Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/181

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167 TITLE 9.——AR11 " TITLE 9.-ARI slur. i •

_ ·~y1m=1tin1e,transactions" and °fC0iU!1l€lTC€°° sdetincd; exceptions tql 1

¤»;n·ration of title. k · __ ‘

·,·;,1it11ty·, irrcvocability; and enforcement of agreements to arbitrate. 1

.: stay of proceedings where issue therein referable, to arbitration. 14 .1. I";lit·il'Fl, etc., to arbitrate `undcr agreement; petition to ljnitedi 1 sinus court having jurisdiction for order to compel arbitra-· 1 `zion; notice and service thereof; heariiig and determination. 1; 5.. .\1»p¤•i’r1t1nent of arl>itrators or umpire. _ si ,\}°}•li(??lii0il hcardas 111oti¢»11. ‘ _ . . . · S . 11 j_ \\'ig11¤·ss•·st l1vfolQ0 Hl'_biU`?llul‘S; fees; ‘COH`l[)€ltil'lg _1lf{€l]ldllljCQ, 1, lt (‘R`OSS Ifi·Zl·`ERE§(`_R _ . F

 _ }!t>}·l1i¢‘S` bt*t\Vt·•‘D (ii1l‘l`it‘l`s llllll l‘ll_l|¤iUyt‘L*S; SEQ (:tl{lp{<‘l‘\(L0[, TRUE 45, p

Ifil‘_I,lI•lA!*S. _ _ I _, M li] Q Section l. “Maritime transactions " and "co1ninerce" de-= p ·`t%$a·d; exceptions to operation,- of ti‘tle.——·‘*Mariti111e transac5§ 11 inlirs." as herein deiined, n1eans<charter parties, hills of lading of i1 —~.t;1v··r <··;1r·riers, agsrccziieiits relating to wharfage, supplies __fl1l’-_~ t i 1.1~1n·”·l‘ vessels or repairs to vessels, coliisioiis, or any other a 1¤1;·1uV·rs fll··ftII'9lgl1.'t'UlL\l11t3l‘l'(!·\\'t1iL’h,·-if the subject of (f.0llil'U-- .11 1l·1·~y, would he embraced within admiralty jurisdiction; "con1-_ -·t1 las;-.·l·_" as herein defined, ill0li·DS'(30IllIli0l`C0 anions; the _F€V(*_l'H1, t

  • ·s"1;1ses pr with foreign nations, o1·_·in‘any? Territory of the {1

I l.i1l-'dfSta1tcs er ill the District of Columbia, or between any t1 s·1··h"l`crritory and an‘otl_1e~1·, or between any such. T€l'l‘it0l:)`l t Mil.,-:;:13j·S.tate' or forei;:n 11ati¢»n..or t•t"I\\'§‘t3ll the District of 11 <‘·<11=n·1_·ia.:111¢l a11y State or '1?erritory or .forei;:n `lltltidll, but 11 I znigtlinlg herein.contained :~hall__.apply to contracts df employ? a 111,.1ir nf iS(’2llIlt*1l, railroad ennipioyees, or any other. class of -u l~.l·.1·!c.·1?s ciigagcd ill.ft)I"t‘i§.{ll or i!lUJl'VSiilt0kl)I1lll1€l‘t‘(!. _(Feb. l2,· a ‘· 1%:5. c. -213., § 1, 43 Stat. SHS,). _, V- _» · _ s `LZ. Validity, irrevocability, and enforcement of agreements i itu ar;bitrate.——.·§ -w1=itte11 p1·•»visi~o11 in any inaritiine id'tlllSttCtit_»ll i lr il contract evideiiicing a transaction involving (°(lllllll(+l°('€` to Q ~~··1‘1 lv, hy _`arhitration a icointroversy thereaftcr`arisi.11g rout of t "—‘ ~;1··h contract.or il‘1lllSll('ti0!·l, or the refusal to; ])Qiif()l°_lll the t r.‘.#.l.·»·lQ· or any part t’hereof,_ or {lll agreennent in fwriting_ to `f >=1l=z11it to arbitraition an existing coiitroversy ,a1‘ising’ out of 3 f—·z··!_1 wt contract., trzi11sactio11,;"or refusal,.-shall be valid,. ir-, sg ._ 1·{v··1·:il»lc, ·.a’nd éiiforceahle, save upon such grou11d`s'as· exist w · at i2l‘.\;-i(1l‘i ill equity for the revocatie‘»n,of any contract; '(Feb. 4

 19125. c. 213, § 2, 43 Stat. 883.) · " ° · .

