Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1917

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1903 .T1TL1·2 1e number of enlléted men new authorized by law for the Regular Army is hereby authorized to be increased by, six thousand two' hundred and forty: Provided, That the increase in the number _of emcers end enlisted men herein euthorizedehall be allotted as hereinafter provided. The present allotment of 0$cers to the_Ai1• Corps js hereby authorized to be imcreesed by four hundred end ull‘€€°0`mCQI`S distributed in grades from colonel to smut: lieutenant, inclusive,·*end the present allotment of eulisted men to the Air Gorpsis hereby authorized to be increased by six thousand hundred and jorty euli§ted ment The President is authorized in callto ectiveeervice, with their cansent, such number of Air Corps reserve g@cers ashe nxay deem necessary, not toexeeed dve hmmdredutnd fifty, 90 per ceutum of whom sheilserve for periods of nqt more than one year, and 10 per»centuuE1-for periodeot not niore than two years: Provzied., That I10EhlBg_COI1t§iIl€d inlthislsjectien shall aifect me numberict reserve 0E-cers that may be called to. active duty for periods of legs than months under existing law, — ° ‘ Equipment,-+The Secretary ot War is hereby authorized to equip and maintain the Air Qqrps with net 'tq exceed one thmisafad eight hundred servicealgle airplanes, and such number of airshipe and treennd captive balloons as he majdetermipe `te be neces&ry fof training purposesf together with spare parte, equipment, supplies, hangers, and inétullatidns necessary - for theopemtion and maintenance thereof.- In order to meintaiu the inumber specined above; the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to replace obsolete ior uneervlceahle nireraft from time to tlme: Provided, "1'hat the necessary replacement of nirplanes shell fmt exceed Approximately tour hundred annually: Provided, That the total number of airplanes and nifships hereiii authorimd shall be exclnsiye ‘0t those waiting salvage or undergoing experiment or servflce tests, those (authorized by the Secretary of War te be placedln museums end those clagslhed by. the Secretary 0; Wen ns obs-qletez Astd. provided further; That the total number ot planes quthoriied ln section shall rinclude me number necwsary for the training and- equipment of the Natlenal Guard and the} training lot the Organlzed Besemee as may be determined by tbe¥Secretqry of Wir. ‘ I - Hethdd. of increase.-The wt-nl lncrwse in pe1—s0m1el_ and equipinent authorized herein slml1_be dietribqted " 0YB1'· 6. iveyeer period beginning July 1, {9%. Not to exceed onedfth oi the total increase shall be made during thegurét year and the renmlnilerin tour approximateli équnl increments. The Presi- _ dent is hereby authorized to submit to annually esti- ‘ meta of the cost ot carrying ent the nveymr program author-

ized ‘ herein
Provided, That A psuvviémenw estimate for mthe
 year enmng June 30, 1927,. may be submitted to cover

the cost of the drstnnnnal increment; ._(Jnl,y..»2,'1926, é. 721, it 5 a, 44 sm:. 7%) . ·· ·· ‘ Hey sect!-eu. ‘ · _ / - tt E24:. Detail in cl Civil Ayistien.-—'.I‘be· Presleent of the uname ewes he me me u hereby. ruxmuea me me msmuou to detail cmmrs et (Bomb of the A1“my"0£.the United Statg te duty nude: the 8 ry at ln ecnuection _witha the vert d mnmetlng dvll Aviation u prcvldedlor in the Gexnmree Act_¤t~19%:?r·ovtdc§; Thatsuch deal] _ lhhll net heier n peried ct more than one year. (July 8, 1928, c. 801, 14 Stat. 915.) " r ‘ ~ The text is a res-clutlee entitled °‘ Joint reselutlen authorulni the Getal1e!meene!theArmyAlrCer:a• te mt: with the Commem .Dem t in *with'tha‘deve1¢pme¤t eat em! nvl•,ti¤¤." Tb **11: Qemmnn AQ 3!‘19%6" rgarred te tp the text is ch-aivtgr 6 et Title 49 in tho mpmdlx; W

 Addi@I psy for Gym   t

"1;l=e i i•tim het ter 192‘I°i¤ gppreprmzlng mceey for the nddltleaalpnynuevadbythdsnetlgaededgpmdag th•.t'?`tlm nwreprlauee ahnrset b•.;va.l1•ble pq an nylug statue te {more den: hmdred calmed men. · Let April 15. ,1926, e. 146, Title I, 44 Stat; 251. - -_ ll

