Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/186

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§ 37 o ·. Tzzrw 10 aml‘rec0n§mon·do.'tions ofgaid division for or agaixiot such plan, ·` and such pertixiunt lcoxinments for or zxguinst the plan as- may 1 be made by the Sécrctary of Wa1·, the Chief of Staff, or.iudi· " vidixal owcors of the·divislo11 of the·Wm· Department General j Sttiff in wvhicln tl1€!mi")l&Il was prepared. (Jxiuo 431920, c. 227,l subolmpter 1, $5,-41 sm:. 764.) - _ t

 37. Plans for_ initial organization and  tcrritorial'distributio1n X

h of Orgauiiod Reserves and National Guag·d.-·-=Sulqject~ t0’revi— sioxl and approval by the »V*- Secretary of"\\’a;·, the plans ond regti-`· lotions __l1Hdf31‘ which the initial jorgauizatlugl and t€_l‘I‘it0l‘i81;` distribution of the N&Ei0Il&1`G\l&I‘d and the Qrganized `RBSGYVBSV shallbo made, shall be pre{$;;red by :1 Q0lll11]i[f99'0Nf the bregnch 01* division of the Wgxr _Depart1m=.ex1t. Géueral Staff, hereinafter ‘°pmvidod for;/,vs·hich is `charged with·tl1o·preparati01i of plans for the xmtiongzzl defense and for the mobilization of the} land forces of the; United ‘Stutc+s. For the purpose .0f this task said committoo sholl be composed of members of, séid brzmclx or division of t1ieoGeuéral._Sta!’f arid. dnpqual numbexé of rosorvé oqicers, iuclmliggl reserve "oflicersfwlno `hcldbr. have held comtoissioné in the National Guard. (June 4,‘19.‘?.0,_ 9. 227, subchapte1·I,‘§ 3,141 Stat.-'Z60.) ‘ — `. , `,‘` ·_ ‘ , · _ 38.; Policies_ and regulations for lgoiremment of Oqganized . Rmerfes and N¤;ioml‘ "Guard.—··-All policies and regulations a§cctiug the organization,. distribution and training of ethe- ¢Natio;ml Gti;1rd_um1‘tl1e Organized Reserves, and all policies and i·egul;1tl011:§·` awactiixg the appointment, assignment, promo-Q tion, and discharge of reserve'- officérs, shall. be pro red-by. J. committees of approprlutei braugxhes or diylslous of Ke Wai Dt—p¤¤m¤»¢. Gtméxjal Stam to which z1hal“l`be added on equol ‘ mwnbcr (ot reserve‘~6&ceré, includixig resorvo othecrs who hold ' on- have ·l1eld‘b0mmimi0ms im tho National Gixard, and wlwsé éuunuog &I`8rTb0@'.!1€W0l1 lists of officers ¤ultable`foz·s1lch d;.xt.y,ls1;b{ '1`mitwd by the g0ve·.rnox·;s*of the several States and Ténrimries. • For thee purposes spocfiled herein, they shall bw regarded as »—··‘ aeldltlmmll o~n·o 0£"j:heol"oGenerar SQE whitlcoiohh oiserviug. ’ ’·(Jmw‘4, 1920, Q.·227;S\1b0h&[i{81‘ I, 8 5,4; Stdt..763.) A t ·

