Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/165

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t io]. 7’1Z.?`LH §.~»—~~.~lLlENS A sor. , g 4

. Faroe! diplomatic and rnnsorlnr oflirors exe-egsted. g

~~;_ ;t1·;·.»smI pwsonx to prove right ro ronnnn, ,

  • 3_1$eiliZoT£1l of tjlzincse not entitled to be or rexnnin in `{Inited

Sixties. _ — 1

~#;. linhoexs corpus ny {'hinese denieel landing; basil. - 1 1

Q`; a`rrtiticate~s of resilience; arrest and ehqmrtation of iahorers with- 1 . ` at . - ' en. liezsiiatiiririrfor cxoenilitm of Sections ,234 10,281,  : no ··l.:nnm~r"‘ and ··n;n~re,hant" donned; proof for ‘enzrance_ of 1 ~ Illt‘¥°Cll£¥l!i. C ·· l I i 4 _' 1

$-M_ (`iat§1!ili>¤S1<lPE_l€l`, fill? ll@£1F1li,§ OD {l¥°l`QSt Cll1llf?S€` [)(¥·I‘S0l]S. I

wi. Sonny; fren. " - · '

. \\':zrrnnts of arr;-st. , _ , ’ ·
_fl‘;_ lixvlnsion of _<'l¤in~"·
¤e from Hawaii; entry. into United ‘State_s] 1

from ilnwnii. ’ ‘ : C i 1,

_4»;_ 1‘t·r
iiir·:at<-s of riSid•·n<‘e_for Chinese in Hawaii at time of anii i

‘ llt‘·X:lli0ts. l _· · , .,

 I,;o.¤.·s mmlo mgrlicniile to island territory. 1 . if

Lim. li¢‘;.*It1i:I¥rul§S f•il‘ ¢·X<*t°I.i¥i0!1 Ofiltlw. 1 - . i i ;:·;‘. <¤·rtiiicut}·s ofresidencc in insular territory; regulations for Phil- , j igirines. . · Q ` ‘ , gon. `lztrsillon system of-idontitication, _ gon. iieportntion- officer. .' , Q _ _ Section 261.. Controlof exclusion of Chinese.-$·Tl1e author-_ . ny. power and jnrisdietion by virtue of any law, in relation to .1 {no t·xt·nnion from and the I'€S1(l€llC€'\\‘1th1!1,-1.118 United States, \, its territories and the District of Colu·mbiz1,_ of Chinese nnd·‘pet-‘ i, _ Qons. of Chinese <lesx·ent.,,are` conferred upon. the Secretary of I; I,;,.l»or, and the {authority, power and jurisdiction in; relation 1

1n·w.·to’previonsljsz vested·._by law or treatyiin the collectorslnof .

