Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2044

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e§186 TITLE §8.·———JUDICIAL

  • M<a»ndny‘ in Gcteber; et Harrisburg on the drst Mbndnys in

Hay and' December.; at Lewisburg eu the third Bentley in January ; and at Williamsport on gre matt ‘Mnnda.y in June. The clerk of the eeurt fer the mi die district shell maintain en emee, in charge of himself er a deputy, at Lewisburg; the civil sims instituted at that place shall be tried there, it either ._ party resides neerest that plaee of holding ccurt, unless by ‘ eoesent of parties they are removed te another piece for trial. The western district _ shall include me territory embraced on ¥]l9`18t dey of July, 1919, in the counties of Alleghmy, Armetreng, Beaver, Bedford, Blair; Butler, Cambria, Clarion, Glarneld, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Lewrenee, McKean, Mercer, Semerset, Venango, Wermn, We®lngten, and Westmoreland. Terms of the district cenrt shall be held at Pittsburgh on the Bret Monday of Hay and the second Monday at Nqvember, and terms of the ·e0tu·t shall be held at Erie on thetblrd Monday of Marek and the third Mendny of September. The clerk and m¢‘81ial of said district shall have their principal 0Eces at Pittsburg, and shall maintain, by themselves or by their deputi&, 0&$ st. Erie. The derk shall place all cases in which the defendants reside in the counties et seid district nearest `Brie upon the trial list for trial efErie,.jwhere the snrneehall be tried, unless the parties thereto stipulate that" the same may =be tried at Pittsburgh. (R, S. § 545; Mar. 3, 1911, gz. 231, $103, 36 Stat.- 1123; Mer. 3, 1913, 0. 113, 37 _Stnt. 730; June 6, 1914, c. 104, 38 Stat.385; Sept. S, 1914, c. 296, 38 Stat. 713; Apr. 26, 19%, c. 185, 44 Stat. 324.) _ _ _ _· I __ · _ l Section lll at Title `28 sneaded.-——Iudicial fCede, { 103, constituting Q 184 of Title 28 of the Code, has been amended by Act of T‘Apr.`_26, 1*926, c. 185, i14`Stat. 324, to reed as above, The amendment related to the §1'th·and.sixtl1 sentences, . 186. (Judicial sectien 1%, aménded.) Senth Carolina.

 138 at j _ 28 ~en••del.—»The`statutery prevlsiens een-

`qtitnting { 186 Title 28 G£Qhe Code have been impliedly emended by Agt , June 26, 1926, c. 896, 44 Stat; 77 3, constituting I 188a, whichxlellesuz V . _ ¥ ` 186;. of Sentlr Cardin _ divided inte divisions; term; vane of crininnl cases,—T°he egstem district or South Céreldna is- divided inte ton: di isions, to' be known as the Aiken, Charleston, Columbia, ·· M Florence divieions,· The Aiken division shall include tl;e_ ·· __t0ry embrneed in tlie counties of Aiken, Allendale, ¤· ce g, Bamwell, and Hampton. ·“Tbe Gbarlesten division "sball , » Indy the territoryembrneed in t& eennties · ei Beaufort, T rkelej, Charleston, Clarendon, » Gelleten, Dorchester, _ and Jaeger, The division. shall include the territery*.embrsced in the ceuhtiee of Cullman, K€r· shaw, Lee, Y Lexington, Orai:geburg,~‘ Qieblend, end Sumter. The division shall include the territory embraw in - the eenntim of `Gheeterneld, · l;>uli@ten,_ Dillon, Florenee, Georgetown, Harry, Marion, ·MlP}bQI‘§$, and Williamsburg. Tue term of tbe diptrict ecnrt ter the Alien. division phall be held et Aiken, for the Charlestqn division Charlmten, for tm _("plnn1bin· Tdivisien at Columbia, and for the `Florence divisien nt Flnrenee. " .» ° _ _` Q.- W The western distriet of Sbntb Caroline lss divided into, dye divisions, to be knovgn as' the Andersen, Greenville, ‘Greenv§r00d, H Rock Hill, and Spartanbiarg divisiéns. The Andersen U shall include ·tl1e terrltery embr\c®_ in· e0unti¤ of Andersen, Oconee, end Pickens. _ The Greenville lvmen shall inclnde the territory eiinbi·need in the counties of Grmnvillgy and Lan- ‘ rene, The Greemmod diweion; shall 'rlnemde the ,`territ0i·_v

 in the eenntiee of Abbeville,. E·d@id,, Greenwood,

McC0rmick,__ Newberry, and Selndn.7 The Hill' divixlen T shall include the territory embraced in the cermties of Chester, Féirdeld, Lent-ester, and Turk, The Spartanburg division bball include the territory embrueed in- the eennties 91 Gherokee, Spartanbnrg, md Unienzf The terms of the district court for . . · ‘ `

