Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2057

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2043 T1 TLB 3.1.·--.1IOi\’E1' ~$6g,0(;9, the annual installments to increase until the rsixty-n j Second year., The aniount of the `ihml installment will be » $53(),{)O0, the uggrggate installments being écjual to» the total principa1~ct‘the indebtedness to be fundedl into bonds; The Republic of/Esthonia shall hgve the right to pay off addi-f. tic»ua1_ ainouuts of the-principal of the bonds. on any interest glue, upon ninety days? advance notice; . ” . _ “ l Interest ori thébmxds shall be payablesenzxiaunually on June _ 15 ;md~Da·u»mber _1.5~0f eac·h_.year at the rate of 3 pér céntnimb pm- unm1m"fi·0m _Decembe1€ 15, 1922, ~t0 December 15, 1932; audi tnergafte: at the`rate of 3% per ceutuln per annum until final

 x ~ $ _ - _· 5* " ) · · ’ W ~

_The Republic of Esthepid shall have the option with., I‘€fB1'•i éai<·g° to psymeuls OH account of principal ami/0i·· intenestrfalling due cm or before Decembcf 15, 1930, imdér the tcrms/ of tha'. __ agreement, to make the following pziyments *011 the dates specitiedzalugie 15, 1926, $50,(I}O;`·D€cémber 15, 1926, $50,00Q; _Juue

  • 15, 1927, $*:5,000; Ikcember -15,"1927,_$75,600; Juné·15,‘ 1928,

`$l00,000;· December 15, 1928, $100;(j00; Juni-2 15; 1929, $125.,000; Dccembef 15, 1929, $1%,000; Jlme 15,.1930,’m$150,000; December 15, 1%0, $150,000; total, $1,000,000*; and to pay*t1ie balance, ih? = Qluding interest on all oieydnw payments, at the rate of 3.per _ centum. per hl1!l\lI!1,` in_b0nds "of Estlmnia, dated December 15,_ · 1930, be&·i¤g·inte1fest at the rate ct 3 per-centum peniampuun ~ from Debembcf 415, 1%0,` idbecember 15,1932, and thereafter ·` at the mte of 3% -pt-er €€!l~tll!!1'D¢! annum; su<;h"b0l1d$ to mature lseriallywm December 15 of éaqh yea? up to and. inplpdibg Decennher 15, 1984, substalqtidlly ixi the s¤me‘ma¤uerla¤q.$¢ · substagtialiy £h€_.'§8IIi€`fiD other iesnccté ’as the `hoixdé of `l*}stl1m;i@ -rcc·¢ived at fhé tiring of the funding of thellndébtcd-_' ness. N · ._' _ ‘ Fr Y , J ‘ Xny payment of interest ot ot'. prjiucipzil may made, at the optic}: of the Bcpublig of Esfhoxlia, in ahyfnixed States Government cbllgntions issued after April 6,· 19171 such obligations »to}be taken at pdr and accrued interest. (Apr.,&0, 1926, c. 200, n 44*Smt. 1, · `· _' · ._ , r _ __ ·· ` · New xcticiuj f This kectfcn js an Aol entitled “Au A¢t.·to nulbor- · iscgthe settlement of the indo-btedneés of th22 Republic ot Estbonla. - tqthe United Slate: ot.,Amerl¢:n,’f gltekjl ui {ext.- ‘ _ _ . l' V 239. Setdcqzat of of Italy td Unitgdf States:-—+ Q The settlement Q! the i11debteg1ness»of··the Kingdom of Italy t0`· the` United States of Amricd guadg by the W0rld_ Wir Foreign 1 Debt Cbmmisaiem and npércvw by the Rreéldent upon the tefms. and coudidmm as ¤¢t"i0rth in Senaté Document- Nllmbered 3, ‘ Sixtyalthth %!$gi'éS8,·H1'8t‘8QS8i0D;_ is hereby approv&zdP`in‘general’ terms gsfcliéwé: ·. . • . . ‘ . The iniammt of thejndebtgdhess Ato be funded, after-allowing far pertalé cash- payments made by I_talY, 'is $2,042,000,000, whi;•h’ had been computed as follows: ‘ - " » 0mg¤¢m¤l•4me¤':¤¤ eqn 5a· · · l ’ ·. _ ·' ‘ vgnced bg Tmasury-, .. $l, 648, 034, 050.90 l Accrued and unpaid inherent at U __ _ 6 { ` 4% pcrceptum perpuuum to j . we Q , a Iimmbir ;_5i_ _192.i .. li 251, 846, 6.»»4.·7&• *1, 899, 880, *05369l Acerucd lnterézt at 3 per cexntum perf mmuin from -. < . 9 December 15, 1922,. to June 15,_1§Q5.é ..,. ,..4;.;.. 142, 4iE;2·'i.g&f ‘ . · ( A $2,042,3T1,7L'g8.62 z Deduct payéemts made ron account of * - ~ ·~· principal aime December 15, 1922..- $164,;8§52. 94 Intervpt on prlncipqlfpnymeuts at 3 . _ E `· _' ‘ per ccnluxqper gxmuln to {gm lg`}. _ · _ “Qr 1925-.,,,. ._,, ,,, ,._,,..,,.,.. ..,-.., · 7,439.34 ` , :-·»-·· _ !.72. 292. 28 I Total mt: indebwdums és ot June 15, 1925-.. $2,0·12,,1f{>9,406. 34 To be baidjn icagll upqu lexecxmemb of agreement;- , 199, 486. - ·Tot•j`1§¢lebted¤csQ to be tundgql lam bonds-, $2,042, 000, 000. QQ The principal of the bond; sshall be }$&id,ill_·§BH\1hl_ installments 15 ot eacli year up tu a.nd‘_l¤c1udi11§ Jmzle 15,

