Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1700

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°§ 155 , _TITLE 49—.····—TR1 ..1‘€3SOH8b]8‘ pé1·` diem éompensatiou for attgxiding meetings of the board and for time spcm; oil gpécial service dt the cprpém- 'tlcu, 'aud t§i1·" traveling expenses t0, and from such meetings, cir when assigu·gd._t0 such special sérvicé; “ t - . ` (c)··In addition to the six members, the Secretary of War shall aflpciut mi individual from tzivil life, or (notwithstanding section .576, of Title 10, Anim, or anyiotner provision bt law, or ayuy rizlesor regulationsjssued thB1‘ét\!ltI€1°)_tIct&iI an omccr {mm tHe Military Establishment of the United States, Hs cllai1·4 mag: of the board. Any.omce1·` s0_ dgtailcd shall, dtiriug 'his _ tamu of 05ca as `_chai:ma.g;_ have the fmuk, pay, and allowances pf ‘a brigadier ganéral; United States Army, and shall be exempt frdm the operation of guy provision of law, or any frules ·.-or x·t=gu1ations~1sst1$ed thereunder, which limits, the length'! ot, such detail or compels him to pcfform duty with troobs. Any maivmtmx appmcea mm: cxvu l1fe Shal1, durii1g`his”tic1ym or `ewflieé asgzhairmgn, received salary not to exceed $10,000_a yegr » to be §xetl· by the Secretary of War. The Secretary of War méy dalggate to the chairman any of they fuxtcticus vested in _ilne‘ Secretary by this- subdivision 6f‘.this.chapter. , n .. (d)· The `b0&l‘d* shall wmeét for organization purposes qwlléll mid where called by the secmmyyt of Wa1·,‘aud·therenftcr_at such times and places as the; Secfetqry deems necessary. _·Thc bpzgfd shall consider maatters submitted to itf by the Secretary of War, and uiake recdmmendatious thereon, {md, from timé to time adirise him and Qmukc x·e<;omincndatiqn.s,. in respect of tm:. management and operation. of . existing faci1lties, or the ~developmcut and 0paratiqn’0f·ncw lines. (Mine 3,.1924, c.`243, §—1,43Stat.361.») ·' . 155. Pnwmjs of corpdration.-—-¢The" corporation-- _ (a) Shall have. succession iujlts corporate name tlu;·lng`its existence. — J T ‘_ ._ l .. `_ _. T (lv) Ma‘y·s;;1e‘a§1d be sued in its corporate name. {tz) May adopt ,a corporate sealpwhicli shall be, jtidlcialfy , noticed, and may aiterzit at pleasure., l ' (d} May m§l;e.<;0ntrac;ts.` — , · __ A (e) May acqtiim, hold, and dispose btprbperty. _ . (f) May appoint, Ex the compensation of, and remove such oéicersg employees, attorneys, mid agents as are necessary for the tmusdction ot the businm ct the corporation ;_ dehné their “ duties, and mq;.1ire bonds ct them, had H; thy pénaltlap theréot. · (g) May » incpr obligations, b0rrdw_ money- im: temporary purposeé, and issue notes on other evidences of indebtedness therefore, but the aggregate Uamount qt the mdébteduesn at any TRANSPORTATION or See Title 10, Ama:. Y _ t

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Seq Title 31,, Mmm? Asn E1 _ g rmsunr See- chapter 4 of Title 5, E: mxu¤bi·z·_ Ormcms Ann Emma ·r¤g4·rms Ki Bee Title 25, Immun. _ UNFAIR C Bee Title 15, Gcgusumcn Am { · N1 tt _Px·ctact.i¤u at uniform at .Fo¤m·m Bummxmrs Am Iii 8% nlm Title 10, Asmr.

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Bw Title 36, PA·mxtm0_ 8001:1

uvsroRua·1ozv ‘ 1686 tiine_ahalI not exceed 25 per contum of the value of the assets at such time. Q L ‘ _ _ ‘ _ · " . ~(h)‘ Mai ozgorciso any ot the mnctiouslvosted in tho*.Som~€- taryof War. by sections 141 and 1<£2 of this chapter. · _ E { (1) May, in the oxerciso‘of-such functions, conduct the busi: boss of a common carriér- by water, and maintain; manage, amt operate properties hold for ori used in»··tho service of tramspon-· tation, or‘nocossary ofcoxivenioiit to sxxch use; had V 9 _ "(J) In addition xo 'tho povvers specihoolly granted, shall, havo sdéh poworé as may _ be nEcossa1¤y or incidental to 1111611 _ tho. purposes of its'crootion.° (Juno 3, _1924, c. 243, =§ .5, 43 _ Stat. 362) ° 2 `V `” · f _ » 156. Property, · fights, duties, liabiliticé, `etc.; limitation . statutes.-—(a)`·f1‘he` Secretary ,ot Wa`: shall t.£3Il§f€_IY to me corporation all- assets transferred to, or aqquirocl, con»~stx·uctod·g v or operated by, or under the direction ot,_ me Seci·étar;?` of Wm; `or which reverb t0‘ the _Uni°tod__.Stofes, under motion 141 for `éoction 143 of this chaptér; “ · - ‘ , ° A v ?(b) The rights, privileges, and powers, and the duties and liabilities, of the Selzrotaty of W&f,°0! the inland and coastwiso. jwatervvays service, in ofhny coutréct, loan, lmse, oo Itcoupt, or othep obligation, undef section 141 or $ection"143 o of cms chapter shall become the rights, prrivilégvs and P0W€\'¥· and the duties and l{s1biliti&·s,‘ lT€$D€€uV€l¥s_ of the <¤>¤‘I¤‘¤‘8ti£>¤. ` . ;(c) Alfmoxxey available for`oxponditm·o_or the_makix1g of — loans) undef Section 143 or section 141 of this chapter, and am

mo¤oy ’ropaigl In .pursuanco. of. loans made uhdor ,oubdiv’isioo

(c). of section 141 of this chapter; shall he ·avai1o.b¥e‘ for oxpendituré , or tho making of loans by the corporotiou .un}le·a· · this subdivigiou of, this chapter? » . » . (d) '1‘ho·_ox1forcoab1o· claims-of or against the- Secretary of `_ War, or the inland mid coagtwiso waterways service, in resmvz _ .- of the operation, coristmctioxi, or acquisition of any such tramsportatiox; facilities, shall become tho élaims of `oi· against, gm} may be enforced Yby or against, the corporation. . f . . (o)‘ The Secretary of War- shall adjust and appraise tho value, at tho time of pmhsfor, of all assets transferred to tho co¤·p0mt1o¤.umior thia_ subdivision ot this, chapter, and such value shot! be entered upon thowks or the corporation. ‘ _ (ff In tho de£ormi¤atio¤ of he running fof) the statute. of T ~ lihxihétions or of any prescriptive right,. tho period o£_ time ` shall be computed in the soma `mgxmor ao though this shuhgib ` vision ot this chapter had not heon passoo. (June sg 1924, c. 243, §‘ 6, 43 Stat. 862.) 1 TRDOPS .A.ND`sU,PPI.JE8

 _ ummn srxrss _

mluon _ ‘ · ‘ ` oxrhnmsm nmtrrxvm Dwnrumvrs Ama Gov- >YEm. h __ , . !vl’r¤`·1NmAN¤ =om·m·i·nou · ·'1‘BA!m; [FOR! friendly nations: coe Title ¤, vooimm. ’ Q minis or WQRLD WAR ` mms .m¤ O.m¤sm·x·1o:ss._