Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/177

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153 TITLE $.--—»AL1E.A\’S wigmggg and the residue, if aney, ghall be rommod by the clerk gi; ilu; potiticluex, * [ ~ . Y;  » glke clerks qf-comrts:.' éxogcising jurissliotion in ·xmQtumliza, qéog pmcéeilings shall oc permithéd to remix one-half of tho`_·. gw; you any 5wHl Yémt {Hp to tho sum of-_`w,00{)?_.gm1 an lk; received by smgzh olerksi in naturalization; proceedings in Mmgss of such mcamt shall be accounted for and paid 0V€1'“ all will lmrema asnoiu cmseoof othetzjices to which the United mms zmaybe entitled uxmxlér the provisions of thig; ohaptezr.- . · " oygw Czlsrks of the various courtS_ exorgcising jurisdiction in il l algimaaaliyoztiéno prwwiiingsla 811311 .pay all additio11`al~ cleriéal . ;“~m2· mat may ibé requirkzd in performing fha lduties imposed. xg; me naturalization 1aw$' upon the clerks of courts from fceg io »g·m#od bf such clerks inl naturhlizatioq proceedings. · o . mgsmxmt for the amlditiomxl cleriqal éslslistaixce hercin.autl10r—_ gw; Shall be in the ponder andowmxcler such; xjeguldicions as theyl

;sry`of I.a{1bf11‘l*M&¥l prescribe. In caée the élerk of any}

vil;;;·a" »{?X€f€i¥§iI1g" i1a_tui·d1ization ju1‘isdicti€m `collccts ‘ fees lin »} Qqwsg of the-sum of $6,600 in may iiscdl year the Segcretary of

~ may ollow salaries, for x;ét:uralizéti0¤_purposes on1y,·to

‘* lwoiy for cleriéalyassistagaoc, to be selectéd `axid employed by that l:m·1;.éé1ddi;iona1“to th€'€1€fi€3l. force; for which clerks of courts

;m· ;~e<`;ui1~éd `by this section to pay frqm_AIee.s i·eceived_`-byosuch

l_a¤·oll=rks·’izgjaxaturalization ;$1·0ceedi¤8S.'iI in the opinion of said lslwwzzary the nalnralizaticm business of ·suéh clerk warrants l¤ll!’l}§(?§°_3dditi0HR1 , . “I ‘ ; `· " -· ’lf1mo\vlm1a amount allowed for A Hscal year` to thé clerk of l H court and his- aéistamas from naturalization fees and 'any? a;¤;¤·<>priatio¤. xmndcl foto" carrying ooo the w8rk oi tho · Bureau _ of Naturalization shall bc based upon and not exoeéd the one half o£ ·thé ·gmss ofsaid clerktrom ;1atura1ization»fees during the Hscul year jmmediatelyo précedipi, unless the- nom-; 4 gmliymiou ot the C13Ilk'.0f°&.DY `courtvdurixig tho year ‘ Smllbbe excess_ot o the naturalization »bu:si¤le~sQ5"‘o£ (he [IIB-. rm magolliézirg""iH"i§Eéh"’é$é1i't“*tH§l lllll @5§iiE“*§1Y>`s?éii‘ l ll ° {—;·oawd to :m gmouut equal to o1§c·halt tlxgswstimated zwliiyzts of ·the·3aid clerk from haturalizntion fees dudug the <>m·mnt Bscal year., The provisi6¥1$Y0f thissection relating to like retention as compensation by clerks of couxits of naturollzw ` tion fees shall not apply to clerks of United States courts who by mw are to.-receive gr nology in lieu ot tem or_ other emolulxuoxato; (lame  %, 1906, kc. 43592, in 13, 34 Stat. 600; Jtmc 25, 1910, cQ 461, { 1,36 Stat. 829; June 12, 1917, oct 27,} 1, 40 Stal;. 171.; Feb, 26, 1919, c, 49,15 1, 2; 40,Smt.·1182; Feb. 11, 1921, <·. ·lG,· 41 S§gt.`1099; Mar. 1921, c;.161, ill, 4,1 Stat. -1412) » 493, Same; when United Statco Tis •t"war1-¢e—During the time ~ whoa; tho United Statés 13,:11; war no clerk ot A Unltod States · court shall charge or collect a naturalization fee from an allen in the military aervioaof the Uuitgd Stotes for. tilting his potlmm or issuing tm oertmcate o@ naturalization upon admiésion to <:it.izonship,· and no clork,o£ any Slzatocoixrtg shall charge or collect may tee io;-_1;l1isl s;·€.>1*vicc°uu1ess thelaws of the *State rvquim such olmrge to be made, in ·wjl1_ich-cagg nothing more lim; the portion of tho fee {required to be puiJ\%.uth& State . shall bé Qhaigod or collected. A fulloécoqgxting for " of those sqmomoiions shallobe made to thellmreau of Nutorolizatlorx in mo mamscr provided by sc<;·tion402· of this? title. (May 9,1918, ,1:; i$i§,A§ 1, 46 Stat. o _— o l _ — ,404. Declarations of intention and petitions as records of_ _ l court; reference ixyccrtiiicatc {0 recordQ—-··Thc eleclo_ratiox1s of ° i·uto11iJi011-£1Lld the pctit.io1m_fu1.·_uzxtumlizatiou shall be bound mc1ll· ¤m1ogsc¤1 order iQ Sllilillflltiél volumes, ·iml'exod, ‘c0msc<.;u- aiwly nuuxberod, hud made _}_)21I‘lLP`()f‘ the focorels of the! court. liimeln certificate of haturallzotion loomed shall bg»arlupo¤"‘it:s

  • f=1co,{*in gy place proparml therefoir, tho.vorume lxmmoor and

‘ wage number of the petition_ wha;·oon such certilicate was issuocl, and the volume ixumber and pagolxmmbér of the stub of . =~&u<#h cortiflcaté. (June 29, 1908, c. 3592, YS 14;l34_Sl&t; 601.)

