Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2043

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l •. . » 2029 _ TITLE 28.-—-JU`DICIA,L ( {guitar} einbmcecr on `thé `lst `day qt Jam1ury,·1916, in tlfe ycuntigs at Bélrleizh, Logan, Mclrltqsh, Emm<ms,’ Kldgler, Mc: Lam, Adqms, B0wm¤u,.Duu1i,,_Hetti¤8¤¥. Mortqn, Stark, Golden vauey, Slope, Sioux, Oliyer,·Mcrce1·, and Billings shan. mummfg the s0i1thwwtem.dlii.§on of said distticl; and the territory pmbracedq on the date lm mentioned lp the counties of Cass, Richland, Barnes, Sargent, Ransom, and Steele shxll C0l1S¤tUIB· the__·s<>¤t1\»&stem · division`; and the 'terfitczy embrace:} im gthe dar.- last :;:entianed· in the counties of Grand Forks, Trail}, lwalsh, Pcmbiné, Cavalier, yam! Nelséu ,_ shall cdnsflthtc the wrtheastern ;$an~d the terrltéxy embraced on thé date last men-. tamed in the qomnties of Ramsey, Benson, Towner, Rblette{ Bot-‘ zinmu, Pierce, and McHenry shall constitute the n0rt,l1western‘ .di{·isicn; and the territory embraced cu the daté last méutiotned in me counties of Watd; Williams, Divide, Mcuntrail, Burke, Roawille, and McKenzie shall comtitute the western division;. and the territory embraced on the date last mentioned iq the cosfnties of Grlgs, Foster, Eddy, Wells; Shericlau, Stutsman, La Mmm, and Dickey shall constitirie the central division}: The seveml Indian reservations and pafts therébt within said State shall constitute a part ct the several-_ dlvlslqns ‘withiu‘ which they are · respectively sitmtedQ_ Teuizh `bt mart for the mnmwwtem dlviélou shall be held at .Bismurc`k mn the mst Tuesday in March; Err- the tcutheastern divl9l0n,°

 Fargo on the third Tmmayin May;. im thQ·Il01'thQ8Stél’l1'

\_ {s`§“’i+isima, at Grand Forks, wop tlnésecoml `ln_ November; for the ncrthwestern dlvlsion, a,t Devils Lqkedxi thehrst day ingfuly; for the western dlvlslou, nt_ Minot lon `the.?sec’bml l Txiesday in October; mid for the céutral ¢livision,`_at Jaincstowq vm the second Tu%y in April. The clerk pt the cmirt shall F maintain an smc; in charge of himself or g dep¤ity,;at each"} place at which court is held lu his district: Pr0v€·ded,“Tl1at.the Goyemment of the Uniwcl sl:nlI_.ii1iédr no gxpergse-for rmt, light, {mat, water, or ja’nitér_ serviée fq1·` the building lh which court shall bk held xmtil such- time 'as_ the Govemiuent. may erect its m¤m"cimrt~ room: further, `Tliat uutll such timefas n public building with court" room and ojlcas for mart c¤clak be erected at the city of Idmestowp, allhcases new pending sq. mid ccniral ¢Bvlsl0¤,"0r hereafter lgruuglxt there,` he tried at Blsmm·ck._‘ ’(AprQ 28, 1890, c. 161; 28‘8tat. 67; Feb. 4. 1%, c. 55, E Stat. 642; liar; *8, 1911, c.-H1; G 99, 36 Slat.- 1121; Feb. 5, 1912, c; ‘@, 87 Smt,·`69;_·July 17, 1916, cl 248,

 Sml,_386,; Ami 10, 18%, c. 112, 44 &§l.·237;) _' . . ·  

` swan W lll it rub it •i•i|•i.#——-Jindléisl Code. I 99. constituting!} IBQ.0! Title 28 ct the Cpdé, hu been améxzgwd by Act at Ag. 19, 1926. c. _112. 44 Stat. 27. to read an qbévé; `·’ °l82. (héidal 161; gmgndcddl Oklallomnr- The sms of li divided imc three judicplal di8lQlfl(!t$• to be Imaam gs the ummm, the enmem, gud the ‘westcm·di8-, lxjicts at Oklnm;. Tlxn tci·rit0ry embrand on Jarmnry .1, .19%.,1; tw mmm ct Délawaré, Musa, Nvwiata. __ Okfuskae, cmg;. own, ·1·¤¤,•,i•,¤a washing- YGR, as theybxisted qnsld date, shall a dktrict -ct_ of the United Stntw I}ls¤'ict Ccuyt {gr tx Ncrbmm not Oklahoma shall laerhcldzat Tlllsn `én the mm Monday la Janmpy, at Vinitn rin the ‘§rst Monday lu_·March, at Pawhuska an thé mst Monday in May. at Miami outhe Brat Hcliddjln November, aud; at Bartlesville on thelra Monday lg Imc luxegcln year; Provfled; That suitable and axrmmmdations for holding court at Paw·— husku,VHi¤m1. had mrtlesvllle ire furnished tree of bxpeme to_ tl1e_I?nited Stllté. _ I ‘ __ W ,· 'I‘he· mister}: dlnrlctlot Oklnlmma shall include the lerritcry · Pmbmced -én'the‘ isi d¤y‘¤z Jgpuarys 1925,11: the counties-qi Adair,·`At0ka, Bryan, Cherokee, Gliwctaw, ,Cbnl, Cgrtar, G¤r‘§’iB. 9,1*8dy, Haskell, Hughes, Johnathan, Jemmzan, IAHEGY, Le FTM?. UWB, MéClai1;, Mm¤k<$gee, Mcfnltcgsh, _ MoCurtai¤, “Mm‘¤l§’, MMF ’Sh&ll,_ Okmulgéég Pittglmrg, Puwmatalmt Pcutotocg éiemlnvlc, ~, ¢ "

