Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/205

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lj-91 l , Sl'ITl;,E° 10.-- _· §,»,1il·al. Corps; SQC‘l>¤d__1~liclltl€*nants of the Veterinary Corps ti} . ',,,.,,,g subject to-the yililllltl provisions as licutenants. .( lb;

gtmzo, of 227; subcl1aptcr»I_,‘§ 24, ,41 Stat; 774,  ,

-tp1s.MISSAlL `OR?MOTHERi_TER_BlIN4XTION. AOF GEFICE '.571,fAnnual classldéétion ;‘ hyigetlremeni or discharge oft It bakers in class Bs-—#·Itrl §c[lteHlhcr of each";and5_every yes`r,cthe° pr 1;,-,.;mt»nt shall convene cd cuoqroor not less,tlran_five_-general 1; `4,g·;.§_g,;,·.rs, véjhicln shall arrange all_officers in two classes, na`me1y:‘ tl

  • (·;,,ss’ A, ,,cc»xislsti1i*g‘·`.-of odlccrs who should the rs¢¤1_¤eu.,, in the- _¢,

s·¤·rit·e, amlclasst B, ofjofficers who should not be rctalned rin_»_ _ I the service; Until otherwise) ilnally,classiil,etl,,._all ofllcersshall »i·z ,·‘;,,, ;·QQ;;-arded has belonging to class *A,` and shall be promoted q s¤·&·.'a·tli11t: to *the_provisions of section 553 ot this title to fill an ,,1;,;- racancles 1 which ··@ay= occur-prior to ssuch flna1_;classiil,ca—_ 1 § lion, ;`Xol__ofllccrt shall be finally classified ln class B yuutll he , 1 t1,l;l1lsl¤aw·el: been given nn·—opport¤nity_to appear before’a court J A c a;‘li‘aqt1ir5·. ,_IH·Sl1€l£l_tCU\11`t'·0f”lll(]\Ill‘Y heshall be.·jurnlshed?_with¢ e lg ¢i‘all~copy of the golllcial records. upon which the proposed e ' ,·1;¤ssiilcatio11_is based and shall be glven-c an` opportunity to pre- a ~§,·m tc>;tiluotny‘.in his lirrn behalf. `”l‘he‘record of such court of "v 1 impxiry shall be forwarded to the ilnalr classiflcationboard. for · `·x·t·t·oz1sideration of the case; and ’€i'ter‘isuch'conslderation_ the `A llnllintz of saldf classidcation Lboard shall be ilnal and notsub- I1 V jl·<·fto`fufrther revision except upon the order of the President; 1 l1 1\\‘h¤·zi<·x·er,,,ant1oil‘lcer tls placed in class B, a board of not less a 'lillilll three lomcers shall·_be`convenéd to determinecwhethei such l ' "t·lassiiic_ation is due to his neglect, misconduct or avoidable .11 Z hlcmits. lr the tlndlng is affir_matlve, he shall bc discharged from, ~s hi»1s—. Many;-if_uegatlve, he shall be placed on the unliniltedreg ‘c 7 zi1§·¤l°` listwvith payjat the rdtelof 2.%; percentunn of his active pay multlyflicd by} the or number of complete years of ‘?conuhis· 1 ~:<l•lllt‘tl sers·icc,‘or'servlce_ which under the prorlsions otcliaptexf 2 _:Z¤3 of this”...countcd ,s, asslsitsieqnlixfoalent,. unless .-th.lis.o,»_;tuot.ale x 7t»m¤i1i;»sioned service or cqulvalent scr`vlce·sl1all he less than l ' dma years, in which casehe shall be honorably· dlscharged with t one y-car’s pay. The n1axlmum`retLred pay of an ofllcer retired t funnier the prosisionsof thisrsection prior to Jannarycl, 1924, .1 _ sh11li‘ he 7a"5_ pertcentumof active pay, and ot one retired on or l `3ll’¥l'l’ that date, 60 per centuxn; it an fo_l'll(§0I; islthus retired b0-V l`•>l‘e· the completion ot thirty years’* tcommlssxoueu service, he { myc be employed or; such active duty-as the Secretary of War. l·onsldcrs him capable of performing until he has completed ll¤l¤‘t;v‘ycars’ ccolmnlssioned service. ,»The first hoard; convened { uutlcr this section shall also report the naxnes of those-second ss ` lituaenants ot the Quarterniaster Corps who were commissioned ~. out the reorganisalllon of the Quarterxnastcr Corps in 1916, who , lim n,ot‘q1rsallned_.fQrc further pronibtion. The omcers so re- . .pls·te¢,l shall continue in the grade ot second lieutenant {ortho l‘<·malnder oththeir service andjhe othersslmll l>éIll&G€d ilD0¤’ lz the promotion llst according to thelr comxnissioned service, as _ hcz·t·lu-before provided. {June 4,1920, .c. 227,dsul1cl1ap‘ter I, § 24, 1 _~llStat.,7?3.)` _— · ~ or s _. 1 ~ { *1 572. Court-martlal. sentence ts prerequisite Qto (dismissal in p from serrice;·—%···No ofllcer.inQthe military service shall in time ot 1 4 h ;`>c;lt·st2 be dismissed from service except upon and lu pursuance W cl ·~1’.xhe sentence of a »con‘rt-martial to that effect, orlln com- ; }!llll2lll•`ll1t thereof. (RQSQ §—12%.·)$ l ‘ t · i N 3 l 573Q Trial of oEcers dismissed by President.—4\\’l1en any Z l ·o2124·or·, diszxxlssed by·ordei'· of the lfresldont, makes,. in. wrltlng, 1 ill!°$\Dllll,£‘2`Iljl()1I‘{()lT trial, settlug forth, under. oath, thathe has z ¥·`{‘=¤·n wrongfully t]l$1ll`lts3SQd,itlllG lfresideut shallpassoon as the l l lwcssities of the servlce,1,uay·pern1lt,. (30l`l\‘QlléMt} com‘t—mal_rtia1, ,1 l 1·» try such oitlcerfon the charges on which he, shall have been l htlismissed, lAnd~l£ »a courtonartial is not so convened {within; Z six lll(lllll1S from the_p;€ese,·ntat,lo11 of such application for trial, - w*·lf such court, being conrened, does not award (1l§‘.»lIllSStll___0l` f

