Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1646

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‘ §‘ 1121 f ‘.r1TL148.---T¤RmToR1ps. partment concemo£lp one `Yéar. in the manner hereinafter ·.prwcribed._ The auditor shall, except ee hereinatkr provided, have like authority as that conferred by law upon the General Accountlxlg Omoo and the- Comptroller General ot, the United States and is authorized to commqnioate directly with any F person having claims before himx for settlement., or with any department, (moor, or person having omcial relations with his omco. , (AugQ 29, 1916, c.` 416, $.24, `39' Stat. 553; June 10; 1921( o e. 18, és 301, 310, 42.‘sm¢. 23, my j · · _ - I 11211* Reports; to Governor Geuergl and Secretary of Waré- As sooo after the close of- eackfiiscalyear as the pccountp of said I year may be eramlped and adjusted the auditor `shall submit the Governor _ General aud, the" Secretaryhof ·War an armual report of the decal concerns the governmeptf sboy- ` ing the receipts and disbursements of the-`vdrlous departments and bureaus ot the goverment edd of the various Provinces and muuioipalitiosp and make euoh other as may be required ot .him’by` the Governor General or the Secretary of _War.‘ (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 416,} 24, 39 Stat; 553{ Juno 1Q, 1921,. c. 18Q §§ 3G1}~310, 42rStat. 23, 25.) . ‘ _ '_ " · e - _ 1122. Supervision by _¤Govemor Gcnergl.-5-The 'otllce of the auditor shall be under the _ general superirielop ot tile Goy- emor Geuei·al· and shall consist of · the o auditor and- . puty auditor and such _ eary assistants as may be pro by » law. "(Adg. 29Q 1916, c. 416, § 24, 89 Stat. 553; J one 1921,c,18Q`§§ 301, 310,·42_Stat. 23, 25.)*- j ‘ ~ - __ _ " . r 1123. Same; appeals from deéigious . of ; ddeiop of Govemor General; decision- of Secretary of Wsr.·——·Axiy persopj aggrieved by the action or Vdeclsion lot tho auditor in the settlement ot. his aocount or claim may; within sono year, take on appeal in writiilg, to the Governor General,. which appeal shall specifically set forth the particular action of the. auditor to which exception is tskempwith the ‘reaso1i..and authorities relied on for, reversing such decision. _ _ - ‘ ‘ _ all the Governor' 'Geuero.1 shal1 condrm the action ot ·_ the imditor, he·sl1all.é0 indorse the appen1.a¤d_-transmi't it to the auditor, and the action shall thereupon ‘ b0.·¤D.&1 and conclusive. Should the Governor General fall _·to sostainythe action ot. the auditor, he shall iorthwith transmit his ‘gi·ou¤de ot dle;°p·_l prove! to the Secretary of War, together the appeal and the mpers necessary to a proper understandin: ot the matter. The decision oi- the Secretary of War lp sinch case bball be mul and conoluslve. · (Aus.29, 1916, c. 416;] 25, 89 Stat. 554.) 1124. Sslgrieo of. olcérsr-—-·Excopt‘ as in this chapter otherwise provided, the salaries of sell the omolale of the Phillpplna not appointed by_ the President, including deputies; a¤eiSto.¤tsQ and other employeu, shall be such and he so `mid Vout ot "the lrevcnum of the Phlllpplnw do shall' from time to time `be de? termined by" the Philippine Legielatpre; and it the leslalature shall tail to make an appropriation `_£or meh mlarles," tho salaries so dxed shell be pild without the of appropriations therefor, The palarles of All oQcers gud all expenses ot the amuse of the variouaomcldls ot the Ptgillpplnm appointed as heroin provided by the Preeldent also be pe.ld__~'out ot. the revenues of the Philippl¤u.‘ __'I‘ho.1mxmal salaries ot the following-named omclnla appointed by the President and eo to `shall be :1 The Govermr General, $18,000; in addition tmto he shall be entitled to .tl;e occupancy of buildings used prior to August 29; 1916, bi the chief éxacutlve ot the Philippines, with, the furnituro and therein, frm ot yreutar; vice rovornor, 3 $10Qw0·; mditor, $6,090; deputy auditor, $3.000. (ng. m, 1e1e,‘_ el lm. • 20, so sm. ssc.; — 1125. Municipal _@@ to bejwmpemnted mt of provincial md munlclpil revqnuoe.-¤—·'1%e provisions ot section 1124 ot this title phnll not apply to proilmlsl and municipal omciale_;_` their ealnrles and the oompemntion ot their depotlm, nmietauts, · and other ‘ help, as well in; all oth¤_ I curved bi the Provium and municipalities, shall he paid out

