Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1912

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242 ·sr12·1,E {S.-—A.LIENS `cr naval tcmes of the Uiaited States at any time after April 5, " 1917, and before November; 1, 1918, who is now an alien rmt ineligible to citizmshipi but does I10% iuéiude $1) aiiy individu&1 1 at any time during, such _ pexiod or thermfte1·.sepamtcd from sash form under other than hohcralilé conditions, (2) any"] cmzscieéticus objectér who` perfcrmed nb military, duty yyhab ever mr refused ta wear the unifbrm, or (3) any alien at any time during such period or thereafter dischargedfrom thé mili- 1 tary or aavai ferces mi nccxmm at his alienagé; __ 4 ‘ ‘ , ih) Terms demaed in the Immigration Act of 1924 ’ shall, , whe;} used in this Act} have the meaning aiwigued to such terms in that Act; (May 28, 1926, c. 398, § 1, Q Stat. 654.) ‘ · ‘ W “New section. See foétnbté to this subdiviéibu of chapter 6.· 242. Alien veteran as noaqucts imkignntg had tai or fees; gwzmds far cxdusi¤n.·e—An alien vctexjau shall `for the purwscs of the_Immié1*aticu Act ot 1924 be_ considered as ._:£ mnqucta immigrant, but sliall be subject tq all the other pw-; visians at that Act- and of the immigration laws, except that- (a) He shall not be subjegrtg to the-’hmd tax imposed. by , Section 2 of thé I Acfof 1917 ;“ · __ . — 1 X (ta) Ac simll not required to any fee under section 2 or séqtiim 7 of thé Ibamigratiou Act of 1924; ‘ _ _ (c) It otherwise admissible, he $hallL not be excluded under. section 3 of the Immigmtiim Act of 1917,’ unless excluded under the provisions of that secti0;1_ré1ating t6—g- - . . » ‘·; . (1) Famous amiéted with u loathsoime or dangerous 'C011·_ tagimas disease, `except tuberculosis in anyyform; ‘ (2) Polygamyg ~` _ - _ ‘~ (3) 'Pmstimteé. pr0cu fe;·s, or other e imm sbpefons; (#11) Camtmct 1ab0rers;- · ~ i ,(5) Per:s0x1s_ previously deported; Q __ , ` {6) Persons convicted of crime. (May 26, 1926,%, 398, § 2, 44* Stat. 654.) n · “ _ ° n. · ` New? scctiem, See footnote to this sixbdivisioq of chapter ,6, 243; Status of child or spouse df “ alien vcteran.”———The unmariied child undef `eighteen years of age,* the wife, or the · lmsband, of an élieix vetéiiau shall, for the purposes of the Immigration 1Act of 1924} be considered as a ncnquoth immigrém when accompanying crt following `withiin six` morithsf to join him. buf shall subject to all the other provision? of

hat Act aqggf the 'iizamigratiou laws. (May .26, 1926, c; 398,

»§3,44'Stat.,855.) i » , ; ’ . .. . _' Ae,w séction. Ste Imatnote to this subQivision bf chapter 8. , 244. Immigratimn visa; iésuaiwe withiia cnc year.,-—-—'1fhe foregoing, provisions of this Act ‘ shall, not apply 'to any alien unless the immigratioh visa ig issued to him before the expiration of, me year after the enactment qt thm Act} (May 26, 1926, c.

~;98,§1·4,144smr.655.)· e ‘·_ _‘ “

Xeyrseictismn footacte to this pubdivision of chapter 6. ‘ 245. Demrtatimx as pabliqz charge; pmhibitic¤.—~An alien _ vmwan admitted tc, the United-States unda; this Act' shall not iw smisject to dépcrtatiquwcu the gf<>unf1_”that he has become a ~ pubfic charge. {May 26, 1926, c. 3%, S 5,44 Smt. 655.) · , New aectimi. Seng footnote; tc ·this.s¤hdivisioh at chapter 6.

  • Ti Immigration. Act of 1924, referred tc pbove, conétitutgs

§§ 201-‘Z..’26 of 'figlg 8 at the Code. ‘ , , ' » *· Sectioa, 2 of tlie Iuamfgration Act of .1917 reiegred to in lll!. (A), ccmstitutu j 132 of Title 8 of the Cade, and { 3 referrcd_to·i¤ pn:. (c) wnstimtes § 135; Q _ k ’ _*eS»e<·tm:is§ 2 and *7 at the Immigration Act of 192Q, referred tc im gi;} fir), ccsasiitutq respectiyeiy, ii 202 and 207 at Tim 8 at the °'i‘hé Immigration Act of 1924, referred to aww, ·wnstitute•.\| 201- 226 df Titian S of the Code. , ~ I _ ° "Tha foregoing pmvmioas of this Act" shmnld be translated-" Sectimas 241·——*243." . · , · · "*This Act" should rend "sect.i0¤.| 241-—246."’