’ Ayn F1$'AZ\`CE §240 19871 on a fixed sc-hc<lulc,_s11Ipjcct to the right of the Kingdom of Italy to postpone si1cl_1"paymants falling Hue after 3m1e_15, 1930,. for two years, such postponed- payment to bear interezst nt the rate of 4%¥‘D€P centum pe1.•.annum._ The amount of the annual principal installment during the tirst Svc years shall be $5,000,00Q. The amount of the `principa-1"instaHment klue the sixth YQ&l°· shall ne $12400,000, the subsequent manual principal insbgllments increasing until in the sixty-second yen:. of the_debt;ftmdi¤g_ the final principal‘ii1Stallment shnlf beL$79,·100,000, the aggregate principal installments being equal to the yotal principal of the indebtcdncgss to be funded into bonds, . A · ' . . » H _ The Kingdom of Italyfghhll have the right to pay 6H additional aniounts of principal of the bonds on June I5 and _Decemnbcr`15 df any year ;1p0n°ninety days' advaace notice. . . ` Thé bonds t0;be iszgugd shall bear up interest until June 15, 1930,- and thereafter shall bear inycresé at the rite of oneeighth 0t__1 per ccntum per annum from June 15Q 1930, toinne 15, 1340; at the rate or one-fourth ofvl per écntmn per amm}n' trpm June 15, 1940, to Jung 1*5, 1950; at the mite ct. one-Ixaif of El per centum per annum from June 15, 1950, to June/15, 1960; at the rate Qflihrae-fourths of 1 per centum pér annum from June .15, _1960,_).gp June I5, 1970; at thé rate of 1 per centum per annumnnryom J uma 15, 1970, to June 15; 1980: and at the nite of 2~pe1j centumper-ann11m‘after June 15, 1980, all payable semiannually 0n·J1m¢ 15 Sine? Decembér 15 crfreachl year. _. , ‘An_y payment of interest or principal? may be_ made m_the option of the Kingdom of Italy in hny Unitedf States Government obligations issued after"April 6,1,917, suéh obligations .g•» bdtuken sit pgrlixnd accrued interest. e (Ap:. 28, 1926, c. 194. 44 St8f._329.`) _- ‘ . ‘·_- X n , ~ J New qectldn. ,£1‘b:i>= seétiburis an. Ant Pntitléd f‘.—xn Av? to imthorizg the settlement of the ind•>bt•rd—n`e>sq- of tho- Kingdom of Italy to the` United —St¤tes._of America,",citejd to text. `~ T A;240. Settlement of indebtedness of Lgtvit Lv United Statcsém The settlement of thé in;i•;~htednes.5< 'of the Govérnmernt of Qin Republic of Latgyia tc} the G0vemmé·a1fof t11e Fnited ~St»utes of America nude by the World War `}—‘0réign Debt(Céxnn1issi<m and approved by the‘P1*esident uponthé xeungaim conditions as Sgt forth in~Se11nte Document Numbagcki 8,\Sixty-ninth Cemgress, Hrs; session, hereby appronéd in general` terms gs follows :_' The amount or the indeb¥édn&·9~s m be tnndcd. after. allowing for thecash paymentsfmadc by L¤t€iz1,`is $5.775,000, which has been computed as iollmysf _‘ Q . Pninpipal sximamc/¤r`amxg¤¤t<£Q¤§ to; i'.um3c<l..-..Q,_..-..;- $5, 132*5287. N Interest ¤ccrucd\ and unp aid_ tbercbn to Decpmbop 15, _ » Q _ 1$)2‘§ •t_the rata of 4¥é pet cvntqm peg- gnnum-T-'~-.W£;I!27i’·. 62 ‘ `Totaf principal a¤d intprest.1i¤ccn:éd"§._nd unpaid I . as otveqcmber 15, .1922-.,,.;...; ., .,; ...,.. _ 5,`1‘m, 56::. 76 Tu be paiid in dash by Latvia upon execution ot ag’re~e· * ménb ____,_ .,.,.,... ,,,. .;.-.. ,...,,.. ,...,.,;, .. .; ..". 4. 562. T6; . < ·` V , I - ..’..-» , ,.. '1‘¤t¤§ indebtedness tc be funded mm bonds .I 77:;,000. uu The princ·ipsl·ut the bonds sh_all_be paid in annual installments on December 15 ot each yehr up to and inéludiug yéi ceninber 15, 1984, on a nxed schedule, subject to xright of thé G0vE}ument of the Republic ot Lhwia to make such payments in .fh1;cc-went peéiods. The mnbuntz of the first ge·ax·’s §ns £é!1· ment shall be $28,000, uthe annual 'inézhélhnonts to umm the s&xty-s¢5:bnd year, the amount of.the·iinaL installment will bé $228,000, thé aggregate instnllments being`equa~i to ‘the mm! pfincipnl of the 'inqcbcednesq to be funded 'intco bond>.=. » 1The Gpvernment of the Repnbliq ct Latvian ;s1mll`hav<* tm; tiwt to pay 0K additional dmounts of the principat of the bonds du any interwt dam upon .ninety da5fs’_adv:§11<·c notice. __.i `Intcient on the bonds shall be payablc¤_ sennianmzally ’q>n·}hme 15 and pecembcf 15 of nach year at the rate of 3 per c¢·ut;{mn » pei annum fmnn December 15,`1922,‘tO 1)ecc{mbe~rr133, 1932; glzeyq-