Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1659

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1645 TITLE 48.-—··»TERRITORIE8 41* 1465. Oath ot o¤c•. . ( 1466. Commencement of salaries otomcers. i 1467. Fees. · A 1 1458. Salary not paid when o¤cer absent. . .,.%___{ 1469. Accounts nnddisbnrrsements of Territories. < 1470. Annual exrwuve Qppronriatiou not to be ex¤e•d•¢. »( 1471. Local or special lhwjs. ’ _ ’ ‘ 14212. Indebtedness of municipal corporations. _ 1473: Authorizing debt; limitation of total indebtedness. * 1474. Creating now muutios. and locating county seats, 1 1475. Subscribi¤:_to_s·tock of,corporat»ion._ A I 1276. Bonds of municipal corpforatlops ;` for sanitary purposes. 1477.. Samererection of city buildings and purchase or sites. 14’£8.·Power of Congress to umu! laws of legislatures. ' 1479. Subsequent acis of legislatures iq coutllorwith certain section! void. I Hsu, Right of religious corporations to hold real estate. · ] 1491. _Con_v;i<:ts; care and custody. L -1 1482. Pcnhentiarics. _ · _ usa;. same; ru1es-¢nd regulations. · MS-1._ Same ;‘_e¤D¢¤¤¢8·, 14;;. Same; imprisonment. - o __ . - J 1-56. Law as to clearance and entry of vessels applicable- to tradei I between United States and noncoutiguous Territories, etc1 1487. Extraordiudry seséious. , . . · `· ‘ ° Mw. Vacancy in o&ce of justice ot the peace. · _ < 14>£s, Effect of acts of legislatures 0L_Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and . Philipplneh repgaliug or amending Federal statutes. I · _ Section 1451. Rights of Iudisnsnot impaired; bqundariesg- · Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impair the rights. 1 of person or property pertaining to the Indians in any Territory, , 1 'su iuhg as such rights remain unoxtiuguiéhed-by treaty between ‘ me United States and ouch Iimians, or to include any, Territory 1 which, by trouyy with any Indian tribe, is ·uot, without the .4 puuseut of Such tribe; embraced within the territorial limits or. a jurisdiction of any State or Terri,t0ry_; but nap such territory 1 mai be cxcaptédout of the boundaries, and constitute no port 1 of any Territory uoyr or ;mréafter organized (mtil such tribe 1 biguiiies its assent to the President t0·=bo embraced within a 1 gmzicular Territory. (R. S.} 1839.) · » • 1452. of Indian;.-—-Nor shall anything in this_ 1 chapter be construed lto b,Eect the huthority of the United States to make okay regulations respoeting the elgdians of any Terri- e wry,. their lands, property, or rights, by. trodty, law, or-other 1 `wi$e, in the same manner. as might be made it no temporary . guvermneut existed, or is hereafter established, in any such 1 ’1'erri;m·y. (B. S; I 1840.) _ B Z A r { 4 1453. Execmive power.-—-The executive power of - each '1‘er·' 'i ritory shall be_ www Lu g governor, who shall hold his omco 1 {or tour yan, and until his successor is appointed and quill- . tied; ¤¤Jo.:·• aomr removed by the President. Hs shall reside w in me Turku: for whms hc is ngpo1¤ted,_q¤d shall be com- < wander is ate! of the thereof. ’Ho may grant pardon; · and rpprhvs, and Ama and torteitum, tor·oo¤ .1 Hzoinst tb• lun of the Territory for which he in appointed. `< and rmpitjn for omanem against the laws obtho Upitod Etatoa, ¤ ` till the mcidgn ot the Pmddont con be nisdo known {homo;. Marshall imo¤ qi oQosrs°who aro';ppointed·¤¤dar the · laws ot such talks cam that tho law · thereof {bo faithfully Q (3.,5. l 1841.) ~ _ · _ . ·- 1454. •h•.1l be twointod n. •ocretu·y’_tor 2 nucl; Territory, who nokia within the Territory for = which hols nppointettnnd nhnii hold his owes for tour yours, and until his suooouo: 1a_nppoi@_•¤d qu».li@ unless sooner · removed by the Pradmtg In out of th• detth; rmoval, j resignation, or absence. of tho governor from thn "fiiorriporyj, tho nocremry execute all the powors gud mmm all the : dutm ot governor during v•ch •,b@• or until another govémor in appointed ¢hd'·‘ = o ·¤»¤ · (B. 8. I· _` ° 1455. Same; duties.-¥—fTI§•;, md pro- 1 'sorve a11 the laws and M · ·¤xgdn11th•ne¤•nd d1mo£th•‘g¤v&in»thn¤•o¤- tifodepartmantz he shall om mp? ¢¤d_· journals of the-le¢ln1a;iv¢.¢&b\1»§ thirty “ the endo! •nch_•¤•sio¤ themed, to th