msnonns andthe collectors.0f internal revenue, are 'vested in. 1 ··san·lrntli<·ers under the control of the Connnissioner General of , lliilll1§."l‘ZI110ll, as the Secretary. of"Lal;or may designate therefor., , L t l·`··l». 11, 1963, .c. 552, § *1,32 Stat. 82&) _- ~ °. U , 1 ' 262. Same; ollicer enforcing Chinese exclusion lawn at Wash- , ing·ton.·~—-Nothing. in stmtions 39 or 415- of Title.-5 shall he con- ‘, . >u·u¤·{l;t<.» prevent the Secret.n·1’y of- Labor f·rom_detailing one 4iii,gt=ij,___enfpio;1te¤(l in 1119'<’ll1`0l‘C(‘l}li‘ll1_ of the (Ylli11QS&~€X€ll1>¢i011 if 1 .1:wrs for duty `nf the Department Of:‘L£ll»01‘v81C'i\\;8.S1l1llgi0Il.’V 1 ”1Jnn:· .6, .1900, c,. 791, § 1, 31 Stal. 611; ’Feb._ 151,1903, CL552, , § 7. 32 Stat. 828; Mnr.'4, '1ll1_3, c. 141, 37 Stat. 736.) . · ·· .— .263. Coming `Chinese laborers. to_1United States sus- -1 ‘ pended.-—The` coniingot”lnborers to the United States 1 is sagspoizded, valid, it `shall not. be lnvrful. of or rany Chinesef ¥ lnborer to coine frozninny foreiptn port or place, or having- so 1 wmv (U‘I't‘1iil_1l1Il_\»\’1ti1l1Il theljnlted Staten. (Mayfi, -1882, cl 126,. § 1, 22 » tat. 58‘}i.It1ly 5, 1l384,_cQ 2%, *23 Stat. 115; May“·5, 1892, ; ’c. (30, § 1; Stat., 25;.·Apr. 29, 1902, c. 641, 6.1, 32 Stat. 176; I Apr. 27, HMI, c. ,1630,5 5,.33 Stat, 428.) '· _ · - “ ti _' _12_6—1. Same; exemptioxwk-The P¤‘*=‘¢€di11g section shall. not l ,n1»;>l$· to Chinese laborers who were in the United States on l `J tho 11'th day. of»Noveml>er, 1880, or. who came into the same before, the expiration ot ninety days nfter May 6, 1882, nor,1 shall sections and 279 of this title apply to'Chlnese laborers, 1 who nlnnll, produce to such master, before going on board such 1 _x·t·nsol, and shall produce to jsuch oillcer under the·control of 1 the Coinmissioner General of"' Imrnigrution as the Secretary 1 . —;¢·f Labor Iinny designate therefor, at the port in the United 1 .·VStntes nt whichisucli ressel shall arrive, the evidence herein-‘ 1

{1`1.or Tin this chapter required of his being one of‘tl1e·lnliorors 1

in this section mentioned, (May 6, 1882, c. 126, § 3, 22 Stat; 59; ~ 1 July 5, 1884, c. 220, 23 Stat.`115; Sept. 13, 18545, c. 1015, 10, U1 25 Stat. 478,). i l - C -1 g [ ‘ v_ 1 ‘ 265. Chinese othengthun, laborersgcertiiicates of identity.-——~— * i·Zrt·z·y Chinese person, other xlxan ti lnborer,.wl1o may be en-_ 1 l 1i1leil‘to°coxne within the "Cnlted; States, and who gslnjill bei about to eonxe to the.United` Staten,.snal1, obtamjthe perinin- 1 si_on'of·nnd be identified ns so entitled by the Chinese Govern-·. '1 mont. or of such other. foreign government ofwyhich at the '1 time such Clxineso— person zsliall be a sunntlcx. ln each case to 1 be evidenced. by at ccrtilicate issnetl by Such government, which 1

