Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1636

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823* _ T1 TLE 48.-·d’1IRRITO§IElS' A.; 823. Same; enacting chaise of bills and .lf¢§0l¤ti&···—']]1€ enacting eiause of the law shell be as to acts “Be it enacted by the Iglslature of Porto Bice " and as to; joint remlutions

  • ‘ Be Tit resolved by the Legislature of Porto Rico." (Har. 2,·

1917,et145,§34,39Stat.966.) ” · , j 824. Passage of bilh`: nlterstirms or am¤d¤ents.#5;—No l1awshall he except bY`bil1,_`a11d no; bill shell be so-.a1tered_ or amepded ed its pa through {either house as to its original purpose. (Mar. 2, 1917,"e. 145; { 84, 39 Stat. 961.) j 825; Same; reference to eomaittees; sighatuire by governor; happreval bi Pr®de¤t.—N0_ bill shall be `eonsidered orbecome 1 law referred to la committee, returned therefrom; and printed for the nee et the. ‘ meutbersz Provideéf »'1‘hat either house may, by a majority vote diseharge aleom= `__mlttee iromzthe consideration ot. a measure and bring it before the bEdy“fer cohsideratlou. r . ‘ ` ‘ { j e f ’ . No bill 'sl1all_bec0me.a Iawuutil it bepassed. in each house by a majority yea-and·nay vote lot all of the members be10pg4 lug to such house end entered eport the joumnljand . be upproved by the goverhor withlne ·teu‘ daye thereaiterr It when a . bill that has been is presented to the governor tor his._¤gnatgrel he epprovesp the samejhe shall sign lb;. o1j·`ii not, he shell returiz- lt; with his objections, to the house in which it originated, which house shall enter his objections at `lalrge mr its jourrial aud` proceed to `"recousidér 'lt. If, utter such- reco¤sidera,tl<m,- two-thirds of all the members ot that house shall agree tepass thesjame its shall be sent, together with the objections, tp the other house, by wjhlch- it. shall likeé ‘ wise be reconsidered and it .11/pproved by twcithirds of all the _ members e£_that house it shall be- sent to the goyernor, who,} in cgse he shall then not l' approve, shall transmit the ¢ same to the President of the United States. The vote dt each house shall be by yea; end nays, _ dud the? james of the ·members voting for and against shall be entered 'on _ thi ijoumalg It l the President of the United States approve the same. he * shall eign lt and lt shall become n ·law." It. he shall~uof approve ‘ Mme he shall return it to the governor so stating, and it shall not beeome 'a law except the President or the United States · shell approve or disapprove au` act» submitted to him .u¤deie the provisions of this swtion within ninety days from and after its qinbmiesion for his apprpgalg and it not. approved withixf such time it- shall become a law the mme as lt lt had-l been speclhcally approved. It- guy bill prwented to the gov- eruor 'contains several" items of approprlutlmi ‘ of m6riey,` he * may object tonne or (moreot éqch items, or any part or portion or portions thereof,`while__liDl1r0vi;;g of the other por- - tion ot the bill. In such ease he chill appénd to the bill, atl the time of 'slguing it, d statement of the items, parts orl portions thereof to which he objects, and the approprintioni so objected -to shall not take eiteet. It any bill shall not bel returned b5>the governor withlh ten, days (Sundays excepted) after it shall hdveweu presented to him,"_it: shall be an law in like manner as it he had dined lt, uuleuthe legislature by adjournment prévents its return, , in whlehp case it · dull be 21 law lteigued, by the governor within thirty {days after reveipt by him; otherwise l it shall not be a law. `(Mnr. 2, 12317. e._145, Q 84, 39 Sta£.`%L) . p t ‘ _ 826. Luis, to be remrted to- Congress.-—·-·Al1“ laws ennctede 'by the Legislature ot Porto Rico shall be ljepexted to the Ocugress of the United States, as prorlded in seétlcx; 842 of this qtitle, whichreserves thé power .éDd‘*-QHIHOHCY to umm! the, same. It at the termination ot guy dma] yur the gpprepriiv tions ‘necessary_ for tm support of the government for the eh} suing tlscal year ehall not have been made. the several rpms. appropriated lu the last. epproprlatlou bills ter the objects and purposes therein sepeeided, eo ter as, the ume may be epplienbh, shall. be deemed to be reapproprluted item by item; dud until. the legislature shall act in such behalf the treasurer mq, with