vn zzvsvnuz 1·0ss1=2.ss101vs § 1460 zopies otfthe laws, within like time,_ to the President ot the 3enate,' and to the Speaker of-the House of Representatives, for the use ot Congress. He shall transinit `one copy of the executive proceedings and otiicial correspondence semiaxmually, m the lst day of'Ji1nuary and July in each year, pe the Presi- 4. lent. He shalleprepare the acts passed by thelegislative as- ‘ semblyfor publication, and furnish A copy thereof to the pub-I lic ·priuter· of the Territory, within ten days after the pas-J sage of each act. ‘(R. S. { 1844.) . Q . 1456. Same; gmmial estimates for ,expenses¤—-Except ae otherwise provided by; lawyit shall` be the duty of the secre·l tary of each Territory to furnish estimates in detail for the lawful expenses thereof, to be presented to the Secretary ot the Treasury on _ er before the lst day of October of every year. (June 20, IQ74, c. 328, 18 Stat. 99.) 1457. Extra compensation to 0Eicers.—N0‘1aw of any Ter--- titorial legislature shall be made or enforced by which the governor or secretary of a Territory, or the members er omcers of guy Territorial legislature are paid any compensation other than that provided by the laws of the United States (R. S`. _§ 1855.)' - _. - ’ 1458. Other 0Hicers.—All township, district; and county officers, except justices ot the peace and general omcers or the militia, shalllbe appointed or elected in such miumer gs mey be provided by the governor and legislative assembly of each . Territory; hud all other officers not herein otherwise provided tor, the governor shml nominate, and by ahd_ with the advice ' and consent oi? the legislative council of each Territory, shall appoint; ibut, in the ilrst instexice, where RP new Territory is hereafter created by Congress, the governor alone —may ap? point all the officerg- referred -t0` in this section and assign them` to _· their respective townships, districts, and counties; and the officers so appointed shall 'held theirromces uhtil the and ét the first eessidu ot the legislative assembly, (B. Sa B 1857.) . _ _’ et . - · 1459. Vacancies, how=§I1ed.-—I¤ any of the¤Terr1tories,_ whenever E vacancy happens from resignation or death, during the recess at the legislative council, in any omce whgeh, under the organic act of any Territory, is to be filled by appointment of the governor, by and with the eélvice hud consent et the council, the governor shall 811- such ricsney by granting a commis- $1011.; which shall expire at the end ct the next seedon ot t.h• legislative council (B.-8. [1858J . " y _ Q 1460.. Qaaliiestiexh of »v¢m·•.-·-A: all elections subsequent to. the mst election, hi any Territory hereafter organized by Gongrese, is well as at ell elections in Territories already erianized, the qhaliicntions ot voters and of holding omce shill be such is may be ibed by the lqislnhve rssembly of each Territory; 'rubject, nevertheless, fe the following re·· strictieng on the power at the legislative assembly, namely: ~ First. The dat of mtrnge and or holding ·e¤ce shall be exercised only by citizen! ot the United Stgtes eheve the age at twehwhpe years,. and by there above that age who have declared; en` oath, b•fm·e •- eompetent eeurt of record, their lntenden tq became meh em! have taken an oath to support the Constitution md Gerumment et the United Btetes. _ Second. There ¤hn11‘be hc dmisl et the elective franchise er of holdin; emce to s citizen en accemst ot race; color, or

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Third. No cheer,} soldier, seaman, mariner, or other person In the or Nhvy, eramma to in the service of the United €t&tee, shall be tlbwed tb vete in- any Territory, by reason er, beth; en service therein, xmless. such Territory ln; n¤d·h¤`b0•¤ the period of ¤1x_ months, his permanent Tourth. Ne pernen heionmng to the _Army‘ or Navy shun bo ehcbd w dr hem my dvi! emceer appointment in any Territmiexeept emeera at theenmy on the retired ust. _(B. B. §1W$lihrJ»1$$s9,,13¢.¤Btn¤567·}