Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1651

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\ » . 1637 ‘ MTLE 48.;-+·TERRITOBIE8=¤¤1N4 1224. Authérity fc ncqttirg real . and permggl p;·¤pqei;y;' S; ¢¤¤&e¤n•ti¤¤·———Th¢ sovermgnt or the Philippine Iglgpdgr is 1* authorived. subject to the limitq;io¤s# j•md‘ éqnéitions; pre-. 1: . ·Sc;-ibed 1¤ um chapter, t¤ acquire. m¤¤i+é.1h¤1d. mairmin. is and éohvcy title to real and , pers<mg1_ ‘propgm;y, mq my if 1- ggquifc real www for public usc; by the excrgise of the hgh; Og eminent dcm¤i¤.` (July 1, 1992, cs 13w, { &, 32 Syst. 706;) 'H 1225. A · r of property of religious ¤rders.—-The 1: powers ~ 1: g in section 1224 of this tit1e mgy-glee be 11 é Qggmised in t of my lands, easements, _•ppm·te¤4¤¢eg,· 11 and heredhameata which, on the 13th ot August, 1898, were 1; ¤;m·:1ed or held by associatimis, cbrpoxritious, communities, re- 1: ngicus orders, or private indiyidunls ih such lax-ge trgmtg or F parcels and in such manner hs. in Que gopintoq of the 'c0m· iz mi$sion intjuriously to a£ect the peqcef and yveltmjg ot the 1; {ample of the Philippine Islands. And for ·thé purpose‘_9f·.pro- " ·-viding funds tc acquire’ the laudé mentioned in thi; section said govérnment of ihe Philippine. Islands, _ is émpcwerigd to incur indetqted& to. borrow money, and to issue, and tp sell 1; at not léss than pat value, in gold coin of the Uui_ted· Staies ._ tot the present value. or the equivileut in valpc in money of séid Islnndl; upon such, terms and conditions ds it °. ` may deem - bm, ·l'Q'i8t¢1‘Bd or c0¤p9;1·_ bonds .0f éaid govern! 1; me-ut for such amount as may be necessary,-J said· bonds to li be in dencmiuhtiéus of $50 for kay 'multiple thereof bearing __ i_ interest at, a mtg not `exceeding pgp centum per apmym,-1 Imyable quarterly; gud w` be payable at.·the_ pleasure_ of sgid government nfper dates name;] ip paid .b6uds nat less tliun tive normére than thirty,yeai·s from the date of thei1·.°issue,‘ together with interest therecu;. in gold ·é0in _0f thej United .1; fstatés `ot the present standard value or the equivalent ini ‘v¤1uc . 1: in money of said Islands; and said bonds shall be ·. exempt ~ `_ {mm the pu t of all gaxes or duties of said government, j or may local authority theieln, or. ot the Governmenf ot the _ f United Statu, 18 well as from thxatipu in any tbrm, by pn 1E under State, municipal, qr _10ca1 authdrity in` the Uimitéd States or the Philippine Islands. _The moneys which ’Qa.y be · realized or. receiveq tmm— the issue and salsa bt said bonds 11 Shall be apdiqd by the gov:-:g t of the Philippine Iqlsmds to the atquisitiqn of the property authorized by this smtiqn, ; 1: and to another purgcse;. (July 1,‘1902,"c. _1369,`_} 64, 32 1, Stat.708.)‘_ — I __ _ _ ‘ 1: 1226. Sane: l•i¤& acquired to, became public property.-- A11 ncquired·by_virtuc ct muon- 1225 oi. this,. title shall 1] constitute a. part and mrtwu oi the pubiic git the gcvcmmeqt of Wha Philipplné Is1§¤ds: `Provtdcd, {Phat will 11 deterred payménti the lntcmatn Lbemtm shall D6 bnyahld H ini the mamy tor. the payment of principal ind L 'interem at thejbouds authorised to_ in payment d` -1: said lands bi the preceding nmtiou and mid deferred phy- ‘ ments shall bds: intermt nt the rata borne by the bonds. 1* X11 moneys realism or roceiyed mm sales dr other d1é@-` -1, tion -o(`_u1d lands or by runs thereof awl constitute n" trust tu-md for the- p•,&t ot mindpnl tml interest}!-said 11 bonds, wd also @it:¤tn. • fund Stor the payment *1f ct_ uid bc¤¢1g—•t their*mat¤rlty.* Actual sewers md cémimnts L at tho tim Qld lands uc, wduired by the scverument shall hgys me p-mrm aiu all enum ¢¤1e•¤¤,·v¤»¤;n•¤¤,`¤¤ Acquire md: hbl@ within muh rensonnblq time u may _ be by uid govunmem;. ‘ (July 1, 1902, c. ,13&,1 N IME Sm- W7-) ‘ " j " ' ° . T Chapter 6.;-(JANAL ZONE, _ m _GE}{E3AL PBOVISIQNQ . N Sec. 1 ‘ 8‘ 1001. Short utk of chwm-; zeaanntioaot right to wand, nlm:. as 1302. §§;$hmut at Gaul Iona: dequisitiou it additlend lads ll 1803. Bm-va of Cana! Som; . . · · u 1804.Aéq¤bi¤0¤¤!t1t1ct¤l•.¤Nl»n(`h.¤l.1Z¤¤•. 01

