxes and assessments on property, internal- revenue, and. license fees, anti royalties for franchiséef privileges, and conemlons may be imposed for the purpoaesii oi the insnlar and umnieimlw governments tively, an may be provided and defined by the legislature `of . Porto Rico; and, when nec/Qsary to anticipate taxes, and revenues, bonds and other obligations may be _ issued by Porto Rico or any municipal government therein as maybe provided. by law and `to proteetl the puhlic eretiit. (Mar. ·2,‘ 1917, jc. 145, 5 3, 39 Stat.`953; Feb. 3, 1921, e, 34,} 2, 41 St&C._m 742, Acknowledgment of deeg!s.—-1-Deeds and other instru- ' ments affeeting land sitnate in the District ot Colombia, or any other territory or possession of the United States, may be acknowledged `in Porto Rico before any notary public appointed thereto. by proper authority, or any officer therein who has ei. omcio the powers ot a notary tgpublie. '1‘he eertmcate