li xm ('fTlZ}·.`;\`N}[[P __ § 266 ccrtificatle shall he in the Tl?Zr1gli><la_ lzfrlzrnnw, an;] shzlll elzclw such perxnizesslmn, \Vll'll the name of the }li*l“lHl$’¥(‘{l jgerellzl in his or ller`pmper >€l§Ill§ll,ll1'Q, uml which ll·ertif§<·¤te slmll sum-> llale lnslividunl, family, rmd tribal name in full.; title or ,<*»ill< ~ rank, if any, the 1l2€},x_`l}¢‘l§,.fll{, and all plngceicel, g>e<e11li:zrit§¤»:, former and present: eccupntimr or pz·ei’lee»llnx. when mul wlmwz and how long pursued, and place of z·e>llell·11<·e. of the ywrmllm to Vwlmm the certiiimlte is, issued. and that legen persmz is entitled by this section to come within the Ij!lll`(*€_lVSt¥il't’$$. if the person so. applying fer ea certificate shall hea merchant, said certificate shall, in 4!1ddi[l(lIl•t0 above l't3f],llll`£‘Illf?l1tS,_ suite the mature, charaeter, and estimated •Villll€- of the»bm:inees carried en by himprior to and at¥the time of his application, `ae nforesaicl. Nothing ls; this section Sh§1l}V,b0.C0IlStI*ll£’d as embracing within the meaning of the Word "merchnx1t," 11uckstars, pcddlcrs, or these engaged in`tz1kirrg,”<lrying,_‘0r otherwise glreserying shell or other §.§h_’for ’l10me_‘cunsi1mption~ or exportation. If the certificate eeught for thepurposc of travel for curiosity, it shall also state whether the applicant intends to pziss through or travel v•fithin·.the United States, together lvith his financial standing in; the country from which such cerfiticate -iS'.d€Si1f€d. The certificate provided for- in this sec-; tibn, and fl1e__iglentity of the Person named therein shall, before such person goes on board any vessel to ·pr0_g:eed to the United States,. be visaed by the lndorsement of thexdiplematic repre·, sentatives of the Un-itedl States in the foreign country fregm which said `cyzrtificate issues, or of the ccnsular-represent51ti»·e of the United States at /ltl‘xe·"p0rt or place from which the fwrs0n` named in the certificate isgabout to depart; amllsuch diplomatic representative cr, consular representative. whose luddrsenient his Sdvrequired. is emnewered, and it. Slmllbe his lluty, fbefore indorsingl such rcertiilcnte as aforesaid, to cx4 amine into the- truth of thexstntements set fort'}: in Said certiiicate, and_if he shn11.iln_d upon examination that said for any of the"§t8,te111eIltS`therein contained ‘are‘nntrue it. shall be his duty to refuse t0_i1idor>;=e°the smne; Such certificate vlsaed us aforesaid shull he primaffacle 8\'i(l€IlC€,0f_,Ul€ facts forth l therein, and’shl11l he prcgluced to such oiilcer under the control ut the Commissioner General--ef Immigration as the Secretary ` of Labor indy designate_therefor,‘englafterward produced ‘t0` * the proper authorities, of the United- States whenever law-. fully dBl1l8Hd°9l].,Ah and shall°be the sole evlden»e·e_per1nissib¥e en , the part of the DBYSIOII S0 producing the saniefb establish ai right of entry into the United States; but said- certificate may be controverted sind the facts therein stated ldisprqvecl by the United States authorities; (May 0, 1882, c. 126,__§ 6, 22 Strat. 604; July`5, 1884, c. 220, 23 Stal:. 116; ilzleb. 14, 1903, c. 552, .§ 7, 32 Stat. 828; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, .53; 37 Stat. ,737.) — - {266. Lists, of Chinese paswllxérs by masters of vesgels striving fromy foreign 1parts}—·—The, musterlof any ve:·w·l’:1rrir- _ lng in the United States frenz:. any foreign port er. plnce shall, nt the Same time he delivers & manifest of the cargo, and if there be no cargo, then nt the tinxen of ninkingn report of rtheentry of the veséel pursuant to. law, in vn_•.lditlen_ to the ether matter required te. l»e`.reperted, and before landing, nr [}€l’[§)lltl_l}g,·t0 land, any Chineml pus>=enger5, deliver uml report te {such ollleer under the cm1trc>l of the Cenlmisel0ne1·~ General of Inlniigmtien us the Secret;1ry· of Lllb€)X`.M1Tl2iYl designate therefor ax seperate _,__ liet of ull Chinese ])&lSSl!ll§_{t§1`S taken en board ble vessel at zmy* ‘ foreign f10rt;·`V0r pl_uce,.:11111ell sué·lxép;xsse~nxgers·'on board the vessel ut that time, such lie; shnll¥ show the names _0f Such p21sse11gers “(_z1nd’ it ézccredited ntlicers of the Chinese or°0f {my other foreign government, trureling on the blusinessj of t·h;at_—_ §0lr"€l‘1llIl‘Q1lC,w0l’ 1l1l9il°‘%¥`\’!\_YltS,l.\;`itll— fl uute of such facts). and, thelnanxexs und other ]`·>l1_l'tiCl1lll·ICS ns shown by their respeclixje l2€l`Ull(?ll{BSr§ und such list: i.-shell ljegswern t0°-l>y' the xnuster in [h6_4lll£ll1ll€l’ required hy law in ·relu`tien to the nnmnifest of the cargo., Elly refuegll ur willful neglect of zany lsuchl manstexn to;