Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1920

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§362a. TITLE mems of tz·a_ve·l pay and of commixtaticn of quarters, heat; au light lmrcmiure made to cmlistcd man of the Philippine Sccua if nat in excess of {hose authorized at the time for enlisted ml cf the Regular Army, be, and the same are hereby, validatee Ami p~rzw£d¢;·d fczrtlwr, That any such payments ottravel pe and commumtimx oiiquartcrs, heat, and light which have be< c<»lle@c1<—d back from enlisted men of fthe Philippine Scouts wlmm originally pslid shall be refunded to them, (Feb. 1901. c. 192, § 36, 31*St&t, 757; May 10, 1926, c. 279, 44 St: 496.) J l · . . Sectizm 334 of Title 18 /am¢ndcd.——Cl`he·§5r0vision of Act of Feb. 19GI, c. 192, 5 36, 31 Stat. 757, cmistjthuug S 334 or Tlile 10 the Code, has been amended by Act of May 10,19:26, c. 279, Stat. 496, to read as above. _ '1‘§.1e» amendments added the two provisos. Chapter 20.--RESERVE FORCES. ‘ 0FFICERS’ RESERVE CORPS Sec. B . - . ‘ “ 3623. Payment of arrearsl {New.} 367. Mileage allowance limlted. _ _ 367::1. Travel on .G0vemment—6wi1ed ‘veSsel. [New.] RESERVE OFFICERS’ TBLINING CORPS - " 889. Equipment and supplies. _ l ' ENLISTED RESERVE FORCE l 423. Persons eligible for enllstment. ? 427. Pay and allowances on nctlyc duty, 428. Payment ot arrears. _[New.] , . ·0EFICERS’ RESERVE CORPS . 362a; Pgymgnt of grrears.———-Hercaftci members of. the `ZN tional Gugrd, the Omccrsf Reserve Corps, and the Enlisted B serve Corps who have or shall become entitled for a coutinuo period of less than (me mqnth tp~ Federal pay_ at" the mt Hxed for the Regular 4rmy,¢wl1ether by,virtue ot a gall by t Pgeddeut, of attendance at scliool or maneuver, or of any oth clause, and whose accounts have ndt yet been ·'settled, sh: receive such pay for dai of such period, and the-; 31st; du at a uleudar montlxshhll not be excluded frdm the éomput ltion. / (May 11, 1926, c. 288, 44 Sint. 531.) l ' J New section. · l 367. Mileage allowance limited. A ’ Section 867 `al Titla 10 r¢p¢ated.;»·—The staltutory provision. com ltutlug 1 367 ot Title 10 ct the Codg, has been. repeated Ln ~t Act ct Apr. 15, 1926, c. 146, Title I, 44 But. 282. ·~ ‘ 3671;. Travel pu Gcvemmeut-pwned vessel.—·Hgr<ee,tter` ci cegé pepgsrmlng wave! gm Govemmcnbowned vessels for wht no txanmrtaticu ture ls. charged shall be entitled puly t0_ ml] ·burs¤¤éent df actual and necpxary expenses lnqzurred. (A; 15, 19%, c.A M6, 'fltle I, 44.Stnt. %3.)’ , _ New section. '1‘his’necti0;1 is derived hom the Wir Hepa; mm: ‘Appmpx·l$t1o¤V_,Act for 1927, and was put pt A provlsi applicable solely to the 0¤cer•’ Reserve Coxps; °


389.. Equipment gid sapplicsi W _ Tbe’War Department Appropriation Act {cr i927 `CQDDXQGG 1 following pmvisicn : “Uulqurma und other equipment or male: issuadl to ,the Reserve Oaoerf Training Corps in accordance wl law shall be furnished from surplus! or rmene ntmkn of the W Départmént wltlmzt. payment tram thi! Qvvrvprluiun, cxqept 1 actual expense incurred is the manufacture or issue: Prbvdd further, That in ub use shall the amount paid tqm this nppropr tion for unliorms, equipment, or mmcrlnl tumlslxnhftc the Hue: Omcery Traigalng Corps {mm stocks nndgx the control at W Departmént he in excess ot price cugtent at the time` the in sg made? (Apr. 15,. 1926, ¢,·146, Title I, 4{Stnt. $85.) l 1 ·‘ENL1STED·BESEB\T1*j CORPS 423.; Péréoni eligible for Bl1HStH\¢Btr—P)l}l;@tm€B·t shall l limiteél to pwsons eligilgle for gulistment in the Ragélar Arm

