Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/172

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l 36]. THFLE 8.—~—AL1ENS and be held to- authorize theadmissioin to citiztenshipof all persons not citiscxsns xviio owe pcrmshest allegiance ts the United _States, and who may become residents. of l§l1ylStHlZ8 or organized Tei·1§ory of the United States, with thefollowing modi§catio$s: The spplicsnt shall not be rcqlsired to renounce allegiance to any foreign sovereigxity; he shall makehisdeclarstis;1 ofiutentioo tofbccsme a citizcsa of th—e_Unitéd States at least two years prior to his admission; and residehce within the jurisdiction of the United States, owing such permanent sllcgiance, shall be cregsrded as residence within. the,U:1ite·dA States_’within_‘the meaning of the Eve years’ residence clause sf the existing law. _ (jill}? 29; 1908, c. 35§2, 5 30, 34 Stat. 606.) 36l.__Resi¢le£1ce period hecmsarys--No alien shall be admitted to become a citizen who has hot fox? the continued term of tive `Q‘§cz1rs·1iext precedixigjlhis admission resided within the United

Statos. _ (R. S. .§._2170.) - 4 ‘ " -

j3€2.-Naturalization lwithiu thirty daysimreceding general election prohibitw.-—No person. shalljbe naturalized nor shall J sm; certificate of naturalization be issued, li)? airy court within {thirty; days preceding theT`h0ldix1g of any general electiog within its territorial jurisdiction; ·· (June 29, 1906, c. 3592, § `6,’34·Stat. 598..) ‘ l i v PERSONS INADMISSIBLE T0 CITIZENSHIP _ _ 363. Persons inadmissible to citizenship; Chi¤ese.——N0 State ‘ court orcourt of the United States shall admit Chinese to citizexiship. l (Msy €§,"18S2,_‘c. 126, § 14, 22. Stat. 61.) e 364. Sahaeg anarchists or.·pb1yga1i1ists;—No‘ person who disbelieves, ln or who is opposed to organized government, or who

 is a member of or affiliated with any organization entertaining

and teaching such disbelief in or opposition to organized gqy—. ernment, or who advocates or teaches the duty, necessity, "0rj propriety of the uulawfiil assaulting or killing of any ofdcer or omcersr either of specific individuals or of oEcers generally,. a of the Government of the —Ui1ited~.·.States,—or.` of any other or- . ganized g}Q>€éi‘ii§iéiit,;Tl5ecliifsé`,o·f his or their ixkial character, 01f-sho is a polygamlshishall be naturalized or made a citizen. of the United States. (J1ine·29, 1_9G6,_c. 3592,_§l7, Stat. 598;) t 365. $ame;,perso¤s unable to speak, Engllshi-+N0' alieh shall be mntsralized or admitted asa citizen of thB. UI1ill€d States, · who can not speak the`English language., This requirement shall not apply to sliensfwhoi are `gilvsically. unable to comply theregvith, Gif they Bare- otherwise qualfiled tcybecomé citizens _ of the United States., The requirements of this sectiml slnullnot apply many aliehixvho haslprioi; to June 29, 1906, declared his ' iiirsniisua to becomes citizcxi of the United,_States lh conformity `witlr the law ih force .afthe" date of making- such declarationf nor shall they apply to-aliens,. who shsll, after Junc»29, 1906, _. declare their intention to" become citizens and who shall make. a homestead sntrlcs upon the ptlblic landsrof the United States mid comply in all respects with .t_l__i_ct lajws providing for "h0i:ne» d · stead entries OH such lands.-, (Jtihe 29,‘1906,"c: .3592, §,,'8, 34

_Sfzl_t.5i}9.). * ·· ·_ __ -, ‘

366Q Same; islieaswithdrapving imeaticrn tt¤_, become citizens t to avoid se1·Vice_urtder Selective Draft Act not to be natural- ized.——A· citizen or subject of a rcotmtry neutralln the World Q War who had dcclarc4l his lxiteotloh to bewxhe fa_ cltizeh of the 1 United Ststes, and who was relieved ti·oui·li¤bi1ity toimilitary ‘ serviceaunder the Selective Draft Act (Act May`18, 1917,. c, 15, yell) Stat. 76) upon his staking a declaration, in accordance with regulations proscribed by the President, withdrawing his ln-` iteration to become acitizen 0£.the_United States, whlch.0pérated, tocaucel his declaration of intentiouvto become an Aixicrlcau citizen, shall lorever be , debarred from becoming a citizen of. the United States. L (Maj *18, 1917, c.»1i'§, { 2, 40 Stat,`77:'Jo1‘y 9, 1918, c. 143, subchaptcr'XI'I, I 4, 40 Stat. `_ —· _ Cross _ reference. “For immigration restrictions - upon, jursoni ineligible to `citizénshlp‘ see 213 (c)_ olethis tltl•;~4 _