 Chapter 3.-··-··ADJUTAN'1‘ GENEQAL'8 DEPARTMENT-;. l

41. $omposi—tlorg.ét Ak1;ixlt.outl(}.enoral’s Depgu·tn¤•=eg1`t.` ` 42. `usaoxioazmoi Qorsozxuel Burguu. l _‘ o _ _ _ Homme and muss;or :olls_oli‘ voluntoar ·!orc+.·s r•~n·dored· to Acljqtnnt G¢·m~:·al; me section 1§G of Tltlo 5. .. “Q . . o _ o Séctlem 41. Composition of Aéjutant > Gpneral’s. Depafb ‘ ¤¤e:at.—·¢~e~'1’l1o Atljnnltaxont G.s:mén·ul’s.Dopurtunmt slmll cemslsf of Thog Atljtxtziut General. withttlxp ;·anlc ot xxugjor —géi;oml, one assist-. autwith °tho mul; of brlgw,lit·r’gonoml, xvho`e~=h:1~ll be Chief of the Personnel Bureau, and sovc·1ltylono ¢;@c•..»i•as in gtadosfrom colonel to captain, itnblussivo. “ (J uno 4, _192.0,.`c-22'l',téubchaptef ·I, § 6,*41 Staf. 765; Jnmo 30,1922, c. 253, 42 Stat. 7'23.~)K . 42. Fnm¢U9n$ of Personnel Bureau.-—·-·fI‘ho .Po1~.son¤ol Bureau ~. skull be chérgod, under such regulations, as may be pi·esc{ribod._ by tho Scoromry ot War, with thé operatlxig fmlctioué of prol¢1i!'L*!ll!3f1lZ, asolgzzmxont, fpromotiou, t_ruhsfor,*rotironxxo1it, and dis-l cliorgo oi all oflloors ond B11liStQ_d$;m9l1`0f tho Ax·my: oPr01>£ded, Tim}: torritoxjial ltcommnudom and tho éhiofs of tho. sovéfnl `branohos ot the .A-:· cbuigod with such ot the ¤bovo~· ftlesorlobotl dutios {within tholr. ¤;·spcc_tive juidsdlotioils as may lm prosorllioil by the Soorotary ot Wax-. W (June 4,*19W, c. H7, fh. zml¤ehu;gte1··I, Q 6. 41·Stat.'7G5.) t · . l l l “ l Chapter. 4.--—lNSPEL‘TQR GENEBAIUS DEPARTMENT. l` ` Soc.-’ " '* ‘ ·— · ·o l $1. Composition of jnspeotorl Gooornli D%>partme¤t.»_ V 52. Appointment of oxpowi: accountant. _ _ 4 t W

 Sectioxy 51. Commition of Inspector G¢1a¢ril*• ,D¢p•rt¤;

mmt..~·———Tlm Ihsypootov Goneralw Degxartttxxoptklxoll coizmlst of one Inspector General with thowanlt of major general and t0rty· throof omooiw in . gradéa from colonel? to captain. inclusive. (Jude 4, 1920,* é. EM, o1xbchapte:"‘1~,- S 1, 41 Stat. 7B5l;`Jm1é 30% 102z,` c. 253, 42 Stat. 723.) . . . ’

  • . ARMY U2

t_ 52. Appointment of expert sccelmtnht.-—-One 9§;p0;·t 4 fgoaumnt for theluspecter Ge¤le¤1l’e Department, shall §,’.,»1, pointecliniease efetvaéaxicy, by the Secretary of \¥g;·,`•·1(pDl, 1.,1, 1891, c. 284, 26 Stat. 773.) ‘ 1 " 1 ‘ ·` " " 1.Chapter’ 5.-5-JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL’S1Dkll’l\ll'i‘. _·._MENT. · 1 . . * ‘ - " l . s v ~ Sec, ’ . _ I . _ . 61. Conlppaitlun of.d'l1¢]ge .Ad¢0<}21tP G€¤ltfl‘8}`S Dt‘[`£{lFtlDQll[, , _

 ,DUtlt}S_()f Judge A*1\’•N‘2lti¥'G€‘ilCl`Ell..·‘ ‘ _ . · f' ,

B3. 1)uties_ot jndge adyocates. ·» I. . — 64. Filling vgacaneies in gmile,e£fi·aptalu;. I 1 . ‘» ,,.<Section 61. Cotnpositieh nf Judge Advocate Ge1r;ial’S Dp;1 Lpagtment,-—-The Judge Adv0cate‘~~1Géner$1l’§1Departnxemk elm}; eon`sist.;_of one Judge ntléecate General with the rank of*`iu&>iozgeneral anal eighty officersjiil gradee f1‘em‘,qb`leuel te e;l.;>z;l1;;_ inclusive;. uuoe.4, 1920, subchabter I, 5 8.141 Stat. 7;:;- ..m¤€.:ao, 1922, C;1253,142.St2\t.172§.1)_ F a * — ·‘ ’ » » 62. ~Dttties” nf.,Jndge1Adv0c§tc _Ge¤cr!1;—The1 Judge; Allm- . cate General shall receive, revise, and eause to be teeoidowl. thl. proceedings of1 all c·0urtS·¤£artlal, ceupts of lnqahty, and nfilir tary commissioné, and perform such other duties as were .f..;·;;·· merly peyromgeu l}y`tl_ie Judge Adveeaté General of the A rm;.—_ 1-(R.S.1§1199.) .; . ·_ .— j o , `_ §3..Duties of judge advocates.¥—.ludge advocates shall por! form their dutleauuder the direction .0f—theaJudgé 1Advo<·ate'. Genernb (R. S. S 1291.) N 1 1— 1 llln

