Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/189

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T.ITLE, 10. jjgg, Appointments in Dental Corps.-··e§ppointments‘.in the ·l¤i·m':zi» t‘orps*sha_ll be inode nin the- grade of. first lieutenant f,.,,,,, reserve dental oiheers. { (June`4, 1920, lc. 227, subchapter l- ? No ·ii°Sfat·, 77iFl - s . e _, · · . _ 9 12:;. Eligibilityfor appointment.-41*0 be eligible forxappoint-I - -,,,,..1; “in'tl1e-- Dental Corps; a_ca¤didate,must be a citizen or me Miir-ll-States,. of good moral character, betvsjeen the ages of .- ,,,·,,.,.§;;·-three anllythirtrtvvo years, a graduate ot. a recognised. or clmziazl ..-oiioge, andihavei been engaged in the practice of his ,,,-,,.;‘,··$sio1i·fo1‘ at least two years subsequent' to graduation,. ‘ ,5;,,r, :%,1911, ci. 209,*36 Stat. 1054; June 4, 1920, e. 227, sub-‘ · ‘,-;.,r;»¤_t·r I, § 24e, 41‘Stat.)771.,) _ >', i e n ,

 lil: Examination °for yappointment.—g—Appointees in the V

i ;>,,-m‘;ll Corps shall berequired to pass theusual physical gram- »

,,,,¤1.»n required for appo_intmeut—in the Medical Corps, and so

,,;·..n-ssi¤>xxal esaminationlv which shall include tgests or skill-in i•:‘4il<‘li¢·£ll· dentistry and of proticiencydn the usual subjects ot" - ,,, rmmlzird dental college course; "(,Mar. 3, 1911,. c. 209, 36 Stat.

 lost; oct. 6, 1917, ‘c. 101,, 40 Stat. 397.) Q ~ _ " .

9*125. Examicningand reyieir boards.·~—Dental.‘exa1nlning and

···xcie·wil>o;ll{tlS shalliconsist of one "officer of, the .Medical.Corps·
 {rr.; two iotiicers offttheo Dental Corps. (0et.‘6, 1917, c. 101,

yin Stat.397.) T , ‘ _ · ’ ._ v 1:26. Promotion on completing specinedtermo of service.;-—An c

.m··r·¤- ot the Dental Corps shall benproxnoted to the grade uf

rsmiiir after three years service, to the grade of 'major atter. _»m}·1~.·t· i5·ears‘ service, to the grade of lieutenant colonel after ,;y.··—my years? service, and..`to·the·`grade colonel after twenty-9 i _ prix yt·i;rs’ service. (June 4,.1920, c. 227, subchapter I, 5 10,, In:<:ar.76?.) ‘ rt __ “ ·_v ,. L 127. Crédit for service as contract dental surgeonsand act-? — ing dental surgeons before June 3, 19`16.——··—eT0_‘officers of theo, 1•··nml Corps shall be credited their service as contract · 4m-zriill surgeons» and acting dental surge0ns‘°rendered prior to v,] .lm.e· .3., 1916. (June 4,1920, c. ~227, subchapter I, il 10,41 . v_ SISILDTGT.) f ·' ---5 I ‘ , · t ‘ 1 _ 128. Service credits for purposes of promotion of certain _ “ ‘officers.—~»For.,purposes ot futures promotion, any person}_ap·.

 ;»··i¤.u·¤.l an the Dental Corps to all vacancies exlstingon July,.

ly l€•i:¢•. having served as-an otllcer of the Army at sonic. time . l···mg¤·•·n April 6, 1917, and June 4, 1920, shalllbe considered as ,l;:u·i¤=;: lxatl_,;on¤the date jot lappointment, service equal to that _·¢' the junior officer ot his grade and corps in the Regular

my on June 4, ,1920. (June 4,,1920, c. 227{subchapter 1,*

tw.~t1Stot. 767.) · _‘ 9 . [ M v ` . 129. Length of service oliofficers losing §les.#—g-—The length wr we rx-ico ot any officer who shall have lost tiles by reasoxrof. > ‘ ~¢n3•·nt·e of court-martial or failure in- examination`foi•,.p°r_oy ' melon .slxa'll“ be" regarded as diminished to the equivalent of .

.¥.··‘sorvice ot the otllcer ot. his corps-immediately preoedingo

¢»%:.»¤_s»¤_¤o1s;1vemak. (June 4, *1920, ec. 227, subchapter I,

 10. 41 Stat.`707.)` . ‘ F-   g ~ to

`VETERINAIlY. CORPS * , lll. Appointments in Veterinary Corps.-y-.4ppg>intnients in r No- Vcteririargt-'Corps shall be made in the, grade of second l%·_·¤xtenant vfron.1 ’I;QS€l"l;G veterinary; otllcers between the alres- _~1"twenty-on_ejand thirty years.4 (Janes, 1920, c. 227, stil)- _f:·7l[>l(?[‘ I,¥§ 2-ie, 41,-'Stat.·'l7v1.) '_ o o 2 _ _ A ° ( , 142. `Number of officers.·~Q—The,number otofllchts of the.Vet+

