Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2049

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J. ~\% _ .\ X 2035 Q TITLE QSENFDIOIAL 'CO1 SQXLARIES, EXPENSES, AND. ACCOUNTS OF DISTRICT "a1 I »—AT'1.‘O RNEYS__AND MARSHALS cc 581. Diétriét attsmeys md issistanfs; per diem in lieu of 3: subsistencm »_ - = · _ _ . . ~ swam $81 `pf Title 23 np¢;€éd.+—’1‘h¢ statutory prm#ision_co:isu~ msiug § 58; at .'1‘itie_28 of thé Céde was repeated in Act or Apr.`29, *7* 3926, e.`195; 4·i»—St¤t. 346. S { ce

 Same; per diem. , _ . F . I‘
 585 of Tiw 28 rwuteé.-—-—*fhé provision ot Ac; ot F¢bQ ,`27, in

1925, c. $$4, 43·Stat, 1029, constituting .§ 585_ of Titkz 28. ct the dl page was mpentw in Act cit Apr. 29, 1926, c. i95,.4·l·_Stait. 346. pl COMPENSATION CRIEKS AND BAILIFFS . 596. P¢z·&ic¤9fb•i§8s•¤dcricm. . · _ — _(j

   SN •! Two 28   pmvision ct Act of Feb. 27, y

19%,* c; 364, Q3- Sgut. 1039, mpstituting 3. _5§6 of Title 28 of the JT Cade was repgated in-Aetpf Apr. 29, 1926, c. 195, 44 Stati 341. 5 FEES IURGRS AND"WIT1\"ESSES‘< “J i wh. Per { Biibage.-—Th§t jurbrs and witnesses lothér 5 than wit¤1 ·wh0 are {salaried émplcyees bf the-s‘G0vemmént, ’ and dvfai ¤éd‘ witgesses) in thelfnited ~Stgt;es courts, including ‘ the district c0urt;gt Hawaii, ¢he·_district_ (!0}1l't·0I‘_I?01't0 Rico, gm! the Suprewe Gduyt of the Districts! Columbia, `whq attend, C . iéclugiing those atgending before United States' comgnissioneps, _s§a!l_ be endiled to a pe1·_dicm·foi·_‘cach· day of actual attend- T] ’ ance and for meh `day :1 rily occupied in traveling gq jaf- .S( tend {mart, or upon the c0m_mi$si_0ue;, gmd return home, aud, in 7] addifion, mileage as hereinaiter provided. _(Apr..26'1926, cg. 183, _‘ §1,_4?4 sm:. 322;) “ - ._*—-·L · 71 ` New section. A . “· . ,· · J 7; This section gud M 6001:, 600c, and 600d, which followj cou- 7] stihlzte Act of Apr. 26,$1926, c. 183, _44 Stat. 323, engitledg ",An _ Act Hxiavg ihc fees at jurors aqd witnesscsin the United States ..,.,1 courts; mcimliag the District Court of Hhwaii, the Dishiét Courf _° `ai Porto Hicxyaud the Supreme Qcurt of"`t_he District ot_ Cblumbiuf. 71 _ $e·cti$:i 5 of the abcye provided ns follows: “All laws or 7] —p»;rt$· of laws in so fdr as they are in c0¤'¤ict·with the provisions 7]

  • 0f this Aw are hereby repealed. This Act to be etféctive thirty _·

idgys attetits ¤pp1·0val." I . » · E _- -. .. . _ T]

 Ammmt `cf per diem and mledge ‘f¤§·`iui·0rs.—Jurors ’

attendizxg in éuchxccurts; or; befom such Uiggted States c0mq1is- siaxsesfs; @$1 receive for each ‘day’s ahendaukze and for Qhe id] time 11 ~~» ~ :: ¤c¢·upied in gqiugzm and'returz;iug·fr0m’the M agmc $4,.and 5 ceutsper mile»1'm*;gcing from his_<E»r her place` ar ééf residence to the of trial arf hearing, and 5 cerntaper 1.0 mile far remgning. (Apr., 26, 1826, @4183, 5 2, 44 S§at. \323.) ·‘ ta ‘ · New nectiom See ncté ta Q _600a. _` " ’ ‘ St

 Amagnt of per digm gud mileage, f§r witueéscs;. sub--. DG

sistem:e.—-·——W§mesm attending in such {éourtss, or_ beiorev sue}: to wmmisésicnerg, shall receivg for each day’s attendance and for su the time 1¥ ri1‘y occupied. in gciiag to and returning fx·0m_ ds the same $2. and 5 cents peximila for going hom his mj her be place qt residence to the plaée ut trial or hegringaud 5* Cents wi per miie tar returning: And provided iurther, That__ ssjituessw ex (other than witnesses whc ·»m·e salaried employees 0¢_% thé‘~ Gov- of eernmént and detained witnesses) in the__U11ited §Sta§es cpurts, th iufjuding the District. (lmart of Hawaii, thai District Court Qi St Parts Rico, and the Supreme ·Um1rt Not the District 01'·Qoli1mbia, gm; who attend wart or attend before United States c~0mmissioners, um at {wings so far removed from their mspéctive msideucés as to R3 Ilmhibit return therein fmm day to day, shall, when this fact Y, is ceftiéed tb in the order at the court 0: the commissioner for . payment, lm entitled, in- addition to the ccsinpcusaticpiz prcvichxi of by existing law, as mcdmed by this·'Act,"‘ to a per qliem of $3 · f or expensg.5 pt subsistence for each day of actual. atteudmxcre cr ` ° Ti$i§* subd1vi£s§0s; ha§ béen iq part sxapefkeded §y §§ 3QOa tu 6000 éefah but in Qxg text. ~ , _ ( ‘ W "" °¤"'i‘l¤is Act; " smum be tmnslateu **s.e<:s;1o¤s 6<}0a_ to ,6006 ot this _ jitle gt mc_a.ppe¤dix." — . Q-

012 AQYQ Upgczgxy . ‘ §712.j ‘ nd for e ch day nwesszxcily dqcupied in traveling to attend · Burt an retur11.I;·0}11e.‘;(Ap1·. 26,v 1926, c, 183`§`3, 44qStn€.