um INSULAR POESESSIONB 1632 , ot,·the“ provincial and mmiioipal i·eve¤ues· in_ uch manner l ag _ the Philippine Legislature] shall provide;. (Auk. '29, 1916, c. 416, { S0, 39 Stat. 556.) ' _ IJOINAGE CURRENCY _° 1141. Mini 'nt Manila.-—Thc govomment of 'tbo Philippine Islands is authoi·izcd— to establish a· mint; at the city of Manila, ixrsaid islands, for coinage p¤rpose=s, and the coins hcréinafter _ momma may be coma- at som miht. no me me wvgm. _ ment is` authorized to enact laws ¤oc$ry for such utébligh. __ _;¤ént;: `Propidod, That the laws ot the Unite}! States .ro1ati;;g _to mint;. and qoinage, ·so tar as &pplicab1o,_nro exteiided fo the` . coinage 0t_ said islands. (July 1, 1902; c. 1%; S 76, 32* Stor, _ 1142. Gold-gieipo; unit of {glue; kgil tender.-’1Z'he‘unit or . , ‘v;1lu;-> in the Philippine Islands- shall bejhé gold consisting, · of twelve mid nino—tgnths`graim of nina-ténths ·§¤e, soid gold péso to become ithe unit, of value when thegovcmmont ot » the Philippine jlsiands `shill and ready for, or in; circulation ’ not less than Bye million of the silver pro- . vidéd— for under section 1143 of this title, om_ tho_gold_coins ot. ’théY United States at the rate of $1l!o;· _2 p$os yvgroinattor - authorized to be coined shall - be legpl tender to? all oebts, public hut} privaté, i¤_ the Philippine Islands. (Mar. 2, 1903, c. 980, 1,.82 Stat. 952.) .· · · " ‘ ` ` 1 — 3. Silvgr peso; lego) tender.-=Tho govommeuf or the _ o Philippine Islands is outhorizéd to coin to an amount not ox-

 75,000.000 pesos,·fo1·»uso in mid Ialanés, a biker coin

of the denomination of 1 peso and ot weight of four hundred and sixteen grains, aiid thelugnénrd of nid silyet coinsr Vshollbo such that of om thousand parts, by I t,Y‘¤3ne bmadred shall be oi pom metal one hundred alloy, md the alldysballbcofcopper. , · . · 1- _ Tho? silvér- Pliilippino peso guthorimd by this section shall l be légal zenno:) in the Philippine Islands for all doom, public ` and prhfote, urilw otherwise spocmally provided by comtmct; Pfovidcd, That debts prior to the 31st day of December, 1903, may be paid in the loéabtmdér currency of I said islaqda existingmt the time of tho- making of sold com · tracts, unless othorwise.gxp&ly provided bi contract. (Har. Q2, 190% Q. 980,.-6}% 8, 82 But. 953.) ‘ “ _. U - . .. 1144. iS¤§sldia:y_`iilvor~ coins.-—"I1so government of tho Phil-. lppino Islands in guthorized to com fo:. paso in mid islands o com of, the denomination of 50 oentnvos and oi; the weight: or two `hunédtéd a¤d eight·¢rni¤s. d com ot the denomination of 20 cexitsvm and of the véelght of oightrtbreo andj ton onehundredths grains, and h coin ot_ tho donoinimtiod ot mr centnvos and of the weight of £orty-o¤o and Bftydve onehundredths palm ."1‘ho. standard ot said si1Y¤. coins, sha}! J boi such that of one thousand ports, by .wei§ht,_ nine hundred. shall be of metal. and ot sho!. ud the alloy _

· shall bc of oopper. (July ji, J.902;‘c. 13®. { 7'l,_ w Stat. 710; ;

Mar. 2,.1903; c. M, Q Aww Bmt. 963.) ‘ o ‘ . ` _. 1145. Same; Wlimtotloa gs. legal subsidiary silver coins nothoriiod by this- chapter shall. be- legal tender -111 the Phillpéno Islnudito the amount- ot $10. (Mar. Z?. 1903,_o..%0,|5,82Bt•t.§5B;).·_`·‘ _._ ‘ ` - _ H46. Minor oolnp; limitation as, logs! loader.--—5'1‘ho goYer¤— mat of the Philimllko Islands. is gothorised to issue mlnuip ooins of the denominations of ji mntsvai 1? contnvo, and 5- contavos, and ouch muon ooms shall ho legal mode; in sold - ialnncm for amouptn not exceeding $1. Tho alloy or the 5-` pohtnvo piece shall be ot copper And nickel, to. be composed of ul1;®·fo\11’th! copier and omiourth moto!. The n1Ioy“ of the 1-oéntnio nod M-co¤&vo {Hem shg11 be 95 pa oontum of oopper and 5 por centum oi tin ¤m1._~zi¤c. in s¤éh‘_propor*tions W nhohnu he doyerminod by mid govommont:·~4‘ho weight of the 5-ccntnvo Nom shall be ¤§vo¤ty·¤ove§ ·a.¤q;l s1`xtee¤·1m¤dmdth8