3._·Stay- of proceedings qwhere issue therein referable to ar·‘ ii - bitr-a·tio11.—-If any suit ()I‘_I•l'0t‘O9(ullg he llreuigzlit. in any of the, a ·` ····nrt< of the I’Ili(t‘(]‘Si'⁢*l“,\\])(>l\_`fl!l§; issue rcferabie 1qm1»1-:1 il'1liiit•H.,\1I}l(\G'lf an A{lf.{I'(’t‘_lllt‘Ili>'iIl writing for suchiarlnvltratioin, the 1; ¤.··11r_1 ill which such suitis. pending, upon being satisfied that 4 ·1h•· issue hivtilvcd in such suit or ])(0(‘€(¥(1iI]g'—iSt referable tb L ll!'i•iil`&lAti0Xl. under such an !ig!‘t'CIlll*‘lli, shall on application 'of 11 . ¢_·f11* oftl1t·_ parties stay the trial_ oftl1e action funtil such" ge ·:.ri»itr:1tio11 has been had in.accordance-with the ternnsi of the g1 Ni¥`¢'t‘illt’l’li, providingi the applicant for the stay is not in dw .1- . fault in }ll'(Qi(,'€t’d·i_Ylg with st1clrari1it.ratienl_ _·(Feb. 12,_·1!>2$, c. .t ·t1r=. 5;;,,-1:1 san. ssa,). 1 1; ~ Q i I ~ ‘i at 4. Failure, ctc., to_ arbitrate under agreement; petition to `al United 4St_at_es court having jurisdiction for order to coinpel T2 arl:i{_ration; notice and service thereof; hearing and determi·· _ ·. nation.--A_ party agrgrievetl hy the alleged allure, ll£"Q,‘;'i0(’iZ, or, .c - 1·4·1‘usaI.ot' a11ntl1cr_to`arbitrate under a wiiten a;·:ree111c.nffo1•.~ N ‘_:¤1ihitratio11may petition any court of the United, States which. it save for such._agreen1ent, would have jurisdiction under" the § "jiulicialeode at law, in equity, or‘in.'adn1i1*alty of t·he subject ,` matter inf ll-"Sllf[ _8l’i-Si[lg‘ltiljti-pf the co11t1:overs'y' between- the. .a parties,. jfor all order ._directing that such tl~IibiU!}1iLi0ll_` procefedi ty in. the manner provided- for in such agreen1en·t.. Five days` a _ 11ntiee in 'writing ot such application shall be served iupon the. 11

¢1TR.»i‘Cl’ION 1-7 BITRATION (BC. I ‘_ B. Proceedings begun by libel in adiniralty and seizure of vessel or property. __ · _ . _ · E); Aumrd of ‘arl»itrators; comirmaiion; jurisdiction; procedure. U. Same; vacation; grounds; rehearing. · i ` 1. Same;¤moditi<:ation or Brreeiioir; grounds; order. A A 2. Notice of motions to (vacate or modify; service; stayof 'proceedings; _ 3. Papers tiled with order on' motions; judgment; docketing"; force V and effect; enforcement. ‘ -1. tiitationnt title. · - 5. Contracts notjartccted. larty in default. Service thereof shall he made in the manner lrovided by law for the service of Flllllf[IU_}l'S in the jurisdiction _ n_ which the proceeding isbrought; The court shall hear the narties. and upon being satislied_that the` making of the agreerieiit for arbitration or.- theefailure to comply therewith is not i n issue, the court shall make anforder directing thefparties o proceed to arbitration in accordance with the terms of the agreement, The liearing and proceedings under such agreenent shall be within the districtiin which the petition `for an lrderg directing such"arbitration· is tiled. If the making of he arbitration.agreement'—0r the failure, neglect, or. refusal to ierform the same he. in issue, the ·eourt» shall proceed sumnarily to the trial thereof. If no jury trial he demanded. by he 'party alleged to be in default, or if the matter inydispute “ s within admiralty jurisdiction, the court shall hear. and deternincn such is_sne._ ~ Where such an issue is raised, the party rlleared to` be in default. may, except incases of admiralty, on lr- before the returnday of the notice of application, demand 1 jury trial of such issue, and`upon ~such_ demand the court sha-ll make an order referring thefissue. or tissues to ‘a jury n the manner provided by law for referring torn jury issues n m{%iity action,_·or may specially call, a_jury for that pur- _ rose. ilf the jury `tind that no‘agreement in writing for arbitration was made orthat there is no default in proceeding hereunder, the proceeding-shall be dismissed. _If the jury; indbtliatran agreementfor arbitration wasniade in writing md that there isa default in proceeding thereunder, the court ihall make auordcr summa_rily directing the parties to proceed with the arbitration iu. accordance with the terms thereof. [Feb. 12, 71925, c. 213, § 4, -13 Stat, ., y `— j ·5. Appointment offarbitrators or uin·pire.——If in the agree-~ by nent ]}l‘(l\Yi$¤i()I~1“`)llC made’_@for a ,methodZof naming or appointing an arbitrator-jor arbitrators or an umpire, such method slnrll »e'fo‘llowed:. but_ if-no method `be provided therein,_or if-a nethod be' provided and any party thereto shall fail to ava_il iimwlf of such method, or if for any sother reason there shall ne ·a’ lapse in the naming of an arbitrator or arbitrators `or umpire, or in filling a vacancy, then upon the application of ·it-her party to the controversy the court shall designate and ippoint an arbitrator: or `ari»1o·ao»r-sirn-. trmpire, asgthe case mty eijuire`, who shall tact under the said agreement with the same ?orce and c·l`fcct as if he or they had been speciticszlly ’1nzm•·•l herein; and unless otherwiserprovided in the agreement the arbitration" shall be by aslnglc tu·i»nr·in·r»i·. (Feb. -12,: 19::5, c. E13, § 5, 43 Stat! SS-l.)_’ r it · _ ’ _ . ji. Application heard as .motion.-——-.\ny application to the, - rourt hereunder shall be madeaml heard in the m-ammo pro- ·fded by law for the‘mal;i‘ng and hearing of motions. except use otherwise hereinfexpressly provided. (l·`eb._ l2,—1!}25, e. Qlfl, LO, 43'Stat. SSEL), _ · f ‘ _ `. . f _- ‘7. Witnesses before arbitrators; fees; compelling attend- » { mee.-'lThe tll`illil°tli(ll‘S selected either as`_pi·osr·i·;ln·¢l in this title — ir otherwise, ar a majority- of them,”·may·,. ini writing my person to attend be1`oije_t!icm`or any of tlu·in*as_a wilt·:n·ss and- in a prope1‘"ease to; bring with himjor them any lsoolt,