Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2050

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§7]_j3 · le “TITLE 23.——JUDIC'IAL the United States, is desired by the Attorney General ». or any assistant or district ettorney acting, wider him, the judge oi ` the court before which s11ch·sction is pending, or who isltosit ih thedtrizil of the same, may, upon proper shouting, order that = . snhpoeiis issiie. addressed to any consul of the United- Stetes within iiiiyicouhfry in which such witness may be,`com1ntmditig siieh iwitncss, to appear before the said court at 21 time and place —therein_designs—tcd. `_(,Iuiy‘ 3,f 1926, c. 762, § 2,44 Stat. ` I New section. See footnote to thissubdiyision. ‘71_3.` Service of subpoena` on witness in foreign country.—It siieii be,the duty ofeny coiisnl of- the "UHit·9d-St&t€S-“'ithiH any country in which such- witness may be et fthe request ot the clerk of the court. issuing any subptemi under this Act ’°‘ or at the rcqmriest of the omcer causing such subpoena to be issued, to serve the senie persoiislly upon su_ch.yvituess..and slso to serve shy orders to show "ceuse,_ rules, judgments, or decrees 'when rrqtiested by the court or United Smtxgnsrshal, and to. make a return thereof to the cohrt out of which the more issued, iirst tendering to the witness the amount of- his necessary expenses in truveliiig to aiid from theplaee at which the courtglsits and xhis. atteiitlsnce thereon, wliicl1_auio1mt_shell be deterihiued by the judge_on· issuing the order for the subpoena and supplied is thegcoiisnl mekingthe service. (July 3, 1926, c. 762, .§ 3, 4—1Siat.33i§.) " . _ · ‘ .· · ixow section; See footnoteto this subdivision. 714, Failure of witness `to obey subpceriig {order to show cause in co1q;empt_proceedi¤gsi—e-It the witness so served shall neglect or retuse.`to..$ppear as in such. subpcens directed, the court outyor ynjhich it vias, issded shall, upon proof being mode of tix service and default, issue an order directing the witness to appear-liefore the court at at time in such order designated to show- caiise why he should not l$'e"adludged guilty of contempt and be punished ziccordiiigly. (July 3,; 1926, q. 762, §·4, e14‘Stet. 836.} . i . i ,' — i·~' ' New section,. See footnote to this subdivision. 715. Direction is order to show cause for seizure of property ef witness. in co¤tempt,¢-——l.T;iou_‘ issuing such order the court may, upon the giving of security for shy daéiages which the recrising witnem may have snifered,. should chérge bel dismissed (except that nojsecurity shell be required of the United States}, direct as a ]i&1't_0§.Sl1Ch order that the giroperty of the we "This Act " shonid be' translated? sections 711 to 718` at this title et the appendix.? ‘ . ° - - 4- ‘ ·


  • reensdng witnese, at any place within the United States, or so

5 much thereof in value aa meltoart may dlrect,.shall he levied

· upon and seized thf mar&al of said court the- rnanner
 provided. by law `or   rule of the court for ‘a levy or seizure

a under executio11,·to"l>e held. to = mtisfy any judgment that may

`_ be rendered againeteuch witness in the proceeding so inietitutea

l (July 3.1926, c. 762. §» 5, 44 Stat. 836.) _ . ‘ N 'New' section. _See‘footnote’to thie·euhdiviaion._ _ 7l_6.— Service of order to show cause.-—The marshal, having __ .1nadé.such levy, shall [thereupon forsvard to the consul_ot any 5 country where the recusing witness may be a copy of the oi·at·l· '· to show; cause Whysuch ivitneas Should not zbe adjudged guilty if of contempt with the requestthat said consul make aervlceeot ? the same personally upon the reeusing witnwa, and shall cause

  • to be publishedeuch order toehow cause and for thefsequestra-A
  • · tion of the; propetty of - suclrjwitneee, 'in Some newspaper, of

l gene`l‘al`circ1ilagfi¢)n in the diatriet within which the court issuing. > such-. order site oncey each week for si; consecutive weeks. ? (July 3, 1926, 0. 762. 5 6, Stat. 836.) °

  • " _ * ‘New· eection._`·Bee fenotnoteito this ubdiyieiona

L 717; Hearing on order to show ‘ cause; judgment;•satiefae»

   the return day of; such order or any liner  
 which the liearing may by the court be continued, proof _ all be

taken; and if the charge of recueancy againstithe witness sh; , , be. sustained, the. court shall adjudge him guilty of conte pet and, notwithstanding any limitationnpon thefpower of the nrt A generally to punieh for contempt, impose uponhim a tlne ot exceeding $100,000 and direct, that the amount thereof, with th ’ costs of the proceeding,-`be satisfied,·unles.~; paid by a sale of the ' p1·;>perty_of the wituwa-so seizedlor levied upon, such sale to be ‘ conducted upon the notice required and in the manner ptfovided ' for sales upon executiona (July 1926, c. 762,. § 7,. Stat. gi ) Newsection, _ See footnote to.this subdivision. °

718. Opening judgment when rendered upon service by pnhg

A lication.——e,Any judgment rendered pursuant Q this `Act_*T*“npon` service by publication only may be opened for agairer within the time and in the manner provided in section 57 ‘° of- the J"udicia1_Code. ·` (July 3,1926, c. 762, §· 8, 44 Stat. " · ,~ Kew section, See footnote to this sulndivisionh _` _ ` l m ·•Tbis Acta should the translated "‘ ¤¤·<;tion”s` 71*15 to 718 ornate _ title of the nppendinf __ _ __ , -, _ ‘ _ · . ., . · · M Section 5" or the Judicial Codeehoula be translated " section 118 of thistitle ot the Code.? Y ~