Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/173

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léil 2“1TLL· 8.-~£1;l;,@2~’s ¥··¤m‘¤rmity with the lawin farce at the date of his declaration, ll,:»:‘tii,é-larcd his imcuttion to beconxe A citizen of the United gymw shall be mquired format? such declaration. (June 29, 1%%%, @$592, { +1, 34 Stat. 596,§ _, . ° $$4. net tc be madeton election day, ctc.—·~I_t shall not

»·,§;m·f11l to make a declaration of int4·nti011,l»efore the clerk

,.;` my l{?4;!\l!’t on election day- G1" during the {period of--_thirt;y days ,_,·,.,»,,,;;;;;; the day af holding zmyelection in the- jprisdiction

   t·m1rt.· —(3i&y 9; 1918,,-1%, $9, § 1. 40 Stat. 544.) _ ‘ E t `

$25, Same; nc~t,required‘ fmm iidow ind mjmir children of aiims dying afte1·_»declarati=¤¤ af intenti¢m.——-W°l1en any glial x-.·2>·» has declared his `inteutlsm to become a citizen of the —"' { Xggswi states tliés ¥><:>foxje' he is actually nzstmalized the widow 4,,,; ggmgigr crhildmn (uf such tilién —1nay,4 by complying witl; the writ;-r pmvtisioxxs of this chapter, be naturalized without uigking hazy dwlzaraxtioxa of intention. (June 29, -1906, 9, 3592, § 4, 34 sm? 597.} ‘ t , `~ A » ~ ’ ‘_ _ 3355.4 Same; slim. seamen ‘dcclarmts Qdeemed citizens for p_ux·;¤:;ss¤s of pr0teét¤im\.——-Every sgandu, being anj alien, shall,

m··r his declaration of inteuti011_»t0 became 21 citizen oi the

l°nim1 States, aisdaftet he,shall“_have· served threeiears upon nl· ·m~h1x1t ur ilshing vessels of the United States of méretbzin mmap mus burdeugas, described under sectionss`388 anti _393 ,..1` this title. he deemed :1 citizen of the United Stalesz {01* thé ']»lll‘I§=§§$(? `of serving ‘0n‘,bburd any isuch merchant br` fishing wsséi of {110.-U“lli{€d’S[8[€S, anythinigtto the contrary in any i\('I of Congress i10twithst31udiug‘; but such s»eu—man=,shhll, for

ell`;m1*p0§es at pmtectloq as
121 American citizen, bedeemcdf

...u··la~aftet the filing of his declaration of intention. tri become »u·-la t·i;izen.` Nothing? cm1tal_ncd‘~in this bbapter shall be- taken _¤»·»¤· construed th tcpcnl or`m0dify any p0i7ti011*0t qectioné 365, me; of Title 33, thor of scctloixs 481, 569, 596, 597, 599, 601, 656, +:72; ,67:;;, 663, 688, 701, 703, ·712,[0r 713 of Title Q6, toppumutp zlh. msifnre of .c\‘!ii(~‘l`i(E2l'l1_$ll1tll(?Il. (May 9,1918, 0,09, § 1,,40 Slut; 5-14.) _ . · , _· · Q. ‘ *l

· 317, Simégl"lééttaiiiY*s1ié£i§`, érioneohsly leiéiéiéing Yitigixiis

and perfotming dnitles of citizenship println .h11y,1,'1914.·->··é fmy ]_l(*l‘:$0I1' not ”z.¤_ta1it»»i enemy, `who A resided uninterruptedly mzlli_¤1 the United States dining thefperlodl of flvé hears next.