NDIINSULAR rossssmows . 1622 ·· the advice of the governor, make the Nyments necessary for me purposes excreted., ucar. 2, 1817,1:. 1·$5, t a4, so sm, 961,) . s · 827[Time of taking elect of laws; introdndion of bill,. No act of the legislature except the general appropriation bills for the expensme of tm government shall take edect until ninety daysr after its @age, nnleg ln case of emergency (which shallfbe in the prmmbb or body of the act) the legislature T by a vote of two-thirds or all members elected; to j each house otherwise No bill, except the

 appropriation blQll~ for the .e s of. tm government

only, introduced ln1 either house of __the lglslatnre after [the drst forty days of t,he—s%on, shall become a law, (Mar. 2, ` ‘1917, c..145, { 34, `39 Stat. 961.) J { ‘ _ i ' 828. House furnala,—Each house shall kw a journal of ` its proceedingagand maylin its from time to timer publish the same, and the {yeas anymays on any qnemon shall, on the demand of one·1lfth ·_of s the members prwmt, be`entered on the journal.- {Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145. { 84, $9 SML 9M-) · . 829. Sessions- of each house and connitfcce.-¢• N ¢P¢¤·—— Thesessions of each house and of tm committees of the whole shall be open. (Mar. 2, 1917[ c. 1445, §_ 84, W Stat. 961.) _ 830. Adjonmment.—Neither_ house shall, without the coni sent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to -. any- other place than that in which the two homes ehil be sitting. (Mar. 2, 1917, e. 145, { $4, w Stat. 981;) A ‘ _ ‘ e ,831. Presiding ,oEeer· to sign blib and readtmns.-——The presiding omeer of meh . house shall, in the mesence of the house over which he presidc¤.Y · use all bills am joint resolu· 1 tions by the leglsldtllfé. after their titles shall have been publicly read, lmmedlately bdore signing; and the fact of signing `shall be entered on the journal. (Mar. ,2, 1917, c., `145,§.84,`89Stat.9@.) -: y _? ·‘ ‘ ‘ 832. Bill to contain one subject; appropriation bim.——No ‘bill,` except general appropriation bills, shall be payed neontainlng than one *subject,‘ which shall be clurly expresmd in its title; but if any subject shall be embraced in any actwhich shall notbe expressed ln the title, such act shall be void only as to so much thereof as shall not be so exprxd. (Mar. 2,1917, e. 145, {84,89 Stat. 962.) _ " . a _ 833. Revenue bills te,. originate hn house of represmta-· tives.——-All- bills for raising revenue shall orlglnate ln the house of representatives, but the senate- may or concur swithe amendments, as in case of other bills; (Har. 2, 1917, c. 145, |. 84, 89 ·8tat, 982.). · " ., ` - l 834. Apmopriation bills for executive, . leghlative, · and ‘ls&clal`,departments.—-'.l‘m general appropriation bill shall em- _ __ brace but appropriations for the ordinary expemw of the executive, legislative, ;and judicial departmmts, interest on the public debt, and for public All mer approprlations shall be made by separate bills, each embracing but one subject. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, {34,. 89 Stat. »9¤.)‘ " _ 835. Revival or anddment of laws.-—-No law shall m revived, or amended, or provisions thereof extended or _ conferred by reference to lm title only, but ao much tmreof as ls revived,. amended, extended, or conferred shall be reenacted s and, published at length. (Mar. 2. 1917, e. 145, { 34.. w Stat. 886. Legislature te · number, dmieak and compwsation of oloera and employers.-—-'1’h•~ lciillotufc Shan prescribe by law the number, duties, and eompmsstion of the omcers and, employees of each honm: andhg pirmwt shall be made for serv•lce•"t• the lemslature um the treasury, or be ln any way anthoriaw to any norms. exeeptto anacing omcef or employee elected or appointed in of law. (Mar. 2,.1917,e. 145, S 84, gxat. %.) · _' ` . HE iglvlng e for rendered @®ed.—-Noblll•hallbepaa•sdglvlnganyextracmpen-