   N  ‘:ée;i·tion. Sec q.q·té‘ to § 600a. _

60Qd. Fgcs and mileage in certain aStaté§.-———Jumrs dud witnesses ri the United Statés --c0urts, or beféie &IUnited States ' zmmi sioner; in_ the States scf Arizona; Ca.lifcrgiia,`vC0i9rad0, lah -M<mtzma, Nevadg, New Mexico, Oxiegoiig Utéh,· Wash-. ngto , and Wyoming shall recéivé for each days attendance uq for milgggchtha samé.fce.s vas jurors and-wifuesS% as herein royided. '-(Apr. 26;-1926,’cQ 183, § 4, 44; Stat. 323.) ‘» Newjiection. Scg note to § 600a. ‘ - hnpteg 18,-¤-PROCEDURE.- _ ·, UDGMENTS, COS{'.1‘S,_ EXECUTIONQ, ‘ AND- MONEYSQ PAID

 . ·— A »INTO GGURT ‘
 81§: Cpstg .of_ keeping vessels or other property attached ar ·

belcgl ip adniiralty. · Y I ’ - · . . · _ Sectisn 316 éf Title $8 repc•tedZ——4[‘he statutory prcvisian cometh tuting { 816 ot_ Title 28·_of the Qode was repeated in Act Apr.-.29, 1926, _é;·. 195, Title H, 44 Stat. _3-15. . ; ,»" ‘ » ‘I hipter 17.-—EVIDENCE. — Q ‘·* _ ESTIMQNY OF WITNESs_·_IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES ;`CON'I‘E}IPTS.

 Q . 2   _ [New] *° ‘ I

L1; Letters r0gat6r$* td- take tesfiéouy of wituesé, addfcssed to court, ot foreign country ;· failure bf witness to appear; subpuma. L2. Trial` of criminal aciionsg. .w uesmbeyoud jurisdiction of United States; issue df subpwua %resscd to consul ix; foreign country. L3; Service oi subpwnp on witn In foreign cmmtri. · Er J .4; ·Fai1ur¢ of ·wi£¤ess to obey iqbpgcng; order to show cause in can- . tempt proceedings. -  » » ·· .

 Direction in" order to show ££·ause‘.1’0r éeizure ot property of vzitnesé

‘ ‘ in contempt. ~ .-i :5 . · · · “ .6. Service 61T,o~rder to show iausp. `· L7. Hearing cu order tonahog cause; judgment; satisfaction. .8. Opeuizig judgment when {endered upon servicgbyk publicatioui ESTIMOYY OF WITh]&<}SS IN FOREIGN _ COUNTRIES; ··· ~ f gominmms _ _ ,_ ·_ ’ ~ · ’711. Letters tcgttorj to take testimcing of witrsem, id-

 tu court `Jf féxjeign country; failure at witw to ‘

QPQBI; s¤bp®m.~W§é¤evep letters fogatory shall iwue out of xy coiixft Qt the United · Statés, `eitbér with or wit €er· ¤·gat0rias‘ hddtessed ifo guy court of any foreign _ xtty, 10 _` he the testimony of any witness, being a‘c£tizeu— of·the U¤ited'x,, mates. or d0mici1_ed_Q therein, and suc}; wit»¤€?€$é having been zrsonallykgctificd by it according to the praé·t,ic·~e of _S\lt·h*COH1‘{. 5 · appear mid téstzify pursuant to such letters mgam1·3* and mh witness shail meglect to gppeam of having ap@red shsH ecline, refuse, orjaeglcct tb gnswer to any question which may e prdpomfded 'tpiliim by or under the authority ofsuclx court, to hich he wouldqbe required to make answe; were he béings aaminéd "bcforiq the cmirt issuing such letters, the mart out ’ which said Iétteré issued may upon proper showing order nat a.subp¤ma.issua·z1ddres sed tcl any gxzgnsul of; the Unitvd . xates within any c01;mtry'ii1 which such witness.: may be, cern}- · smding such_wit11gss‘fo appear before the said (’0l}i’t‘fkt.$l time nd place.t11e1?eiu`designa€e<}. (Jply 3,»1926,'€‘. 762, § 1, 44 Stat. A

  • New aection. See footnote tojhis s`uhd.ivisic»n.·

712. Trial nt" criminal gctiaqs; witness beyond jurisdiction ?` United States; issue of subpmné addnssedio mnsul in g meign cmmtri.-·;—\\’henex*s:t the attendance z1t¤th0`tri:1 l`éf {my imizml action of u witrnmssy being a> Fcitizeu of the United mes or .d0mi<:iled thQ1`(éiI1.¤ who is hey<md» the jurisdiction` of W Neévjsuhdivisicnni This<;>n· constitutes Aét of July 3, 19;g6, 7'Q2, 44 Stat. 835, entitled "An Ac; relating to c<>¤xt¢xxi¤p•,."