2 10.—---AgR.}lY 1906 nd who have had such military or technical training as may be ts, presczrlbecl by regulations of the Secretary of War, except that en for original ornlistmentsrin railway operating units the moxi» rl; mum age limit shall be forty-fiYe years. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, ay a§ 35, 41 Stat. 780; June 8, 1926, gc. 494, 44 Stat. 705.) gu _ Section‘423 of Title Q10 amended.--·The pz·oYisl0u‘of Actof June 4, to l920, c. 227, subchapter I, §‘ 35, 41 Stat. 780, constituting § 4;;:3, 2 / of Title 10 of the Code, hakbecn amended by Adt ot June 8, lS2:•i$, ’ c.· 494, 44 Smt-705, to read as above. , R- A The amendment added the words following the words “Secretzgry · ot Wag" · if 427. Pay and allowances on active duty. 44 See, Section 159 oi Title 82 ,i¤ the appendix. 428. Payment of arre4m.···—“ Herwtter memmrs of the Noe ' tional Guard, the Omcers’ Reserve Corps, and the Enlisted eB€S91TVe Corps who have or shall become entitled for u com J tiuuous period ot less than one mouth to Federal pay at the fates iixed for the Regular Army, whether by virttae of a call, by the President, ot attendance at school or maneuver, or ot 1 any other muée, and whose accounts have not yet been settled, shall receive such pay for each day of éuch period, and the thirty·ilrst day of a calendaximonth shall not be excluded from the computation? (May 11, 1928, `c. 288,-44 Stst. 531.) New section. · , - Chapter 21.--COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. ` “GENERAL , PROVISIONS _ 481. Authorized numbérof omcers in Army. _ - . 501. Length ·ot service; time spent as cadet at Military or Navel ra; Amdemy. . · ·‘ · . . té; ,_; DE'1lACHED DU’1‘Y_ . us 535. Detail of tmoers [and Enlisted mon] as students, observers, and _ . » ipvestigatorn. · _ _ x E; MQ. Detpll ot ollloerg and men to exist torein governments. [New.] ig; GENERAL PROVISIONS in 481; Authorized number of o&erh in Army. ay - Increase authoflzed .'l>y_Air Corps, Act o£·1926. See iection »%2b Z&· _ of this title ot the aopeudlx. . _ . t · 501. Length of aervice; time swat as cddet at Military or o Naval Academy. _‘ » * " · — ‘ M_ · Sectionlll of Title ll repeated.-'I’he statutoré provision coestl~· he , toting § 501 ot Title _10 ot the Code, has been rweatcd in Act . Apr. 15, 1926, c. 146, Title l, 44 Stet. 257. ‘ gy, . . DETACHED DUTY it 535. Detail of ohcorsgiand wlisted men] as studmm, obar senfvexs, and i¤vmi·g•,tors.—·—'Z!.flxe Secretary ot War is hereby ‘ authorized, `in his discretion, todetail not to excew 2 mr cemum

 .0t the commissioned tmcers and o¤e~·ha1f of 1.per emtum of

on the enllsted men of the Regular Aim! in gay tlscal ymzj as ‘ studexm at such teohhical, pagoiwounl, BQG otha edoutignl institutions; or ga stod@m, vbwwqrfs. or imutimten at such

industrial plants, hospitals, and other placeb as mgll be best

' suited to enable such omcers or wllsted ·men to acquire a me knowledge ot or experieooé, in the qpoohltles in which it is W dmmgd necmsaty theft such o@cers;ox· mlisted mw shall perfect Ei: tlxwaelvee. The-numbenrtot cimcers so. detailed shall, as tar as mi practicable, be `dls£rib¤ted·· proportlomtely Among the various; had bra.nches:#Provided, That no expense smlllbo lncotred by the _

  • ¤· United States in addition to pay and allowances of the 0$(}€ll§

Lg or enlisted men so deuiled, except for the cost ot tuition at me 'suclrtéchniml, professional} imd other educational institutions : And oprootdm —f•w·tker,‘ That the allowancm spd tuition tor ’ enlisted men dorm; tlxeporlod of such detail may be peid from Aahy funds · appropriated for or allotted to tho pmeurment be brmches': And yroqlded Jfauflher, That; the Seeretnry ot War ay may dx the length of eplistmeuts ·I0r~thL=; purpose at three