`I ANU t01T1zEN.S111P 1 ;% · NATURA_I,IZATlON OF WGMEN [ 367. Naturalization of women; se; or tmarriage net a bar, M The right ot anylwoman to become a naturalized citizen of United States shall not M denied or abridged because of 1,,.

 sex or becauee she i§ a married woman. (Sept. 22, 19%, e. we ‘

§ fl, 42 Stat. 1021.) ·‘ . · e ` 368. Same; women marrying (citizens or persona hbecemiee naturalized; p1;oced¤re.—Anyew0m&¤ who marties aa citiz4;,,·§:* , the linited States after .eSeptember 22, 1922, or any \x·¢>1uL:;:l , whose husband is naturalized after that date, ahall BOt—he•·¤=m· a citizen. of thefnited States bytreamn ot such nxarriziae naturalization; butgif teligtliile to citizenship, she may be lxlaag. ralized upon fulland complete compliancewith all reqnirexueéet of the naturalization laws, with°the fol-lowing exceptions; (al No declaration of inteation shall ‘·m requird; · (b) In lieu of the five-year period of resi®ace within 0,,, United States and theone-—yeareperiod'of residence rwithtn gee » $tate or 'lgerritory 'where the -:mtnrali¤tio¤ court ia hem, oar. ahall have rwlded continuously in the United States, H:m’;t§%_ Q Alaska,'0r Porto Rico for at least one year impnediately 1;;;.. ceding the hlinj; of the-petition. (Sept; 22, 19&, e. 411, § 2, 42 Stat, 1022.) · c I , "‘· e · . 369. Same.;} kwomen who havelwt citizenship Byqmarryieg aliens eligible to eitimnahip; procedure:-+A woman who, hesnw September 22, 1922, has lost her Unitea Statea'citiaenshi,p ey reason ot her»marriage_to an alien; eligible for ,citizen¤m;»_ pray be naturalized as provided- in the preceding aeotion. No cerH§cate 0L arrivallahall. been required to med with her petition. —it dmjing th€.t$(lDfi¤B8DC€V‘0f marital status site elxall here resided within the United States,. After her

 naturalizétion she slnali have the sam `ettizeaship status as

if her ‘ma:rriage· had taken place after September 22, ’1€,>1E;!; (Sept. 22, 1922, c._·-111,, {-4, 42 Stat. 1622,) z ° ‘ 379. Same`; women married to persons i¤eligib1e.te_citizen·_ ship.+-No woman .whese»tehesband,_is notleligible to »cit_izensm;> eshgill be ngihrglized jglarlng the continnancet of the marital ‘ status. r'(`Sept, 22,.1922,`c,,§11, 55 5, 42 Stat, 1022;):* - g _ e ,_ • 371. Same; wife of alien declarinf becoming_·inaane‘ before . nat-uralizationi minor children.—Wben.any anearwne has declared,his·intention tobecome a°,citizeno1§ thellnlteel ,Stat+—<. becmpes insane_be£or‘e_ he ia actually naturalized, and his wife ‘ ahall thereafter make zi Homestead entry under the land laws nf (the United States, she. and their nxinorrchildrentmay, coaxply inge_‘s£*ith‘.the~ othe?" Xprovisions__of_ the natnralization laws l-;- gnatnralizegl veithontnmaltine: anydeclaration of int.ention,` _(f··l¤ J 24,,1911;'c.f151, 36i Stat. 829.) t t Q V or ‘ ’ NATURA,l,IZATION» PROCEEDQQGS IN ‘ GENERAL ‘ e 372. Proceedings for. natnralixntionee-A`n allen, may be ml-‘ mitted `to becmne acitizen of the United States in the nlaxmer . indicated under sections 372tto of this title and! wet ¤t_ue¤~w1$e.,;_ (June 29, 1906, c.·3592, § gi,_34 Stat; W6.) ’ t -373. Declaration of intention.a—»—¢He`. shall declare on (muh t_ before Qthe clerk of any cotirt-`anthorlzed`-` to nataralize anime,. or his._authorized·`dep31ty, in the district in which each alien resides, at least two yearaprior to his admission, ·an'd after he has reached the use-of eighteen years; that it is ibona Helo his intention to becoine a citizen of the United States, anll to .. renounce forevjer all allegiance and ndelity to any forciéw prince, potentate, state, or aowereignty, and particularly, by _ name, to the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty. of whirl: · the alien nmyg be at the time a clti&n or subject. *¢·h decIaration.ahaI1,»s et forth the name, age, occupation, pereomJ¥· , description, place" of birth, last foreign residence and all<·· E glance, the Hate of arrival, the nafne of·tl1e_ves®l, if any, `¥¤_ L which he came to the United States, and'··the present place Oi? residence at the United States not said a1ienQ No alien·`wl1o,` i¤‘