7.-—T—ARMY { §3]() 307. Bond for indemnity against injuries caused by exhibition Rights. , - Section 807 of Title 10 repeatcd.—~The statutory provision_ constituting section 307 of Title 10 of the Code, has been repented in Act or Apr. 15, 1926, c. 14t3,’ Title I, 44 Stat. 209. , 309. Employment of draftsmen and engineers in Air Service. Section 309 of Title_19 repeated.-The statutory provision censtb tuting section 399 of Title 10 ot the Code, has been repeated in the Act or Apr. 15, 1926, c. 146, Title -1, 44 Stat. 270, the words “t.he entire expenditure for this purpose for the fiscal year 1927 shall not exceed $”70r,00O," being interpolated after the word f' Provided.” — _A 310. Encouragement of aviation.———(,a) Submission ln ciom,pe4 titzion of designs bf aircraft, parts and accessories- to be in- _·v·ited—A_da>ert€sement. That ln order to encourage the devel- ‘ opment of aviation and improve the eihciency of-the Army and Navy aeronautical, materiel the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy prior to the procurement of new designs of aircraft _0r aircraft parts or aeronautical accessories, shall, by __ advertisement for a period of thirty days in at least three of { the leading l`aeronautical~· journals and in such/ other manner _ as he may deem advisable, invite the submission in competition, L by- sealed communications, of such designs of aircraft, aircraft j parts, and aeronautical accessories, together with a statement I ofithe price fO1j·WhiCh_ such designs in whole or in pa1ft·_vrill` be < _ sold to the Govermxient. ._ a ._ _ {

_ (b) Advertisement-Specijlcotimw-Zlnfmnation of competi-

, ’ tion for applwagits-—Referenee of designs to boe»rd-—Appra»isa.l·- _ r ReporteAnnounce:ne2st· of—rc.wlt.s.- The "aforesaid advertise- ,. ment shall specify-on sufficient time, not_ less than sixty days . front the expiration of the advertising period, within which all , such communications containing designs and prices therefor

 niust be submitted, and all such communications received shall -

,~ be. carefully kept sealed. in·the War Department or the Navy { Department, as the- case may be, until theyexplration not said l specined tune, and no designs mailed Fafter that time shall be · _ received or considered. Said advertisement shall state in general terms the kind of aircraft, parts, or accessories tohe del. veloped and the approximate number- or quantity required, and __ the department, concerned shall fm;nish_ tw each applicant . Identical specinc detailed information as to the conditions and L requirements of the competition and as to the various features

 and characteristic; to he _ developed, listing specincally the

_ respective measures otmerlt,. expremed in rates per cenfmn, _ that shall be applied in determining the -merits.of the designs, { and said measures of merit shall bewadhered to throughout such , competition. All designs received up to the time specined for `_ submitting thern shall then he referred to a board appointed for ' that purpose by the Secretary .of’the department troncerned and shall be appraised by_it as soon as practicable and reportlxnade to the Secretary as to the Jwinner or winners of such competi- ’ tion. .. When said Secretary shall have approved the report ot L said board, he shall then ix a time and Dlacelfor a ·pnhllc anlb nouncement or the results and notify each competitor thereotg-

  • but lt report shall be disapproved by said Secretary, the

¥ papers. shall be returned to the hoard for revision or the com- L *-petition be decided by the Secretary, lnhis dlscretionnsanel in ’. any use the decision of the Secretary shall he flna1"andJ conclusive. Q Such announcement shall lnclnde the percentages 'awrarded toleach of the several featnrm or characteristics ofythe f sdaigns submitted by, each {competitor and the pricw named by ` 1 the commtitors { for their designs and J the several features I thereotit separable. ; _ ~ (c) Gvsttroot `witk eqiamer for famiahing items ¢zaiIwr·i:eéI-—- Purchase of `eofaitiorg designs. °ThereuDon~ the said Secretary; _

  • isyanthorimd to contract with the winner or winners in such

' competltidn on snclrterms anddzonditions as he may deem I advantageous to the Government for furnishing or con- '.. structlng all or meh of the items, or .a11:=of any one or more