—ARM’Y_t § .59] eath. has the punishment ofrsuch officer, the ordermof dismissal y the·President shall be void." (R. S:.§ ,1230.) . _» _ »~ ,.574. Officers dropped ·for- absence {without le leave.-5The résident is [authorized to drop from the rolls of the Army. ny `ottlcer, who is absent, from duty three months _Kw‘ithont azire,"or!who has beennbsent in eontlnement in .n prison or 2 ce ei1itentinry_·.forElmore then three months: ofter iinnl gontietion ‘ yn, civil court of compete11t_-jnrisdiétio:1 .; and no officer so _ ropped Jsh_sill` be eligible for reeppointinent. (Jnn.`19, 1911, . 22,j36'St=1t._894.)'_· · ~ e · . F _ l y » f 575.f O@cers droppedrfor- desertion.-Cl`he President is author- ci red to idrop from the rolls of the Army forcdesertion ~£lll}l_0H1v er whois ahsentnfrorn dnty three months. without "1esx·e ; e end ' to oillcerso dropped shall be eligible for reeppointment. (R. S. s ( _5’(6. Accepting or holding. civil o§ée.-——Nol officerl or jthe trmy on the ~&ctive*list.sl1all ih0l(1`·3l1Y_ClVll_’{)m€B, ethetherlby S leotion or apmintment, s;nd_ every such officer whosccepts or_ xerclses the functionsof e" etvil omire shell thereby cense to be tn officerof the Arxny, and ~ his con1_xnlssion§“ shell be (thereby ,

  • ocated.., ‘(R.·-S. 5 ,,1222,) *-1; 1, _ _ A

577. Accepting 2 or holding diplomatic or coygr ioklcené-—. my officer of the Army who accepts for holds any appointment · n the Foreign Service of the Goverinnent shell be considered ns naving resigned hisplace in the Army, one lit shall be nlled ss lvncency. »(R.Si§.1223.)·· “Q, - * .578. iDischarge of “s¥1pernnrneraryAio5cers.·—j-;·&ny otflcer who ` s:snpernntnerat’ry to the permanent orgnnizietion soft the. Army tsprovided `bylaw znny, at his own request, honornbly dis- _ zharged from the Army, and shall thereupon receive one years »g1y for encliTtfve'yenrs of»his service, but no omeetislxnll receire nore. than three yeorsf pay-or ell. Y (June ,30, 1882, c. 2551, § 1,

2,smi;;11s.>;_ x ~ _ ~ y_ "‘

1.519,.-.;Restorstion‘ of »-disnilssed omcersq-—No emcer of the lrmygl who has abeenor may be disrnissecl from the service by fthe sentence hot n_ general court-mertinl, formally epprored by

he, proper reviewing an°thorlty,,..shgll ever be; restored to thenllitsry service, except by n renppointrnentr eonm·ed by the

Bennte. (R., S. § 1228.) h . l S S f Shooter 22..-——-\¥ARRANT ·0FFICERS¢_ 391. Appolntnxent of warrant odlcers; number authorized. i92. Restriction on filling ot yncgancles in grader . S93. Rank of warrant officers. .‘ ‘ E S ~ i94tjRlght to retirement. g.- S { . · _(:ROSs `ItEFEllENCE$i .' Army band lender; see section 11,ot this title. t 4 , Psy, and sllownucesof wsrrnnt·,onicers{see chapter 25 of this title. iwnrrant officers in Army Mine Planter Service ; see sections 274 end 275 or this title. ev .. —— l 2 e ‘ e l · Section 5§l.#Appointmentn£ warrant owners; number on-I ` thorized.·---·In ndditionto those ntntlxorisedforTtl1e*A.i=~n1y Mine · Plnnter Service, there shell be not H7lt}!8,wlll8D,§SlX hnndredwermnt officers, including bond lenders, who shell be {torrent ofdcers. Appointments shell be mode by_·tbe‘ Secretary of War from ninong noncomrxlissionzecl oflloers who lxnre had £lt§_“}€t1SlI}li€I1 » teursl enlisted service; enlisted men who served os ‘officers` oth the?Arrny?nt.some,_,tlxne between April 6, 1917, and November 11,·‘ 1518, and whose totnlserrioe in the Army, enlhateelinnd comrnissioneel,unxounts to fiveyenrs ; persons serving{or who hnve served ns Army Held clerks or field clerks, Quert_ermnstor , Corps`; 3ll(l,.il1)lllC case of tl1ose"{vho nlro to he assignee to clnty c os bxmdrlentltgrs, from snnong persons who served ns Army ljnnd lenders $}tK`_S(llll€9htllllt! between April tl, 1917, ond Norexnber 11, 1918, orenllsted mon possessing snitnblo qunlltwntions. (.Qluue 4, 1tl20,`c. 227. Sllb¢‘lltl·[ll“(llf li, _§ ,-1, 41 Sint. 'ftil,; June 30, 19;£i2, 253, ’.Z.`Ltle` I, 4.2 Start. 723.) E S e l " i