Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1939

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I, 1925 TITLE 14.-—- TITLE 14.-.-( (Thepter I.-Q.-GENERAL PROVISIONS. iis. Ccmputhrlcn. of Ichgth of Rrviccre! smears; time spcht at NavaQ

 cr Miiimry Academia, {New.] _ _ ‘- · =

5;;;, ··* District superintendent ” title chasged to ‘f district commander G"`; · uhh, my, had &u9$&B*¢&§ appointment. {New.] y · 113. Bistrihutich an grades ct permanent ccmmissicned omcers. ` 15. Cadets; member; a3c;1idutichs;` examinations; obligations; dis 18. Prgérseticza ci ecmrhissichcd e&cers_gchcrauy;_'e:am1¤at1e¤s, 39. Ecxistrcctor; hppdihtment; ra¤k.' Q v — - 5 24. Prcmctics at chsigxm md district superintendents} service require V meat pneccssify fer vncascicsjn higher grade. `_ l Q 2;. Cdmputahcn of length df of e§cers; time spew at Naval ar Aizskmyq-—-In! ter the length of service pt any emeer ct we Navy, at the Mamie Gcrgs, ct the Geast Guard, ct the Coast and _ Geddetic Surveys nr or the Public Health whe was apycihted to the United Stat& Save! Acidemyer to the United States Military ` Academy after 'Msr& 4, 1913,; the time shmt qt either 9 acadd ecmy shall act be counted. (Hay 21, 19%, c. 355,·4-Stat. 604.] New sectich. Thirprevmch isrtrom the Navy Department and .¤/avail ravine appropruticu act tar the year 1927, cited to thtext. _* _ _ A ~ _ i , · . Sa. “ jauperktadat: ” title changed to " distric comm1mdu; .pay, ud nlldvsncu; sppoi¤tme¤t,—e·'1‘hethe title “’ shperihtcgdmt *’ is hereby cnapgec; to "`-618 trict ccmma.¤der, ’“f md all applicable to district superin tendchts shall nmly- tc, district ,c0&ms.¤ders except as modi ded by the provisions of this- section. A district cchimemdea df {css Lhaha tec yur? gggrvice, shail have thi rank, my, end silcwascegm! 5. m:d,‘after ten years ccmmissiched service, wail-have the reuk, my, and allowance cfsanlicuteuaht écm wm . crigixml nppéintment ssdis triet cemmsuderx shell made `tmdér ’I'éli!.8ti0IlB prescribe: by the President tram warrant or chief petty emcers oe the Girard; the préviso “·That the dis trict superintendents he chic! 0Ecers and Erst iq du -, thmsity in theiai t1ve districts, to the authority 0: 1¥¤c‘csptaih· cem.mm1dast," céntai¤ed~ in section 4— of , the Ac dppr<¤veg1" ]81iR8.l§,_28, 1915,* _ is hereby repealed; _(Ju1y 13 ,1926, c. 742,,} 9, _44 Stat. 817.) ‘ · = ` New , 01:. . , _ _ , . _ . , » Act at Ju}; 3, 1926,1. 742, Q 9, 44`Sut. 817, th tsxt, cass emitied "Ah·Act to reyadjust the ccmmissicmed person ncl at the Chest Guard, and for ether purposes? _ " This Act ccntaismg,14 scctieus, the bnkmce ct which cohstitut ec. 9 ct thisttitle at £he_'Appendix; t ` _ " __ 19. Dimributism in grades cf! permanent cmrnmissionee c&eers. , ~ t G » _. _ ·_ Seetin 19 offfwc 1} n¤eetcd.¢——·See { 211 in cs.9 ot this title c _ theappeadix, .. ‘ _ " " · ·_ em g ( G15. Cadets; huxberg q¤ s; — examinations; ohliga tions;  » 1 » its __ isgefiftle I4 | 218 in e. 9 of thistitle ¤ theawdix, -1 ( _· _ .— _· 19. Prdémiea ecpnissicncd ¤§¢ers generally; exsmivna ~¤e¤¤@13d’i‘~1¤•i xeerxuesseeizzvmedsqrtma mma 9 19. sppeihtmest; rsh?. . G 1 Semin is at This I4, 5 219 in c. 9 or this title c ! ’ Theigmvlsc er scczd,4 c1£~Act of 29, 1915,, by thdtezi constitutes [199 of Title 14_ ot. the Cade; ‘