\ TODE AND JU1>1c·1,4.1zy 3 . §184 .. Stephens, Sequoynh, and Wagoner., Terms of the district ·ec—urt‘ for the eastern district shall be held at Muskogee on the met Monday in January}, at Ada en the drsf Monday in March, nt Okmulgee on the 'ilrst Monday in April, nt Hugo on the second- Monday ·in·May, at South nieélwestg on the met Monday- " in June, nt Ardmore on the il1··st_Mon}lny in October, et Chlcka-‘ nba on the nrst Monday in _November, et_*Potenn on the nrst Monday. in December in eneh yeer, end annually nt Pnnle Talley atl such times as may be dxed by the judge of the eastern district: Provided, That suitable rooms nnd aeeommodations for holding_‘snid*’conrt at `Hngo,.Potenn, Ade, Oknmlgee, j and Paul; Valley are furnished free of` to the-linited · States.- . . . ‘ ¤’

 The véestern district of Oklahoma shall include the territory /

embraced on the Ist dey of Jennnry, 1925, in tbe counties ot “ Alta1fa,.·1}eeve1·,j Beckham, Blaine, Cnddo. Canadian, Cimarron, { Cleveland, Comanche, Cotton, Custer, Dewey, Hhs, Gnrdeld, / ` Grant, Greer, Harmon, Harper, Jaeksen, Kay, Kingdsher. Kiowa, , _Linc0ln, Logen, Major, Noble, Oklahoma, Payne, Pettawntemie, / Roger Mills, Texas, Tillman, Washltn, Woods, and Woodward.; The terms of the district court for the weetem district shelf be heldyat Oklnbmna City on the Bret Monday in January. Enld on the dret Monday of March, nt Guthrie on the Brit `Mondnytoflliny, ‘at_°_M,angum on the drst Monday et September, nt. Lgwton on the mst Hondny of October, and at Woodwnrd on the tlrst Monday of November: Provided, That nnimble rooms end accommodations for holding court nt Mangum are turnished ffree of e;pen$e to the United States: And presided further, That the district judge of said dietdet. or in his absence a district judge or a `circuit judge assigned to hold court in éaid district, may postpone or adjourn to a day certain nn.y'_of said terms by order made in chambers at any-ether place aeqignacéo as aforesaid forholding court in mid district. · The clerk of the district court for the northern district shall keep his omce at Tulsa; the clerk of the district court {of the eastern district shall keep his omce at Muskogee and small maintain °n1i omce in charge of a deputy at Ardmore ; Y the clerk for the western district shall keep his omce at Guthrie and slinllmnlntain an omee in charge of himself or his deputy at Oklahomn City. (June 16, 1906, c. 3335,, §! 13, 14, 3-l Stat. 275; June %, 1910, c. .*394, 36 Stat. $25; Mar. 3, 1911;-c. 231, §` 101, 36 Stat. 1122;·.Feb. 20,1917, c. `102, 39 Stat.  ; June 13, 1918, c. 98, 40 Stat. 604; Feb. 26, 1919,·e. 54,~ 40 Stat. 1184; June 5, 1924, c. 259, 43 Stat. .387; Jan. 10, 19?·5._c1.@.. 5 69, .313 Stat. 7%, 731; Feb. 16, 1925, c. 233, 5-1,43 Stat. 945; May 7,. 19%, c. 255,.44 Stat. 408.) .` . satan 1sz_ •t _’tl¢lé_ze_•¤•••gIca.-.-Judielgl Code, o¤s:imt- . · lng §.182`ot Title 28.ot the Code, nas neenam _ , by Aet of } _ }lny."7,_1928, c. 255, $4 Stat. 408, ·te re¤d·•s.ebove. * V 184. (laéeialfode, section. 1M,p1_nended.) Pennsylvania.- The State of Pennsylvania is dhjlded into threejndlcinl districts, to be known as the enétern, middle, and western districts ot. Pennsylvnnla. The enstem district shall include the terrf-. tory embraced on the 1st_dsy of July,. 1910, in the counties et Berks, _ Bucké, Chester, ·Delawere, Laneneter,. Lehigh, Monttomery, Northampton, Pbilndelpbinf and Schnylklll; Terms ot . [ the district nconrt shall be held it Pbllnddphixr on the second

 Monday; in March and. Jnne, the third Monday an September, L 1

n and the second Monday ln December, encb term to_ eontinue ~— nntil the succeeding, `term begins,. The middle district shell lnelnde the territory embraced on the lst dd? et July, 1910. in the counties of Adams, Bradtordi Cameron, Carbon, Centre, ; Clinton, COIUB1bl&,v‘Cl}B1b0f1&lld, Donpbln, Franklin, Fulton, ,5, `Huntlngden,. Jnnlatn, Lncknwnnnn, Lebanon, Luzerne, Lycom— ‘ Jug, Hl®tn, Menroe, Montour, liortbnmberlnnd, Perry, Pike, Petter. Snyder, Snlllvnn, Snsqnehannn, Tioga, Union, ,Wnyne‘,` .Wyoming,· and- York.- .'l‘erms_ or the d—i¤triet.ceurt shall be held ~- nt Scranton on the second ‘Mon`day in March and the third,