  • ¤‘i¤mr§; Cor;· shall be one hundred ‘aud`twenty§six. (June 30,
  • 22::, c. 253,42 Stat. 716.)'Y n L v .  » , _

I 143. Promotion oncompletion of specidedterm of service.--- . An officer of the Veterinary`Corps shall tube promoted to the M grmle ot nrst lieutenant after three ',years’ seryice, to the _ =lj=’¤ll_e ot- captain after seven years’ jservlce, to theygraode of · ‘m:¤jor after fourteen years service, to the grade of lieutenant <···l·;»nel atter ,twenty years’-`service,.a`nd to the gr¤de_ot·colouel

.-+-—ARMY- ."] /·§ 15] after twenty-six years’ lservlce. _(June»4, .1920, c. 227, sub- . chapter I, § 10, 41?*Stat. 767.). . ,0 . c — _ 144. Service creates for cpm-poses .of promofion.·--*1*o odlcers of the Veterinary Corps shall be. credited their ‘ governmental , veterinary service rendered prior to June ‘3,_ ,1916. {luna 4, 1920, c. 227,,_subcl1apter‘I, § 10, 41 Stat. 771.) c c v . ‘ ~ . 145. Servicei credits for purposes of promotion of certain otIicers.y—-For purposes of future promotion, Tanyperson appointed in the 'Veterinary Corps to B11 vacancies existingon July 1, 1920, having servedifas an officer of th' Army at some 4 time between,_April 8, 1917,`al1d.Juue"·4,`1920,»sl1a1l be;con-V sidered as having had, ondthe date of appoivntmennsumcient service to bring him to his grade under the rules established . in- section 143 of thistitle. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter;. I,§10,41,Stat.’707.) \ — I. c '* . ‘ ` _ 146. Length of service of omcers losing files.?-—'I'he length of _ service of any .o&icer who»shal1e_have lost, mes by Treason of sentence of,court-marthl or failure in Cexamlnationiiof promo? tion shall be regarded,) as diminished to the equivalent of the service of the officer of his corps immediately precedingliimv in-relative rank. _ (June 4, 1920, e. 227, subchapter I,‘·§ 10, 41 Stat, 707.)? ‘ * c I ' _ MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE CORPS. 151. Appointment in lMedical Administrative Corps.-—Ap4 pointments in ·the'Medieal __Administratlve· Corps shall be made ln. the grade , of second lieutenant from __e¤1xstec» men of they Medical Depargrnent; between the ’ ages of twenty-one and thirty¥t=wo year ,·-who have had at `least 'two years’ service. (Jane 4,’1920,·se. 227, subchapter I, { 24e, 41 Stat., 774.) " 152. Number, of `omcers of. cerps.-···Thei•e shall be · seventy two omcers of the Medical Administrative Corps. (dune 730, 1922,c;253,’42Stat.716.)l ’ V __ c ‘ I 153, .Promotion· on completion ofispecided term' of services-_ An oHlcer__of the ._ Medical} Administrative Corps shall be promoted to the grade *01 iirst lieutenant after ave ?years’ service, _ and to the grade of captain after ten years’ service. (June gi, A 1920, c. 227, subchapterl, { 10, 41 Stat. 767.) . . A A " . .. 154. Service credits for purposes of promotion of certain .o$cers.-··-+For purposes `of future promotion, any person ape pointedin the ·.Medical _Administrativec·Corps»te all vacancies existing on July 1, -1920, having served as an emeer of th_e‘· Army atsonie time between April A0, 1917,··_and June 4, 1920, · slfall be considered as having had, on the date of appointment, sufficient service to bring him 5 to his grade `undef thefrules‘ established insection 153 of this title. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, ‘ subchapter 1,,5 10, 41 Stat.'767.) ’_ “ I _’ . f 155, Length of service of omcers losing files.-—-'I‘he length of service of any omcer who shall have lost Hles by reasonot sentence of court-martial or failure ·in·_examinat_ion for promo- tion @11 be regarded as diminished to the equiralent of the servic .of the officer of his corps. immediately preceding him] in relative ”rank.. , (Ju.ue‘4,` 1920, c. 227, subchapter I, § 10,f 41 Stat. 767.) j . _ _ s P. . I ._ ‘ ARMY NURSE CORPS , • 4 ·_ I 1 _ `CROSS REFERENCE 1_ » Members of °Nurse·.Corps ns ··person_s subject to military law ;_ see section 1473 of this title. _ _ ·. _ · . .» » s'161. Composition of corps.—·——·—The Nurse Corps (female) of the L[(§tll£'8l·'D€[l&PllH0llt of the Army shall he gkuown as the Army_N$urse Corps, and shall consist. of one superintendent, c who shall be agraduate or a hospitahrainlng schobl having a course of instruction of not less than two years; of as many chief nurses, nurses, and reserve nurses as may from time to time be needed and prescrihcd_ or ordered by the Secretary of War;·__and, in the discretion of. the Secretary of War, ofvnot ` exceeding sin assistant superintendents,and, lor? each Army