 64. Fillinglvgenttciesin   of captain.-——Any i*aeanc·

the grade of captain `in the Judge Adv*0c¤t»e.Gen§ral’s Dopertr. hzent, not Hlled by tranafep er detalll another hranclz. may, in the dlgeretlqn of the·Prestde¤t, be Hlled byappolntnxeat -~f!'0D.lr1'éS€l'V€ judge advocates between the ngee ot thirty and · thirtyeixa years, ana, such népelntee shall be placed upon me promotion llstlmmetllately below the jamie: eaptatnon said list. (June 4, 192,6, c..%,.-anhchnpter I, §` 24, 41;Stat. 77}.) 1 Chapter 0.,-—·QUARTERMAS‘1‘ER CORPS. 71.1 Comgqeltion of Qtxartermaster Coypsr. _ 72. Duties ot Qeartermaster Geneve!. V _ (· ·  » , T3. Transportation for Natl0hal—Mmeu¤a and Govommeat departmlentee 74. Limitations on issue ot reagerve supplleeer equlpgnent. _. . t

Rtltiem furnlvshedfte la·nd·l¤g‘ parties obseanxen or n1arin<·r_c·1·

. 4 operating with land troops. . `_ · ~ · ~_ ` T6. Equipment, etc., ttnnnlahed ze landing parties of seamen or marmoe , cooperating 1vlth‘lend‘tr00{.m. , 7 ~—· · ‘ . > * · 77. Technical experts, employedlin Qté$ietet·xnnater` Genemiw omce. 1 Section 71. of- Quuternaetgr Corps.¥——1`hb Quartermaster Corps shall cdiislst of ope Quartermagstea Genegal with 1the‘mnk1o£ ‘ma,iex· general, three withtme rank of brikadier general, seven hundred and 1th£rty·8ve ed*le<·rs 1:; Kraldea fren; mloaél teaeeend lieuten¤nt,~l_$3elnsis*e,_arxd eizixl . 1 e J lheueand_ nine hundred hand twentykmht , enlisted 'men. (June .4, 1920, e._, wl', subchapter I, 9 9, 41 Stat. 768;.3uhe 30;-1922, <:· 1 142S£¤t. 7%.) 5. 1 { · -·,.

 Duties def. Qutrtermssterf Gmrgl,-—·-'jflle Qtlartemxastvr
 eral, under the ehthex·lty__ot. the Secretary et War; eheU`***‘ ”

charged with the purchase Qlld procapement ter the Armyef an supplies of Standard mantiiatztureand of all sgpplles t}0ll\U\•m ”— to two er mom branches but not with the purchase or the pm— eurehlent of special eftechnlcgl agtielea. to be or lesuvdl eitclualwelfby other supply demrtmenml; with the dlrectltm Hf all work pertaining to the eonetruetleu, maintenance, and ropainl ot buiidingfa. struettnres, 8.I$ld'!1tH1C[€S’0fhéE than tortldcatiiw _ connected with the1Amny; with the gtemge. and lmao ef_S¤l¤·1 pllw; w3th1".the-10petation#ot utilities 1:1 with the ncqulaitlen of all real estgte and the iesue of lleegeeein, goxmeozjoig with Govern-° tnent reservations: lwltli the. tinnepogtnuon ot AME P5', ltwd dttil water, including the trnneportjtion oi troops end elw ·. plies by mechanical or 8111!!}&111I¤€ml1é} with the tugulshlng of