Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1694

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§ 78 . TITLE 4sr--r1c tdry- of the Treasrzry the several amounts necessary to make good tha foregoing guaranty to each carrier. The Socrerary o1 the ’.l‘reusury‘ is authorized and directed thereupon. to draw warrants in favor oi eaizh such carrier upon the Treasury cg the United States, for the amount? shown in such certificate su » necessary to mak; good Such guaranty. An amount sudioiem `to pay such warrants is appropriated outpf any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. _(Feb. 28, 1920, c. 91, { 209, 41 Stat. 464.) _ _.·. . _ ‘ ` 78. Execution of powers of President.-¢-All powers angl du tics conferred or imposed upon the President by sections 72 ant 77`cf this chapter may be executed by }`$'im.th1·6ugh such agencg or agencies as he may determine. . (Feb. 28, 1920, c._91, I 2_11, {L > star. ‘469.)” _ .· _ — -. 79. Further certihcntes and ¤warrants.—-—(·a)— Inomaking cer UHCRQOXIS unda: section ‘73 or section 71; the commission, 11 no Bt the time gblo mmlly to deféimiim the whole amount om under such sccgiorr to 8`C&1"1‘iB1',, may make its ce1=§i§ggre‘ Id any amount definitely ascertained by it to due, and Rio; thereafter 'in the some manner make furthereortiiicates, uxiti the wholeamount due hasbeeu certiiied. The authority of am diracti<>u_to the Sccretary—0f the Treasury under such qoctiour to draw warrants .is»m&da applicable to eaph such certiiicote Warrants drawn pursuant ·t0‘ this section, whether in partia payment or in dual paymeqt, shall be paid; (1) It for a pay mcixt in respect to reimbursement of: at .czirriér for a deiici during the period of Federal contr0l"ou_t·-of the appxjopriutim made by' section 73; and (2) if for u· payment in respect to theuaranty out of the appropriation made by subdivision (g)` 0 section 77. _ ‘ - _ _ - . ,— - (b) In ascertaining the several amounts payable uude either of such sections, the commission is authorized, in tb case ot deferred debits and credits which cannot at the tImbo d9HHi[Cli·d€{€i°I'Di118fl, to make, whonever Ah itsj judgmeu practicable, $.1 reasonable estjmato of tl1a_x1ot eHe<:t of any suc] items, aud, when agreed to_by tho carrier, to usosuch estimab as 11,·detinitoly·qscertai11ed amount in certifying amounts pay ublc under either of such secticmo, and such.cs_timates soagreee to shall be primo facie but not conclusive evidence of thef <·orroct11ess in amount in final settlement. (Fobl 26, 1921, < 72, 41 $tat. 1145.) . ‘ -" Chapter 4;--BIBLS OF LADING. Svc. _ - I . . \_ 81. Transportation inc:Iud•d. D R2. Straight bill of lading. . .. S3. Order blu `ot ‘ lading; `uegotiabtllty. · ~ r $4. Order mus. in parts. or iota: 1_ieb11it.y .o_! carr1•i·. S5. Indorsement ou` duplicate bill; liability. · —· `SB. Indorooment on straight bill; _ _ _ " _ 87. .E¤Zoct of insertion of namq ot person to bo. ¤¤t1¤•d. ·· RS. Duty to deliver gooda on demand; rgfusal. · $<9.° Delivery; when justided. " ' ·:»0. Liatniiity for delivery to -pc-arson not entitled thereto; eu. Liamucy for dglivery without cancellation ot bill. $$2. Liability in cose of delivery of past cl xoodsr ‘ _ 93. A1t•·rst.ioulof bi11. · _ · - H4. Loss; ctc., ot bill; delivery ot. goods on order of bourt. , . 95. Liability on bill marred "‘duplico.te." _ ‘ Mi. L‘1`uim of title as e$r:ust:_for refusal toAeliv*¤!• ··.•7. inm»rp1e¤dor of conmcuing claimants. , ` 9*. Rrrrsrmablc time for procoduro allowed ih one •! ldvcrl Mmm. { · o ‘ · . ” xm. Fniiure. to denver: ¢;mim— or third person ns' deton••.° ' 100.;Loadiug by carriers: counting packages, etc.; content! qt ND. , 101, Loading by shipper: contbum ot hgll. _ _ " 102. Liability for nonrweipt dr misdcscription of good!. 103. Attachment, etc., ot goods delivered to carrier. 204. Iu·mr·di¢·s¤ of creditor of owner otyordor bill. ‘ 105. Lion ot carrier. " · · mo. Lmmmy utter mm to nntioty lien, etc. wv. .$og¤txaqon`¤t ordgr-bill by jelivery. A x0S¤,_ Negotiation of ordor bill by iudorumont. 109. Transfer of bill by dclivgryg negotiation Q! I¤'niI\t· II!.] 110. Negounuon-or ards: M11 hrponoo in punks.:

ZANSPORTAIYION 168Q [ ·111. Tl and _rlght acquired by transferee ot order bill. V } tx·an•!epec of without negotiation; notice to capfl mpel indoreement. of order bill transterfecl by delivery. 3 114. _Wu·r•¤tles u·i1g out ot tranuienr of bill.- . f 115. Liability-ot lndonerot bill. 3 . ’ n 116. Warranties by mortsttee, etc., receiving payment ot blll. B 117. Negotiation of bill; llhpalrment of validity. L 118. Negotutloxi of bill by_ seller,. mortvsvr; cfm .119. Rights of bona mls, purchaser as adected by seller’é lien or rig}; _, · of stoppage. _ _ _ ° _· . i 120. Right; ci mortgagee or lieu holder; limitation. 121. Otfenses: penalty. ’ y 122; ‘!‘erms deflned. “\ [ l23Q Retroactive effect. _ 124. Iuvaliqlty Po! part oil chapter, n ff 9- Section 81. Transportation included.-·Bills ot lnqingéill t by any common carrier for the transportation of goods m any B ·· Territory of the United States, or the District of Qolu ln, (or 1-- tfrom sl place in a State to a place in a foreigncountry, golf • y— m __g_place in one State to nl place in another State,\gr f¤·6»¤n` l _1 a place, in one State to a placelin the same ‘Statej thremglg 5 another State or foreign country, slmll be governed by {his Sl chapter, (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 415, 5 1, 39 Stat.- 538.) _ ,_ . 82. Straight billof lading.--—A bill in which it is stated lm; ,1 the goods are consigned- or" destined to a specmed person i< ·- a straight bill. (Ang. 29, 1916, 6. 415,*5 2,39 Stat. 539.) ’ { 83. Order bill of lading; m=:g6tiability~.———A bill `in whigh iz é~ D stated that the goods are consigned or cleetinedlto the order 5 of any person named in such bill-is an order bill. Any prog { vision in such a bill or in any notice, c0ulrnct, rule, regula- ` tion, or tariff that l1;_is nonnegotiuble shall be null and void ,_· and shall not affect its ncgotiabi1ity`_vs·ltl1ln_;l:e· meaning of é this chapter unless upon-its face and lu writing agreed to by E the shipper. (Ang. 29, 1916, c. 415, §·3, 39 Stat. 539.) 4; 84. Order bills in parts or sets; liability of carrier.--Omar b, bill; lséued ln a Statefor the transportation of goods to any E. place in ltllé United States on the Continent of North_°Anxerlca, »- `excépt Alaska and Panama, éhall not be issued in parte or 3 sets. It so issued, themarrler issuing tlmexunlmll be 1»inl>ll· Y for failure to deliver the google deskirlbod therein to anyone

_ who purchases I1 part for value in good faith, even though tllo.

purchase be after the delivery of the goods by .the carrier to Il holder. of ‘oue_ of the other parts; Provided, hoznewr, Tlxnt nothing c0ntained" ln this 'section; shall be interpreted or'_¢;on— strued to fo;·biEl the issuing of order hills ln parts or sets for guc?l1`trnnsportationg of goods. to Alaska, Pnnnnxa, Porto lling the Philippines, Hawaii, or foreign countries, or to llCll]_lll2$€ the ~ · "llabllitleeset forth ln this section for en doing. (Aug. 29. lirwp c. 415, $*4;, 89 Stat, 539;) is . n · _- ; _ · » 85; Indoréensent on elnpllcnle bill; li8biutY•·····\\'ll0l}~lllQ_i€~ll!!lllj one order bill la issued in a State for the'san1e gooils to be _ transported to any place in the United States on the Contlnwnz Of North ·Ai‘nerlcn,· 1 except Alnskn · and Pnun,ma,_· the wow! ·"<lupllcate," onsome othenlwoxjd ox: words lndientlng tlxat who document is not an original bill, shall be placed plainly upon; the taée ot eyery such blllexcept tlxeone amt lsened. A ean·m»¤· shall be liable for the damage caused by his £nilm·e_·so to do ` to anyone who has purchnmd the blll_,_;g;·_·+alue ln goocl fgxiih as an original, evgen though the pnmnbaee be after the elelivwy F of the- goods by the carrier to the holder ot the origlnalbill: . Provided, however, fI‘bat nothing, contained in mln section shall ln such case for meh transportation ot `goods to Alaska:. Panama, Porto Bien, the Pbillpplna, Hawaii, nr foreign emm- · tries be lnterp·:eted or conntrnenl no an to require the placing of the word "d¤§lcat:¤" thereon, or to impose 'the liabilities mt forth ln this section for failure no to do. (An:. 29, 1916, l-. ¢1¤,l¤, so sm.-sas.) _ a — ¤ .·~· B6. IMm*mme¤g_•¤ bill}--1l stralKht blll shall lmvn placed plainly upon its {ses by the `carrler issuing lt " nons¤¤¤¤¤hl»'? ¢:__“¤¤;t n9¢¤¤abls»" · `