§ . AND CITIZENSHIR 1898 246.·Peraon bringing admissible alien veteran ta port net subject ta §ne.—-Nothing in the Immigration laws shall be ,00:1- etrned as, subjecting any person to a hee for bringing to a pmt ‘€1f,the United States an alien veteran who is admissible: under the terms ct this Act} even though such alien ~ would be eat}- W ject to excldsicm if this Act" had not been enacted. (May 215, 1926, c. 398, 5 6, 44 Stat. 655.) ‘ ~ F _ U New section. Seeteetaote to this sahdieiaten of chapter 43. A xzniapm s;-4-NA·rURAL1zAr10N. ) . _ ·NXTURALIZATION PROCEEDINGS, IN·(;;E§§ERAL 374. Same; .n0t'.§to be xhadc cnyelection dai. [Repealed.} ” 392a. Alien `veterans of World War; hatnralizatiee preceediags within { twc yearn. {New.;] . . ' , 399a. Prclinxinary hearings uponpetitions fer naturalization; exami- _ ._ ners; powers, ·etc. {New.]’ NATURALIZATION PROCEEDINGS IN GENERAL

  • 37 4. `Samc ;_ not te be made ch electieh day, `etc.-Repealed.}

‘ I Sectten 374 io! Title 8. repealed.-——{1`he natatutery previsien causti- , tutiug this section has been repealed by § 1 of Act of May 2;. _ ·‘ .1926, c. 388, 4-4"gtat. 652_;_ ‘ · ‘ _. . . · Section 2 of.the`Act provides that no deelaratien of iatentian hcretdtore tiled ln disregard of the repealed p~res·i.eien " shalt be - V held invalid for such _@use.’·’ ,_ “ · t ` A _ 392a.;.`A1ieng veterans of ’Werld War; natnralizatieh preceedings within two years.--Au alien, veteran,shal1;.if residing in tlieaUnited States, be emitted, at any time evithin two years after the enactment of this Act, to naturalizatien upon the same terms, conditions, and exemptions which would have been n- corded to such alien it he had petitioned ‘ hefere the armistiee of the W0rld,War,` except that sneh alien shall he required to appear and mehis petition ln persouarid te take the preseribest oath of allegiance in jcpen court. (May 26, 1926, c. 398, § 7, 44 t Stat;655.) . e '_" ` _ . ‘ New section. Sec footnote to` c·l1apter_,6, sabdiviaiee .·\m¤x

 · { } V¤·rne.4xs or run Weann Wan, p. 18QI et this apeeeatx. _ · “

_ ,399a. Preliminary hearings upon petitiens fer _ nataraliaa-· tion; examiners; p0wers, etc.-—(a) The judge of any United States district court, or the aenipr judge of such `eenet if there ° are more judges than one, islherehy authorized, in his di&·t·e· tion, te designate iOIl€ or mortfexaminers gr e$cers of the Bereau of —Naturalization (including the Naturalizatien Serviee) serving as such examiner {er 0§cer within the territorial jurisdiction of such court, to cendnct · preliminary . hearings - nponepetiticms l for . naturalization to each ceart, and te make `: `dndingsand recommendations thereon. Fer such .pmtp0:<es any , c such designated examiner or emceris hereby, aathorized to take ~=testimony· concerning any matterteaching or la any way adeet- ing the adtnlasibility of any petitioner for naturalization, to sab; ‘·pcena .witnessés, and tdadminlster oaths, including the eath et the petitioner to his mtitiqn and the hath ei his witnemes. . _ c (b) The Endings acbany such designated examiner or emeer hpon any such preliminary hearing shall be sahmttted te. the conrt at the J dual hearing? upon the petitien required by seetion 9,* with »a reccmmendatien that the petition be granted eg ~ denied or continued, with the reaaena therefor. Seeh Wand recommenmtlena shall be accexnpanied. by duplicate lists ceathlning the names of the petitioners, clastéed aecording te the character ot the recemxnendatiena, and signed by the desig—. nated examiner or 0$€€l‘. The judge tc whom such Endings t and recommendations are sabmitted ahall by written, order ’ approve auch recemmendatiena with such exceptieas as Zhe . may deem proper, by subscribing his name to each such list · *"Th1a Act" should beteanslated " sections 241-246.*2 ·_ , •“ Section 9 ” sheald he translated :" eectiea 398 et Title 8 et the Y . , F ·