·e·r·4»<lir;g Jul§_,1,‘1914,_2ii1d.`v\’as on that ·da1té,”0tl1e1‘wise quali¥

tml tu become aicitizeu- of the Ut1it—ed—St;1tes, éxéept that hd lkml not gmdethe ldeclardtion of intention required by law dud s:‘l¤» 4l1iri;1g·‘<>r,.pri01*·t0 that timé, because ofmisinfnrmutloxi awxurlllnlg 1iig§`N_t,lzepslgnip status erivmecusly exer(:isad,tha»rig11t$ 1 zgml performed the duties ofjq citizefn pf, the United ,StutéS in,. ‘::g»ml fait.h, may file the; petition for·naturallzation prescribed tlgy haw without making the preliminary; declaration of interl- Mtiuzn. ,ruquir4,>d bi othexj ulismx, add upon,sati¤fi1ét0r}*' pr00f··t0h

l;t··e·k&`urfi,l1a_t”.he hairsc acted may be k141mittéd_ a :1 cltlzbn of

my Lr_1ltedq‘§§8tes upon complying lp. all respects withr the ~<»:lw;· requirements of the ,uutur;1.lizution law} (May'19,.1918, t<·/4i!.l,°§1,.40_St:Q1t,’545.) ~ .` · Q t " t 378. Alien enémim to naturalized only undcrwpccified <·<.m·ditions.·-—;—Na_ allen wlnq is u native, 'cltllzcm, é}1l)j€¢Ct,°01' tiwiizuu og any country, i3t:1te,.—0r' sovgereiguty with which ijlscg, United States ig hut 'war slm‘ll=bu~adu1it;te{l to become 2: vitizcu of the United States unless he nmclcg his dcclqrtiticn »··f ia1ten·tie>g1_m,»t less tlum tw:) mr ‘m¤»'re than seven yezxrs ilziur tothé cxlstcuceof the stats-: of war 01·"w:1$ ntilltlmt time jtmitlcd to, beéome n ci‘tize+gZ_;0f__ 'thé· Unlisted Stiltés, \Vlu10llti plzlkixag 11 declaration of gintemion, or \.li’llL¥SS~11i$~[)€[iti0U fo; mturqltizatilm slu1ll‘tl1a11 be Dtilldlllg axxdjs Qtlxerwfsé entitled _ 2,, admission, xxotwithstatuding be slzallll ma alum em»my‘ lat: ·‘ me time and in the HIHBIHPIQ·il:»eed by tlm. laws pass<=d won tl1;1t_subje<:t.` N6 aliuu embraced withlnjlais _Subdivlslu}1Q ·>1l¤;1ll huvehis pctitimn for uatumlimticix (Failed for at héarlhg§ wr heard, except `afttér, lniméty days! mitice given by the clerk <·f¥u;·t; gp the Cummi:·;esionm*· 01·_Deputy Ccjxmmissicmer of _ N=1luralizat;lt;m to·b¢ present, dud the `péfltldnltsvhalllbc KWCH

ANI) c1:ri1zE.ve1111¤ § 380 l ne Emil liearihg except in epee court and eftcr smh :ewii_ce td. the repreee1e1t$t»tia·e of the €§pe*ernme¤t, Fmxun the Bureau ef Naturalization, whose objection shall cause the ·petit.i;0n te be continued fr0m* time to time for so lang as the G(>‘s'(‘i'“IlITl{*llt may require. Nething heirein emrtained alle}! be taker; er emistmed to iriterfere with er preventethe appre~hex1sie:1 and PO] moval, agreeably te law, at any alien enemy at any time previous to the actual naturalization of such alien. » '1`he‘I’reside;¤,t of the United_lSt:1tes'ma'y, in his discretion, upon investigatiun and repert by, the Department et Justice fally eetahliehing the leyalty of any alien enemy net included in the feregeing exemptien, except each allen enegiy from the elaasitieatien e.f· alien enemy, . and thereupon he shall have the privilege nf applying for natn_ralizaifieu. `" (May 9,; 1918, c. _®, `§ 1, +10 Stat. 545.).  ? . e “ 379. Petition for natm·a1iz*ati¢n;_when required tefk Bled; allegations; ’”ver·iiicatien“ liby citizen lwitneasea;-¢»·Net less thim two yeara not mere" than seven yearsp"after‘ he has made such tdeelaration ef. intex}tiong._he shall wake and, me, in dnplieate, it petition in wz·ii:ing,· signed by the applicant in his own. handwriting: and duly veriéed, in which petition