CODE AND J L'DIC'I4RY the A.¤derson» `disision shell be held at Anderson, for the Greenville division et‘Greenvme,‘ for the Greenwood division 1 at Greenwood. for the Rock Hill division at Bock Hill, and for the Spartanburg division et Spartanburg. w _ All criminal cases; shall be tried in the division in which C the ;:•—¤euse§ was committed, unless upouv proper showing the venue would be changed by the judge from one division to another, and this change be made only upon a&§dnvits and motion made in'ope¤ court after four days notice to the gdverse petty. (J one 28, 1923, c. @6, §§ 1-3, 44 Stat. 773.) ` New section. ` The Act- constituting the text and cited thereto was entitled ‘·An Act to divide the eastern otsmct ot Booth Csrolton into fem; divisions me the western mmtet into me divmlonsf Q · · 188. (Judicial Code, sectioa IW, encoded.) Tem¤see.l—· The State of Termemee ls-divided into threedixrlcts, to-be f known as the eastern, middle, and wmern dlmdcts of Teo-, oessee. The eastern district_`mall include tim territory embraéed on the lst dey of July, 1§10, to the couadm of Bledsoe, { Bradley, Hamilton, 'Jsmes, Marlon, Mchiino, Metg, Poli, Rhea, , and Sequatchie, which shall eenwitote the divi&o of , said district; also the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of And Blount, Clnihorm, Grainger, deifersoh, Knox, Loudon, Monroe,. Morgan, Renee, Sevier, scott, and Union, which shall nominate the north:-u Q division ot said district; also the territory e®& on the date last `mentioned in the counties of Carter, Cooke, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins, Johxmoe, Sulllvso,. Unieol, and j Washi¤gt&». jwhioh shall coemltute the `north&¤»tern* divbioo ¤ ot mid district. Terms ot the district mrt the soothern C division of said district shall-_be meld at"Chnt¤¤% m the fourth Monday io April ond the seeom Mway inliovmher; , 'for the northern division gt Knoxville oo the _B.mday o in Moy and the ilrst Monday le December: and for the north- ‘ eastern divmon at Gaeenevfille on the drst Mmdnj jh » Hnreh " and the third Monday}; Septemhexi 'FM mall include the territory embrieed ohthe is &y of July, 1916, is o me counties of- oemion, Cheetham,rDavl , Dirksen. C Humphreys, Houston, Hootgomery, _ Robertson, j Ruthertmtl.

  • Stewart, Sumner, f1‘rqo@gle, W’illi u, shd‘W1lemt, xhieh

·· shall constitqte -th>e sNashYllle Mylnon of salddlmdct; also ” the territory embraced on the date test mentioned le the _· counties; of Franklin, Warren, Greedy, `Go§ee, zM_ ltoore, l which shall constitute the Winchester. division of mid district; »_ else the territory. on the date last meotiooedie the cmtntles et , _°Hlckma¤Q,`Gllm, Lawrence, Lewis, Liueolxiyxarshall, Wayne. · ·— and Maori, which shall eonstlmte the Columbia- division of . said district-:` also the territollyte braced on` the date last t tioned `ln" the counties ot Clay, Cumberland, Dekslh, F@tre¤s, _ Jackson, Macon, Gveiton, Plckétt, P¤€@. Smith, Vee Beret:. ‘ g and White, which shall comtitotetw mrthenstern Vdivmon of l said district; Terms of the district coortier the ·N¤&ville`divi· · J sloh of gold diétriet shall- be held at Nashville on second C `Momgy ,:l¤_ Marchand the fourth ldosday ihseptemher; for C the Winchester dlvmgon at Winchester on the dist, Mooday ie r April ahd the third in` November; for the Colombié _ division at Columblo og, thethird Mooday in June god the h fourth Monday ih Nommuer ;- and (or the- northmstem division ‘ ot Cookeville on the third Moseley in April hed the mst Moto r day in Noviember: Proagided, Thht suitable accommodations V for C ·hol¢1ix1g `the courts . at Winchester, Columbia, and- Cookeville C shall be provided hy the loeel authorities without expense to ` gthe United States. The virestero district shell include the terri: ·

 torgy embraced on the? 1st day ot! July, 1910, lo the counties of _

C Dfer, Fayette, ,Ha5·wood,’ Lauderdale, Shclbj, and ;Tlpto¤.. which shall constitute the western division of Qld district: , » Iso the terrltoryemhrhcecl oo the date lest meetiwed, in the . zoenties ot Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crockett,. D0¢¤¢¤r, Gio- eg Z ° {J