imo?. gzmnp `§]67& ZOAST GUARD y A 24.`Pi·omotio1t of eneigns and district eowrintendents; servo ree reqoiremeut; uecmeity for vacancies in higher grade. i , · The étle "_di•ti·iee guperimeeeemh 'wu eumw to ** district com; e __ · mamIer" by Act of July 3,,1926, e. 742, { e, 44 Stet. S17, coosto s ·‘ toting 5e of this title oi the appendix, 0 Chapter 3.—COAST GUARD, S'i‘A£TiONS. `· Sec. i_ ·_ _ . 2 e . 100. District euiwerinteudefff as eh.ief’o§eer of district. “S - 101. District soperintende¤ts_ as disbermzg one eoeteioeo o§eero; heed. _ 102. Promotion to H1} vacancy of district eoperintendeot~e.ed of keeper; ” _105."/Appointments mode eel! for Qtltzeese. . ' ’ t District superintendent as chief eoEcer of district.-——-Re—· 9 pealed.] _ . · .

_ The proviso in § 4 ot Jeuyj'28, 1915, e. 29, 33 Stor; A
 . which coqstitutes- { 100,oi-Title 14. or the Code, wee repeeied  

it , Act or July 3, 1926, e. 742,- { 9,, g4 Stat. 817. , · , L _ 101. District superintendents ee diebereiog sed eexome e§· __·¤cers;bo¤d. ·; ~ ‘ — ’_ _ . , L The title- f' dirtriet soperieteoeeot ff in emegeo to “ district cose; 1 megder" by Act July 3, 1926, c. 742, § 9, 44 Stet. S1?. e~eoet.itot· · ing;} 5o. of this title of the appendix. o · * " 102. Promotion to EH vacamcy of district superintendent eoév |;_fof keeper,. e · _ W _ _ ‘ t I y he titlen·“£st;*ict ¤pe:7i:ituQent” ins to *‘dietrios ioosew ,- . · mande1·"_by_ Act Iuiy 3, 1920, e. 742, i 9, 44 Stet, S11, eoeetia _ tuting { 5e of thisltttie ot the appendix. __ ‘ , Q 5 105. Afppointrxgents ntade emily for étnees. , e r “The tit1e'“ ilistrieteugserieéeneeoc f* wu ehaged to *‘ district 8* J ·me.11der " by Act Jttly ·3, 1926, ,c. TQ2, { 9, `44 Stet, S17, coeetitettee i, ing §,5a of this tltie of the appendix. [ . ·‘ · 5 Chepter, ji}-;·PAY AND ALLQWANCES. I" Sec. r R _ · X ·· = it 1 121o,. Pay of surtmeo; repeal of provision in Act Hey 2;*, 1908. {Xorg.}, ..~,. { 123, District- mxperinteodents; pey end élleureecee. y

_ . 120; Travel on Govermeeoteowned vemels. y _

,-- 2121a. Pay of éurfmem- repeel of provision in Act Bday *1 { 1908 —~—?-·That the provision cooteioed nin th—e_Act making 2 t lprieébns for the sundry civi! expenses oi the . Qovere&eet‘ L, the Hseel year ending June 30, 19%, end for other ‘ approved May 27, {Thirty·—§fth Stetetes at Large, J 321), which reeds “Hereafter the pey of sorfroee in the e· Saving Service shell be computed eeeordieg to the m}mb€r_§ y

  • ‘ days in eeeh month, respectively, and not get required by

G: tion of. the Act of.Jtme -30, 19-06, mewog eppropriette e ' the exmdry civil .e.xm¤ses of the Govermoeobfor the dseel d €'I1diI1g~·‘JjI.I.“BG 30, 19073 be, and the eeme is herebyg ' _°(Jt1ly‘ 3,1;19%6,‘e. 742, §*—12; Q4 Stet. 817.). A _ 1 , — New eeetiozi. See footnote to chapter ~9 of this.- title ef It eppendix. _ ,__ X _ , ‘ _ The _¤t.etu·tory provision. here repealed, doa not appear io ,_ _ . Code, · “ _! - A 123. District euperixitendentsg pay eyed, aBoweoem.»‘ . ,; y free em ·· emu; @¤¤mm " sm to Woistrict e meodciff by Act July .3,; 1020, c. _?42,_ it 9, 44 Stn. 815, _ ‘ · tutiog S oe or this title of me epmndix. · 1 126{ Travel, on Goremment-owned veeeefe. . y . g _ .5 · Y _ Section lxtjet Tim tttfeferr etotisiee _ it ‘ · toting { 126 ot Title 14 Code, was repeated in Actj Mer. 2, 1926,1:, 48, 1, 43fS*t§t. _ , ,, Qapter. A13? {rISABILITY’; ALL Y T0 HEPENBENTSJ. - . ·* '* ‘ \ _ E 167a. Retired psy; o&eere torrent &!§¤RB€# ‘ persons retired on or before lime 30, 192:§,.—» ——Hereefter the