0 11vsUL41z Possvsmoya _ § -1302 gg, . ‘ . ·_ _? U . l05. Operation of canal and government ot zone generally; governor ~ and other o¤cinl¤`;_ appointment and salarica. ’ . W6. Army control in time of awa: or emo:-gen . I01. Authority ot governor — generally. “ \ l08. Lease ot public lands. . ‘ · _ · ( $09. Early Iowa and regulations continued,. 310, Sanltxtiop regulations; ° .·—< ~— _ ` $11. Tax reeulations ;_ limitation ae to amount of taxes. . . 312. Highwey reéulations; uiotor vehicleé ; reciprocal fegulaflons jwith . - respect to·Ranama.· c · _ _ '. 31.8. Police regulations;. breach of the peace o1·.dleo;·\dei·1y conduct. _ 314. Penalty for violations of reg1:;latious‘gei1eraily.. ’ ` 3,15;. Tolls generally. ‘. · · 316; Refund wot etceanive tolls. ‘ __ . 317, Rescrvetion · of right to discriminate in favor of American

 wessels. Q · _

318; Regulations for operation otcaual generélly. 319. Adjustment of claims, for `iujuries to vessels, cargo, or passen- 320. Injuries to employees. _ , _ 321. Regulations e.s`to,pas¤age of person through Cane} Zone. B22. Injqry to canal or uppurtenducee; punishment} · · 323. Radio communicdtioxl; installation of stations; cooperation with ' _ Panama; docks, WIl‘€h0}1S€8,_QtC.'§ dispositioxi of-receipts. B24; Interest on deposltlmonéjr orders." _ · ` 325. Disposition of interest received on bank deposits of mo;£ey~orde1·`_ ` funds. ‘ _ .· · .. ` 326. .Fees` of · custom omcers. . ‘ u 32*1% gonsolldatioq ot tuncttona fn regard to funds ot zone govern- _` *m€Df_21Dd Panama Railroodlfompany. · - 328. Accounting by` collecting olilcers generally. . .4 .. 329. Detail ot persons to examine accounts, etc.; reportsot examine-· i. . tion; compensation of perso`¤s_ detailed. · _ _ , 330. Extraditiorrand rendition- ’ot·tugltlves·f1tom justice. · ; » 331. Lawn upplicableto seamen o1’Amex‘ican vessels et zone; shipping ‘ · commissioners; authority as to seauien.‘ · ' 332. Payments for Toro Pol¤t_Ligbt. . , ·` '_ ` @)PvQ1gdmg`Raiirood Company,} insurance ·a¤d`“p¤yme¤ts on indebt- `· educa: to United States. i · " ` 334.·· Payment by Panama Railroad .C6mpa¤y of subsidy. 335; Bond’by`Pe1iama` Retiree;} Company for performance ot contract ` · with Army, Navy, ctc. 336. Notarleojpubllc. ‘ _ ‘ CANAL ZONE COURTS AND SUBDIVISION OF ZONE 341. Subdivision ofQanq1 Zone; towns. · _ l 342; Magistrate courts; appointment ot magistrates and coxgeteblcay = regulations by. President. _ ' . . 348. Appcalrfrqm magistrate courts. 344. District `court generally; rules of practice. 345. General jurisdiction ofdistrlct court. . 846.. Jurisdiction ot crimes committed on h`Igh_ sees. 347. Jury and jury trials: compensation ot jurors. · M8. Compensation; ot district judée ;_ mileage and per diem allow- 349. Clerk ot district court spd amlatanta ; ; compensation; 550. Special judge; appointment and acompeocetion. · 351. District iattomey; compensation and duties. B52. Marshal: duties Ynd compensation. _ - ‘ - _ . B58. Apoointtheut ot ‘distrlct—1e<lm, district attorney, and marshal: V _ tenure ot omco”;_ residence and leaveet absence. M " _ ° 554. Transfer ot eauau to how icourtaz continuaxico ot supreme . courts for cezemmuén ot pendl¤g‘ causes. , · ` 355; Oontluuailco et lem dctlétngq dotlca of clerks or ministerial . emcerq and {evening practice and procedure; · » a 356.. Appeals from district, court. . _ . l 357. Coéxmon law and equity jurl•dlctl`o¤_ blended. 358. Acknowledgment of Canal Zone. GENERAL PROVISIONS _ Section 1501. Short title of chapter; reservation of right to l\&, alter, or 1'tpcl.l.-—-·'1‘his _ chapter Shall bgknown as, and alerted toes, the Panama Caml Act, and the right to alter, mend, or repeal any ox; all of its provisions or to extend, nodlfy, or annul rule or regulation mode undenq its utlzority is expressly reserved. (Aug. ·24, 1912, c._ 390, § 14, , 7&tat.5®._) ‘ _ ·, -_ » l . 1892. %bll•l•¤e¤t of Canal Zone; acquisition of addxtional snd¤.—=-Thaaoine of lend end lend under water ot the width of solmileo to the distance ot me miles on each side I ll¤• of the rollto-of the canal being constructed J