AND C1T1ZENSH1P_ § 4Q6 , VAIJIDATING OR GANCELING NATURALIZATION ._ i E W 1 ,CERTIb‘ICATES e , " —= 405. Ca,ueellat·ien of certihcetes of citizenship fraudulently er, illegallyeprpcuredg aliens returning te emmtry of 1mtixfi_ty er residing permauently in fereigrteematry; certmedi eepy of erder Teaneelingn certi§cate.-———It shell be the duty of the United States ,

 distriet ettorrieys 'fer the respective districts, er the  ; ,siis» ,

isiener er>·Deputy Commissioner of Nstureliezetien, eH§— davit showing. good eause therefor, te institute pee eetlizige in enji court. hziving jurisdiction to nsturelize aliens in the judicial dist;·ict: in which the ,nature1ized·~ eitizeu may reside at t°he¥‘ti·me_0f bringing the suit, ferethe éulrpese of setting aside and Canceling the certifieete 01'ecitizeuship eu the grouse! of fraud oren the gr0und that such certiiieste of eitizesship was--il1egal1y_;pr0cured. ·_If1 amy such pi*eee~ed§ugsi° the party J holdiug the icertiiieate et citizenship alleged ite have been; fraudulently .01; illegally procured shall beige sixty days per-l semal H0tiC€-'il1_Wi1iCh to xueke.ans~wer to the, petitieh'g£—;tl:e »United States; gud if·th"e;helde1: or suehieertiiieate ehsent Item the·United States Oll_fT_0H1‘·th€·(IiSiIIiCt ein which he lest had his residence, such notice shale! be gives by publication in the_`mam1er_pr0Yided‘fo1•·the"SerYiee of summeus bgspublieetiezr 161* upon absemtees hbyithe laws of the State ei the uliice where suehsuit is br0t1ght.g_ · · 1 [ · 0 ·` ‘ It any, alién \z‘h0 shall have secured ecertiéeate of eitizenship under the iprevisiens qi this ehzipterr shall, within hvei years after: the issuance of suehMeertiticgte,"returu to the eeuntryei lxisiinativity, or go to any other foreign count ”, and take `p·—er~ maueutijesidenee therein, it' shall be_”»c0}:isid;ied_ priuia.__feeie eyidepceefr a lack of intention on the part of such alien te become ti permanent teitigen of the United States at the time et filing, bis' application for eitizenship, arid, in _! the absence ef -e0m1tervail, ing evidenee, e 1f shall he sumeieut in thepreper pre- , ewinsm§Q,,,,ée9Q;Q@ize1thYei ecaricellatieve et; his ¢‘:e1=tti§ce1e1,s!!,eitizen- 1 ship as fraudulent, and the diplomatiehud 'eeusular 0m€€1‘S ei" ` V the United! States E foreign countries shall rtremtime', to .tiu1.e, through. the Department ef°State,`.fumish the Department of

 Justice with the names of these within their respective jurisdictions who have such, eertléeates of citizenship aut} whe have

taken-permanent residence in the eeuutry of their- sativity, er fintiany other foreign country, and such statements, duly eertitled, shall be admissible in eyidence in ell. courts g1n—prpeeed-_ lugs te cancel certiueatesi Vet eitizeuship. 5 e ~ ,_ ` Whenever auy ,eerti§eate ict cltizexgship si1al1"be"set aside er _ iéanceled, as-herein `prpvided, the eeurt in which such judgmeutx W or degree is rendered shell irmke an order canceling such éertifb eute of citizenship and shall send A certmed eopy of suehertler to the Bureau et Naturalization; and in ease sueh certiueater t waéiiet originally issued by the ceurt_muking" sueh order eit Shall direet the clerk.0f"ithe¢e0urt to transmit e copy of suehi Order and Judgment to the ieeurt out of wliieh such eertitieate 'of citizenship shell. have bee¤iei’i€;ally issued? _ADd it shall , thereupon belthe duty of the elerk if theieeurt receiwfing.sueh eertmed cepy of theerderi sud judgment of the court to enter ··the Samelef record and teieaueei sueherigirieli eerti_tiea‘te of citizenship upon the records sutlte notify the Bureauef Netix- ` ralizietioii of such eaneellutiem. _ · e .. , — , The provisions of this section shell epply not only teeertitic·ete.s`0f·eitizeusl1ip issued under the prmtisiens efiseetiens 356, t 357; 360, .302,.364, ·3G5, 372 to.383, 356 to fitil, 396 to ,405. and

407 te 415 of this title, butte all eerti1it.*z1tes"0»f ¢··iti:»:e_·uship

which gniay have been issued prior te uiuety clays sfn·i· June 29, ,1900, by any ceurt exercising j11fisi,lieti¢·»:i in mituml- _ izzition pi·eeeedi11gs,1mtler Sprietj luws. (June 29, 1900. t-. 33292, “§i 15,134 Stz1t.’(i0;i; Mar. 4, 1913, e..141, ·§ 3, `37 Stat. 7217; Mtiyi), 1918, e. 69.°§ 1, 40 Suit. 54,4.) _. ‘ ,` 0 i 1 ‘ ,40,6. Validation of certiécates of ue.tu_ralizatimi- granted, `prior ’r_, to December 31, 1&18.--All eemiiieutes of 1mtum1iz;¤.t;i·m