 such applicant shall state his full nam»e,.hia place at residence ’-

‘(by street and numbe1#,_ff pmsible), his 0C€l1[}&ti6¤,h&Dd, if possible, the date_and nplaee of his birthi thépkcé {QQ “'h*{*h

 exnigi·ated,‘_ancl the date_ant1*plaée of his arrival ln the?

`United. States, and, if he entered through a_ p0rt,_the name oft l the vesaei on wmea ne armed; me time when me tee place and name *0i_ the court where he dec1ar& his intention to become a citizen of the United-$States; it he is he shall state the name ofl_bis`wife and, it possible; the country of hen; nativity and,her placetef residénée at the time of filing his _ petition; and if hethas children, the name, date, and place of , , birth and place of residence ofeeeeh el1ild`liv·ingeae;etthe_,time of the‘H1ing· of his petition: Provided, That lit he med his declaration before Jnneg29,·19%, he SHEPH net be required te Ysigtnethe petition in_hia’0wnlhandwritiné.p at __ F , l p ]The `,Det_itien shall set forth that he is net fa disbeliever`in" er opposed to organized ·g0vernment,.exé ap member of 0¤+aBIiated . with anyworganizatien `lei*"b0dy let 'pefsena tm&ing disbelief . in or opposed te organized government, at pnlygamix er believer l in the praetiee qt pelyaatny, and that it iahia intention te be- — cpnie up citizen et the United Statesiangl to reneaaee absolutely andl‘_fi>x*evex· all allegiaraee and Hdélityl to any- foreign prince, · potentate, -state,_ or sovereignty, and paftiealatiy hy te l‘the‘p1finee, potentate, state, ot sei···ereignty•ef’n which he et the ~ time et filing or his petition may heaicltlaen, er, anbject, and i that itris his intention td reside permanently within the United ,iS·tates, and W;h€['h€1'_0l"·!}Ot he haé beendenled admission as a vitizexr ef~* the United States, · and, ii"? denied, the ground er ‘ . ._gl'OD11dS»0f,S\lCh`dQl1.i’81,»_ the court enrcourtsi in véhich such de eisioh was re11dere<l,‘ anélu that the `eanael for meh denial has ainee cured or removed, and- every fact material te his .Il8£\11‘tluZ&U0l1·!llId required to he proved upen the Baal hear- . ing of his application. i n · V _, . J The petition; shall alsehe veritied hy the affidavits of at least two C1;€{l‘ibl&! witneseesel who are citizens of the ignited States; .:mcl~w1u» ehz1.l'l`stnt_e iutheir ufflelavita that tbeyhave pérsenally knnown the applicant to he u resident of the United Statea for ·, a periotl et,at‘_least Bye years eenti_nu0psly,·and of the State, l l °T€`i'l'ltOl*j‘, erthe l)istri<·t ef, Qelmnhia in which the nppliehtien ig made fora perl`od`ef atlenat ene year inimetliately preceelilng the date ef_the filing et hhispetitien, and that they each have ”[‘)(·3l.'SOl1l\l knowledge that the Vpetitionei· is a—m;·sc»n Vb! geed moral chara<:ter,~ aiutl; that he is in every way qualifled, an their. opinion, te he hclniitted as a eltizenv of the Bnited Statesl {June 29, 1906, 0. 3592; §__'4,`2H; Stab 596.), .` ». ‘ " l· _ l l ··380. Same; certificate- of arrival and declaration of intention tube made .a part.——~—-At the time of filing ·hie‘petit.ion t-here Shall he tiled with the clerk of the etlurt a certitieat0 fm1n the